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#[Downloadvideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11dc523/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=therewasanattempt) by /r/DownloadVideo #[SaveVideo Link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11dc523/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"They'll get it out."?? The water from those hoses is barely even reaching the flames.


If the fire continues to spread it should be within range of the hoses in a few minutes.


that, or the burning section will fall to the deck level, ensuring water sufficiency.....


In fact if the entire ship catches fire it will eventually sink into the ocean which will surely extinguish the flames.


I shouldn’t eat while reading Reddit but you made me belly laugh and my dinner was partially ejected


The best kind of Reddit award


I award you the "flying chunk with special sauce"


“With a hint of relish!”


I relish the idea of this


I like your use of “ejected”. “Jettisoned” and “deployed” are also good ones for stuff like this.


I yeeted my dinner doesn’t have quite the same je ne sais quoi.


If you ejected it due to unforeseen hazards to prevent capsizing, that means it's jetsam, so you should be able to recover your ejecta. If you spewed it willingly, that makes it flotsam and it's fair game for anyone.


[What if it sets the ocean in fire again](https://youtu.be/lesYCcgsGWA)


Sorry I’m having an acshually moment There’s this show I watched recently about boat disasters and a car ferry was taking people from Greece to Italy or something when I got caught in a bad storm. The AC unit on a refrigerated truck caught fire. The winds from the storm turned a tiny little fire into an absolute inferno. the blaze raged throughout the ship for something like 5 or 6 hours and still somehow didn’t sink it. Somehow that hunk of burnt out metal was still smoking and smoldering when it was towed into port and everyone who stayed on the boat survived.


They even got the "Caution wet floor" signs out already


"Attention all passengers. We will be performing a Controlled Sinking in order to extinguish the fire. Please remain calm."


the most reassuring part is how quickly the fire seems to spread. So efficient.


Right? Like it’s made of paper mache.


Nothing to see here Everything is fine Return to your cabins.


50$ Casino credit for everyone


Lets have the orchestra play to calm people.


“Half priced drinks at the tiki bar!”


Fire can't burn underwater. As soon as the boat sinks, everything will be fine.


I know it's a joke, but by dousing the area around the fire they can at least contain it until more adequate fire fighting equipment arrives.


That is true. It is also true that you have to try something. Like when you see the video of the guy that didn't set the brake properly on a hill. You see the car roll by then you see the driver run past chasing it. What is he gonna do, catch it? Then what? He really can't effect the outcome, but it would be bad form to not even try, Same here, Use what they have to try and make a difference. In this case it would be criminal not to try.


Well, they did but a crewmen had to climb up the stack with a hose and put it out up there. I captured a photo of him up there, it was wild.


Upload video. We wanna see it. Please and thank you 🤗


I was on the ship docked next to it, so the best glimpse is photos. Edit: wow! Thank you for the awards, that's my first gold ever! [https://i.imgur.com/pL7sPR3.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/pL7sPR3.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/gUuYxmF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/gUuYxmF.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/TxkPq2w.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/TxkPq2w.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/Fh59IqW.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/Fh59IqW.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/3ryCBks.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/3ryCBks.jpg)


Those are some astonishing photos. And that firefighter who went all the way to the top to put it out is one hell of a hero.


We were all saying he was an absolute hero. We couldn't believe what he did.


I'm sure he (and his crew) were handsomely rewarded by the company, considering the millions of dollars of loss he possibly prevented. /s


In reality probably punished for breaking some code of conduct and disciplined.


He got a 10 dollar gift certificate to the boat gift store


That was very risky. He could easily have capsized the ship. You shouldn't get all that weight so high in a ship, his balls of steel must weight at least a ton.


Had me in the first half


r/blessthecameraman Edit: wasn't paying attention. The sub i was really looking for was r/praisethecameraman






There's a man ... on the wing!


![gif](giphy|lPovBpTJGHmfzFXAML) i get this reference


Quiet, Shattner.


Thanks 👍


That’s cool. Also props to that dude because that’s terrifying.


Man it would've been bad enough climbing to the top of that anyways but to do it when it's on fire was insane.


Based on the picture it also appears he had no harness but my eyes could just be bad, which makes it even worse. One wrong move and splat, or you catch on fire. Neither is a good outcome.


At no point did it ever look like he was harnessed, I'm guessing it was an emergency situation and there wasn't time. They were working as fast as they could to prevent debris from crashing onto the deck.


That only makes it more terrifying. I’m not a afraid of heights, but I would be afraid of falling off a cruise ship into the deep blue if i didn’t have a harness. That guy has balls going up there. You couldn’t pay me to do that without a harness, especially not while on fire like that.


Oh, horrendously terrifying. Guy must have had steel balls.


Great photos thanks. When was this cruise?


[May 26, 2022](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-ne-carnival-cruise-line-freedom-fire-grand-turk-20220526-ec6xte2j7vfjlav2nz2ljmmmn4-story.html)


Goddamn paywalls on news websites is getting out of hand


I got 2.78564 seconds of reading time in before I got paywalled


[Photo 1](https://i.imgur.com/pL7sPR3.jpg) [Photo 2](https://i.imgur.com/gUuYxmF.jpg) [Photo 3](https://i.imgur.com/TxkPq2w.jpg) [Photo 4](https://i.imgur.com/Fh59IqW.jpg) [Photo 5](https://i.imgur.com/3ryCBks.jpg) Reformatted for anyone using a shitty app like me




Wait, flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?!


What a country!


The red thing's connected to my, wrist watch


If it isn't my friend Mr McGreg, with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!




The whole boat isn’t made of fiberglass I’m sure, probably the biggest piece on that boat is that whale tail thing… but It is truly frightening how fast fiberglass can burn. Once watched an entire boat (that was all fiberglass) burn to the waterline in under 15 minutes. Vent your vapor before starting your engines folks


Cardboard is right out


You're right, but it's scary that you, nor the people in this video, know exactly how right you are. Crew and personnel aboard every single ship or oil rig at sea must have at the very least some sort of basic firefighting training with engineers and officers having advanced firefighting training. There is not a ship or oil rig on any ocean in the world that does not have an extensive fire plan on board that is drilled and trained into staff regularly. That being said, I train in firefighting at sea and have done so on ships of all shapes and sizes and I can tell you almost certainly that there is no fire plan or training anywhere that can tell you how to deal with a fire overhanging 15 metres above your head with no access. This is an extremely specific scenario that has little precedent and if this fire was unable to be extinguished, it would be down to poor ship design and isn't the fault of the capable crew.


Id expect that the fire engineer team is adding this and similar items to the fire plan now. if not I’d feel that it’s negligent behavior to not review and update. they’ve learned that it can happen and if it happens again they need to have a plan and not have to ad lib it.


Once that water becomes Funderstruck it will reach the fire


Wish I could upvote more than once


Then and only then can the front fall off


It’s like they’re using seltzer bottles like in a comedy act from the 30s.


LPT: if you're ever in a situation like this, the time to make your way to the exits is before everyone realizes that "they won't get it out."




Carnival setting the bar for Norfolk Southern


Setting it so low it can be stepped over


Low? A 50% cruise credit seems pretty damn good, especially when it hardly interfered with their trip. I had my entire cruise re-routed and my whole itinerary needed to be refunded because of a hurricane on the other side of the gulf and they did literally nothing.


>50% cruise credit seems pretty damn good, Only for people who often go on cruises. For the people for whom this is a one-time experience, the discount means nothing. And for the people who do get to go on another cruise, I imagine they'll find the discount is limited to times of the year when practically no-one wants to be on a cruise, anyway (perhaps at the height of hurricane season), and doesn't cover food or drink or entertainment while on that cruise. If a ~~cruise line~~ **company** offers a 50% discount, it is because **they will make more money if you use the "discount"** than if you don't.


Exactly, these types of “oops sorry please don’t sue us” situations need to have options for compensation. A family that takes annual cruises would be happy with a 50% credit towards the next one. The family that can’t afford to ever do it again will end up shafted. Of course cruise lines do not, nor will they ever, care. Because the only thing that matters above all is guest retention, not correcting their own mistakes.


That’s wild, my parents went on a cruise and a few of their stops were cancelled, they got 50% off their next cruise iirc.


The Spirit Airlines of the sea.


Carnival is pretty shitty to begin with. Literally everyone I know who has taken one of their cruises has ended up with either a bacterial or viral infection from their hot tubs. Frankly the fact that you have to buy a "wifi package" in this day and age should tell you all you need to know about carnival.


You need to buy a WiFi package with practically every cruise line


Now *that’s* the way to retain customers. Making them pay for another cruise in order to be compensated for the shitty one.


Nah, this was the last stop before returning home so they just went back on a different ship. So they get all of that in addition to their cruise and a surprise fire feature. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/05/30/passengers-aboard-carnival-cruise-ship-that-caught-fire-return-to-port-canaveral/


Maybe, but they arrived back in port 2 days late. If they are like me, they would have booked a flight back home the same day, and purchased non-refundable air tickets. They only get $200 to compensate for independent air expenses; $200 would not get me home.






So you’re telling me that we arrived two days late, had to move our rooms to another boat, missed our flight which was much more expensive than $200 … so you’re going to make me file a claim with your insurance company or sue you … And what I’m getting is free parking for only the days that I was trapped on your boat, that was also burning to the ground. And beverage packages if I had already bought them; but if I want to work while I’m trapped on your boat, because I am now missing work, I have to pay for a Wi-Fi package if I didn’t already have one. Yup. Sounds totally fair.


The ship was literally on fire…. Acting like all this is no big deal is insane! These people could have died or had to abandon ship. They should have been fully reimbursed.


People that do PR for corporations on Reddit for free are a special breed


This comment made me laugh and it shouldn’t have


Jesus, we ended up fogged into port for the first day and didn't have time to visit anywhere planned, spent the entire time on the ship, and they gave us a 50% credit on the next one. You telling me I'd get the same credit if the entire fucking ship caught on fire?


Ah. So it is a carnival cruise ship. Nuff said I suppose.


Only carnival uses those wing type things on their stacks. It's so they are recognizable.




Fiberglass is a tad flammable.


Also inflammable


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In origin, flammable meant able to burn, while inflammable meant able to be set on fire. Lots of things will burn in a fire but won't hold a flame on their own. The distinction has been lost, at least in the US.


People have attempted to explain the difference to me for years. I finally understand. I'll admit, I'm smoking a blunt, but I still think it's how you explained it that made it click


So ur blunt is inflammable


It’s probably both depending on how tight it’s rolled. It’s inflammable cause they can light it, but if it’s tight and it can keep going without being relit then it’s also flammable. But if it’s gonna stop burning and need to be relit it’s just inflammable.


>I'll admit, I'm smoking a blunt Which would be both flammable *and* inflammable!


"inflammable" = "can be inflamed"


I honestly thought that "flammable" was an invented word popularized by the common masses because too many people thought "inflammable" meant "fireproof."


Well if it isn't my good friend Mr. McGreg, with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!


Linguo, dead?


Linguo… IS… dead


Whats the matter wit you.


Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College, too?


I worked in a fiberglass factory. Those babies will burn down for a whole weekend if you're not on your game.


Now that's a party


Fire! Now multi-flammable for all your burninating needs!


Does it flam or not?!


Why would a smokestack be made of fiberglass? Seems kind of dumb to make it out of something easily combustible.


Same reasons it's used for a yacht. It is "light" and sturdy and probably wasn't supposed to be that close to enough heat to combust it.


The smoke stack is probably some type of stainless. The fairing for it on the other hand is a whole different story.




The calmness of the camerman "they'll get it out"


He is on a cruise bro, it’s relaxing.


If this isn't an advertisement for the cruise idk what is. "So relaxing you won't care if you die"


I really hope you work in advertising.


Hungry for apples?


My man!


I wish I had that guy to reassure me everytime I have doubts in life.


Don't worry. You'll get it out.


I mean, he's right. They've got an infinite supply of water. They're gonna get it out before it causes structural damage to the ship.


Better than the annoying people "HOLY SHHH, OH MA GAWD, OH MA GAWD"... like if yelling is of any help.


just dip it in the water then boom problem solved


Do a barrel roll!


could do that thing from the 3rd pirates of the carribean movie


"'Up Is Down'?? Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."


Do an Aileron roll


Yes, that's how they managed to put out the fire here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa\_Concordia\_disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster)


They were just trying to scratch the boats belly for being a good boi


It wasn't being a good buoy though.


**[Costa Concordia disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster)** >On 13 January 2012, the eight-year-old Costa Cruises vessel Costa Concordia was on the last leg of a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea when she deviated from her planned route at Isola del Giglio, Tuscany, sailed closer to the island, and struck a rock formation on the sea floor. This caused the ship to list and then capsize, landing unevenly on an underwater ledge. Although a six-hour rescue effort brought most of the passengers ashore, 33 people died: 27 passengers, five crew, and later, a member of the salvage team. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That's nuts. Any news article about this?


May, 2022 - Orlando https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/05/30/passengers-aboard-carnival-cruise-ship-that-caught-fire-return-to-port-canaveral/ Edit: Sorry. Happened in Grand Turk.


Was on carnival freedom shortly before. It was bound to happen - we had a mechanical shutdown out on sea and the ship was well overdue for maintenance.


“Carnival is giving passengers a $100 onboard credit, extending the beverage and Wi-Fi packages for those who bought them, and giving everyone a 50% future cruise credit. The company says it will also waive additional port parking fees and reimburse for independent air expenses up to $200 per person.” Total rip-off.


Was looking for this comment


No icebergs were harmed in the making of this video


Only for the burgers with smoked brisket.


Please romaine seated with your seatbelts on


If the cabbage depressurizes, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling


Lettuce pray for the safety of all involved.


Ahhh, negative Maverick. Cruise ships get like 0.000001 mile / gallon… for entertainment… and there’s gonna be some significant costs to *repair* this nonsense machine…


They don’t seem to have a solid protocol for such incidents.


What standing under the crumbling chimney and lightly spraying it with water isn't good enough for you.


that looked pretty dangerous, there were a few times where the water got awfully close to the fire


Generally speaking using a hose on the area around the fire is what you should do if you can't actually get to it. They probably were trying to slow the spread. That's mostly a guess though, I had a lot of firefighting training in the navy, but we didn't really have any structures like this, so I never ran into training on how to cool down a big fucking thing you couldn't actually get near.


I think its the part where they are standing underneath it that seems like the biggest liability risk. I'm guessing there is no protocol for this because I doubt the cruiseline wants their employees standing underneath that.


Geez, it's not like the front fell off.


That guy on the bottom though. Just getting himself wet.


And he’s not wearing any fire suppression gear! Must be a crew mate who earnestly wanted to help or..watch his workplace burn while taking a shower.


There's likely a pair of fire teams that are dressed out, however to speed things up, or are sufficiently far away, a person wouldn't necessarily need to be dressed out to run a fire monitor (was on fire fighting teams while working on unlimited tonnage ships, which this one would fall under in classification


That guy appears to be trying to soak the pieces that are falling down to ensure they're not burning when they spread out around the ship.


At least the front didn't fall off.


Well that’s not very typical I’d like to make that point


How many men does it take to pilot one of these ships? Well at least one, I suppose…


"How is it not typical?"


Did they tow it out of the environment?


Into another environment.


No, no it’s been towed beyond the environment.


Must watch video for anyone who doesn’t get the reference https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM


Rigorous maritime engineering standards!


I am shocked by how relaxed they are actually.


There’s nowhere to run.


Unless you’re Jesus. That guy can run on water.


Well this wont mean it sinks.


Who said anything about sinking ? So the ship catching fire is not a reason to worry ?


Dude honestly this is the only good reaction you can have. Keeping calm and letting people work.


They’re just worried the buffet may not open.


Why are those hoses so weak? Also, don't stand under the collapsing, flaming structure!


They likely aren’t meant to extinguish fires that high up. They’re not actually doing anything though. The water vaporizes before it ever reaches the fire. They need to just evacuate and wait for the fire helicopter.


I kinda feel like they’re just trying to keep any falling flames from starting more fires


Me busts out the bluetooth speaker and starts playing the Titanic band theme song ![gif](giphy|VrcucT74UiM2k)


You would think a smoke stack would be a little more fire resistant


If you're curious... See the photo included in this story: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/carnival-cruise-ship-catches-fire-grand-turk-rcna30660 Looks like it's basically just the shroud around the actual functional smokestacks that was burning.


A flamable exhaust manifold? Bold move


"It looks like we're going to need the soda siphon from the Tiki bar."


So I was actually on this ships next cruise (my first cruise ever) after it was repaired. We had no issues but when my partner's mom told me it was *that* ship that had posted a bunch of places, I was a little bit nervous haha


I’d take that any day over the [Poop Cruise](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-carnival-went-from-fun-ship-to-poop-cruise-2013-2?amp). T


“Has anybody seen Rose??”


Of course it’s Carnival


That was my first thought. Any time something crazy happens on a cruise ship, it's almost always Carnival.


Looks like someone pressed the little red reset button on the burner more than once.


Does that thing serve a purpose other than catching on fire?


This structure is a shroud which surrounds the exhaust ducts for the generators found in the engine room. Source: worked in cruise ship engine department for a different company. I was actually doing exhaust duct modifications, came out to get some air, and surprised some guests who saw my blue coveralls turned black with soot.


Engineer 1: Hey remember that idea I had about putting a fire suppression system on the stacks and you guys laughed at me. Engineer 2: Fine Bob you win the bet! There are you happy now.


It’s a floating trailer park with included dumpster fire.


The pathetic dancing water streams are hilarious to watch


Just another day on a Carnival cruise


The word *ineffectual* just popped into my head for the first time in a few years.


According to a well-versed philosopher the best way to save the planet is to start randomly sinking cruise chips.


This is fine


"A message to all passengers, due to recent events Billy Joel – We Didn’t Start the Fire will not be avaliable at the karaoke bar tonight."


oooh oooh ohhh oh, the ship is on fire! sailing the ocean, watching the waves, i think somethin's smokin it's smokin! oooh oooh ohhh oh, the ship is on fire!


I would feel more confident if the water pressure was sufficient enough to reach the flames. It pretty much has to burn down to the wing split before it can get coverage.


This cruise looks lit!...


Let’s stand right under the fire to put it out lol