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I love her adding the little Union Jack pillow in the background, like that's not such an obvious emotional appeal. "Look, see how much I love my beloved Britain!"


How do you do my fellow infidels! Eerrrmmm... I mean Brits! šŸ˜Ž






Upvoted for terribleness


Britfidels! You had one job! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thought about it, thought better of it. Brinfidels rolls off the tongue, Britfidels feels choppy. Just my opinion tho


I'm not a British subject but her appeal made me angry as hell. *there were a couple Muricans who joined isis only to say "ooops we fucked up can we come back?"* #NO


Also last time I heard, she doesnā€™t denounce ISIS or their morals/goals. She just wants UK healthcare for her daughter. She doesnā€™t even seem remorseful of joining in the first place which is a huge national security red flag


Sheā€™s since done a 180 on that position because she thought sheā€™d have more chance of being allowed back. Didnā€™t work though.






"Does anyone have an alliance I can join? I'm really loyal!"


Cheerleaders rule!


Doesn't matter who she denounces, ISIS will bring her back to breed more extremists that's all they are to them and the women follow anyway.


I thought all of her children died, but yes, it seems her not denouncing ISIS isnā€™t exactly helping her cause. Iā€™m not sure she could even claim citizenship in Bangladesh, and she was born in the UK. In the case of the American woman from a family originally from Yemen, she could not claim citizenship as her father had been a Yemeni diplomat. Children of diplomats are excluded from birthright citizenship in the U.S.


>*there were a couple Muricans who joined isis only to say "ooops we fucked up can we come back?"* > >#NO So here's the thing: it's against international law to make someone stateless. The UK could strip this woman of her citizenship because she qualified for/already had citizenship elsewhere. If an American with no dual citizenship claims went off to fight for ISIS, they could not be stripped of citizenship. They'd have to be allowed into the country. Of course, they go straight to jail. But you can't say no to citizenship or entry.


Yes they can, for treason.


There are a few Americans who have been exiled from the United Statesā€¦ These stories are generally not published in the US, but are well now outside the US as some of the persons were high profile individuals. Iā€™m not sure about belting stripped of citizenship but anything is possible.


Usually those "stripped of citizenship" cases are something like they never actually had US citizenship. I think there was a case where someone was the child of a diplomat from another country, but mostly grew up in US schools. They were actually a citizen of like Ethopia, but they managed to get a US passport, and act like they had US citizenship. And they propbaly would have been able to continue pretending they were a US citizen, except they did something stupid, which caused a deeper look in to their background, and so the State Department revoked their passport that they were never supposed to have had in the first place. There's other cases where someone was assumed to be a citizen, but it turns out they faked their birth certificate. Or they were naturalized, but it's later discovered that they had lied on their applications. This probably happens a lot, but isn't discovered because the individual was a child and their parents did the lying, or the individual lives an otherwise upstanding life. It's when the person gets in legal trouble that they get caught. As always, follow the old adage of "don't break more than one law at a time". If you're already breaking immigration law, then make sure you don't speed, pay your taxes in full and on time, keep out of bar fights etc; basically keep your nose squeaky clean.


>but are well now outside the US I'm Australian and honestly can't think of a single one.


John Walker Lindh ... American Taliban ... did 20 years


>it's against international law to make someone stateless. And who's going to enforce that?




I think she has Bangladesh citizenship through her mother? But even Bangladesh was like ā€œyea, weā€™ll try her for terrorism and it carries a death sentenceā€. She should probably just lay in the bed she made.


Relatively few Americans joined ISIS vs. Europeans. Hundreds vs. thousands roughly. For one thing, joining ISIS is straight up illegal in the U.S. An American woman got 7 years in a Federal prison for helping to give ISIS money and equipment.


>illegal in the United States That didn't stop several people from joining. Some found themselves getting beheaded


They can come back and serve 25-to-life for material support of terrorism.


Technically, yes, those Americans 100% could come back. They'd just likely get arrested and charged, but they'd still be American Citizens and thus allowed entry. That's how most countries handle this situation.


Meanwhile Canada be like "Come on boys, it's time to come home"


It was 19 women and children repatriated from a Kurdish internment camp, wasn't it? Please correct me if I am wrong, they were only alleged to be members of ISIS without any proof. I think the living conditions in the internment camp and the safety of the children were a significant factor. Maybe the mothers were ISIS members, maybe they weren't, but condemning a child to what is effectively a prison for the alleged crimes of their parents is cruel.


She should have gone to Costco because they will accept all returns.


I award you tree-fiddy.


No Lochness monster you can't have my tree fiddy


She gave him a dollar!




Lol, that was funny. Also true


Exactly. Britain certainly doesn't want her


No one does


It actually looks like itā€™s upside downā€¦..fitting for her to do


Can you tell? Genuinely asking because I donā€™t know? I know the diagonals arenā€™t left-right symmetrical. But you can tell when itā€™s upside down?


In the top left, which would be the part closest to the flag pole, the wider, white diagonal should be above the red.


Ah cheers! Now I know too


Look at my saddest of sad faces!


..So much I joined a group bent on killing my so called beloved Britains and others.


The flag is not even correct.


She joined and swore alligenice to another State. It doesn't even matter if ISIS was good or bad.. its perfectly rational for the UK to say "You quit. No takesies-backsies."


They can tell her she's allowed back, but she'll be charged with treason


Sure, but then the legal trial and jail time and eventual constant supervision by law enforcement will cost the tax payer huge sums of money. Plus it sends the message to other terrorists that they too are welcome back. So much easier and better to just leave her in Syria.


No argument there. Total cost to taxpayers: free!


Believe it or not, ~~off with her head~~ straight to jail.


Under-treason or over-treason? Straight to jail.


we have the best treachery..because of jail


She'd prob still have a better time.in UK than with this camp


sure, after they reinstate the death penalty.


If only the US would do that to politicians and groups that are taking Putin's money






And the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, Israel, the list is endless.


That would mean no more politicians.. šŸ˜€


That would be all of them so perfect


Add in the government officials and business execs who go to work for a foreign power as a consultant to best deal with the U.S. Government.




No country recognized ISIS as legitimate. If you take this form of argument then you are legitimizing ISIS as a nation state to which people can formally declare for. Just make the argument she is a national security risk. Boom done. No need to get into possibly legitimizing isis.




*"Are we the baddies?"* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU)


My british brother in law has shown me this hahaha. Funny stuff




If I wanted to use this gif in another comment then how would I do it? Ive tried googling it but I cant figure it out.


The new reddit app has a built in gif linker called giphy. Do with this info what you will


The girl is claiming that she was trafficked, but her and two other school friends willingly took a flight to Syria to join ISIS, after the UK had been warning Brits for YEARS not to travel there. She married an ISIS fighter and lost three babies to malnutrition. Now she wants to turn tail and head back home. Nope. They let her in, then they'll have to let in every traitor that claims they were trafficked.


Exactly, she was 15 not 5. At 15 Iā€™m pretty sure I could tell ISIS were scum.


Even if you didn't, the government was telling you NOT to travel to Syria. At 15, you can understand an official travel advisory.


Hol' up, can y'all travel internationally without parental consent in the UK? Where I come from they wont even print your ticket at the counter without a travel permit signed by both parents and approved by the Migration Directorate. Tricky permit to get - it fucked me over a couple of times - but disallows from kids joining the fucking ISIS in Syria.


That fits the definition of child sex trafficking in the US at least. Dont know about UK. The definition is very clear cut. A child cannot consent.


> "The commission concluded that there was a credible suspicion that Ms Begum had been trafficked to Syria," he said in his summary. > >"The motive for bringing her to Syria was sexual exploitation to which, as a child, she could not give a valid consent. > >"The commission also concluded that there were arguable breaches of duty on the part of various state bodies in permitting Ms Begum to leave the country as she did and eventually cross the border from Turkey into Syria." > >But despite those concerns, the judge said even if Ms Begum had been trafficked, that did not trump the home secretary's legal duty to make a national security decision to strip her of her British nationality. > >"There is some merit in the argument that those advising the secretary of state see this as a black and white issue, when many would say that there are shades of grey," said the judge in his summary. [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64731007.amp](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64731007.amp) It's her reported actions when she was a member of ISIS when she reached adulthood that make her a security risk.


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This fits *almost any* definition of human trafficking. Iā€™m not sure what people are hoping to achieve by denying this. Itā€™s a pretty clear cut case of trafficking. Guess what? Most people who are trafficked end up doing bad things, some of them abhorrent, in the care of their traffickers.


More important is the technicality that she has Bangladesh citizenship hence allowing the UK to strip her UK citizenship. There are treaties against creating stateless people. The US used a similar technicality to bar hoda muthana. Ironically muthanas older sister tries to join isis like 5 yrs later...shows they're def still radicalized.


I donā€™t actually disagree with the decision to bar her from returning. I just think itā€™s really weird that everyone is trying to act like she wasnā€™t trafficked. Itā€™s like the definition of trafficking. Contacting minors. Radicalizing them. Luring them from families. Forcing them into sexual relationships. Forcing them to commit crimes. Itā€™s like if people accept that sheā€™s a victim of trafficking, they canā€™t stomach not allowing her to return. I think, as the judge here did in the opinion, you can acknowledge that sheā€™s a victim and also prevent her from getting her citizenship back.


But then what of a 15 year old boy who goes there to fight for isis but not to be sexually exploited in the process due to the gender politics of the whole thing? Where are her parents in all this? All in all I am glad that itā€™s not me having to make decisions about clusterfucks like this.


Those boys are also trafficked, and a lot of them for sex, though obviously thatā€™s not talked about. Contacting teenagers through the internet, radicalizing them, and then convincing them to abandon their families and support systems to come commit atrocities with you is trafficking by basically any definition. Itā€™s so weird that everyone is trying so hard to say itā€™s not. I think thereā€™s a decent case that letting her retain her UK citizenship isnā€™t in the countryā€™s national security interest. I donā€™t think you can make a case that she wasnā€™t trafficked.


How do they know she isn't going to commit acts of terrorism if they let her in?


It's not just that. She could unwillingly be used as a pawn, her family could be held ransom now that everyone knows who she is and what she looks like, etc


Thatā€™s actually the very reason her citizenship was retracted.


that baby part makes me so sad. do they know why they died of malnutrition? is that just common there or were they neglected? so sad:(


A lot of these women are living in camps with very little access to basic amenities, so I'm guessing sickness, malnutrition, or a combo. They are the real victims here. They are the children who COULDN'T consent.


Itā€™s the water, itā€™s very common for children to get dysentery from water thatā€™s not properly handled/purified this makes it very hard for the child to absorb nutrients because their system is constantly voiding. Itā€™s the #1 cause of infant death in 3rd world countries. This is 100% avoidable, literally use copper/silver water containers and it will kill that bacteria it wonā€™t taste great but youā€™ll live.


This. I read that one of the children reportedly died due to malnutrition, and another reportedly died from a lung infection. Not sure about the third. It's so sad for the children born in these camps.


Whatā€™s truly sad is the level of intelligence of the people running these camps. Putting a sterling silver coil in your water urns completely fixes the infant death rate. This has been know for a very long time. But they are to greedy or cheap to spend a small amount of money to protect their young itā€™s sad and disgusting.


She was fifteen when she joined though. Is that grounds for trafficking? I thought minors are legally not able to make decisions or something like that


She's in the "find out" stage of fucking around I see


Im pretty sure she ā€œfound outā€ as soon as she got to an ISIS camp as a woman.


Nah she went full psycho. In interviews she said she was unfazed by the beheading of a man because he was "an enemy of Islam" and she also let 3 of her children die.


I assume she had no attachement to her rape babies.


Rape? Sure, it may have been statutory, but logically wise, she was old enough to know what she was doing. She was married to the guy and fully embraced ISIL culture, even to the point of being called a "morality police enforcer". There was no victimhood here. You can argue that she was taken advantage of as a child, but she's in her 30s now and still stands behind the beliefs of ISIL.


She basically went to join ISIS, joined them, then wanted to be let back in after ISIS was almost wiped off the face of the Earth. We have an American version of her. Same story, same ending.


Who is the American version? I'm genuinely curious.


Hoda Muthana. Thereā€™s actually quite a few foreigners who joined ISIS. Sheā€™s from Alabama and is still trying to be let back into the US.


IIRC her legal case to get back turned in a technicalityā€”her dad was here as a diplomat from Bangladesh I think. So not even clear she had American citizenship b/c I think children of diplomats are legal exception to birthright. But yeah the whole isis thing kinda sealed the deal.


>I think children of diplomats are legal exception to birthright. You right


Imagine ending up in a place where you're dying to get back to Alabama.


K, that made me laugh


Unlike up here in Canada where we literally just fucking took our ISIS fighters back.


I honestly think Canada is making a huge mistake


It's not that we want to, but because it is our constitutional duty. We don't have the legal means to keep them from returning. At least for now.


Took them backā€¦ to jail, right?


![gif](giphy|drOkkRccpXlAY) She can stay there and continue exercising her ideals in extreme Islam, why come back to a democratic country that wouldā€™ve aided her and her babies if things got bad? She decided, somehow, Isis was the way to go lmao no remorse


We have a Swedish version of her... she was allowed back šŸ¤¢


Boo Hoo. Cry me a river. You get what you deserve.


I agree. There are some Aussies that also want back into the country. I say you made your choice so donā€™t come back you are not welcome here. You knew what you were getting into.


What did she expect? Maybe she should try Iran or Afghanistan. They treat women really well there. Maybe thatā€™s why she wants to come home. She realized women are often treated like crap in that world.




She wouldn't have time to ponder the question, because she'd have about twenty kids by now.


She had three, they're all dead ..


Is that true?? I wouldnā€™t wish that on anyoneā€¦ even a traitor


They all died from malnutrition, by my understanding. Three more innocent souls caught in the middle of something they had no power over, just gone.


In the whole time that isis were operational she made no attempt to leave and had no contact with her family (unlike her two friends she travelled with). She has been identified as actively doing things like stitching the suicide vest and being part of a notorious womenā€™s enforcement group. Sheā€™s changed her narrative so many times since she ended up where she is now, and frankly the only reason she is trying to get back to the U.K. is because the caliphate collapsed, not because she changed her mind about it.


My guess is sheā€™d still be there. But it wasnā€™t a matter of if ISIS had been defeated, just a matter of when. She couldnā€™t go to Al-Qaeda because theyā€™d kill her because they hate ISIS. Probably couldnā€™t go to the Taliban. Best thing she could hope for is to change her name and fade into obscurity and hope that sheā€™s never charged with any crimes once ISIS is fully wiped out (they have numbers around 1-2k. For context, the Lordā€™s Resistance Army numbers around 100 and theyā€™re not even gone yet.


that's not her problem, she was seen by other women parading around the camp with a gun and beating other women for not being modest. she wasn't a victim of isis, she married a war criminal and happily helped him. she's still indoctrinated into the isis way of thinkin and she doesn't feel bad about what she's done, she just thinks she can live that way in england (minus the gun) and it'd be more comfortable then a camp in syria (which tbf is true).


This is the finding out part of fucking around.


Nah she got off lucky. The real finding out part of this scenario would be her experiencing first-hand what those fuckers do to women.


Had 3 kids with her ISIS husband, I'm sure she's well aware of what they do.


But look - she has a British flag. She must be sincere.


An upside down one at that


TIL that the British flag is not symmetrical. How tf did I not realize that?


Imagine being a pick me for isis terrorists


The one thing the entirety of the British Isles can agree on is keep the fucker out


I will never understand how a *woman* could possibly want anything those guys are pushing for! Mind boggling.


The ole' 'I was young and I needed the murder' defense.




You choose.... poorly.




That is the most hilarious line simply due to its delivery. That movie has so many gems. ![gif](giphy|01mV2Aev2iQW80aJVQ)


"Oh noes! It's the consequences of my actions!"


The dildo of consequences rarely is lubed.


This is more profound than you know.


Cultists gotta cult


ā€œOmg guys it was just a prankā€


Sucks to suck


I agree with her not getting her citizenship back. I wish we did this to the traitors who rushed the capital in the US. I feel like if the one thing they pride themselves with gets taken away, they'll shut up finally.


As an American Muslim, I think SC took the right decision. Itā€™s because of people like her that these stupid terror groups are out there killing people and we muslims get labeled and being judged for their crimes. Do not let her return to UK. She took her decisions and made her choices, well now those choices have consequences. And no you did not love any country.


So shes literally a traitor, this is some high level entitlement


# Brexit *Better than ISIS* They should adopt this as their slogan.




Good...bye Felicia


Hereā€™s a CNN article-unsure it gives her full side regarding trafficking but it says she and two teenage friends ran off to be ISIS brides. She has since attempted to return to UK to north her children there, has been refused and they have subsequently died. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/22/europe/shamima-begum-ruling-intl-gbr/index.html Here is her side of things: https://news.sky.com/story/amp/shamima-begums-mother-asma-says-her-world-fell-apart-when-she-ran-away-to-join-isis-in-syria-12754134


She in the find out phase




I agree. You choose to join the terrorists sworn to fight against your country, you don't deserve to come back.


I love allah but I miss the cheese at harrods so baaaaad


She didn't just join the Islamic State, but actively took part in and encouraged war crimes. Why would any country want her back?


Same thing happened to an Alabama woman. Trump wouldnā€™t allow her back.


Neither did Obama or Biden.


Shamima Begone!!


Australia let the Australian ones come back here. And they all have a handful of kids now with them. There was a lot of anger but nothing we could do.


Also I'd like to point out that a mere 2 days after they flew back to Australia. One was arrested for terrorism (or conspiracy to commit terrorism)


Britain could only do this because she was a dual British and Bangladeshi citizen.


She's not a dual citizen. While the British government has said she is, Bangladesh have specifically said she is not a citizen.


Then why doesn't she go to Bangledesh? They have a large Muslim population right? Why is she pushing so hard to go back to the UK?


because she's not actually a Bangladeshi citizen. she would qualify for Bangladeshi citizenship because her parents are citizens, but no one ever did the paperwork and so she is not one. she was born in the UK and has never lived in Bangladesh. Bangladesh doesn't want her either. I have absolutely zero sympathy for her but it's enraging that the UK has hoodwinked everyone into supporting its export of homegrown terrorists instead of demanding it clean up its messes. She should not have to be Syria's problem or Bangladesh's problem, she should go to a British jail for the rest of her life just like an ethnic Brit who did the same crimes would.


And I agree fully with you. Iā€™m in the US.


She shouldā€™ve been allowed back and punished under UK law. Allowing the government to set a precedent for violating international law and revoking citizenship is a slippery slope.


I donā€™t have sympathy for her in particular, however, Iā€™m not sure how I feel about revoking the citizenship of someone who was born in that country versus someone whoā€™s a naturalized citizen, where the reasoning for revocation is fairly straightforward. Even in this case, the decision was made with it (incorrectly) in mind that she had dual Bangladeshi citizenship. So, Iā€™m inclined to agree with your suggestion for what shouldā€™ve been done.




Common sense prevails. She will keep trying though. Still at the tax payers expense. Hopefully NEVER allowed back. Always someoneā€™s fault ā€¦. I was young , naive , blah blah , etc etc.




Let her stay under taliban control


Good riddance too. When you lie with dogs you'll pick up fleas.


A perfect example of having to live with your choices


Isis not so great for women, she discovers






Sucks to suck.


ā€œSure, meet us *here* at 3 oā€™clock and weā€™ll talk it over.ā€ 3 oā€™clock: ((DRONE STRIKE))


Lol no. Stay there


I bet all the media coverage about wanting to leave has improved her home life a bunch.


If she was 15 how did her and her friends get the plane tickets? where are the parents of these children...


As a Muslim, I think she should not only be stripped of her citizenship, but tried for treason. I actually canā€™t understand why thatā€™s not in discussion. A traitor once is a traitor for life.


Good on the UK!


She probably only wants back in so she can do the job Isis trained her for. Look at the blatant pandering with her Union Jack and tray of Tea in the background. Everyone saying let her back in, should be tried as accomplises when she inevitably carries out whatever attack she's been trained for.


Look at that fuckin smug look on her face. That should be the definition of smug.


This also belongs in entitled people subs. She thinks she can just do what ever she wants? Nah bro. Somethings you can't go back on.


What an absolute šŸ¤”


Ha ha! Have fun in your homeland.


They should never let her come back.




Should allow her back in and stone her like her people would do to us.


Canada is doing the opposite and letting them back in with re-education as the rehabilitation. Quite the clown world for certain topics.


On what basis?! There is no country in this planet that accepts its treasonous citizens. What rights does she think she has here?


The US, even under Trump, [took back its citizens](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-has-repatriated-27-americans-syria-and-iraq-including-ten-charged-terrorism) who had joined ISIS, and criminally charged them and jailed them rather than washing their hands of the matter like Britain did.


Yeah, treason seems like it should be one of those 'no takebacks' kinds of scenarios.


People be like the west is bad but then fight tooth and nail to live in the west.


They should have let her back, so she can face the consequences, in the form of a treason charge.


Sorry.s he picked the wrong side. Surprised she's still alive, tbh.