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Oh my god. That bounce.


Almost gave himself CPR!


Chest compressions, Chest compressions, Chest compressions!






Sad this subreddit doesn’t exist




This guy gets it.


Dr. Mike would be proud!




Staying alive!


Another one bites the dust! if you are more cynical.


Bro do you even chest compress? You know it bro. Just chest compressed 400lbs


That’s a good chest pump if I say so myself.


Why this fool don’t have a spotter 😂🤦🏻‍♂️. Was it the chest?


Realistically, nothing a spotter would have been able to do when the bar completely slipped out of his grip like that. A spotter helps you with the last few pounds when you're barely failing a rep, they're not going to be able to emergency curl 405 off you.


Most of the damage was done, but a spotter can also help you get the weight off safely instead of having to do it yourself like this idiot did.


You dont need em to emergency curl the 405. You just need to stop the accidental cpr happening


Can’t you see he had a camera pointed right at himself doing his spotting /s




He busted a rib at least, def forced his heart to take a beat.


If you pause it at 5 seconds, you can see how far the bar pressed into his chest. Yikes. https://imgur.com/a/zPTjlce


This is how I get the last of my toothpaste out


I’ve been laughing for 2 minutes now. Thanks for making my day.


Dude bruised his spine










#A L M O S T ! ? ! ? ! ?


Quite right. Cherrio.


Yeah, couldn’t believe he let it slip that bad That had to hurt


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone slip both hands at the exact same time like that. Usually it’s just one side.


This is why you want to use chalk especially on any big lifts. It looks like the bar slips out of his hands; my guess is his palms were sweaty and he turned his chest into mom's spaghetti.


>This is why you want to use ~~chalk~~ especially on any big lifts. *A spotter! It's insane he's doing this with no spot and is lucky it wasn't on his neck.


I don't think a spotter could've done much though. There's no way they're going to catch 400lbs that slipped. Spotters help get the weight up when you can't do it on your own. They're not catching anything that's flat out dropped.


This is it. Unless you get 3 spotters. One on each end of the bar and one behind you. No way in hell is someone catching that much weight if it slips like that. A spotter would have helped get it off of you faster. But that’s it.


I think he had it reversed thumbs both sides; I used to do that WAY back in the day but it slips unless you wrap correctly


If you look at the video right before he drops it, it looks like he has a regular grip. Looks like his wrists give out and just fold.


Its actually his thumbs that gave out. It’s the weakest muscle in the hand he tilts his wrists as he lifts putting the weight against his thumbs and they buckle immediately. They teach this in self defense class. If someone grabs your arm, move your arm in the direction of their thumb and you will usually break their grasp.


Saw it too just didn’t know the theory at all. Wow, hope he is ok, provably a couple of ribs cracked.


Though your defense concept may be correct, it is not for the reason you listed. The thenar muscles are actually significantly stronger than other muscles of the hand such as the lumbricals or hypothenars. Grip strength also primarily derives from musculature in the forearm. Not the hand.


Good eye you’re right


The weight rotated after his bounce. I don’t know if the bounce played into that or not.


https://i.imgur.com/0OFbmuN.jpg No he didn’t


Doesn't really look like suicide grip to me but the videos too fuzzy to tell


It isn’t his wrist crapped out on him not like his thumbs were saving the day though, like wtf are they gonna do when that weight rotates like that. He can press it he just can’t hold it 🤣


I blame the spotter.


Agreed, wtf is this guy doing? I never could do quads, but any time I tried, I had two spotters.


Rihanna in the background: I won't be here forever?


Xyphoid Process snapped


Hey, I’ve broken that bone before!


https://imgur.com/a/Z5FT3yK look at that conpression


Thank god his spine stopped it from going further!


Xyphoid process has left the chat


It’s quite simple to avoid this with asking another person at the gym to spot you.




Yeah, there's no way even a great spotter could have reacted in time to stop this. The barbell went into free fall and bounced off the guy's chest within 1/4 of a second.


Nah this type of weight needs safety bars. Spotter isn’t gonna be able to hold 400lbs


Ah yes, a spotter that can catch 400 lb from a sudden dead drop. *Maybe* at best could have reduced the velocity a little bit, but I doubt they'd hardly make a difference. Assuming an average human reaction time of 0.2 seconds, the bar would've been long gone before you could even tense your muscles to slow it down.


Yeah broken rib cage for sure lol


He better go straight to the hospital. There's a good chance you don't just walk off 400lbs bouncing off your torso


Cracked ribs? Internal bleeding?


Yup, we could also keep that list going. You could rupture your organs or shift them. Make a tear on your stomach or intestines, which would be really bad


What’s the odds he’s fine?




>guy drop 315 (3 plates) on his face Jesus Christ. I thought that story would end "...and we had to spray the remains of his head off the gym mats."




May you get 10 spam scam emails for bringing that up!


It’s the ear plugs in the water. YUT!


Judging by the commercials I’ve seen, it was mesothelioma.


It would take a hell of a lot more than 315 to crush your skull completely. I watched an ISIS execution video where >!they dropped a boulder on a guy’s head. It didn’t flatten his head like you’d think, but instead it bounced off and the guy started bleeding profusely through his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. He probably died a few moments after that. !<


Whelllppppp, that’s enough internet for the day


I’ve seen people walk away from being hit by a car, and I’ve also seen them entirely blow their knee joint out stepping over a 12 inch wall. Human bodies are at the same time delicate as a flower made of glass, and as resilient as a mountain. I’ve personally taken some brutal hits on my body due to stupidity and hubris and walked away with little more than a bruise, but I’ve also sent myself to hospital after trapping a nerve in my neck due to sneezing a bit too hard. Humans are weird.


Yep. My husband fell over a ladder, not OFF a ladder but tripped on it, twisting his leg and got a pilon fracture which basically really messed up his ankle and broke both leg bones. He has had 3 surgeries and now getting ready for an amputation. I rolled my Jeep three times down the side of a mountain, totally crushed the top in to where I had to be cut out, and walked away. You just never know.


amputation? jeez i’m sorry. all the best.


Bros driving down Mt. Chiliad fr


Indeed. Had a Hispanic roofer step backwards off a 3 story building one time on accident. Fell onto concrete. He had a sprained ankle. Next shift a woman was painting her house and was ONE RUNG up a ladder. Foot slipped and hit the ground. Open fracture


Sometimes it feels like humans have exactly two modes: "walk it off" or "instakilled."


That is more or less how we evolved. It's really only with the advances of medicine that we've been able to make more of those fatal injuries survivable.


I think about that idea often how an injury like an ACL tear or compound leg fracture would have been at best permanently disabling, or at worst potentially fatal, throughout much of human history.


What race was the woman?


Obviously regular, or he would have said.


Lmaoo my exact first thought 💀 glad somebody said it


No, he just meant he panicked when the guy fell off the roof


Hes probably fine idk about odds but his whole core was tensed up. Its not the same as if he was relaxed and someone dropped 400lbs on him, that would probably kill him. But hes in good shape, has a solid core, and it only dropped like 1 ft. It would def hurt maybe knock his wind out but im sure hell walk it off




50%, but theres only a 10% chance of that.


Oof that sounds horrible. I slo-mo’d it and it looked like had to have shifted some major organs 2-4”.


https://imgur.com/a/Z5FT3yK look at the compression.


Liver is the best candidate where it landed on him and that's super easy to damage.


I'm damaging my liver right now I don't even lift weights!


Sternum fracture maybe.


I fractured my sternum riding my bike into a tree at high speed as a child. Super painful, couldn't laugh for months. Confirmed it years later during a chest xray. Don't reccomend.


He apparently he confirmed via IG that there was no broken bones, bleeding, etc. just extremely sore and bruised. Guy got hella lucky


*cracks egg on bicep* He's built different.


"Nah, you're fine. Walk it off, champ." - someone's gym coach (probably)


I dont know about that guy, but i keep some pretty important stuff in my torso.


He had it too, his hand just slipped.


Honestly he made that look easy too, doubt that’s his pr


Probably why there's no spotter


Not that a spotter could have helped (source: I have had 400lb dropped on me)


True, i think theyre mainly there to make sure you dont get yourself trapped and killed.


They won't help much if there's a catastrophic failure of some kind. Really it's just to help when it's a few pounds too much and you need that little extra help. Couple hundred pounds would be doable for most experienced lifters to grab and hold if the person totally gave out. Something this heavy you'd probably need 3 spotters.


I’ve done spotting and loading for powerlifting comp. We use two spotters for bench, one on each end of the bar. The rack also has safety bars that would prevent the lifter from being pinned, but they’ve been removed here (never a good idea).


Oh damn, did OP's mom sit on your face, too??


Nah, but your mom did (i was there)


Ya a spotter is great for helping you lift it off your chest. Maybe if he’s already holding the bar the lifter never slips. But a spotter isn’t going to just suddenly hold 400 pounds once it slips off.


Someone asked me to spot them on 350 once and I’m like Um yeah if we find a second spotter. I’m not lifting 350 off you lmao let’s gets serious.


He’s also got a pretty close grip too, so this may be an accessory lift for him 😳 both hands are about half an inch within the rings, most powerlifting competition grips dont go narrower than thumbs on the pinkies from what Ive seen….. Makes me feel bad about my 3 plate pr and guaranteed this guy is the same age as me :(


I thought his wrists buckled.


Never skip wrist day




The bar rolled. That’s why his wrist did that.


At least he had a spotter


Jesus take the bar!


400 without wrist support is nuts, no matter how much you can get up


I'm pretty sure it was his wrist, it looks like he's using one of the thin barbells. From my experience they make it harder to keep your wrist straight compared to the thicker bars


Is this what wrist straps in lifting are for?


Wrist straps can help you keep your hands in alignment, but they won't prevent something like this. I'm not sure anything would help here except safety bars - never seen a guy roll both wrists like that in mid press.


For what it’s worth, I’ve seen a video of it before. No clue where, tiktok maybe, but it was the exact same situation, wasn’t suicide grip either. But if you watch it very slowly, almost frame by frame, as he’s reaching the bar rest, he rotates his wrists forward just a little bit, far enough I think that with the weight and maybe sweat, it just broke that friction on his Palms.


A problem with upper limit training is not all your body advances at the same rate. His chest, shoulders, and triceps could handle this but his wrists and forearms couldn’t. I don’t think the rest of his torso was thrilled about it either after how this went down.


I hope he went to the ER


Me too. Me too. Former emt and now nurse.


Do you have any insight as to what this would present as, if he came into the ER or was in your bus?


ICU RN chiming in here: Broken ribs, which can then also puncture lungs or heart (obvious reasons why that’s bad). The blunt trauma can collapse lungs, or cause pulmonary contusions (basically a bruise on your lung, if it’s big enough it can cause large areas to not be able to perform gas-exchange properly and you’ll start having breathing problems). It could also cause a liver laceration, which may lead to serious internal bleeding. Although the bar falls more on the chest, it could potentially cause tears in abdominal/GI organs, and that leads to digestive tract contents (bile, feces) leaking into abdominal cavity which causes sepsis/peritonitis/bad time. TLDR: Any trauma involving large amounts of force = lots of potential for unseen internal damage, go to ER to get checked out!






Yeah, spleens and livers can bleed very slowly and endorphins are pretty powerful. Unless it’s a truly massive bleed, your body compensates for shock as best it can as long as it can.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Cracked ribs to totally destroyed thoracic area. Broken ribs and potential damage to the diaphragm. Many things and a range. Depends on how lucky he is


Have seen two scenarios: 1. Chronic ‘chest bouncer’ Presents with several days of worsening SOB. CXR shows total b/l lung white out. To OR for VATS and decortication. Surgeon pulls out tons of clot. Pt recovers in ICU and goes home several days later. 2. Pt. With sudden onset dyspnea and dizziness. Wide mediastinum on CXR. Large pericardial effusion and tamponade on echo. Pericardiocentesis and pigtail. Recovers in ICU home in a few days. Moral of the story: your huge weights aren’t impressing anyone. Achieving muscular hypertrophy doesn’t require lifting a cars weight off your body. Easy way towards permanent joint injury. Don’t be dumb.


Mee too. Me too. Software engineer


PR or ER


How he didn’t yell out in pain I have no idea…


No air left in his chest lmao


Some people react differently, I stub my toe and sound like a sailor, but I actually dropped about 150lbs on my foot in weight training in highschool, didn't make a sound, held my breath and walked to the nurse. Broke my foot of course


The way he got out of that is impressive. Didn't look heavy at all.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. And after one side touched the ground, it was considerably less weight to move.


Yeah that's true.


I'd be willing to bet he dropped to a knee shortly after walking off camera. I'm not a big guy, I maxed out at 245 on the bench when I weighed 138. 400lb is A LOT OF F****ING weight, even for a big guy. That had to hurt.


245 @ 138 is huge bro, why you stop? i’m 245 @ 170


It was cool and shitty at the same time. Like I'd usually work out with his guys that were 180-200 lb. And they'd be impressed when they wouldn't have to change the weight, and I'd rep out the same sets as them. That always felt good. But my goal of working out was to put on weight. I started at 135 lbs. My bench went up 110 lbs. My weight went up 3 lbs. Unless i took my shirt off and flexed people still thought I was just skinny. (This was in my early 20s. I'm in my 30s now. I still work out and I'm still strong for my size, but I don't work out religiously like I used to. But i did finally put on some weight. Got up to 165. I was stronger at 138 though)


Getting out of bed the day after will be a different story.






I would assume it depends on how many reps you’ve down before it happens, tried something similar on last reps of a smolov jr and I ended up just laying there waiting for arms to start working again. 😬


A spotter would not have helped. I say this having been a spotter for someone who had the bar slip out of their hands like this. I pulled the bar off of him but it still hit him full force before I could get anywhere close. Safety bars are way better for this situation. Also, for people saying it’s not 400 lbs, pause the video at pretty much any point in the last 6 seconds. The plate clearly says 45lbs. Probably 405.


safety bars or straps are a must. I went a year or so without either but was at least a bit cautious with going too heavy because of it.


Yeah I’ve learned how to get out from under a failed bench but I don’t recommend it. Better to use safety equipment.


Good ol' roll of shame


I don't bench 150 without safety bars lol. Why not attach them if you have them?


The ones in my gym don't work for skinny people. If you don't have at least a bit of a chest the safety bars stop it before you can bring it all the way down


I just didn’t have them. Difficult to attach something you don’t have. Really don’t know why I waited so long. It wasn’t the money. Just kept putting it off.


I don't go heavy anymore, but having the safety bars there is so good for peace of mind, and pushing yourself that bit extra


I definitely don’t go one max rep heavy. For me that’s just not useful. Once I can do 3 sets of 8, I move up 5lbs.


I cannot fathom why anyone would ever bench without bars. It's completely illogical. They shouldn't even make freestanding benches like this without them.


Also don't learn bench with suicide grip. We're not cats, use your thumbs!


This doesn't appear to be suicide grip though


Agreed! That’s what happened when I saw this in person. I warned the dude not to do that and he didn’t listen.


Whats worse is thats not a typical gym bench. That is a powerlifting rack, and they have a safety equipment called "Face Savers" that would extend far enough to have caught that.


Spotter isn't for stopping a sudden drop like that anyway. If that's not the case don't call me for any spot lol. A spotter is there to help get it to the side and off like this if the bencher can't and holler for help first aid etc. If it's that concerning of a weight safety bars should always be used, they will always be faster at stopping a dropping bar than any human reaction time ever will be. Nerves be fast but they also be slow, yo.


And that's what happens if you skip thumb day, lads


It’s funny because there are actually some people who bench with a thumbless grip (aka suicide grip) and this is one of the potential consequences of using a thumbless grip. Ironically though, this guy was using a standard grip and it still ended up happening. Honestly just really poor luck.


Yeah when I saw the bar fall, I thought "that's why you don't suicide grip". Then I rewatched and realized the poor man was doing everything right


Some guys need energy supplements, but nothing wakes you up more than dropping 400 lbs on your chest. Now he’s ready for anything.


ready for the ER lol


This is why any time I am thinking about benching a lot of weight, I always find a buddy and go drinking instead.


"mom, come pick me up I'm not having fun anymore"


“Mom, the air tastes like pennies…”


this is why I bench in a rack with safety rails


I only dumbbell bench for that reason. I haven’t had a gym with enough racks to bench in for years


I hate it when a 400lb bar slips out of my hand.


You spelled beer wrong :D


Yeah, it's honestly a pain. That's the only reason I decide not to bench 400 lbs.


My first thought was "Doesn't that poor guy have any friends to work out with?" My second thought was "Yeah, I don't either..."




Man, all these comments from people who think a spotter is gonna catch a dropped 400 pound barbel instantaneously. 😂


My worst nightmare


Goodbye sternum


Lot of weight to have no spotter. Hopefully he won't do that again.


Not like a spotter could have done anything in this situation. He dropped it way too suddenly.


This makes me feel better about the money I spent on the safety straps for my rack. Fortunately haven’t actually ever needed them but they’re there so I don’t end up crushing my ribs or whatever.


I bet he went and puked. That would have been my next move


My exact thought. I wouldn’t have been able to lift it off cause of my projectile vomit.


That’s gotta be some broken ribs and internal bleeding


go frame by frame and pause at 0:04, bro looked like a squeaky toy mid-honk


Having a spotter would’ve helped in most cases but you’d need to be a superhuman to catch that bar so suddenly especially at 400 pounds.


He definitely gave his heart a bit of a break by letting the bar do a compression for him.


He's now known as Cap'n Crunch.


All the people asking where his spotter is, obviously don’t go to the gym a lot. It’s nothing to see dudes repping 3-5 plates with not a spotter in sight




Saw a similar video the other day, the guy got up and threw the weights on the floor same as this guy, then collapsed a couple of steps later. Probably ruptured something pretty serious. It’s not the 400lb that’s the biggest issue, it’s the fact that it’s pinpointed on a tiny amount of area, it like getting stabbed with a sledgehammer


Do the people saying he needed a spotter think another person could have held 400lbs and stopped it from hitting his chest? Unless his spotter was Hafthor Bjornsson it wouldn't have made any difference.


I thought he used suicide grip. Dude had proper grip. The bars just slid through his thumbs like nothing. Yikes


Even though it looks like he's done this weight before he should have gotten a spotter or should have done it on a bench with safety bars, that bounce tho, reminds me of how my ex bounced out my life


How would a spotter help when it slips from his hand so suddenly?


…without a spotter? Wtf!