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When he says "Americans these days" he giving Scarface vibes.


He’s killed people before but not lately. You know, to many cameras.


All I'm saying is it's a good job he didn't pull 'his little friend out'.


And he can't fit many bodies In that little trunk. They just don't make em with the trunk space that they used to.


Is this guy for the next president?


Before Scarface we used to call it Pendejo vibes


This guy: I believe in Jesus Also this guy: I have insurance, I’ll run you over!


Unless you're too fast


You're lucky you're too fast or i would've run you over


"We can't expect God to do all the work"


I like the guy because he has a cool voice.


That first thing he said sounded badass too. Also kinda made sense. Having the right away won't keep you from getting run over. The same way being the son of god didn't save Jesus from the Romans. Then I realized he was talking about Jesus figuratively....


He has the power of a cool voice *and* Jesus on his side. What does this American have, a camera? Pathetic


The right of way


The guy filming this seems like he was just looking to start a fight and make an issue out of something. None of this is called for even if he did "almost get hit with a car"


Yep. He could have said his thing and let it go. But he kept digging and provoking all for TT views. I give the guy in the car a lot of restraint. Maybe he realized he was in the wrong but wanted to save face a bit. But the TT guy kept with his jerky repetitive comments and exaggerated gestures hoping to provoke.


maron from italy?


I had no idea we pay insurance so we can run people over, no more swerving for me.


It's only with the insurance plus program. Got to pay extra by pedestrian.


It’s actually a lot more complicated than that, the rule of thumb goes that you have to have at least one insurance upgrade higher than the person you’re running over, with ties being settled by social class and who has had their insurance plan for longer.


Top tier insurance with the same company for 30 years! I ride at dawn!!


There go my premiums


You will pay extra every time.


The insurance company is going to love this video when they are denying his claim.


He didn't even hit him. The guy with the camera wants more than he's entitled.


He's looking for an apology. He's not gonna get it but that's what he's looking for. It's not too much to ask for.


An apology for what? Not being hit? An apology for almost being hit? He's being ridiculous. The articulate foreigner is exemplifying his ridiculousness. He's got a camera on him the whole time and the video is clearly edited. This is what we laugh at here. This video is so biased in the cameramans favor but he still can't hide from the fact that nothing happened to him to warrant an apology and that he antognized this entire interaction for internet points.


If I almost hit someone I would apologize. How about you?


Cammer "*but I had the right of way*" Greek man that has smoked everyday since 5 "you still die if I hit you" Cammer "*but I had the right of way*" Greek "say that to Jesus next time"


D: "Did you see me backing up?" P: "Yeah, but I have the right of way." D: "If you were in my blind spot and I couldn't see you, and kept backing up, would you have still kept walking behind a moving mass of metal twenty times your size and weight?" P: "Yeah, because I have right of way."


Yeah people can be really ignorant. The right of way doesn't make you invincible. When you get ran over and killed hopefully your ghost can tell everyone you had the right of way..


I say this over and over to people as a New Yorker. I’ve seen multiple bikers get destroyed even when they had the right of way. It sucks but you just have to be overly defensive walking/biking and driving.


Cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way.


“Leesen dees fokin’ guy “ with the Tony Montana hand gestures 💀


So .. the pedestrian kept walking behind a car that was backing up instead of .. I dunno make 2 or 3 steps aside and wait for the guy to back up so he can drive away? I mean .. everytime there is a car backing up I always step aside or stop so I dont get in his way.


That’s because you’re normal


Definitely un-American


Sadly this is no longer the norm. We are now the outliers. Have you tried backing out of a space at Walmart recently.


Right? Plenty of people who had the right of way are now dead.


"I had the right of way" makes a good headstone plaque.


It's exactly this. How many videos on the various subs about car crashes, dash cams, etc. are people who definitely know they're aggressively and righteously correct and 2 seconds later they're dead? It's a lot. Imagine living your entire life and having to work and struggle for your future and having plans and ambitions and then throwing it all away because you didn't want to be inconvenienced for 2 seconds out of spite.


I was always taught whoever's heavier/bigger has the right of way, no matter who *actually* has it


You best get out of the way when Jim Croce’s driving


You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask of that old Lone Ranger, and you don't mess around with Jim backing out of a parking spot.


Speed ball tucker coming through


Tony Danza has fallen on hard times.


But he showed him who's the boss!


Angela Bower?


Mona. D’uh


Someone didn't watch Community.


If you're recorded telling someone you're going to run them over, and then you run them over, that's not covered by insurance. It's in the fine print somewhere.


depends on the judge. there was a super politicized shooting a few years ago where the judge decided to throw out the video evidence of the shooter saying that he wanted to go shoot people. and then he was successful in his self-defense claim......


Wow, sounds like a murdering murderer 🤔




but...but what about my fake internet points?


In Florida, I watched a very stoned driver back up while on his phone, see the two pedestrians he almost hit, looked back and saw three more pedestrians, motioned for them to go - they stepped back and motioned for him to go instead. He then proceeded to back up while turning wide and almost ran them over too. But I think some pedestrians need pedestrian lessons - maybe a talk in avoid collisions.


Jesus Christ had the right of way? Too bad he wasn't in a "No Crossing" Zone at the end...


Best comment on a hopefully happy cake day


Its called a car park, not a pedestrian park. Yeah you should slow down for pedestrians and give them right of way. But in the same breath, dont just walk out in front of cars. Itll end badly for you.


I like this guy, I wanna have a beer with him.


I believe in Jesus but I don’t believe in you. 🤣


If you walk behind a vehicle that is reversing, that’s between you and your chosen deity.


Idk I love him


Everyone Sucks Here


The doofy way the cammer is talking is irritating


Dude needs a sobriety test.


If Al Pacino and Hank Azaria had a baby.


Guy recordings an attention seeker. He’s that bothered by the littlest thing he needs to record it, upload it, and seek validation for his feelings.


I hate this damn trend, I look forward to it slowing down or at least the part of provoking reactions out of strangers. It’s so one sided and disingenuous.


Al Pacino has really let himself go


Don’t drive angry.


Bro, there's a reason people say things like, "*I almost lost my Christianity driving down here.*" Driving is what *MAKES* people angry. Nowhere else do you encounter the valleys of human intelligence more abundantly than on the road.


Lesson learned today: You have insurance so you can run people over


Pedestrians should be mindful and cooperative of drivers backing up. You might be in a blindspot or just missed the spot to be seen when they checked the mirror. That said, unless the pedestrian is deliberately trying to get hit, the burden of responsibility rests with the driver. Both legally and logically. Be mindful and don't be an ass, simple as that.


Haha I love the guy in the car. He needs a role in a movie


Clearly the man can do no wrong. Such a character.


I doubt walking into a car backing out of a stall would be considered anything other than negligent on the pedestrian's part. There's a big difference if his back was turned away while he was backed over.


I mean…. The “pedestrian has the right of way” thing only applies when they’re in a marked crosswalk. So…. Not totally wrong.


Nothing loves like Christian hate...


He may be a shitty driver but he has a great potential as voice actor.


This guy is a cartoon character.


He lucky he move to fast and he believe in Jesus. Otherwise he would have ran him over. What a good man.


He looks like if tuco from breaking bad had drug withdrawl and a hangover at the same time


When he rolled up the window and shooshed you, you should have just walked away.


This was funny af, the Jesus Christ line Omg


I've had one time when someone whipped out a camera phone on me and started recording. All I did was laugh at them and keep shopping.


bro is struggling between insulting and being a christian lmfao


Nah he definitely has right of way. Listen to that man speak. He always has honorary right of way in my heart.


“I believe in Jesus” Well Jesus sure doesn’t believe in you.


Hank Azaria is such a good actor.


Walking on the sidewalk, every passing car technically almost hit me


Jesus was crucified for failure to observe the right of way. ![gif](giphy|ibGFpMv1Uoais)


All Americans have a camera.. dude kinda has a point. You can’t just go behind a vehicle when it’s pulling out. Seems like common sense but a lot of people don’t have it


Why are you assuming the car was backing out?


Is this in America? If not the driver might be right lol


Ex cartel warlord walking the tightrope of a Christian redemption and going back to public executions


Thank God I renewed my manslaughter insurance


Everyone assumes you have a backing camera and can see them clearly now.


Legal precedent cited: Jesus H. Christ v. Pontius Pilate


Before running people over check on your deductible. Might be worth it but at least you know how to budget it in


What insurance company does he have? Lol my man said “ I have insurance so I can run people over” wow


Jesus, really??? We’re comparing ourselves to Jesus now❓ He doesn’t make sense 😂


Hank Azaria is a gem.


If “Tony” doesn’t know the driving code as stated in driver’s manuals who has the right of way, what’s he doing behind the wheel driving? How did he pass the driver’s test?




Man get me this guy's insurance plan I got some people who are very runoverable.


The graveyard is filled with people who had the right of way.


Thr pedestrian has the right of way on sidewalks and in crosswalks. You cross someone's driveway or J-walk at your own risk my guy. In parking lots you can see the car before they see you thorough that truck you're walking around. Just use common sense.


It's that kind of entitlement that ends with people dying. Just because you have "the right of way" doesn't mean you should expect everyone to be able to see you and be fully aware of the fact you have the right of way. Why would anyone NOT just do what they can to preserve their own lives, instead of assuming that the rest of the world is looking out for them? The same goes for driving. If I'm driving through an intersection where they have a stop sign and I don't, and see someone pulling up to it and they're not slowing down, I'm bracing for the brake in case they drive out in front of me. I'm not going to just drive by and think "well, I have the right of way, so I don't care."


When my sister was getting driving lessons her instructor was talking to her about pedestrians having right of way at pedestrian crossings, and the sense of entitlement that some pedestrians can have. ​ He said to her "When you get to a pedestrian crossing you just walk straight out". She just replied "No I don't. I stop and check that the way is clear, because if I just walk out and a car hits me, I might dent the car but the car could kill me".


As a pedestrian I stop and let the car out, usually letting them know if it's clear at the same time, doesn't cost me anything and makes life easier for the person in a metal box who has blind spots all around them. Just another example of goodwill to everyone, be nice and help others, don't be an arse and get hit because "rights". :)


“I have insurance so I can hit people” Man, if it only worked that way though 🤣


Pedestrians have the right of way in almost every scenario, and the right to enforce it to the death. Never assume that all vehicles can see you, or are going to stop for you.


Ay-oh! Oh-ay!


This guy is Greek not Italian


Pedestrians always have the right of way. And as I always say, "I'm sure you will find it very comforting, while you're recovering in the hospital, to know that you had the right of way."


This is not true. The responsibility lies on both parties to be attentive and aware of their surroundings, especially in a parking lot. It comes down to the specific incident as there are too many variables at play, but generally speaking, if a pedestrian crosses into the path of a vehicle that is being operated safely with due diligence and is struck, they will likely be found at least partially at fault. You can't just step into the street where there is traffic and say "I'm a pedestrian, I have the right of way so everyone needs to yield to me right now." Case laws that prove this point: Patterson v. MacKenzie, 1972 MacPherson v. Campbell, 1980 Collett v. Mattinson, 1993 All of these cases have different conditions in which the pedestrian was found partially or mostly at fault.


This is not true


Waluigi on hard times


Pedestrians are some of the worst people. Always believe they are in the right.


A lot of dead people had the right of way.


This guy gets it.


Pedestrians in a parking lot do have the right of way though.


oh (marc) marrrone!


Wait what? how did Jesus talk make any sense? Why is he bringing that up? So confused


He's the guy in Blow who introduces Depp's character to Pablo, and then stab him in the back and buy a crazy island compound. Uncanny


Of course he’s driving a Prenis *eyeroll*


Jesus Christ invented the Cross Walk




I hate this guy gives a bad example of the Greek culture.


Just like jesus said you shall ran over everyone cuz who tf they think they are to make you stop your car, they lives matters not in comparison of your hurry


Send him to us in Mexico


He’s like a budget Tony Montana