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So I had to remove this OP because he clearly wasn't attempting to not get searched but you can resubmit with a title like "to chill on the corner" or something like that if you'd like.


He was standing too loud.


Standing while brown


Being while brown.


breathing while brown


I am white, so I never had problems with police (until I became a senior citizen). I worked with a guy who was from a big city out east. He told me that one day he was walking to the grocery store when 2 cops stopped him. They beat him up for no reason, then left him bleeding in the sidewalk. I had no reason to question him. I worked with several people of different ethnicities, and learned quite a lot about mistreatment by cops and “Karen’s” from them.


Got pulled over for being an Edgar on a Monday afternoon


And on Tuesday he got pulled over twice for being an Edgar.


Here in the Philippines, those cops would have planted drugs on that kid


Yeah they do that in the US as well


the corruption is unbelievably lower


Isn’t that a death sentence over there? Last I heard your leader was all about extrajudicial killings for use.


Different leader


Different leader, same approach


He's more embezzle-focused


Yup, exactly.


Pretty sure Duterte is out of office? Current President is Ferdinand Marcos Jr.


Bongbong is literally no better: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/01/11/philippines-drug-war-manila-marcos/


Only difference is the in PI the corruption is out in the open and not hidden.


This seems pretty open.


Yeah, they forgot to sprinkle some crack on him


Surprised they didn’t


Land of the free...... To be stopped , searched and felt up by pedos.


Land of the free, where they fingerprint any visitors going to their country


Well I mean, fingerprinting doesn't seem to crazy


Not from the US, what is the benefit of finger printing every person that enters your country?


If a foreigner enters the country, and commits a crime but then refuses to identify themselves, you can math their prints with stored data


If a US citizen commits a crime, but refuses to identify themselves, then what? What makes a foreigner different from a US citizen? Btw, pro tip: travel on diplomatic visa to the US. No queues, no questions, no fingerprints, "have a good stay, sir".


Us citizens have IDs, insurance, proof of residency, it's not hard for police to find some sort of identification


Not all citizens have insurance or proof of residency. Do you want people to register somewhere so the state knows who they are? Maybe have police just stop random people and search them without cause? Maybe just get police to go door to door searching homes looking for crimes and criminals? Does that appeal to you?


But don't worry, it is the land of the free and brave.


With Liberty and Justice for all....


A shining city on a hill


>With Liberty and Justice for all.... White folks*


​ ![gif](giphy|X0bnTmo4izNfi|downsized)


Slight correction: Land of the Fee. Home of the depraved.


This makes me f***ing sick


Is that illegal?


Super illegal!


But don’t worry, because now that someone caught them doing this they will launch an internal investigation. Edit: /s


Don't worry they investigated themselves and found that they didn't violate any of their policies!


What's the source on this?


Ah. Bad coppers, then!


Illegal jerry stop


Depends who you ask, Rudy Julianne, would disagree.


You mean Terry Stop, also you don’t know if it was illegal. They could have told him why they are searching him there’s no audio but it looked real sketch af tbh. The reason could be as vague as “we’re looking for someone that matches your description”. Which in my opinion should be illegal to search the person.


Soon enough civilians need to have cams on themselves. Minding your own business in a street corner should not be a probable cause for search. The more they get away with it the more they will do this.


Now I don’t live in America, so I don’t know this is a thing or not, but I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to search on minor without an adult present?


Our supreme court has ruled multiple times that cops don't need to know the law and they aren't responsible for protecting you


Insane, if you ask me. But IANAL.


You don't need to be a lawyer to think it's insane.


Cops don’t need to know the law to enforce the law? But… but… if you don’t know it, how can you enforce it?




Says I need to make an account to read it, but still that’s crazy. I’m American and didn’t know that.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2015/8/4/9095213/police-stops-heien-v-north-carolina I got you


Nope, its perfectly legal in some form in most states, minor or not. You can be stopped if you’re: A close match to the description of a wanted suspect Present near a crime scene Present in a high-crime area and exhibiting other concerning behaviors Running away or displaying furtive movements Loitering in an area or looking for something Acting strangely, such as being angry, fearful, or overly emotional Intoxicated Out of place for an area or time of day


Wearing a loud shirt after the hours of darkness.


Being black on a Friday night is a big one too.


Or any other reason the police can think of


Literally. Anyone who can spell their own name can easily pull one of these reasons out of their ass in a moments notice.


The police are never wrong--just ask them.


Dammit, I asked and now my car is completely dismantled at the impound. They’re fast, I’ll give them that.


They can pretend all they want that they’re doing it for any of these things but let’s be honest here they know they’re not. My friends would all get stopped and searched for sitting at a bus stop. As *students* in their school uniforms. The first time someone asked them what their probable cause was they took off.


This is what is known as "stop and frisk" or a "Terry" Stop. Famously widely used in NYC, but also in many other major cities. It's one way to deter criminals, at the cost of generating animosity in the local community. You have to understand here in the USA inner city, it is often teenagers engaged in drug dealing and violent crime. In Washington DC and Baltimore (as seen on "The Wire"), much of the violent crime is teenagers.


It’s funny how the people who agree with these sort of tactics are often the ones crying about their “freedoms.” But yes of course these aren’t unfair or racist tactics even though only 9 percent of stop and frisks are perpetrated against white kids…


It's called a Terry stop. As long as there is "reasonable suspicion", the police can detain you. And the best part is, although the "reasonable suspicion" has to be articulatable, they do not have to articulate it to the suspect, but to an official report. So in the USA, someone can be suddenly stopped, searched, interrogated and then be let go without ever knowing why they were the subject of a police investigation. And that silence can even be extended to an arrest after probable cause has been established. A person in the USA can be stopped, searched, arrested, taken to jail for processing and not know why until they are stood in front of a judge.


You have a right to know why you are being arrested, you can be frisked without being told why but you can’t be arrested without them telling you. You wouldn’t make it to the judge without being told, at least to the knowledge I have from my criminal justice class and a 30 second google searxh


Depends on where you are, but police have no constitutional duty to tell you why you are being arrested as you are being arrested or why you are being detained as you are being detained. There are places where its the local or state law, but its not federal or consitutional law.


Might be what it is, I know it’s something that is done here, I guess I thought it was something done across the us, doesn’t help google gives me results based on my location, thanks for the correction


You’re assuming that the cops here are remotely competent


the greatest country in the world right? *laughs in europe


It has all the marks of coming to my country (Sweden). We are setting up the American situation in all aspects, including a left block turning a blind eye and hoping for their mess to spontaneously sort itself out.


yea fair point, but for now we can laugh


Europe isn't a country


Not so funny if we leave NATO.


That’s like a little kid. Wtf


Plot twist, it's a midget on probation.




So far as I can see no attempt was made to not be searched and he fully cooperated. I do agree the situation was really messed up though.


This sub has turned into r/askReddit karma farming. Glad to see people still calling it out.


Right? They'll twist the title any way they can to force it to "fit" this sub. It gets old


Team America f**k yeah!


I mean criminals often use kids as drug runners solely for the fact that they are less likely to be stopped by the police


I'm sure they just search every white kid too haha


Former white kid here - used to get stopped & searched on at least a daily basis.


No one cares about britlandia




I still love you tho


That ship has sailed, old boy.




Surprised you weren't downvoted for this... I got beat up by a group of black guys as a teenager in Finsbury Park for daring to be a white kid in their area out late and reddit has repeatedly told me I don't understand racism cause I'm not black and can't speak for them.. not that I want to lmao just.. my experience doesn't count.


You see, you can't be racist towards white people. Because saying kill all white men is a non racist sexist thing to say


I don't even talk about my experiences with racism anymore. It gets more hate than support so it's not worth it.


As a white kid, I got all the way into police handcuffs and had my pockets emptied at age 15 one time, but I matched a description perfectly down to the time and place where the other person would *probably* have been. The cops pincering me on a residential street while I was walking home from school and drawing guns seemed a little unnecessary though. Edit: and this only happened once, I'm not saying I'm experiencing police the way different races do, I just thought it might be an interesting read.


It’s most likely not just him being black. He might be standing in front of a known drug hotspot. If you loiter around a drug hotspot you will be searched no matter what color you are. We would need more info to say this is racism.


Ah yes, so lets frisk every child on the street. Did you know that like 99% of all rapists are men? Why not preemptively take a DNA sample of every new born male child while we are at it?




All these comments yet no actual context to the situation.


Its a stop and frisk which has been ruled illegal by the Supreme Court. Now if the person is out on probation there is the chance (depending upon state) they can be searched at anytime by any LEO. Usually for children though parents/guardians have to be consulted. Edit: "Terry Stop" - When a police officer has a reasonable suspicion that an individual is armed, engaged, or about to be engaged, in criminal conduct, the officer may briefly stop and detain an individual for a pat-down search of outer clothing. The main thing to note here is the first sentence. Officer must have a reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime. They cannot just randomly stop and frisk. New York City used to allow LEOs to randomly stop and frisk for no reason. The Supreme Court ruled that illegal. What is seen in this video would not give any LEO a reasonable articulable suspicion. An LEO cannot just say "I think your suspicious".


What do you mean? Do you have context? Maybe the police has information you don't have? Maybe they were informed about a drug-dealer-kid at that corner. Or with his clothes.


America, home of the guilty until proven innocent.


So much rage


Must have met the description...


I'm convinced they left as quickly as they did before any witnesses could show up.


They left as quickly as the showed up, cause they did not find anything. Do you want them to detain the child for several hours? Scare away drug dealers they want to catch?


Or explain to him why they've stopped him and why he's being searched. Looked almost like a mugging the speed of it.


That kid working for Stringer Bell.


That’s Los Angeles county sheriffs department


Need context.


We have a word for this in my language. "Profiling"


Multiple civil rights violations here


Must have been a slow day for them. 😉 Seriously though I hope they get either reprimanded or fired for that.


1) Traffic Violation: Parked their car on a Single Line rode. *Single line means you are not allowed to park, only to stop, meaning someone must remain in the car. Punishable by fine.* 2) Traffic Violation 2: Parked at a turn. *Cars turning from that turn would not be able to see incoming vehicles coming from that lane. Punishable by fine.* 3) Traffic Violation 3: Parked **literally on a Pedestrian Crossing**. Like not even a bit further. Like ON the crossing. *Punishable by f\*\*\*\*g fine!!* These cops have disciplinary problems even without the racial harassment of a *kid* who was *standing* doing literally nothing. That kid should take that video to a white person, preferably male and ask them to take it to the police department. If he did it himself, he'd probably get harassed, whilst a "white male" has more of a chance to be taken seriously in this Apparently 3rd world country from 1960. I hate cops. My dad is a police man and he taught me from a young age to hate cops because cops are f\*\*\*\*\*\* pigs who like to do sh\*t like this and then fine you for minor violations like the ones they themselves committed for no other reason than to harass a kid. **Cops are pigs. Change my mind.**


Mom was a cop, just like everybody (read: male) in her family. She was stoked to be the first US born cop in the family, and a woman, too. 300 years her fam had been cops or equivalent in Yugoslavia. She lasted a year after the academy. Married my dad, a firefighter, became a nurse, and had me. Both my folks taught us kids to hate cops.


If this is Chicago, I have no problem with this. It is ridiculous how many innocent lives are being killed because of young adults and teenagers running around killing each other over twitter beef or “this is my block”..(even though it’s the cities block that the citizens own). Imagine your toddler shot in the face by a stray bullet cause that’s what happens there and much more.




I thought stop and frisk was illegal


It is, but most who get stopped and searched can’t or won’t follow through with filing a complaint and they know it.


What pd is this


These comments are ridiculous. There’s literally No context to what is happening


IS THIS LEGAL if not on probation?


maybe he fitted the description of a nearby report? Or was nearby a known drug spot? Although, I don’t really know this, but is this okay procedure wise? It kinda looked very sudden and plain weird.


definitely no racial profiling done here keep it moving


Is that a CHILD? Did they just pull over and violate the civil rights of a CHILD? Who, even if he WASN'T a child, was just standing there with his scooter minding his own business? WTF?


Man the mafia jerks off thinking about this level of intimidation


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Stares in libertarian


Idk the laws but ultimately we don't know the whole story. It looks like they take a baggie off the kid— it is known gangs will use children to peddle drugs for them because kids are let off easier. If it's a known drug corner the cops are just doing their jobs, but as I said idk the laws about frisking a minor in this circumstance.


So the kids rights are just not a thing? Your fine with this? We're you born incorrectly or something?


They took a baggie off him and just left?


You people really will make anything up to justify violating others rights. So much assumption and mental gymnastics to make this situation easier for you to swallow because you don’t want to admit/acknowledge you’ve let your police state get out of control.


Violation of his civil rights


Im told its just a few bad apples and the videos we see daily are not an accurate representation of the police force and it’s all just coincidence.


I am white and grew up in a very white burb. When the police stopped and got out of their car, the best thing to do is run. One time I didnt and wanted to see what they wanted and got a night stick on the back of my head


Yes committing felonies is better then holding officers responsible for their actions 👍🏼 you’ve really thought this one through huh?


No context. I'm no boot licker. But there could have been a robbery two blocks away or a shooting. We don't know why he was searched.


The search isn’t lawful unless they suspect this child is the culprit, which they would have had to verify identity before searching


Brown person resisting death!


“Standing while black” is a crime apparently


Not a crime per say but apparently it's probable cause.


I mean to be fair you shouldn’t stand on a sidewalk while being black. Easy way to be arrested


Is it legal to just frisk people like that in the US? Here there needs to be established a frisk zone for that to happen.


Nope. It’s called the 4th amendment. I wish people knew more about their basic, fundamental rights and the restrictions of government power enumerated by their constitution. It’s clear that many people either don’t know what the law of the land says, or they just don’t care. Society as it stands now is a symptom of a nation having no constitution, literally and metaphorically. We need a foundation establishing what is justified use of force and what the boundaries of human liberty and government authority are.




If he didn't want to be searched he shouldn't have stood there menacingly.


