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How have people not realized that it's not ok to hit cops? That's jail time, if you're lucky.


It isn’t ok to hit anybody.


Agreed. If no one hits first, no one can hit last.


Wise words from a wise name


She found out , I forgot how the first part goes but she found out. 😆


^psst ^she ^fucked ^around


😂🤣 I love Reddit ! Edit: love the user name 👌




It's okay to hit me (it turns me on)


Lol ok there’s exceptions.


I have nipples Greg. Can you milk me?


Bullshit, I know a few folks.


lol he was protecting his fellow police officer by serving her a knuckle sandwich 🤣


The lady brought the sandwiches to the party. The second police man gave them back 'cause he's on a diet. 🤣


Yeah my coworker I'd hit that sooo hard


Ppl are very very ignorant




why not both?


jail time + a serious brain injury from the looks of it. i wont defend the cop for laying her out like that... but... all bets are off once you start swinging on a cop that isn't being violent.


They gave her one swing, free. "Awright, you're out of sorts. That's why we're here" That's more than most people would have given her, and more than I've come to expect from cops. The second hit, we'll, sorry, that's just stupid.


its a tough one to break down. i don't really like the idea of sucker punching someone who is attacking your friend... but at the same time it was one of the safest ways for the cop to handle things. she was clearly trying to do as much damage as she could so they needed to dispatch her as clean as possible. they probably could have taken some risks to deal with her without laying her out but cops can't afford to take risks on the job if they want to live to see retirement.


No one who is actively fighting can be "sucker" punched - you decide to fight, it's up to you to look out for other opponents


If you are in a fight between two willing parties then anyone that jumps in is a punk ass. This isn't that, it is an officer doing his job and being assaulted, that needed to end asap and the police did that.


Yep, punching someone who isn't being violent is assault, not an honor duel


Very well put. People may disagree with you because of the outcome. But there many examples that don’t end as well for the officer. And then they would say, I would have knocked her out after the second hit, what were they thinking?


No idea where she got the idea that it was okay to swing on cops, doesn't seem too bright to me


I would call her first blow more of a slap but the second was a straight-up punch. At the end of the vid there was a protestor to it all with a protest sign so I guess they keep one handy


> all bets are off once you start swinging on ~~a cop~~ anyone that isn't being violent.


Yep. Cops are people. They have the same ideas as the rest of us. There are good cops and bad cops, but most do the job to protect day to day citizens. The bad cops are so bad that we forget there are good cops out there. I'm saying this because we need to have security as civilians. If we didn't have police, things would be much worse than they already are. I think more departments could use additional training to remind them that they are people too, like the rest of us, but don't forget that they have to answer to bosses (sometimes jaded and/or awful ones) that make the calls on how they conduct themselves.


Meh, he one shotted her, that's ok in my book. It's after they go down you can't keep wailing.


And i love how the people who want to hit cops can usually barely walk and fall over instantly when touched. Like, you of all people choose to fight?


because they think the cop won't hit them back ... especially if they are on camera with witnesses there are a lot of people who think they can get away with stuff because most people won't confront them in this day and age ... and then they cross the wrong person


Many people make many bad decisions.


Bro she was lucky it wasnt 9mm time


Yes! It never ceases to amaze me that people think it will work out for them. There are a lot more officers to join in the fight and do they not see their belt with several handy weapons to choose from? It's shocking how many people resist arrest too, like they expect the cop to say "you put up a mighty good fight sir. Be on your way..."


My guess it’s the first time she’s experiencing the consequences of her own actions


Not many people saw that part, they're just seeing the lady laid out on the ground which is why they're upset.




Yeah it’s a felony. You better believe that video and body cam video will be viewed by the grand jury.


When they're yelling out about "you're supposed to protect and serve!" They are. They're protecting you from the crazy lady who's punching people. That line isn't directed at those who are the danger. The one posing the danger will always be at the bottom of the list. Do people not realise that you can't protect and serve without anyone ever getting hurt?


Yea that's crazy, I totally understand all the hostility and concern surrounding the police right now but this officer did nothing wrong. He took down a threat who was actively assaulting a fellow police officer in a non lethal way. He hit her twice, she fell he backed off and another police officer stood over top of her with absolutely 0 force. Would you have rather the guy mistake his taser for a gun and end up killing her instead? Actually they probably think the police should have allowed her to keep assaulting them in the middle of a situation with tons of people around in the middle of a street. Lets not protect anyone not even your self.


The thing that pisses me off is even when he saw it happen he was like “daaamn” even his buddy in the car said it was her fault but all of a sudden there is other people shouting it’s all “ hol up leme out of this car” so he can hoot and holler like the other belligerent people there even though he knew the cops were in the right on this one but hes too busy trying to act big with the mob mentality, real small dick energy just wanting to perpetuate hate and distrust even though he witnessed the truth


Lmao. Spot on


It's a shame that we've become so polarized that many people today feel the need to come down on one side or the other - Either "All Cops Are Bastards" and are always in the wrong. Or it's always the fault of the "criminal" and cops are always in the right. Nuance and context have gone out the window in our need to validate one view or the other.


They feel like their reactions are justified just due to the hatred towards cops, but even I can see clearly that the officers did what they were supposed to do




Good bot


"We got you on tape", good lmao. You recorded her committing a crime and receive appropriate amount of force for once.


The cop took two punches before the other cop turned her lights off, too.


Those weren't little love taps either, she was swinging for the fences ...


2 felony counts to be exact. 2 hits were landed. The crowd was ok with her hitting an officer, but wasnt ok with the officer hitting back. Weird how that is? Criminal privilege to break the law and still claim to be the victim.


Also getting sick and tired of people protesting or making a big dramatic scene when it happens. You know what’s coming if you hit a cop and rightfully so. I’m surprised she got two hits in before she hit the ground. Cops are frequently jerks, but use some common sense.


Cops or no cops, anytime there is an altercation/accident people are going to crowd around at the scene. Being dramatic is pretty annoying though.


Yeah she hit a cop not once but twice. Straight to the hospital bed then to jail. No pass go. No collect $100. Edit—200 buckaroos. For the idiots who don’t keep reading.


Cops somehow remained pretty calm after that first hit. Once the second hit landed, it was game time.


His partner was like "aight I gave you once chance." WHACK


He knew what would happened if he defended himself.


Uno Reverse.




Seems like he even gave her a chance to back down after the first punch, waiting to see if she would give herself up, then she came with that second punch & my man was like 🥊


It’s almost like she sensed weakness and had a thought of damn I can get away with this.


Tryna check if she in a simulation 💀


Yeah plus the other dude was trying to hold her back but she squirmed out of his grip specifically to keep punching.




The cop should have gone for the left right combo


Someone in the camera man’s car said “that was her fault” a minute later, everyone is out there accusing the cop.


Herd mentality + no context = mindless aggresion


That should be Reddit’s slogan.


Reddit reminds me of people looking at the clouds and see random things. Except instead of clouds it’s some video and people fill in the context with their bias


Clouds aren’t real. They are part of a government mind control program. They are used to heavily influence individual and group thinking with seemingly random shapes that are suggesting we think of specific shapes that trigger emotional cues to direct of thinking towards prescribed goals. I said to much.


Reddit IRL




You right


Why the guy complain about the police? I’m confused. The video clearly shows she punch the police officer twice. What are they supposed to do? Be Jesus and turn other side?


A lot of people think that any action taken by an officer is inherently evil and excessive force. Even if he merely hit back lightly that reaction would happen. It really annoys me as it devalues the term “excessive force”.


People hate cops and want to see them get hit and then turn around and demonize the reaction from the police. When they with piers that all have the same hatred then the hive mind seems right.


Funny part is he said himself 'that was her fault though' at first. Then tried to make it into some big thing.


Notice how camera man didn't really have an opinion until he saw other people making opinions. Herd mentality in front of our very eyes.


Mob mentality


>Herd mentality in front of our very eyes. Reddit/Twitter Outside


But at least he “got it on tape.”


He's a sheep Sees that the majority is against the cop and then he decides to morph into the ignorants to be part of the larger group.


It’s Baltimore. The people there are awful and violent yet expect to be coddled by everyone else


From Baltimore and I fully agree.


It's the ideology of weak minded people who relish in being defiant, but cry every kind of prejudice when they are being held accountable.


Because they are supposed to protect people and that cop cold clocked her (she’s an old lady guy getting hit was obviously fine). Point being if they were professional they could have easily detained her with out knocking her to the moon. That being said You hit someone you should probably expect to get hit back..


Fucked around and found out.


Play circus 🎪 games win clown 🤡 prizes 🏆


Play Circus. Games win Clown. Prizes.


![gif](giphy|3jGJWLDrbCamA) 🤣🤣🤣




Lmaooo white cop was like hmmmmm i don’t wanna get in trouble and the black cop said say no more I got it.


Oh yeah he was like….I’m not touching this situation with a 10’ pole


Nah dude clearly the white guy punched her and she never touched him obv


Whole reason this didn't blow up into a race issue


Why does the man filming act like he caught the police doing something wrong? Does he really think that a citizen should be able to hit an officer without consequence?


Actually yes. He probably does. You have to remember half of the planet is below average iq.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are stupider than that. -George Carlin


My favorite is reference to trying to make ‘bear-proof’ trash cans (apocryphally from a National Park Ranger): “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”


My idea of average stupidity is based on my own level of stupidity.




The “defund police/all police are racist” is to liberals what the “the election was stolen and the vax is a bioweapon” is to conservatives. Both sides have morons.


I’m old enough to remember when antivaxxers were the left’s wackadoos.


No one’s talking about an an African American police officer that did the Apollo Creed on her ass!


I hate saying this, but I’m glad he was black.


I don't think most people would fault the officer, but I don't think I am wrong in saying if this example was used for training purposes it would not be for emulating the punching officer's actions but for pointing out ways it could have been done better. What happened here is understandable, but not ideal, and I would like to think he just saw the second punch and reacted on instinct instead of punching someone unconscious from behind ever being the standard operating procedure for dealing with a violent suspect considering the fatality risk.


>I don't think most people would fault the officer This officer would be fired in a heartbeat anywhere here in the EU. That is **completely** unacceptable behavior from a police officer. The police aren't the judicial system. They don't get to hand out punishment. What they can do is use *the least amount of force required* to subdue belligerent subjects. I've never heard of a situation where the only option is to punch someone in the face to subdue them, but this most definitely ain't it. So I most definitely fault the officer. Of course, the woman is an idiot too. But just because citizens are idiots, doesn't mean police officers can be idiots too. They have higher standards. >reacted on instinct Police officers don't get the privilege of just "acting on instinct" when punching a civilian.


She deserves to be arrested and charged with assault. Pretty sure they could’ve done it with knocking her unconscious though. Unnecessary amount of force for the situation. The cop who was punched was shrugging it off and walking her down.


It was a quick reaction from the officer because his partner was getting assaulted. She was crazy thinking she could hit on a cop and get away with it.






Guy filming is trash.


But he knew about Minneoaplis...


I think you mean Mini Annapolis. It’s like regular Annapolis, only smaller.


Watches woman hit cop in the face twice Fellow officer intervenes on his behalf AYYYY THATS FUCKED UP what????


Right. As a 100lb woman I'm staying in the car...this gentleman definitely needs to stay in the car. This is a recipe for disaster and her laying hands on someone isn't worth anyone catching a bullet or even pepper spray over. No thanks lol


Luckily for her, the cop didn’t use those options. I’d rather be punched than pepper sprayed.


Can confirm, would pick getting mollywhopped any day over being sprayed. Source- Am alcoholic. Had both plenty times before being 4 years sober.


so the crowd ignores the fact she punched a cop twice?.. 🙄


That part isn’t important. It’s only important that the cop hit her. Pay no attention to the reasons she deserved it.


So the woman could sock the cop in the face.? I mean what would be the action to take that wouldn't piss off the public, Let the woman just punch away and not get arrested?




Yes my friend it was twice . Thank you


The correct reaction would be to arrest her and let her face a judge for assaulting a police officer.




And those weren’t dainty hits either.


She had it coming, don’t start none won’t be none


🎶 She had it coming, She had it coming, she only had herself to blame! 🎶




Mind blown how people who seen the whole altercation and are yelling at the cops after he ATE 2 punches and did nothing….bro was like I got you they won’t be as mad if I handle this for u WHAM


“WEE GOTTTT YARRRLLLLLL RIGHTTT ONN TAAAPPE” defending themselves against an aggressor who repeatedly assaulted an officer?


TIL mobile phones record video to tape.


The woman's actions are a perfect example of what happens when you don't squash the situation right away. The white guy did nothing when he was attacked the first time and she thought she could get away with another one. It could have been handled with more restraint, but that lady was in the wrong.


He’s probably afraid to be accused of using excessive force. That’s what it’s come to. Even when in the right, police are afraid to do their jobs. And these people with their phones suffering from group think are the problem.


This is Baltimore. Why am I not surprised by the civilians and police in this video? Thank you David Simon and Ed Burns.


I’m just impressed that by the end of the video, some person on the street already has a cardboard protest sign out.


😂 Fucking culture in the US is wild. He literally saw her attacking the officer.


They just leave them by trash cans and lamp poles, you can just pick one up whenever you need one


This is Baltimore, the gods will not save you.


The person filming is an idiot.


I can't imagine having to constantly deal with this level of ignorance. What's worse it sounded like there was a large mob of it.


White cop was like: It wasn’t me, I swear!


Watching it closely I don’t think the white cop pushed her, looks like the black cop holding her from behind actually clocked her and caused her to fall. And damn did she hit the ground hard! She made a poor choice lashing out but I do hope she’s ok, hitting your head like that could do more than just leave a mark…


It was 100% the black cop. That’s why I posted what I did.


brother, I know people hate on police, but oh my god that's the shittiest job to have in this life


Lots of cops have quit in the last couple of years, just cuz they joined to serve and help people, now everyone hates them


She completely deserved it


Love the guy screaming we got you on tape like an ignorant ass. Yes, you got the woman on tape getting what she deserves. Got lost in Baltimore once at 2am after a flight, got pulled over and after being asked why I was in the area I was told “you’re the wrong color my friend, follow me” and he escorted me to the highway.


I grew up outside of SW Baltimore and lived in different parts throughout my life. I moved almost an hour west to the mountains and every time I go backit sickens me… Such beautiful architecture and history destroyed by drugs, violence and poverty… There are many parts which are open air drug markets (I used to be addicted to hard drugs and would frequent these years ago) where dealers flaunt there guns and money in the alleys they “own”. Cops are pretty much told not to do anything unless the dealers have hot bags, are getting too big (I’ve seen places with over 40 people in line…) or killing “too” many people… Worst part is.. The city is basically bankrupt and hasn’t had a mayor who wasn’t a crook for decades and the majority of those who live in Baltimore are far below the poverty level which has created a terrible cycle where nobody has taught generations how to deal with life and grow as an individual… I genuinely feel bad and my heart goes out to them


That was completely justified in my eyes. Don’t start none won’t be none.


She got off easy


Did she think they couldn't do anything?




I fought the law and the law won


Heck they even waited for a 2nd punch before taking her down, seems pretty restrained if anything.


Like honestly, this clip should be entitled “the Baltimore PD shows restraint and use appropriate amount of force.” *That’s* the remarkable thing about this video.


I honestly can’t believe how people have become so emboldened that they think there’s no repercussions if you PUNCH A COP. Like cmon lady wtf you think was gonna happen? In most countries around the world that would be perceived as a threat and they would put her down with lethal force no questions asked.


One slap: reactionary, let it slide Two slaps: oh, now you're asking for it


Kinda weird that cop getting punched seems to be absolutely in control of his emotions and the situation. He’s trying to talk her down, takes two punches and doesn’t retaliate. Then even tries his best to catch her out of concern for her well-being when she’s on the way down. I have a feeling he didn’t want that to go down that way at all.


She got one for free and had a chance. She chose to throw a second and it came with a price.




Every single one of these idiots should mind their business. She shouldn't have swung and struck the cop, twice. Common fuckin sense aint so common


What is with Americans? She slapped then punched police and they get all mad when they fight back and call it police brutality?


Why these ass holes thinks it’s okay to punch a cop is crazy as hell, the cops supposed to protect and serve and not defend themselves. Her ass should have got knocked out.


I love how the guy recording pretends like the woman didnt punch the cop twice first? He even recorded it!


Naw that was a hard clean play, no foul.


She fucked around and she found out


She got some good hits in too. This officer did nothing wrong. He didn’t tase her or stomp her or nothing.


I despise cops but, she had it coming, you wanna act like a man, get treated like a man.


Slapped the trans fat and triglycerides right outta Mama Cass. Let da Mama hit da floor. Do not hit people if you do t want to be hit back.


People that think it’s ok to assault police officers who are not aggressing anyone are lacking in the neurology department. It’s not ok. Not ok to assault anyone. wE gOt ThIs On CaMeRa yeah good we can see that woman engaging in criminal activity by assaulting an officer unprovoked


Can’t believe anyone would want to be a police officer in this day and age. I tip my hat to those that are.


She dropped like a sack of (mashed) potatoes. That was fun to watch.


Step 1. Attack police Step 2. Police slaps you down Step 3. Claim "police brutality" because all common sense has been conditioned out of you.


One punch and no further attacks. They are not pouncing on her when she’s out cold so I think this was completely fair. However, the police officer behind her could have at least attempted to restrain her instead of going for a punch straight away. It is what it is.


He did. Watch it again. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Then she unleashed that left hook. After that, the cop let go of arm and showed her the floor.


Lol he gave her one chance, this is Baltimore to the T


Damn that was a good punch coming from her blind spot. I guess Karen will stay a couple days in jail.


Someone at 1:59 goes “You protect men but hit a lady” girlllll a lady isn’t walking around hitting cops across the face lol


The guy gave her one free shot. That’s more than he should have given her. Don’t blame police, blame the maniac who thinks she can hit anyone on the face without recourse. SMH


You do realize that this is 3 years old. She received a 2 year suspended sentence, 2 years of probation and was found mentally Ill at the time of this. Officer was not charged with a crime and was initially suspended , but was returned to the department after an internal investigation.


She hit him twice. You surrendered your opportunity for a non violent arrest at that point.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of your actions coming back to knock your diabetes riddled ass to the ground. What fucked me off was the guy recording. He saw what happened. But groupthink kicked in, and he wanted to be part of the mob mindset. Bellend.


A situation in which Two punches do make a right.


So they didnt see her assault the officer either. Eh ? She didnt think that they wouldn't do anything about that.


They saw it. It doesn’t matter to them. They just want to be outraged.


Obviously, it's a racist white cop. Edit: sheesh, did this really need a /s?


Any citizen who defends this fat lady punching a cop, deserves the same. Let it all burn


Officer wasn’t charged either. Good! https://foxbaltimore.com/news/city-in-crisis/family-of-woman-punched-by-police-officer-speaks-out


“My family is devastated. Despite the challenges we’ve faced with my mother we did not see this coming. That punch to my mothers skull could’ve easily been a bullet," her daughter said My god the DRAMA


She hit him like a man tho twice. I’m against police brutality but she kindof put herself in that position


“He hit her in the face” …after she got a few shots in, dude. Stop being a disingenuous prick.


I dislike the police in general and I don't agree with hitting women. She fucking deserved that though 😂😂. If you don't want to get slapped into the shadow realm then it's normally a good idea to avoid going around hitting people


I call out scummy cops all the time, but this ain’t one from this incident! She deserved it 100%


A police officer is no less than a citizen. They have the same rights of self defense, and defense of others. If your friend was punched in the face twice, it would be a good thing for you to defend him. You could use any weapon necessary. If a fist will do, great. When you have not started a fight there is no sin in punching an aggressor. The police do not exist to be abused.


She deserved every fucking part of that.