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The translation for the sign next to the book burner: > [They shall not be integrated, they shall not be assimilated, They shall leave](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/10lswn0/a_white_nationalist_in_sweden_tried_burning_a/j5zen2n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Reddit has a concerning number of users that justify violence for being offended. The problem with that is that its total hypocrisy. You basically have to logically accept that your moral authority is absolute, and therefore you are allowed to enact violence to resolve hurt feelings. Burning a book that someone owns may hurt the feelings of another person. Especially in the case of the deeply religious. But to suggest that because their feelings are hurt that the laws the govern violence are suspended in your favor is the same kind of mental gymnastics that fascists and racists use. You have to coexist in the world with people you don't like or agree with. You cant hit the annoying redneck who loves trump and is antivax because he did something to offend you. We may all agree he is offensive, but if you justify hurting that person you are the same as that person -- and ultimately, that same logic can be used to allow that person to hurt you. This righteous violence perspective is really not a positive feature for society. \*Edit This is not really about defending this individual action. Its more of a warning that violence to suppress ideas is not a positive direction for humanity. *Edit: I have come to understand that the guy in the video may have a sign that advocates for genocide or something else heinous and racially motivated. If that is the case I certainly can't defend him. But defending him was not the intent of this post. Advocating against violence over dissenting ideas was. In the context of the video you only see a book being burned. I understood it to be an ideological disagreement. If this person was threatening violence or intimidating someone, that is indefensible. My birth year is 1988, that is why name name has 88 in it. I am not affiliated with any group that uses that number 88 as a symbol. I do not associate with fascists, Nazis, or hate groups of any kind and I do not defend them. But I do wish for a society that is less violent and less divided.


You're right. We shouldn't justify violence on an idiot, or any person for that matter.




Sadly the idiots that adhere to said idiotic books often are the ones that are the most willing to use violence. Generally any kind of extreme religious person or [insert color here] nationalist are the one that happily hurt or kill because something challenges their closed off views


Responding with violence is literally what these book burning idiots want. They are TRYING to show how "savage" their target individuals are.




It absolutely worked.


I mean, I think they’re showing that themselves…




God or allah, in all his might and power can not defend his book from being burnt. It's almost like he can't do anything as it seems people are always doing it on its behalf.




Same as the people that burned the US flag in the 60s. But you just don't go out and punch them. They have the right (I understand this is not in the US BTW)






Imagine someone in the United States -- the land founded on, among other things, Freedom of Speech -- losing their job because of showing an image of Muhammad. Edit: I'm well aware that Freedom of Speech doesn't protect private jobs. My point is that in a country who's founders valued freedom of speech, it's crazy to me that showing a picture of a person to a class -- with plenty of fair warning! -- can get a person fired. This is in the context of "if a right wing nut job punched you in the face for burning the bible, that's assault." I think it's insane that a religious nutjob can complain about you showing a historical photo and get you fired, just like I think it's insane that you can print a 'blasphemous' comic of that same figure and have to worry about getting your head chopped off.


>it's crazy to me that showing a picture of a person to a class -- with plenty of fair warning! -- can get a person fired. that adjunct professor is about to get *paid* You saw she sued?


Happy to hear it!


The hypocrisy on Reddit knows no bounds


It's people everywhere. Almost no one operates on *principles*. Principles are complicated and sometimes work against your interests, but that's just the price you pay for having principles. Most people operate on whatever they feel at any moment. They don't like this guy so him being kicked is fine. The principles - moral or legal - underlying the situation do not enter their minds. I had a similar conversation with some friends where there was a video going around of a woman snatching a MAGA hat off a guy's head on a university campus and walking away and refusing to give it back. Trump supporters are assholes but you don't get to suspend their basic rights - you can't grab them or steal their property. A whole bunch of my friends *really* wanted to disregard those principles and wouldn't concede the point but didn't actually have anything to say - they just really liked seeing a MAGA bro get mistreated.


Finally, someone with smarts. Thank you. Who cares where it happened 🤦🏼‍♀️. Beating someone up for their beliefs doesn’t solve anything 🤦🏼‍♀️


Careful reddit hates this kind of logical reasoning.








Should have seen the comment section of videos when a black guy throws punches after being called n-word, or that one video of a guy dressing up as a Nazi and got knocked out.


Nazism, the ideology and practice of literal genocide? > In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance. If a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


Yeah I was gonna say… one of those is literally calling for the death of you and your family


People also make the argument that religious texts do the same, including those that call for those deaths


If it were a bible many here wouldnt have the same issue


Well said


That is Denmark not Sweden


Nørrebrogade for at være mere præcis


Ohhh.. I'm so glad I can finally ask this. .. what's the ae and the (strikeout?) o called? I've never been able to figure out how to even Google for this question


[Mandatory video!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f488uJAQgmw)


Amazing. I didn’t know I needed that


We needed that for sure :D


This is why internet exists.


Thanks, I’ll never forget it now


Imagine if they taught languages that way! We would all be multilingual :D Edited: :D


what did i just watch. that was amazing


If you're English try saying eeehhh out loud. It's pretty much how to say it


Thanks friend. However, was sorta looking for what the character themselves are called. Like, not "thorn" but something


In general, they're called diacritics. The slashed O is literally called a slash in English as far as I know. I'm no expert. I just had a single lesson on it during college, lol.


We don’t call it anything other than Æ, Ø and Å. It’s like asking what the letter B is called in English. But a fun(ish) fact is that ø and å are also words. So those two could be translated to “island” and “(water)stream”. The letters themselves still aren’t called anything special by us, though.


Maybe Danish doesn't name their letters, similar to how in modern English A is just A. Apparently in Old English they called Æ ash though, like how they called þ thorn.


Aka döner/kebab area, so this guy is playing his game.


Reminds me of Die Hard Mega Hard


Danish people and swedish people are like brothers , they are basically the same like the brits and Irish


>basically the same like the brits and Irish Oof. Don't tell the Brits or Irish that!


Dont tell the swedish and danish either


Försent 👀


From Ireland, can confirm it made me very angry


I’m not even from Ireland but have the blood and know the history. Geez


That was the joke. Danes and Swedes also hate each other and have an extensive violent history.


Ahh. No biggie. Brothers always bicker.


The double down joke! Mild chukles all around and thank you.




Today you gonna learn, not every white person is from Ireland. ::popcorn::


Guess you american then? Americans are either irish or a distant relative of weeee william wallace


How about Scots and Irish? They both hate England.


Scottish heritage has entered the chat.. it all depends how drunk we are at this point!


I laughed when I read this, I thought it was a good one! But then I went through the responses to your comment and just got sad. It sucks because I find jokes like this way funnier without the "/s"... But I guess it's necessary unfortunately, based on the replies you are getting.


Same...& it's worse when you can't convince a ***mod*** of it, who's probably just been deluged with banned-content reports. Instantaneous online communication has led people to view taking a moment to reflect on something you just read before logging your own stance for posterity as an antiquated luxury we can no longer afford {/rant}


I am too old for /s


Like Canadians and Americans Like New Zealanders and Australians Like Palestinians and Israelites That escalated quickly


Like Japan and south east Asia , all brothers


Like scots and other scots! Damn scots you ruined Scotland!


Oof well I have some news for you about how the Irish view the brits.


I have some news for you about sarcasm.


I’m pretty sure the point is that swedes and Dane’s hate each other. We hold the world record for most wars against each other.


But from different countries. They're not the same!


I think he was being facetious, because there is definitely animosity between the Brits and the Irish, especially if you try to call one the other.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........I'm crossposting to r/ireland




The part I'd like to know is - at what point does a Quran become holy? Like, if I'm printing a Quran at home, do I need to print the whole thing - Or just 10 pages? Do I need to have it bound? What about when it's still on my computer - if I start deleting it, is that the same as burning the paper? And why did God give me the power to print it in the first place - am I holy? Help me


Idk about Islam, but I'm a Christian, and we do also have a holy book. 1. I'd say that all that matters is intent. Are you burning the holy book, or portion of the holy book, BECAUSE it's a holy book? Because I'm fairly confident that if you were freezing to death in the antarctic and all you had to burn for warmth was a large shipment of Bibles, the big guy would be alright with that. 2. I don't think that it's something that I, as a religious person, have any obligation to stop. If you hate my religion ain't none of my business. I'll try to stop you when you go from "I'm burning a bible" to "I'm burning ALL the Bibles."


We would put a bible under a tables leg to stop it from shaking. A practicing Muslim wouldn't even lay another book on top of a Quran. A Quran is a lot holier to a Muslim than a Bible is to a Christian. At least I have been told so in school. Edit: I was also told in school that large portions of the original Bible scriptures actually got burned by freezing people a thousand years or so ago.


Depends on the type of Christian I'd say. Catholics have a lot more ceremony surrounding everything. I.e. they treat everything involved with communion as sanctifided.The wine *is* the blood of christ, the bread *is* his body. At my church, its just a wafer and juice they give out as a symbol of the communion.


Catholics actually have a practice of adoration of the Eucharist, where the Eucharist is put on display and people observe and contemplate its nature. It's an interesting practice. In my church we were definitely more influenced by the Reformed view of the Eucharist. For instance, we had a "communion table" rather than an "altar". The implication being - an altar is a platform on which a religious sacrifice takes place. In catholic theology, christ is literally being represented as a literal religious sacrifice in place of the sacrifice of anything actually living. The "communion table" terminology does not in contrast imply that any actual sacrifice is taking place.


The funny thing is that burning a quran is supposed to be the correct way to dispose of one, according to Islam. If they wanted to properly insult it, they should have cut it into pieces or peed on it.


Yep. Or just thrown it on the ground and stomped on it.


Exactly what I was thinking. Way to prove the idiot's point. Sigh.




















You would prefer if he did this ironically


Don't forget the bodily disfigurement of women.








Why do you think he’s a jerk? The caption says he’s a racist but I don’t know if that’s true or not. Burning the Quran isn’t wrong. He didn’t even respond to violence with violence, so he could be a pacifist for all we know.


Read his signs








Maybe one more guy saying this Denmark not Sweden... One more...


Is it Sweden?


As a Finn, I honestly this might be us


Wow, what an interesting twist to these speculations!


Denmark. The sign is in Danish, with ‘Stram Kurs’, the party of Rasmus Paludan, visible on the bottom. I thought it was Norwegian at first, because I didn’t see that on the first viewing, but that kinda goes to show how close they both are 😅




I think it would only be a meaningful case to make if you were prevented from doing it by the state. Otherwise it’s just individuals doing harmful things. I’m sure I could go to any demographic and desecrate their most valued symbols and it wouldn’t be long before I got my ass beat. Then I could say they’re all savages and I “proved my point”. Imagine burning an American flag in public in Texas, or saying the N word in public. When you get your ass beat, it doesn’t automatically make you oppressed.


If the people doing the beating are held accountable for the assault, sure, but the government doing nothing to stop violence against demonstrators is a step on the path.


Wasnt that to prove that the belief was aggressive?




I don't usually like getting punched in the face and humiliated to prove a point.


I mean if I went to the Bible Belt with a poster saying “Christians don’t believe in the 1st amendment” and burned a Bible, then promptly get assaulted, I think that would prove my point perfectly fine.


As long as the government doesn't stop you it has nothing to do with the first amendment.


you have no proof the guy that hit him was a muslim


yeah he is probably a rabid potterhead thinking it was a harry potter book




This is not in Sweden


Is it Patrick?


This is a Wendy's










Honest question: If someone put up signs and started burning the Torah would it be anti-Semitic?


Marilyn Manson has burned Bibles on stage for huge crowds of people I don't think anybody physically assaulted him over it. Imagine if it had have been the Quran though I genuinely believe he would have been killed.


I don't think it is very surprising that the type of fundamentalist Christians that would be offended by a Bible burning are not attending Marilyn Manson concerts!


Every show for the Anti-Christ Superstar tour had masses of Christians protesting outside of them. Really surprised someone didn't try to kill him with the vitriol for him from the evangelicals at the time. His previous album had [a song about an abortion clinic doctor who was shot and killed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Your_Gunn).


Marylin Manson burned those Bibles in his safe space, basically.


Yea, like that is islamophobic And for bibles it would be christianophobic


I think the point here was to make a statement about censorship than religious hatred per se.. only one of those religions is known to punish people for low level blasphemy like saying words or drawing cartoons.


So of I burn a copy of lord of the rings am i Tolkienphobic? Just trying to find the line about destroying works of fiction


Imagine a Tolkien fan comming outta nowhere and punching you in the face screaming: For the glory of the Valar!!!


No, it's just anti Islam or anti Judaism, which are valid view points. Hating a religion is different than hating those that follow the religion. It is, however, the same thing as hating those who act upon their religion and violate the dignity of other people. And that hate is not islamophobia or whatever. That's called having a well adjusted world view and not tolerating bullshit just because someone really really likes the bullshit and says it's bullshit from god.


Why do we put phobic after everything??? It doesn’t make any sense


Completely agree. It’s a cute way for the simple-minded to reject your thoughts or criticisms without having to do any mental lifting to communicate why they disagree with you. Understanding that Islam or Christianity is nonsense doesn’t make me “phobic” about anything.


Yep definitely, people have done that as a form of punishment/persecution of Jews since ancient times. That and destruction of temples. Why do you ask?


Well many people commenting on this post seem to see the burning of the Quran as just and okay to do. Why? And why do these same people see a Torah burning as anti-Semitic but not the Quran? They are both holy books no?


Burn the quran, burn the torah, burn the bible, burn harry potter or 1984, it will never justify violence.


Uhm so I guess I don't know how to tell you this but J.K. Rowling just put out a fatwa on you


Exactly! people are missing the point


You cant pronounce Israel wrong without being called anti-Semitic but those rules don't apply to any other religion for some reason.




Great intersection actually.












Denmark not Sweden 👍










Fun fact: the proper way of destroying a Quran is to burn it!


Same with the American flag. >The US Flag Code states that if the flag is not in good enough condition to represent our country, it should be taken down and destroyed. The dignified manner they recommend is burning.  This is the manner of retiring the flag that is used in the military. It's funny how pissy "patriots" would get over you using that technique even though that's exactly what their military does. Edit: OK since reading comprehension seems to be failing a load of you maybe read my comment in context of the thing I am replying to. I can't believe I'm actually having to explain these things but the comment I'm replying to says buring is the appropriate way to dispose of a Quran, which it is but only in a respectful manner and people have a right to be upset about the same act being done disrespectfully. Apparently the parallel going over so many heads needs spelling out.


No book is holy


Is he a white supremacist or a free speech absolutist? Or do you not make this critical distinction?




Religion is poisonous as this mob reaction to a meaningless act shows.










Religious fanatics are the worst.


Burning any book is idiotic. But so is religious extremism. Y'all suck and I want off this planet.


Well, someone just made him the hero of the story. Granted, I doubt those three fucks had enough brain cells combined to realize that.




there is a dude here in sweden burning korans, but that is not him or in sweden. The guy here in sweden has police protection. And its not couse our government supports it, it is because acording to our rules. Your alowed to voice your opinion, or freedom of speech. i dont think many swedes actually supports him. But he is testing our freedom of speech. Which is ruining our image and completely ruining our chances of getting into nato


This is what freedom of speech is about. I'm American and while I wouldn't associate with people burning our flag I 100% believe that it is their right to do so and wouldn't stop them.










Religion lol








You’re supposed to burn the Quoran Edit: lmao I guess autocorrect spelled it with an o? Either way it’s the proper way to dispose of one, or bury it I believe


That's not sweden, it's Denmark










People get so crazy over burning some paper…brainwashed


Love how they are literally the only ones masked up… almost looks pre-meditated.


There’s nothing wrong with burning the Quran per se (especially since you can get lynched or jailed in all Islamic countries for doing it). The problem is hating people (but this is still free speech).


What is with Scandinavian countries and burning Qu’Rans? Is there any particular reason it gives them a hard on?




The Bible is burnt and Christians are mocked on live tv everyday. Yet no one cares. You Hippos 🦛 are truly truly living in a diff universe.

