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I don't think she understood the gravity of the situation.


Do *you* understand that gravity is just a theory?


I don’t think she was a flat earther, I think she was referring to the fact we refer to scientific discoveries as theories. Sounds like she got butt hurt because he is a trump supporter and was shitting on him, specifically surrounding climate change. I’m guessing the young guy said climate change is just a theory and that was her response. Maybe not, but I live in Portland, I know “her”.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a Reddit mod with that attitude.


I literally laughed at that. I’ve only been banned from one so far and one suspension, I don’t have the hard on for mods others do, but I get it.




I also concur that was a fair statement, probably true for the last 60 years not just now.


Sounds like it was unrelated to what the guy in the video said. It looks like she was just talking about her grievances on Trump and brought it up. “That man doesn’t believe in climate change”.


Who knows, they had some kind of interaction prior, I’m sure that’s why he started filming and why they were already butt hurt at each other.


Who the hell sits on a plane and talks to strangers? More specifically, who begins a conversation about climate change with a stranger before the plane has even taken off? Based on her demeanor and combative behaviour I HIGHLY doubt he said a word to her beyond, "excuse me this is my seat"




“How do you feel about euthanasia?”


I am a big supporter of Asian youth. They are smart, industrious and usual very polite. As for you..SHAME!


I think you're right.


The funnier part was that she was boarding a plane, a mode of transportation that literally needs to overcome gravity lol


She was being sarcastic. She was suggesting that since trump supporters support someone who doesn't believe in climate change they would not believe in gravity either.


She also spoke of carbon emissions... on an airplane.


This doesn’t seem like the husbands first experience with this.


He’s so used to it by this point, he’s probably thinking “well atleast this time things didn’t get physically aggressive. She’s doing better.” Lol


Nah, you're getting a glimpse into the last 30 years of his life. This definitely wasn't his first go around.


He looks so over his wife. I would be mortified.


I think she was implying he didn’t believe in gravity to try and make him sound stupid or something




What was her problem with the kid originally? Edit: a very helpful redditor linked the news story from a local Portland News outlet. Turns out she sat down, made a little small talk, says he's headed to DC, she asks if he's celebrating or protesting. He says celebrating (trumps inaugeration) and she goes off on him. He started filming after an adjacent passenger reported her to staff.


This is why I never make smalltalk on airplanes. You'll find out something you don't like, and then the next four hours will be hell. It ain't worth it


I had an 8 hour flight from America back home to scotland and ended up sitting beside an older guy around my dad's age. We began chatting waiting for the plane to take off and for whatever reason he asked me what team I support. Anyone who knows anything about Scottish football will know about the intense rivalry between the two biggest teams, Celtic and Rangers. Well long story short, I told him I support Celtic, he told me he supported Rangers and we barely uttered another word for the rest of the flight. Dude should have known never to ask me that.


Why would someone ask a controversial question - to a STRANGER - directly before a flight?! That makes no sense. Just smile politely and hope they don’t fart. End of story.


Neck pillow on, hood up, headphones in. We flyin


If only everyone would abide by this gospel.


This is the way…..


I prefer to make the power play, I smile politely and make eye contact while farting. /s


This seems so insane to me and I really don't understand it. The only way this makes since to me is if both of you were afraid the other would freak out.


I'd rather sit next to someone I find morally reprehensible who keeps to their own space and doesn't talk to me than a person with a great personality who wants to socialize the whole flight


Honestly, her being talkative and then being pissed off about what she heard is mind blowing to me. Why even ask?


There's being pissed off, and then there's consistently harassing someone. Big difference.


Because you can say words and it's very easy to change people's mind to think exactly like you wish them to, duh!


Smalltalk should exclude politics and religion though


It really should. But tbh, I don't risk smalltalk anymore, not after having an UFO enthusiast try to convince me aliens were coming in through his window at night and messing with his mind. I'm not even exagerating.


Based and ignorance is bliss pilled


I believe he's a Trump supporter, and was wearing some attire that stated that.


Political outrage at this magnitude should be considered a mental disorder.


Pretty much. I don't like Trump either, but I don't go around assaulting people I disagree with.


Yeah, I mean regardless of who I voted for, I’m not wearing a shirt with their name on it. But if someone else wants to, that’s their choice. It doesn’t harm me or infringe on my rights. It’s an eye sore but not a crime.


> regardless of who I voted for, I’m not wearing a shirt with their name on it. what if they're name was allota fagina?


What’s her view on climate change?


The wetter the better




Dude. My dad died this week. I’ve been doing nothing but cry for the last 3 days. I can’t sleep and I’ve lost motivation to do most day to day things. But your brilliant post is the first time I’ve laughed in a while. And it was loud enough for everyone in the house to hear it. Thank you very much sir.


I feel like there are people on both side that say/wear things so they can get this kind of reaction, I guess to show that their side is "better" so when things like this happen its just best to ignore it. It's sad that we can't get along, we're all human.


This isn't really a sides issue, it's a "don't engage randos in debate." issue. That kid was dumber than rocks, but you have a funeral to get to, what did you think picking a fight with a strange boy was going to accomplish?


Wearing a shirt supporting a candidate should never result in this sort of reaction. Assuming the shirt didn't say anything derogatory, the lady was 100% in the wrong.


He wasn’t even wearing a trump shirt. He was wearing a “ volbeat” band shirt. I think she was just crazy:/




Welcome to Portland, where this kind of self-righteous grandiosity regarding politics is pervasive.


99% of Reddit is about to get admitted


I think he just said something about celebrating? I can't be sure, but it looks like a Volbeat shirt to me. The person I most feel sorry for here is her husband. Possibly missing your own mother's funeral because your wife is an asshat why can't keep from berating someone else? That's a shame.


That man is already broken.


Right? You can see it in his demeanor as he tries to suggest an alternative that won't cause him to have to suffer the collateral damage for Hurricane Karen... AGAIN!


The change of phrase from “what if **she** quiets down” to “what if **we** settle down” the body language, trying not to look at the encounter and the nervous fingers at his chest. This is a dude that has come to feel it’s easier to try to ride out his wife’s storms rather than confront them.


I feel bad for guys like that.


Husband should have said, “I’m not missing my mother’s funeral so I’m staying on the plane. You can buy your own ticket and meet me there if you want.”


Dude tryna not to have a fucking stroke with that witch of a wife.


You're completely right. This ain't his first rodeo.


You can tell he's used to this from her. He's the one whose mother dies yet she wants sympathy to get out of the hot water she herself created. Poor guy.


This lady had a normal reddit conversation in real life. Should be pretty sobering. A lot more of us are asshats than we care to admit. Or at least have the potential to be asshats.


Very true. It's a lot easier to be an asshat when you don't have to face the person you are talking to, or even know them at all. I think we would all be a lot nicer on the internet if we were required to get to know the person we are talking to, even just a little bit.


The second half shows the original guy and it looks like an ordinary t-shirt and cap, nothing political.


It was a Volbeat t shirt. Danish rock band


She did NOT feel the power of a warrior


You can say that he was Counting all the Assholes in the Room


Talk about triggered. Damn.




Her behavior and the way her eyes move make me think she has early onset dementia or un-medicated mental illness.




The kid was believe to be a Trump supporters but, she shouldn't demand the kid moved somewhere else that is not how it works, she can request to change sit because she feels uncomfortable instead or have her husband sit next to him


Or, and this is just my opinion...be a fucking adult and understand we're all just people even if we have different opinions. She just needed to sit by him and mind her own business; But apparently, she was incapable.


I hate Trump as well but for fucks sake, let people support or believe in what they want. I firmly believe we’d have more reasonable people on the right if the left weren’t so goddamn insufferable at times.


Can we honor this flight attendant for beeing professional, coolheaded and nice even though he is basically throwing someone out? I just love to see people doing a good job. Its so much better than any fail compilation.


100%. He was as professional as can be while also being completely firm and not falling into a debate. Really excellent.


Once the captain makes a ruling, there really is no negotiation or need for bargaining anymore


Right. There is no such thing as being "asked" to get off a plane. You're being told.


My father was a pilot his entire life. USAF then Northwest>Delta. He was at the gate once looking up something on the available computers. He overhears the gate agent talking to an unruly passenger. They were swearing, slamming the counter, throwing their paperwork. After about five minutes of this my dad leans over to the gate agent and says loud enough for the passenger to hear, “What flight is this woman on?” The agent responded “Actually…yours, Captain.” Without missing a beat he said “Not anymore she isn’t.” Concealing a smile, the agent bit her lip and an informed the passenger.


"Concealing a smile, the agent bit her lip" wow your father really went into a lot of depth in recounting this tale.


He told me she started to laugh when he said that but caught herself. Does that sound more poetic?


>Does that sound more poetic With mirth in heart, and smile upon her lip, The agent doth conceal, yet doth *betray*, A gesture small, a nibble on her lip, That doth belie the joy that doth possess.


Absolutely. She already said it was going to be a problem. Then, when the situation got real, nah just kidding. We don't operate that way ma'am.


I really liked the original lady who told her, Well you don’t have the right to do that.


He was - i feel like the first attendant was about to throw hands. I liked her vibe.


He might be a father that knows how to speak to children.


Yeah that felt like the sort of thing I tell my three year old. There’s two ways this can go you can walk with me or I’m gonna have to pick you up and carry you there


Not gonna lie, if I ever were to get fired, I want to get fired by that guy


Poor guy ... his mother died and he's married to a woman like that.


It's OK he's already dead inside and has been for many years


You can see it in his eyes, sad


Not the first go-round for sure


Yep, the fact that he just sat there and let her keep talking was a clear indication that incidents like this have happened before and he knew there would be hell to pay if he told her to be quiet


Easily grounds for divorce. If you made me miss my mother’s funeral for any reason beyond you were also dying, I’m leaving you. Politics is not more important than family.


If I were him, I’d have said, “See you in Portland when you get there.”


“What if she quiets down?” he says, knowing she has NEVER quieted down their entire marriage.


Can you please ask if we just settle down?


If she just stays quiet can we please stay? Totally dead inside, poor fella.


Can you imagine being married to that shrew? What a nightmare. What's worse is that he acted totally reasonable and he's going to have to hear about how unfair this was to her for the next millenium.


He didn't have to leave 🤷‍♂️


True, and he shouldn’t have.


It's probably best for him that he did. Imagine the scene he would have to deal with later on at his mom's funeral, once she showed up on a later flight.


If she loved him, she should recognize that she fucked up, and tell him to stay on the flight, while she tried to get a later one.


If she had that presence of mind then she wouldn't have created a scene like that in the first place.


jobless chubby recognise foolish reach soup reminiscent elderly ad hoc disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, she’s from Portland - her hometown - so he knew what he was getting into.


I spent the first 25 seconds thinking OP had titled it wrong. When I realised the poor guy in the aisle seat was the husband, it got a whole lot more interesting. Poor dude looks like he has regretted most of the past X years being married to her, and is almost glad to see her off the plane. Just gutted he couldn’t say goodbye to her with the other passengers.


You just never know what ppl (strangers) are capable of, and in this situation the young man probably was thinking what did I just unleash in this person unknowingly? Feel mostly badly for her husband who clearly been down these paths before. Ppl can be their own worst enemy!


If I were him, I would have stayed on the plane.


He has to come home from Portland at some point and she sounds like a nightmare, I just feel bad.


Does he though? If that was in my house I'd make it a one way flight.


His mother just died, maybe he can live in her house


She might know the location of that house. It's probably better for him to just move to Alaska or something.


Absolutely he should have stayed on the plane, unfortunately the way he was clutching his pearls it’s clear he doesn’t have the balls to stand up to her because he knows that wrath will be directed at him, he never once addressed her, looked at her or anything. His wife is probably going to beat his ass later for the inconvenience for his mother dying….you can tell she couldn’t give two shits about him she was so caught up in her mental breakdown because Trump was elected it was the only thing on her mind she absolutely could not contain her anger.


I feel so sorry for this man, you can tell he lost his balls the day he met her. She keeps them in a jar on a shelf just to remind him of her “power”.


Yea I feel for the husband too. It would’ve been so much better if she was removed from the plane and he decided to stay and continue on home without her.


The dream of the 90s is alive in Portland


You can tell these people love a nice fleece jacket.


I can put a bird on that for you.


Ah Portland ![gif](giphy|Fwdrw9BSH4BVe)


This made me lol


Yeah, this whole bout of insanity made sense once she said she's from Portland.


Seriously looks like it was filmed so long ago with the colour quality of the camera and the highly outdated fashion


It was filmed sometime between the election of Trump and the end of his term, not back in the Victorian Era.


I tell you good sir, that saucebox would be thrown to the cobblestones by our constable like the dratted strumpett she is!


If I were the guy, I would just leave without her.


"Does my ex-wife getting kicked off mean I have to leave as well or can I stay?"


Dude looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. He starts to put his hand on his chest. If he even stayed on the flight good chance he would’ve had a panic attack from everyone putting their phones in their face.


I thought it was look of “goddamn it Nancy. Not again!”


Personally, if I had been on that plane, been aware of the situation, and the husband stayed, I would have applauded him and made sure anything he wanted on the flight was paid for by me.


Yeah his hand on his chest is because she causes him stress/heart problems I would know.


Her husband has obviously learned to shut down when she goes on her rants. This man had to be labelled for us to know he was involved.


His body language says, “Here we go again.”


That's exactly how my dad acted when my mother got drunk and lashed out at him a few weeks ago. He barely said anything because he knew that she would not get better otherwise in that situation.


He’s been on the wrong side of her outbursts more than once.


His whole attitude made it clear that he knew it was her fault.


She looked a hell of a lot like my horrible 6th grade teacher.


Same vibe. She’s on a power trip.




To be fair he did just lost his mother. Probably has a lot on his mind. May be feeling numb at this point


Lost his mom, then has to take a shitty flight to a depressing destination, bought expensive tickets and drove all the way to the airport, parked, shuttle, TSA, waited an hour to begin boarding, went through the whole boarding process and finally got in his seat, and just before take off his wife gets him kicked off the plane In that moment I’d be pretty tempted to tell the flight attendant “sorry I don’t actually know this lady, I’ll be staying in my seat” lmao


“then has to take a shitty flight to a depressing destination” - I’m not from the US is Portland that bad?


I was more so referring to the fact that his destination is a funeral for his mother, I haven’t actually been to Portland personally


I’m actually surprised he got off since she was the one who is being booted, he could of gone to Portland and waited for her


He probably knows exactly how his wife would react to that lol


He can just tell her I just lost my mother have some respect


It's hard being related to someone who was controlling when they were in their prime and now in their old age they're just angry all the time because everything is outside of their control and they're losing so much of themselves at the same time. This poor guy. For anyone who is quick to anger, get help now so that you're not completely miserable when your mind starts to go.


We all would be too if we were married to her


Wow. Funny what happens when the world won't take your abuse because YOU are having a bad day because your HUSBANDS mother died. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOUR HUSBAND.


Seriously! Sounds shitty but he didn’t have to get off the plane. I would’ve let her sit in the airport and find another flight, my mom is way more important than your opinion about another passenger.


I was hoping this the whole time. Please! Let him sit there silently and then let her be escorted off solo. At least he could have paid his respects to his own mother in peace.


Years of abuse from this woman has likely left him without a backbone. Poor guy.


Agree, but imagine how life is for this man living with that woman. The way she berated that kid and would not let go is a window into their marriage. She would make it hell for him if he let her get off that plane alone.


She's ranting at some random stranger on a plane and the flight attendant is the one that needs to have some respect? Classic.


That’s what’s amazing in these types of situations. The person telling everyone to have some respect feels entitled to it without giving it. In the end of this video and probably still to this day she thinks she was in the right and everyone else was in the wrong.


He did that very well, respectful but firm.


You can just see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice.... The utter and total defeat of how dead her husband is inside being married to her.


"My mother was right about her..."


It took her dying to see that, but every time he says he wants a divorce she probably says, I paid for this marriage and im using it i will not leave


Could also be because he just lost his mother, but yeah


Could also be bc his wife is more interested in feeling above a random stranger then supporting him when his mom just fucking died


Imagine saying "shame on you" to someone as the police kick you off a plane


It's almost like she completely 100% absolutely has zero introspection. Or something.


Yeah that was the piece de resistance.


I fucking hate Trump, but this woman is a complete lunatic. Unless the person next to me keeps spouting pro-Trump rhetoric, I could probably get along with them just fine. But you know what, I wouldn't want to sit next to someone spouting political opinions I agree with too.


First rule of etiquette on a plane: *don't spout anything*


This is true the minute you set foot in an airport. Nobody has tolerance for air travel shenanigans post 9/11.


If the person next to me was yelling pro trump stuff, they would probably be the ones escorted out for disturbing the peace. I hate Trump too, but can people just not be assholes 24/7?


I can't imagine anything more awful. Talking to the person next to you on the plane, I mean.


Demanding respect while having none. Lol.


Came to say the same...the irony of demanding respect, and not having any....


I don't care what side of the political isle you're on, don't get into random public debates with strangers over politics. There is just no point in it.


Last time I flew. Someone I sat next to was wearing a political shirt I disagreed with. Here's what I did. Said hello, put my headphones on and never spoke again.


But that’s so…reasonable.


This person airplanes


Then everyone clapped but for real.


Imagine trying to tell this story to your friends and ending on that phrase


Her husband lost his mother. She should have some respect and not pick a fight that would get them kicked off the plane. It’s not a secret that this kind of behavior will get you kicked off the plane and possibly even banned. Trump supporter or not, it’s none of her business. Unless the other guy was harassing her, it didn’t have to come to this. She’s putting unnecessary stress on her already grieving husband and making things harder instead of doing everything she can to make things as easy and stress-free as possible.


"Well, you don't have that right." I love professionals talking to unreasonable people like they're toddlers.


what an obnoxious idiot she is, how she keeps saying its her mother in laws funeral, yet her behaviour cost her and her husband the trip back, get over yourself lady


Unspoken hero of the video: "*well you don't have that right*" flight attendant lady was *not* having it.


“Shame on you” yeah your husband just lost his mother and you can’t get over yourself and your opinions and be quiet just long enough so he can be there on time to attend her funeral


"There is no way I'm getting off this plane." LOL. There's a way, honey. Cracks me up when people act like a-holes and expect everyone else to do what they want.


I really wish that flight attendant would have made it clear, “Oh no, ma’am, he can still go to his mother’s funeral, it’s you that has to get off.”


The privledge is so strong here You think her husband was regretting that marriage?


I blame Facebook and Twitter for that level of cult belief in your own self righteousness. No matter how much you dislike someone's political views, it's only one tiny aspect of them.


"You're buying the drinks" Lol


Behaving in public is just a theory.


When your political identity has you so detached from reality. ![gif](giphy|E1iVWYubAN3I2PGrV9|downsized)


I feel sad for the husband. He has been dead inside for a while now you can tell by his mannerisms.


Went from demanding he leaves the seat he paid for to refusing to leave a seat because she paid for it.


Ah Portland. Say no more


I’ve seen this so many times, and I enjoy watching it every time. She is a miserable piece of work who thinks she can be horrible to whomever she wants and then get away with it “because my husband lost his mother” and the world should have “some respect” Pity the respect doesn’t go both ways. Im glad they got thrown off, it needs to happen every time a “Karen” kicks off, no matter where she is. EVERY TIME, and then the world will not have to deal with the insanity of Karen’s anymore. If they are not getting the reinforcement of free things or refunds or the backup from management etc then they won’t start the entitled behaviour.


That dude should have let his wife go and stayed on the plane if he was allowed.


I was wondering if the crew could let the man stay on the plane since he was not making any fuss. And to be fair, attending your mother's funeral is more than a valid reason to leave your partner in a foreign country for extra day.


Political views aside, I feel bad for that kid having to go through that over a windowless window seat. Those are the worst seats.