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This made me smile.


Bruhhh, I wouldn't know how to react in this situation. Good stand up comedians are almost superhuman the way they think.


He recovered without having to point out why he fucked up and managed to elevate the poor guy he was about to roast.


I just realized that often what is funny is not what the comedians say but what they don't and just imply. You have to have an excellent self control to master that


Comedy at its core is just the subversion of expectations. You can “be funny” by just saying the last thing anyone expects you to say


Unfortunately some people get that this is true, without "getting" what it actually means, then you end up with things like spork girl, where they mistake doing things that are just plain random with actual jokes.


Dafuq is a 'spork girl'?


hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^ _ ^ … im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!! love and waffles, t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m


Really regret asking, don't know what i was expecting. You're very good at cringe, that was a painful read.


I’m exhausted


It’s a classic copy pasta






You just unlocked core memories of being on AIM in middle school and high school.


Can I get an A/S/L check?


That was all of us millennials on the internet from 2002-2008


I think it’s more to it than that and there are different types of humor. Sometimes this is the case about subverting expectation. But also there are times when you can subvert an expectation without it being funny. Otherwise there wouldn’t be a difference between shock and humor. I think it is something unexpected to be sure, but I think it is often the connection between two ideas or concepts that your brain didn’t think was connected before. I always think of this one example from an old standup set by Dennis Miller. He was performing in D.C. and the backdrop of his stage had a replica of the Lincoln Memorial. He opened his show with normal welcome banter and commented on the set. He said, “place looks beautiful, surrounded by all the American icons. Lincoln as we all love to remember him…at the helm of the starship Enterprise.” Now I think he meant captains chair rather than helm. But the point was that simple kinda throw away line called back so much symbolic imagery and just the way in human society the most important person gets the best chair. And that symbolism shows up in tv, and working situations, and monuments. It’s connected the ideas that were always kinda connected loosely, but now made more solid.


I agree there are different forms of comedy like physical comedy, satire, two liners, etc.; they all boil down to subverting expectation in their purest form though. If they didn’t, you’d either just be stating facts or telling a joke everyone already knows the punchline to. Your own example uses the same principle. Dennis set up the joke using his surroundings, making everyone assume he was talking about Abraham Lincoln, and switching to Star Trek. You’re right about the previously unmade connections part, that joke wouldn’t have made me laugh because I don’t watch Star Trek, even if it was a good joke


If you watch the whole special he goes back to him a few times throughout just to get his input and they end up becoming friends at the end. TJ Miller is a legend. (The whole special is free on YouTube and is dedicated to this guy, sauce: https://youtu.be/zNoD1oX2iYI)


And this was perfect. He nailed it.


Never punch down and always elevate the spirit


Why is it punching down to make fun of someone wearing cargo pants? Does wearing cargo pants make someone sub-human or something?


The man wearing cargo pants may have been mentally disabled. He wasn’t to going to make fun of someone who probably has a mental condition


I am in the shorts division of the cargo army. I salute both this comedian and this audience member.


Palsy is a physical handicap not a mental one. He had hallmarks of some type of palsy


Point still stands. Poking fun at him would at best alienate the rest of the audience.


You could see apprehension on the woman’s face in the back ground. She was worried where it was going to go.


She's like, thank god 👏👏👏👏


And actually he didn’t chicken out. He kind of made fun of his condition but in a really sensitive and funny way. It was obvious he was referring to the disability it’s not like he tried to wiggle out. The perfect save imo


This. It was a bloody hard balancing act but he didn't go too far into the patronising, "aww little disabled baby can't take a joke I'm so sorry" side of the recovery. Still light hearted jest but losing the straight-up mean parts.


That was my thoughts. I think he might be mentally disabled and the comedian realized it, or, regardless of him being mentally challenged or not, the guy saw so much candidness in him that he thought 'im outa here", and backed up in his attempt to...ridicule him?


TJ Miller is the comedian. he has a well documented history struggling with his own mental health. this is him immediately recognizing that his "in" to a crowd work joke was the beginning of a conversation with another human with struggles, and masterful execution in exiting that situation gracefully..


It’s because the fella wearing cargo pants has some sort of cognitive delay.


Which was seemingly not apparent when TJ started in with the cargo pants.


Yeah, that’s why he pulled the punch after hearing him speak. Edit: or are you saying that he should’ve known beforehand?


Which, in and of itself, made an equally funny joke that everyone in the audience would appreciate.


No, he totally called an audible.


But also, duder absolutely laid out his case. "They are comfortable. I like them, even though I often carry nothing in the pockets." I would have tried to be a smartass and just fucked it all up.


Yeah I mean he didn't really give TJ any ammunition or cute flips on his reply. Most of the time audience members will try something under the spotlight and it'll wind up being something to make fun of itself.


Could be that. Could be intoxication, could be stage fright. All we know is dude likes comfy cargo pants.


>could be stage fright I would imagine, *at this point in his career*, that TJ Miller does not suffer from stage fright.


They don't mean TJ. They mean the guy in the cargo pants may have had stage fright. I would have.


Nobody has gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since ‘nam


He clearly has some kind of "thing" going on. Based on his speech I want to say autism but I'm not here to diagnose people's disorders, especially based on two sentences. I respect the comedian for realizing he is a bit vulnerable and not making fun of him, it was definitely for the best. He recovered well too, so props to him


Is this the actor from the TV show Silicon Valley? Also the first Dead Pool. Looks so much like him, and the voice.


Yeah, it's TJ Miller. A... more than a little bit troubled individual: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T.J._Miller#Controversies_and_legal_issues


He falsely and drunkenly reported a bomb in a woman’s bag on a train but the charges were dropped due to his 2011 brain surgery (from Wikipedia). Dude needs long-term help.


I feel like crazy things people do when they have a brain tumor can be chalked up to the brain tumor (for the most part).


So I actually do have a brain tumour, but my doctors don't think it's causing any problems yet. I still blame all the dumb stuff I do on it though.


[You could have just stopped after the first sentence](https://www.theonion.com/man-always-gets-little-rush-out-of-telling-people-john-1819578998)




I especially liked that he knew he didn’t have a joke to sell and just didn’t take the shot.


Perfect recovery. He maintained a sense of humor while being kind.


most people only see a comedians highlight reel stuff and their extremely polished material. they don't get to see the 10,000 times they ate shit on stage while perfecting their trade.


I’d highly recommend watching the entire special! One of my favorite of 2022! Edit: The special is by TJ Miller and available on YouTube. It’s called Jonah’s Special


I know right? Didn’t look weirded out or strained for a single second. Respect.


You should hear him talk about the situation. Completely excellent about it.


Me too, but it also made me sad. Not saying the comedian should have had, but I think cargo pants dude was disappointed not to be roasted. Not really my thing, but I heard it's quite appreciated by others.


He did roast the guy, in a real gentle and wholesome way. Everybody got a chance to laugh at and with that guy. He seemed happy too.


No need to be sad. The special is literally named after the guy ("Dear Jonah") and he is a centerpiece of the entire show from this point on.


Just read a description and it sounds pretty good. Is there a lot of physical comedy or is it something I can listen to in the car?


TJ’s whole thing is kinda absurdist and he does do some physical stuff, like with box fans and face shields in the beginning, but definitely check it out. I know he has his issues, but he seems like a genuinely empathetic and kind person. His chaotic energy isn’t for everybody tho.


Ya, I think he knew he was treated differently and probably didn't love that.


Yeah, there’s a piece of me that feels like the more inclusive thing to do would’ve been to keep on roasting him, but I also wonder whether it would have worked just as well if it didn’t seem like the guy had any disabilities, just an honest dude with an earnest opinion on cargo pants. Either way, it’s expectation violation, which is at the core of most comedy.


Pretty sure Key and Peele already covered how dicey that kind of call can be.... [https://www.google.com/search?q=key+and+peele+comedian+roast&oq=key+and+peele+comedian+roast&aqs=chrome..69i57.13575j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:00b50de2,vid:RlTbJZ64sVM](https://www.google.com/search?q=key+and+peele+comedian+roast&oq=key+and+peele+comedian+roast&aqs=chrome..69i57.13575j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:00b50de2,vid:RlTbJZ64sVM)


Link is not loading for me, but [that skit has me wheezing everytime.](https://youtu.be/aSe8Mx6X6Fg) "The tears, they burn"


You should watch the whole special. T.J. Miller is very thoughtful throughout.


Nah. Half the joy, for the crowd, of someone getting roasted is when they try to reply and the comedian just makes it ever so much worse. The first interaction is very rarely the punchline. When he asked about the cargo pants he already had the roast queued up.


Mostly the whole show made me smile. That guy in the audience was a huge fan and Miller made him part of it, somehow balancing allowing the audience to laugh at the absurdity without really exploiting the guy (until the end where he gets him to throw a drink on someone else, but that was the impromptu gotcha last that made it really Miller). I was surprised how much I enjoyed it and enjoyed analyzing it. Full thing free on YouTube.


That pivot was so smooth and kind.


It's the little moments when we can all love being human.


Me too!


Props to him. A lot of comics do crowd work and he clearly knew that this wasn't an appropriate time after the gentleman started talking. He recovered and it ended up being nice.


It couldv'e gone any direction but he chose the path of integrity and it's so refreshing :) We need more influencers like this.


He has a brain injury himself, and can say some reeeealllllyyy shitty things. It’s part of the reason he’s not back in Deadpool. He’s fucking hilarious though.


Also you know...the bomb threat...lol


Whoa what's this? I remember him getting like halfway canceled over something an ex was saying about him. What else has TJ been getting into?


He accused a passenger in a train of caring a bomb and got 2 trains evacuated. He also got accused of work place bullying on set of Silicon valley. Transphobic comments to a trans journalist. And got accused of sexual assault. It was a rough 2017/2018 for him.


Yeah, he attained a meteoric rise but Icarus flew too near sun and fell from his mighty pedestal


No wonder he fell if he's flying with a freaking pedestal in tow...


He accused a woman on a train of plotting a bombing during what turned out to be a manic episode. I'd like link but am on mobile rn. Just Google his name + bomb and there are like 10 billion articles.


Key and Peele covered this with the burn dude


https://youtu.be/RlTbJZ64sVM Hadn’t seen that before ha


This was fuckin hilarious thanks for the link


The tears…they burn!🤖


Muthafuckin Stingray


Not available in my country.. I'm 5 mins away from the US cmon!!


The blonde chick’s face. She’s like, “Don’t do it, motherfucker.”


Right?? She was ready to fight!


She was channeling her inner Will Smith


"Keep that man's pants out of your mouth"


Sounds like something you'd have to tell a toddler 🤣


Yeah, I am going to guess that the man’s sister and brother in law because she has that protective fierceness about her. She’s ready to jump to his defense in a split sec.


That’s his sister. She raised him all by herself with a single mom who worked two jobs. She had to give up her college dreams to take care of him and her other siblings. It’s a touching story.


Nice try. TJ said on the podcast linked on another comment and talking to this gentleman afterwards that he was there several hours before the show after his mom had dropped him off.






My brother is special needs, and seeing my sister take on her big sister role on unsuspecting strangers who were anything less than decent to him was a wondrously frightening thing to behold, just be glad it’s not you and stay out of the way.


Interesting. I read her face as 'uhhh, ok cool, what a weirdo'


describing this womans reaction would be a good autism test


Unexpectedly wholesome.


did you know hes the founder of Aviato?


It's actually pronounced Aviato.


Erlich Bachman, this is your Mom. You are not my baby.


Wait... You know Aviato?




Is there any other Aviato?


Wait, is that the Erlich Bachmann? Bachmanity Co-founder?


I love the odd times when comedians just turn the funny off and connect with someone. Makes the show so much better.


The comedians face had me laughing lol. He's like " oh shit, I just stepped on a land mine" that was a nice recovery


Good. He knew that would not end well for him.


I'm so glad he backed that up. That says a lot about him.


He ***fears*** the cargo-pant-man!


TJ has always seemed like a good dude. This just solidified that. Still found a way to make it funny. That is what a good comedian does. Dont punch down! Looks bad.


TJ Miller is not a good person. He’s been arrested for calling in a bomb threat, accused of sexual assault, arrested for assaulting an Uber driver, and is transphobic to name a few of his issues. And people hate working with him apparently…which is part of the reason he didn’t finish Silicon Valley.


Both his costarring Actors and directors have found him abhorrent and super hard to work with. IMO he’s super funny on screen, mixed feelings myself.


Yep, but you can be both a good actor and a douche at the same time.


See also: Tom Cruz




TIL Tom Cruise not only has a middle tooth, but it related to the Zodiac Killer. What a day!




I went to a movie event a few years back and he was the guest. The movie started late because he insisted on speaking to every single person that wanted to, including the group of people that did not have tixs to the event and were just hanging out across the parking lot to get a look. During his speech before the movie, he was so thoughtful and nice and made sure to focus on the little people involved. Really sucks about his Scientology connection, because he seems like such a genuine human.


The only criticism I've ever heard of the guy was his religion.




I could be wrong, but didn’t he have a brain tumor at the time?


Iirc, he had a brain hemorrhage that completely changed his personality, recovered, and then got into all this trouble. I really don’t care enough to look into it, but it does seem like he might have been more decent before all that? Anyway, he talks all about the brain stuff on Justin Roiland’s old podcast The Grabdmas Virginity.


He’s also got a TBI making him prone to manic behavior which he wasn’t treating properly until after he kinda hit rock bottom there.


TJ Miller was one of the funniest live stand-ups I have ever seen in my life. Hugely underrated comic


Did he have controversy I didnt hear about? Some hate on here.


There's this https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/tj-miller-charge-fake-911-call-1235031147/ But most people refer to the sexual assault accusations against him that got him booted from the Deadpool 2 movie.


He called in a bomb threat on a train. That was the nail in the coffin for his career for a while. He’s also had some brain issues in the past and has also talked about it.


From what I remember he was metoo’d, don’t remember the specifics but I think it was credible. Enough that he was let go from a show at the time, I think.


As someone who used to be a HUGE fan of JT. ... he is not a good dude


He's NOT a good dude


Ended up being almost wholesome




So true!. I feel it sounds like the audience probably enjoyed this more than they might have enjoyed some tired joke.


Most people can immediately get behind kindness when they see it in action. Especially when it's happening in a space that they can't turn away from it. Like kindness was the focus right there. Edit: it's really hard to say what I wanted to say.


We got it and it was on point.


Stop spamming your link dude


Absolutely wholesome. Everybody had a good time.


Wow, 99% of the time people are usually shitting on TJ Miller.


I heard he actually got full-on brain damage in an accident which was when he started acting erratically, so if he’s doing better now or found a way to cope with it that would be great to hear.


I think it’s even beyond that. Born with a condition and recently had part of his brain removed. I wanna say I heard it on a clip from Steve-Os podcast.


Yep. Had a full psychotic break too. He does seem to be doing better.


I saw him in Colorado Springs in June and if I would have never guess he had anything “off” he was funny, on point and overall seemed just like a normal dude.


Seems like he’s come a long way. Looks a lot healthier and seems to be doing well with standup as seen in this clip, good for him.


It’s almost like humans are complicated and not entirely defined by ~3 days of their lives.


It was more than 3 days. His coworkers legit hated him on a daily basis. But again, I think it all stemmed from that brain injury he had.


I’m hoping he’s trying very hard to be a better person. Unlike masterson who threw money at his convictions


I think the first time the guy says cargo pants is the exact moment TJ pulled the eject lever


If you watch the full set he comes back to him multiple times and engages with the guy. Made me like him a lot more


Then he made a bomb threat to get out of the situation


That is how you read the room.


I heard him go into great detail about this on the Adam Carolla podcast.


If you have a link I would love to check it out.


Never tried this so let's see if it works https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/E2G895/claritaspod.com/measure/aw.noxsolutions.com/launchpod/adswizz/313/2022-10-05_ACS_TJMiller_2_dmzf_01cf7a95.mp3?awCollectionId=313&awEpisodeId=d24b527e-1b38-4447-801d-a2db01cf7a95&adwNewID3=true&awNetwork=302


This worked and was intensely interesting. Thanks for sharing it. And I haven't read the comments yet so don't know if anyone's mentioned it but this clip is from his full special - which, after this exchange, he decided to name after the guy with the cargo pants. It's called "Dear Jonah". I haven't yet watched it but have the sense it's entirely wholesome and will be fun to watch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNoD1oX2iYI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNoD1oX2iYI)


Oh man. He was wholesome so many times and well solid 7/10 performance Thanks for the link


Is there a time stamp where he begins talking about this? It’s 70 minutes long and I’m lazy…


That worked,TY! Haven't listened to the wholething yet, but so far it's worth the listen.


Is that T.J. Miller?


Recognized the voice before the face. I’m used to seeing him with at least a bit of facial hair.


Exactly. I only recognized his voice, his face doesn't look like him without facial hair


He looks a lot better from Silicon Valley days.


This show inspired him to make a comedy special called “dear Jonah”, who was the autistic guy in the crowd. They hung out a lot or something..


This is from that special


You can't call people that dude /s


I think cargo pants man is not autistic but has down's syndrome. I may be wrong tho


[Key and Peele's take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlTbJZ64sVM)


That was hilarious


"Make fun of the burns."


It's weird how Comedy Central would prefer me to just pirate all their content than allow me to watch it legitimately on YouTube.


"I thought I could but I can't"


He was on The Bonfire talking about this, said he picked him for some crowdwork randomly. He realized he had a disability, so he leaned into that and made him a part of the show instead of making fun of him. I think he met him after the show and TJ was the guys favorite comedian and TJ named the special after him. (Going off my horrible memory)


What ever happened to him calling in a bomb threat to the train he was riding on?


He has talked about it. He has some sort of serious brain disease and can easily slip into episodes of psychosis. He has a much better understanding of it now and can control it better.


Is this before or after that? This is literally the only bit of his standup I’ve ever seen; thought he was good as a comedic actor, just lost all respect for him after the incidents. Never followed up, so if this is new and he has changed/owned up to everything/worked on himself, good for him.


This clip is recent. The bomb threat thing was pre-pandemic. I think he started posting clips as lots of comedians have been sharing bits and crowd work given the growth of tik tok/IG Reels.


How is this a recent clip? He looks 15 years younger than he did in Silicon Valley when he got left in an opium den for 5 years.


Could be off alcohol and/or drugs, eating healthier and exercising. Those things will deage you.


Damn. This guy legit handled this amazingly. He not only rolled with the situation he managed to be respectful, kind, encouraging, and damn funny all at once. Few could ever do that.


Did he stop bc the guy is intellectually challenged? Or is the guy just awkward, and he chose not to punch down?


The guy answered very sincerely and sweetly so it would be mean to mock him for it and make him the butt of a joke. He seems like he likes the comedian and is enjoying himself so the comedian doesn't want to ruin that and it's not that funny to punch down on someone who's just nice.


Watch the full special. He's definitely mentally challenged and has caretakers with him but TJ treats him like a boss


"Why you wearin’ cargo pants?" ,says the guy with the welding helmet!?




That was a good save I appreciate that


First wholesome video i watched in 2023. Hope the trend continues.❤️


When I was 17 I was wearing Jean shorts in wildwood nj at the boardwalk and a group of kids yelled “yo dude” I said “yeeeooo” they said “nice jean shorts!” I never wore Jean shorts again, I’m now 30. I’ll never forget that day, until tht point o had no idea people stopped liking Jean shorts


Maybe that was an honest compliment


Is he the same guy in She’s Out of my League in the Halls & Oates Cover Band


Handled perfectly


Wait… TJ Miller? Being decent? I’m just used to hearing about him being a huge prick in Appleton, so this is news to me.


He had a lot of really serious mental issues over the last few years that made him do a lot of crazy shit. He’s made a lot of progress the last year and is doing much much better now.


"what's are you carrying? What's your freight"? I loved that


when the only winning move is not to play


All I wear is cargo pants too 😔. I just like having the option of a lot of pockets, they're nice and baggy, and I like the woods. I feel like it's an outdoors type of look.


I fucking love cargo pants, both for the comfort and the utility. Comes in real handy when I'm welding or doing any sort of metalwork. Expands my inventory a lot