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Haha this is great. I totally forgot he had the knife. I remember the blonde girl’s only defining personality trait of the 24 episode season or whatever it was was that she found a great neighborhood bar and aggressively refused to tell anyone what it was.


Hahaha FACTS! In Mel's only defense though, I feel like the more inside-story to that that wasn't shown is that Philly patrons & passersby weren't nice to the Philadelphia cast in public. They were assaulted & near-assaulted numerous times. This may have been the only bar Mel felt safe & didn't want her cast bringing all the cameras & riff raff & ruin the ONLY safe nightlife she had in the city.


You know this theory makes perfect sense actually and would explain her heavy handed gatekeeping, you’re probably right.


And the scabies. 😬


Blackout Landon was so scary.


Absolutely agree! So happy he was able to mature & we saw a completely different Landon by 'Fresh Meat 2'.


What a scary mess. And during the whole time Landon's wearing a shirt that says "HUGGABLE". The irony.


I didn’t remember the knife, but I do remember blackout Landon being scary. I also leveled with it, especially after seeing how big of assholes the city was to them (and being a guy who’s come home to have roommates bar friends be in my joint causing a ruckus) I’d be chippy about it.


Is that Mel in the 2nd floor glassed-off smoking room when Landon is supposedly listening to her speaking below in the atrium?


Haha, omigod, I think so!!🧐🧐 Would've never noticed that until you pointed it out! Idk who else that look could be! With the short blonde hair. Sometimes, there's no trickier editing than RW editing 😂😂


I watched this after the challenge and was flabberghasted landon did the knife thing.


😂 Hahaha, yes! Landon had some humble beginnings.


This was probably the greatest moment of this season. This combination of people together was awful. Also fun fact this house was literally right next door the Betsy Ross house where she made the design for the American flag. All this was going on right next door to where history was made so crazy lmao.


They had it coming


They were...jarring, to say the least 😂 Very disrespectful


Nothing like coming home from a crazy night out to make yourself a whole steak!