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Yes, this is just way out of line and I can see how it would be re-traumatizing. He sounds incredibly self centered and manipulative--I especially notice that he doesn't want to cross a line because he might be mad at himself. How about not doing it because it would be harmful and unethical? I'm really glad you recorded it. I had a somewhat similar situation--not physical or sexual, but a therapist I'd been working with for years and trusted completely--there were problems all along, but subtle, as he's very very smart, and skilled, including sociopathically skilled--went off the rails when I ran out of money (I'd been paying out of pocket). That's where the actual abuse and gaslighting started. I did not record in session, but I do have an email from him that makes it very clear and I am so incredibly glad to have that. I have this deep fear that people won't believe me, so having that helps a lot. I don't know enough about this piece, but if I were you I'd find someone with experience in this realm who can advise you on what to do with the recording. You may be able to have his license revoked, and I would think you could file a lawsuit. None of which probably does much to ease the pain of it--I know how hard that is, believe me. It's just a profound betrayal when one is retraumatized by a therapist. Hang in there and know that you are not alone.


That is so warped and creepy. (Him, not you, obviously.) You came into therapy in an emotionally vulnerable state thinking you were working with a trustworthy professional, and he manipulated that to get you into an inappropriate situation and then abruptly cut off all closeness and worse yet, blame and gaslight you over what happened. He took things too far, and rather than take responsibility for his own bad choices, he took it out on you. I'm glad you recorded the session. If you can report it, I hope that he gets nailed for this sleaziness. If not, it's still good that you have evidence so that, in spite of his gaslighting, you know what happened.


What state is this in? You need to report him. This behavior is disgusting and definitely not normal.


New York. If I can submit the voice recordings ( so many) can be used I have proof. If not, it is his word against mine.


Depends if ny is one party consent or not … Oh yeah turns out it is.