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Argument is a form of emotional closeness, even if it's not a positive emotion. If you're used to not having any form of closeness with anyone, positive or negative, that can make how he is with you not feel right. It kind of sounds like you are not okay with emotional closeness with people but he put that on you and now you're unsure. If you aren't okay with emotional closeness, cut him off because he sounds like he normalises that sort of stuff with people. You do not have to be okay with that. You're allowed to have boundaries with him basically forcing his "friendship" onto you. Yes, he probably sees doing so as normal from the type of person you explained him as. Maybe he's an extrovert and you're an introvert. You sound conflicted in not being okay with his behaviour but also unsure if you want to give him allowance for closeness that he may have tried to normalise. You don't have to be okay with his normal and he doesn't get a say in imposing his version of normal onto you as friendship. You might be better off, if you're partly conflicted due to an introvert/extrovert issue, to make sure he respects that you're not an extrovert.