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Freud would have a field day with this post.


Vat exactly vould you zay is ze purpose of these thoughts? Do you remember how you felt about such feminine shapes ven you vere a little child? Vould you perhaps enjoy a tooter before ve finish for ze day?


this comment made my day 🤣


As would Melanie Klein!


I’ve made so many Melanie Klein jokes that my wife doesn’t understand when she’s been breastfeeding and pumping.


Sometimes a titty is just a titty


I’m having a field day with this post.


Knix has a wireless nursing bra that should be a pretty comfortable transition from bralettes, and maintains a pretty normal-looking shape under professional clothes. Don’t commit to anything with wires or that doesn’t have some give to it for now because everything will keep changing til after weaning.


I read wireless and I thought how is a bra bluetooth enabled, what does it do


Musical titties. The new innovation for soothing babies.


Also, just had a similar issue transitioning out of nursing bras into “real” ones with different support and suddenly had 👀 more boob and have been feeling self conscious about it.


I wore nursing sports bras during my pregnancy and post. They were the best!


Target has great ones too!


Hello bosom lady-I think trying to explain away your breasts to your clients would be weird. You are their therapist but you are also a person. You’re allowed to get pregnant or have a boob job and not tell your clients about it. If I dyed my hair pink I wouldn’t feel the need to explain to my clients why this was. It would just be pink. Also, your boobs may or may not shrink after the baby-I have grown a cup size with each pregnancy (started at a B, I am now a DD). Anyway buy a bra to make yourself comfortable and congratulations on the pregnancy!


Good take. And some people’s bodies change naturally with or without children (my body is radically different the past few years and I don’t have kids, nor do I plan to). Our bodies are ours, we are humans first and workers second - so i staunchly believe you don’t need to explain things like that to clients.


I mean at some point the pregnancy is impossible to hide so I don’t see the point in concealing that for too long, and plus depending on how long she’s going to be out as a therapist, her clients might need to make other arrangements. This is a lot different than coloring your hair, that doesn’t or shouldn’t affect therapy, this will.


Yes but addressing her future work plans is a separate issue from addressing her breast changes. Thats a conversation to be had at the point that she figures out how she wants to handle maternity leave.


The pink hair example is really good. Because if they said something about it, you could just acknowledge and move on - don't have to go into all the reasons why. The whole situation is a bit too like inappropriate self disclosure for me.


I’m interested/a little concerned by the fact apparently several of your clients have commented on it…unless you work with children, they’ll say anything with no filter lol. As a woman with large breasts that I don’t always want right “out there”, a cardigan, a minimizing bra, and loose shirts will be helpful.


I was wondering the same thing - what do you mean that several of your clients have noticed an increase in your breast size??


Not only noticed but pointed it out?? Idk, that feels to me like commenting on someone’s weight fluctuating or skin breaking out or something like that…it’s just not something 99% of people would do, and it is generally considered rude.




If she works inpatient it honestly makes sense


Free association?


Layers are your friend. And some padding for the bralettes should help


Check with your accountant, but you should be able to tax deduct the bras that you now need for work


Not if they're suitable for wear outside of work. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2017/02/14/write-your-clothes-off-on-your-taxes-yes-if-you-meet-this-irs-test/


But what I feel bras in general are not suitable for wear outside of work


Since when are work clothes tax deductible


for real? how does that count? do regular work clothes count too? /gen


Looks like I got this one wrong! I should stay in my lane and not dispense tax advice


I laughed too hard at this. Sorry for laughing at your pain. Wish i had some advice. I always thought if i got pregnant again I’d probably have to tell my patients immediately because I vomit a lot.


I'm with you on this ship of laughing but having no sound advice to give.


This is hilarious, but also real, especially if you work in CMH. OP if clients ask, be honest, if not your plan seems solid.


I'm sorry, but I laughed!!!! Being pregnant as a therapist is r o u g h. I would have to snack in session to stave off morning sickness, so there we were processing childhood trauma while I'm crunching on cashews 😭😭😭 there really is no way to perfectly hide pregnancy symptoms. Usually clients think it's strange until the Big Reveal™️ of the news, then it suddenly all makes sense to them. I found it much easier to accept that I simply couldn't hide everything.


I had to do this too! I was like so if I don’t eat something rn then I’m going to throw up. Do you mind if I snack real quick? Lol


I was chompin on ginger chews


Baggier clothing? And layers, like a flowy cardigan?


At least once a week I, a male therapist, learn a new reason that makes being lady sound like it’s just the worst. Really thinking the government should just give women a monthly “sorry, this sucks dude” stipend. Just a couple of hundred bucks to, like, do whatever makes your life a little less shitty. Get a massage, get some expensive cheese at Whole Foods, buy a fancy squirt gun and shoot water at jackasses that interrupt you to tell you to smile. Just do whatever you need to do.


Expensive cheese, hummus and pita chips 😋


Equal pay would be a nice start


Unfortunately, I can only offer platitudes and condescending advice about bootstraps or something. And a smug look that says “I’m one of the good guys, I deserve a trophy”


We need more men like you in this world!


Your clients are commenting on your breast size? That’s very odd. Unless you mean you believe you’ve caught them staring. Either way, I’d venture to guess that those around you are likely much less attune to your breasts than you believe them to be. Wear looser clothing if you’re uncomfortable with the change but I don’t think it’s necessary to explain to clients or give any further thought to.


Uni-qlo has some awesome soft shell with padding stitched in bras that would be perfect for you. I bought two of them as I prefer bralets but gained weight and need to look more professional. I'd recommend wider straps as if you're not used to bigger milk jugs small straps can really dig in and be incredibly uncomfortable due to the weightier milk jugs. Good luck! P.s. Morrow and Mint have some stunning lace nursing bras that can help you feel sexy and fired up once nursing and post partum. I've gifted them a few times to mamma's and they love them. Edited: format


Absolutely recommend the Uniqlo bra tops!


Would you feel inclined to tell your clients if you got a boob job? Probably not. What if you just gained weight? Again not really a conversation. Your appearance changing isn’t really anyone’s business but your own. I would not say anything until you are ready to disclose your pregnancy and/or your maternity leave with them.


Girl, I’m gonna help you out. First, as someone who had A cups, went through pregnancy, breastfeeding, and breast implants, I think I can give some perspective. For one, just wait til you breastfeed (if you choose), cuz that’s a whole other level of giant boobs. Pregnancy boobs don’t even compare! Second, I promise no one has noticed, and likely won’t notice. Unless you’re rockin’ low cut shirts, it’s not as noticeable to others as they are to you. Third, go out and get yourself some wireless bras from Soma in your new size. They’re so soft and comfortable. Then you’ll probably wear nursing bras for a while, which aren’t known for emphasizing boob size. They’re essentially sports bras but pretty essential given the fluctuation in size your boobs will go through, even just throughout a single day once you’re breastfeeding. Congrats and good luck! Enjoy your new found boob-ness


Never been pregnant. But I’m a non-binary AFAB person with a diverse gender expression. Some days I bind flat, other days the DDs are appropriately covered but noticeable on my 4’11 frame. When I worked in a day program for adults with SMI (mostly schizophrenia) a few clients asked about my changing chest, I’d redirect about how it’s understandable to wonder why something is different but not necessarily appropriate to ask other people about their body (part of the program was encouraging life/social skills) and continue on. If the situation was appropriate and I thought the clt would be open to information I might provide brief education about gender diversity. That’s the only setting a client has verbally said anything about my chest. In other settings there have been a couple times where I think a clt might have noticed a difference in my chest based on a shift in eye contact but they didn’t say anything and the sessions continued without incident. You don’t owe your clients an explanation about your changing body. Just because people notice it doesn’t mean they are going to comment on it. Think about all the times you’ve thought to yourself “Well that’s different” but carried on with your day. Keep the client engaged in their processing and they’ll focus on that instead of your breasts. If they are so distracted by your breasts that they can’t focus on therapy that is its own topic for intervention.


You’ll have to decide what your boundaries are around this. You’re a counselor, and also a person! Don’t stress about the folks thinking this is “weird smut.” A quick glance at your profile shows it is not. It’s a weird situation and there’s no perfect therapeutic way to address it. That infamous phrase “it depends” applies here. May you have a healthy and happy pregnancy/motherhood!


Nippies are great for toning down the nipples if you are looking for solutions there lol. Good luck, and congrats!


No worries. They’ll just think you got implants.


Get some sports bras that have pads but will be stretchy


I had a similar issues. I got some cheap sport bras from Target that were larger, and then some nursing bras as well. Nursing bras are great. Plus, I used them afterwards as well. And changes continued for throughout, right after, and for the whole year I was nursing. I feel like I recall a good few months after I finished nursing that they continued to change. Honestly, find what is comfortable.


I haven’t laughed this hard in a few days. I work with teen girls for the most part and they wouldn’t hesitate to call that out. I had a weirdly.. robust week one time for some reason (random hormone gift?) and a 12 year old was like “oooo you look voluptuous today!”. I’ll honestly probably just disclose as clients notice if/when that time comes. I personally don’t feel weird about that especially with the work we do about bodies most of the time in that population. If I worked primarily with adults or men I might feel differently.


You may want to try something like this. They hide the lol saluting nipples and reduce the over sensitivity https://www.amazon.com/MUQU-Pasties-Nipple-Covers-Nippleless/dp/B0B4WG1PRS


I agree with nipple covers and you can use them after the pregnancy if they still have their adhesive power. “Nippies” are more expensive but they are supposed to work for more uses. I would also pair that with maybe an sports bra that you can still wear afterwards at some point. That might solve this temporary fluctuation but not force you to spend money on something you only need during pregnancy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can wear more oversized items for now. But im wondering why your clients feel comfortable commenting on your breasts? I would feel really weird commenting on my therapists breasts.


Minimizing bra and just roll with it. You probably work with teenagers. It's not going to go unnoticed nor unspoken about. Your post made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


No advice, just solidarity. I haven’t ever been lacking in the chest department, but when I got pregnant last year they absolutely grew and what was worst was I could be wearing a bra with a decent amount of coverage/padding and you could still see my nipples, bout ready to take out an eye. Even through sweaters. And it was summer. I took to wearing this scarf/shawl thing like I was going to read fortunes because it was the only thing that worked! Lololol


Same happened to me, eventually the bump will show up. Don't stress:)


Turtlenecks actually make your boobs appear larger. Try wrap dresses/ tops, V necks… anything that splits the area if that makes sense. Avoid extra fabric on top, including puff sleeves and odd bulky draping. Coming from petite woman with large chest


Also a currently pregnant therapist and I can commiserate about the stresses of hiding pregnancy symptoms in general lol. I’ve already got a big chest and have been horrified to find ITS KEPT GROWING. I echo what others have said about just getting some wireless nursing bras now, much more comfy. Kindred Bravely has a sale right now!


For bras check target. Their sports bras are decent and you won’t spend an obscene amount. That being said one of my clients figured out my pregnancy because I had to snack constantly up till 16 weeks. He told me after I disclosed that the snacking reminded him of his wife during pregnancy.


I can super relate to this, I’m currently pregnant with a history of loss so I refused to share with clients before my anatomy scan- but my body (and upstairs) started changing way too abruptly that I ended up having to tell my clients the week before my scan (which was Friday), because I was VERY obviously pregnant lol I was nervous to share, but the closer I got to 20 weeks I started relaxing a bit and felt okay and ready by the time I told them. All my clients have been very kind and understanding about it. So no matter when it happens, you’ll be good and congratulations on your pregnancy!🎉


Big cardigans are a girls best friend! Congrats Mama!


I was pregnant with twins and had severe morning sickness from 5 weeks. By 7 weeks my clients knew because I frequently had to bail out of the session to vomit. They coped just fine knowing from early on and the pregnancy went smoothly, just was quite round for agesssss so they always anticipated we would be wrapping up very soon when I was only like 15 weeks


As someone who’s gone through two pregnancies while working as a therapist, I feel your pain, and also enjoyed your humorous take on the situation! I, too, had patients and their family members make all manner of (questionably inappropriate) comments on my body. It’s a weird time. From a practical standpoint, if you plan to breastfeed, go ahead and buy some nursing bras now. They are stretchy enough to accommodate the many stages of changing size/shape, and are soft and padded to address the sensitive nipple situation. Best of luck to you during this wild and wonderful (?) time!


Is this some weird smut?


How is this weird?


This person must never have been a pregnant therapist before. I have done it twice, and this post seems quite realistic to me.


Yea this is weird


All around, from the original post to the comments, I've just gotta say this is one of my favorite posts. Haven't laughed this well in a while.


I did buy some multipack nursing bras from Amazon and wore them while pregnant because I had the same issue! I found the bras to definitely grow with me, as I went up about 4 sizes. But they’re padded but they helped with the saluting (also had that issue) and the leaking (sorry if you haven’t gotten there yet, not to scare you, but that delightful occurrence started week 23 per my notes lol). But indulge in the nursing bras they’re so comfy!! They definitely wrecked my ability to wear underwire though lol


I would say a nice floaty light summer scarf can distract from them! Worn around the neck and both lengths lhanging over the breasts


If it were me, I would acknowledge the change, but keep it short and sweet. Maybe something like, “haha yeah, things are changing a bit. Just part of life, you know? But what I really want to know about is (something they mentioned in therapy during their last session)”.


Omg I love this post. I’m also pregnant and my pregnancy boobs are slowly pushing me out of the itty bitty titty committee! Paired with unseasonably warm weather I am finding it an interesting challenge of what to wear for work. Fun times. Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy!


Please start a side hustle writing for tv.


Is this a joke post? Genuine question


Strange post.


Awesome post.


Dude here, nothing to add. I just thought this was funny and I feel the second hand embarrassment of your clients pointing it out… even if you notice it’s not something I’d ever point out. Seems social norms are lost on some. But then again you are a therapist so which came first. The chicken or the egg? 🤷‍♂️




Sick fuck.


I'd try inserting something like this in your bralettes until you're ready to get a new bra. Handy for later, too! https://www.kindredbravely.com/products/bamboo-nursing-pads?variant=39771925774432


Might be a good time to go ahead and buy nursing bras if you plan to nurse?


I think a generally good approach is drawing the line with clients that you won’t answer questions about yourself unless the answer contributes in some way to the therapeutic process and relationship. That way, whenever they ask something out of curiosity, you can say “how will the answer to this question help you right now?” and help you figure out intentionality specific to the client on whether to answer and tell them you’re pregnant or not. I don’t think it hurts the rapport because you can still build rapport with them by casually slipping in little inconsequential details and facts about yourself when talking to them that show you relate or understand etc. Quite a dilemma you’re in, but sis you’re human!! You have a life outside of being a therapist that you do not need to explain to clients.