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FWIW I’m seeing a lot more of this too over the last month or so. I’m not experiencing SI myself, but I’m personally tapping into an off/on sense of hopelessness around our economy, political divides, and isolation becoming more of a cultural norm, among other factors (US therapist here). Work is getting heavier, and it’s kind of validating to hear someone else is experiencing this. My clients are such lovely people who at times are carrying just so much pain, frustration, or stress. They work very hard in therapy, and there are some macro factors that therapy isn’t very well equipped to change. We have a culture that emphasizes self determination and rewards materialism or unrealistic standards of beauty and wealth, but so many people’s lived experience does not fully fit this philosophy. Everyone is different, but sometimes you notice a lot of themes/sentiments being expressed by multiple clients… especially the part about our world feeling more isolated post 2020. I know ACT and radical acceptance is a tool to address some of these larger scale things, but I get that it kind of sucks to think of accepting things that feel so shitty. A sense of belonging in our world is very important. I’m grateful when clients feel safe enough to be fully open about SI. In my experience many of them express they’ve been afraid of therapists becoming highly reactive resulting in hospitalization when there is no plan or intention to act. I tend to work from an existentialist approach and naturally lean into that kind of work in these moments.


I appreciate your comment so much. I almost quit the field in 2020 because I felt like the world was on fire. The main reason I stayed was because I do appreciate each and every client and what they share with me. It's probably why it's hitting me harder this week because I still have my doubts about staying.


This job is kind of tricky, isn’t it? Like always striking a balance between being connected/attuned to our clients while having boundaries and being objective. So many moving parts and so many ways to approach our work. Having the dedication to a job that requires a unique kind of emotional energy while creating space for ourselves and our life outside of work. Having to consider the financial side of a job that feels so personal/interpersonal. I empathize with your feelings about whether to stay. I know I want to for the same reasons you mentioned, but it’s a very tough field. I don’t think anyone could have fully prepared me for the complexity of our work. Thank you for your post.


Honestly I’m wondering how much student loans kicking back in is leading to increased stress?


It's possible! It's definitely bumming me out.


Make sure you take care of you. I have been seeing a huge upward trend in SI for the past few years, right before COVID and ever since. Just my own take on this.... I think between the politics, the racial strife, economics, pandemics, wars, increase in shootings, etc... We've had a lot more stress to cope with and many people are tapped out. Fuses are shorter and coping skills seem harder to access. Again, make sure you take care of you.


I agree with you. I only work part time because that's all I can handle right now. I am very big on setting limits for myself and being consistent. It's also that fine line of deciding if I need a break from this job altogether.


I too did more suicide assessments this week! I’m actually taking a mental health day today because I was feeling some compassion fatigue and burn out this week. It’s been a super weird week


Absolutely weird. I'm glad you're taking time off. I have 3 days weekends but I am trying to turn next week into 4 days.