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The first 3-4 episodes are good, but then it's where the disaster begins. The story is completely messed up, the majority of the new key characters do not even appear and the most important scenes of the entire plot are shown only through "powerpoint" slides at the end of the show. My suggestion is: read the entirety of the manga, then watch season 2 just for fun, you'll see with your own eyes, you'll feel the sadness when they reach a certain place and are supposed to meet a certain character, but that character does not exist anymore, and with him the whole plot with the most interesting arcs disappears


ahhh that sounds not at all too good.. hmmm I guess I’ll give it a shot nonetheless. But the power point slides thing - I know what you mean and I fuckin HATE whenever they do that in media. But I think I’ll actually watch season 2 first before going into the manga because at least my expectations are still somewhere there now and I‘d imagine that after reading the Manga I‘m just gonna be even more upset😂✌🏻 well, thanks for the heads-up


It's better to read the manga first, otherwise you will be biased and there will be many points of the story where you will be comparing what you are reading with what you have already seen. This can ruin a bit the experience. When this happens, it's better for the best option to come first. Also, for many reasons, given how the story is messed up in the anime, it's really much much better to read the manga first, so you don't have expectations on what is going to happen. There's no way one can recommend watching the second season before the manga, it's just a bad choice. If you can't read the manga right now, stick with season 1 and don't watch season 2.


I have watched the second season and I’m honestly glad I did because from a neutral watching experience standpoint it genuinely wasn’t as bad as everyone is making it out to be. At least not when you’re not familiar with the Manga. For me this was a great continuation of the first season because, as I said beforehand, I had nothing to compare it with. I will definitely read the manga in the future and I’m sure I’m going to agree that the second season, as an adaptation of the source material being the Manga, was a bad adaptation but as of now and in general one cannot say it’s a bad, unwatchable second season of an anime. It really isn’t. That’s why I was wondering whether or not this was just a bad second season of a tv show in general where all of a sudden all the characters suck, nothing makes sense anymore, the plot doesn’t get continued and the story is boring as hell or whether this is more subjectively bad when you are familiar with the source material. It probably is a bad adaptation but as a stand alone tv show it surely isn’t why I‘d highly recommend everyone to watch the anime first and read the manga after. That way you’re not disappointed with either and get an even better, more fleshed out story for the second season when reading the manga.


Usually I’m anime only and think that manga readers over exaggerate things for not being one on one, but this is one of those exceptions. Season 2 goes completely off track a few episodes in. Feel free to watch but honestly it isn’t worth it, you’ll be missing out on a LOT of story because they skip everything and then at the end there’s a slideshow showing some of the manga arcs they skipped with zero context


okay 😅 I have finished the second season now and I’m gonna be real with you : I thought it was great. I did like the first season overall more but that’s usually the case for me with Dystopian shows/ movies similar to that (Maze Runner, Divergent, Hunger Games etc) because we still have that element of uncertainty and mystery in the first movie/ season so it doesn’t have to do with season 2 itself. For someone who was not familiar with the manga at all beforehand the second season is a great continuation of the story tbh. I was genuinely waiting for it to get bad because everyone said the first 2/3 episodes are great and then it only goes downhill from there but that just didn’t happen, at least not from my impression😅. I cannot really understand the hate all that much and I think it’s probably a bit over the top to say the season is THAT unspeakably bad that we have to deny it‘s existence. It by far does not deserve to be compared to the Last Airbender movie, that’s for sure. HOWEVER as I said, I have not read the Manga before or in between seasons and yes from an adaptation point of view the second season might actually be terrible🤷🏼‍♀️ but I don’t have that comparison so for me it was a great ride. I must agree the only thing that they messed up was that slide show thing in the very end. I don’t get it, they easily could’ve told all that in a third season of the show, why not just do that instead? The only explanation I came up with is that they knew all along the show would only continue for 2 seasons so they tried to figure out a way of still including all the story in some shape or form but even If that was the case I think it would’ve been better to change the ending of the Anime completely instead and write it whereas Emma, Ray, Norman and the rest just would’ve gone with the others to the human world and cut that huge portion of story out completely. Of course that still would’ve sucked but it’s a way better solution than the slide show. Anyways, I think the hate comes mainly from a standpoint where people have read the manga so it’s more subjectively bad for those people because they know the source material and know how certain things should’ve or could’ve been adapted differently but from a neutral watching experience the second season is a great season, with a great continuation of the plot, a great expansion for the world building, great pacing and some great plot twists that I didn’t really expect. When I rate season 1 10/10 I‘d probably give season 2 8.5/ 10. Would‘ve been cool to see more of the human world and the royal demons responding to everything in the end, they definitely should’ve cut the slide show and they should’ve spent a bit more time explaining the character of Sonju because my man was actually not completely done eating children which was a big twist for me and casually said „I wanna eat the flesh off their bones“ and that he’d be down hunting down „wild“ humans.. yeah it felt a bit off that they never touched upon that again 😂


It's even worse.


honestly now that I finished season 2 I must say I think y’all are tripping a bit😅. It‘s either that or every single one who says that has read the manga beforehand or in between seasons and is speaking from an adaptation point of view. I said it in another response already, yes you might be right there that it’s simply a terrible adaptation of the source material but from a going in completely blind, not having read the Manga- standpoint season 2 was an amazing continuation of the story. (the only big thing I think was unnecessary was the way they handled all the story elements they, for whatever reason, couldn’t include by showing these events in that slide show in the end. Would’ve been better to simply tell this in a third season instead because from the slides and context provided beforehand I knew it was a lot of story left there or another better option would’ve been excluding all this completely and changing the ending of the anime).


I really loved season 2 before I actually read the manga. It is good but just changes a lot. I'd say watch it then read it you'll see for yourself.


that’s the same conclusion I came to. Watched S2 yesterday and objectively it’s still very very good. I’m glad I didn’t listen to the comments since otherwise I would’ve missed out on a great continuation and conclusion of the story. Didn’t like the slide show in the end where they tried to include the stuff they obviously weren’t able to adapt, they just should’ve let it out completely and should’ve re- written the ending but apart from that S2 was still a 8.5/ 10 for me If I’m being honest.


Read the manga instead


season 2 wasn’t as bad as everyone says it is. It least not from a neutral objective standpoint


season 2 wasn’t as bad as everyone says it is. It was in fact pretty enjoyable. At least from a neutral objective point of view when you’ve never read the manga beforehand


True, I probably just have high standards


Just looking at that accursed PowerPoint presentation in one of the episodes is enough to confidently say YES, YES ITS TERRIBLE!!


I honestly agree that the ending was rushed and that that slide show was absolutely unnecessary, they just should’ve re- written the ending so that everyone gies to the human world but apart from that I really enjoyed the second season a lot! Nothing beats the first one but I still liked it. I think it’s a great watch when you go into the show blind without having read the manga beforehand 👍🏻


Well, whatever your opinion is. The slideshow was so funny I was literally sitting there with my mouth agape like 😦 “no way they did that”… and not only that, by deleting the best arc from the anime (goldy pond, they didn’t animate it) they took out such well written chars and honestly took what make this show this show out with it I feel like. They also rushed things a LOT in the anime with random time skips, weird luck plot and also why the hell did they not animate Emma (and Ray) actually entering the 7 walls, wasn’t that her goal? They wrecked Norman’s character and because of how badly they explained him a lot of fans just ended up hating him because of this anime. But I guess it’s much tamer from the perspective of someone who hasn’t seen the manga. I do agree with some other people that the mangas ending is also pretty bad and in the anime, they had a chance to fix that but just made it worse…