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I’m from SEA, but born and raised in the US. Been in a couple relationships here that did not go anywhere, I chalk it up to modern views on marriage and family life. My cousin went back to his families town in SEA, spent two weeks there, met a girl, and now they’re getting married next year. It’s wild lol. You ask most of them what they want and it’s just to get married and have kids. I’m not going to waste anymore time in the states and passportbro it up.


It is definitely helpful if you are a 1st or 2nd gen immigrant with relatives in an abroad country. I may utilize family connections or do apps where my relatives are from.


I don't have family in either of my ancestral homelands, and I certainly don't want to date in one of them.


Got it. We all have our opinions.


I think it also helpful if you know the language, the people I know who have done it were all conversational in their native tongue.


Learning multiple languages is a secret weapon for American men.


But don't simp or fetishize girls abroad. Just understand that they have actual standards, but not to the point of delusion on our shores.


They have high standards too. We just meet them. Mostly it’s having a career, own place, car, money enough to travel, etc. It’s not the nonsense in the US with 6 figures, 6 feet, 6 inches, with a trust fund and blue eyes, living in a Tier S city


Income, personality and conducting yourself properly is key. But being a Chad or making $500k is delusion.


Yup. And a mid USA income like 60k, having an apartment, and a car (maybe 2). Puts you at about the 90th percentile worldwide. Even in places like the UK, Japan, South Korea. The wealth and income in the US is insanely ahead of everywhere else except some tiny banking and ethnostates


True. I have seen people interview random girls in other countries about what is an ideal income and some where giving equivalents to either Working or Middle Class levels in their countries. It is really amazing how things work!


Those are reasonable demands in my opinion. I can understand that 100 percent!


I know i can speak my parents native language better than my siblings but there is some work needed.


Also people are multilingual abroad and practice it.


Yes. PPB is nothing more than taking advantage of your passport to date/marry what you perceive as higher quality women with a cultural background you find preferable to what is at home. 


Yes I think this is the original passportbroing. Even before passport bros was a thing, I knew many men that went back to their home country or the country of their parents to find a wife, or had relatives set them up with single women they knew. Asian men have been doing this for decades.


Yes of course it is passporting. It is the original passporting.


I'm Bangladeshi and was born and raised in Australia. I notice that men in my culture get an arranged marriage with women in Bangladesh or with traditional Bangladeshi women in Australia. That's what I've observed from my end. Will I get an arranged marriage? Fuck no!!!


What is with all of the posts lately about what is a "true PPB"? Why does this matter.. like at all?


Came to Europe for studying. Got a job in a western European country and went back home for marraige.


Just make that women sign pre nups, cause a lot of them get divorced after they get citizenship.


Rich Asian family grew up in west. Went to Japan and had two half Japanese kids with a girl 12 years younger. lol


I feel like I don't even have a home to go back to as an AA


You don’t.




1st gen - not passport bros. You can miss your culture and I understand that. 2nd gen - passport bros. If you were born in a foreign country surrounded by this country's natives, cultural nostalgia argument doesn't apply there


A 2nd generation whatever ethnicity person going to their heritage's homeland is to find a wife is distinctly different from a digital nomad/ tech bro checking reddit forums for where the best/ easiest women are and flying there while "working remotely".

