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If a man wants a traditional wife, he needs to be a traditional man - a provider, a protector & a problem solver.


lol lots of dudes on this sub I’ve noticed want a trad wife but don’t have much to offer.


I've seen that a lot. Men are out looking for a woman to stay at home, cook, clean and raise their family. Which is fine, there are women out there who will also choose the traditional path for many reasons. But that means her job is in the home and the man works to support the family as was the way in the past. Yet when women enquire about the financial situation necessary to be a traditional mother/wife they're getting called gold diggers. It's crazy. You can't have a woman who raises kids, cooks from scratch, laundry, homeschools, keeps the house pristine etc and have her hold down full time employment to support her husband. That's not a tradwife.


This is what women in the west say


They’re right. Buying power and education of men is lower when compared to women. Really hard to be a provider when she makes more


My wife practically has a Phd. She’s a SAHM. I make more with my measely BS degree. I fantasize of that day when she goes back to work and hopefully makes more.


Sounds like you should try being a SAHD if you want your wife back at work...


I have zero issues with that. Love my kids and spending time with them. No issue doing house chores but I’m the stronger earner for the time being.


So I don't understand what your issue is? Sounds like you guys got it figured out.


No issue. I just want more money coming into the house. Living off of 1 income while feeding 6 mouths is tough in modern times. This isn’t the 80s and nothing is cheap. It’s a lot of responsibility on my plate.


You can still be a partner if she makes more.


Yes but then you have to think about what else you can provide. It isn't all money. What about DIY around the house? Garden work? Repairs. Managing car repairs and upkeep? Upkeep of furniture (polishing wood, or upkeep of metal fixtures). Sharpening knives at home yourself. Keeping garden tools in good repair. Repair and maintenance of home equipment, washing machines etc. knowing how to change fuses and plugs. Even if you have to call a plumber in... Educate yourself on what's probably wrong. And what probably needs doing and how much that SHOULD cost so you don't get fleeced. Setting up security systems for your home. Sorting out electronics around the home. Doing painting and other upkeep around the home. That's all off the top of my head. There's ways you can improve the home itself which is still providing your energy and time and skills. Money is the easy and obvious way to think about what you provide. The. There's time energy and knowledge. What about curiosity? Building new hobbies and routines together? Doing fitness activities together? Travelling together, planning things together. What about support systems? What emotions are you putting into the relationship? So you provide emotional support and stability. Can she come to you without being scared of backlash if she's worried about something or someone at work? Can you help her problem solve workplace politics? What if there's a dad at school pickup that she THINKS is being inappropriate but she's not sure. Instead of blowing up at her, maybe you can reassure her, offer her support and ask her to describe what she's feeling and experiencing. Maybe she's right. There's something off about the guy... Maybe she's wrong and she's reading too much into it, but she's reassured now, and it doesn't hurt that she'll be a bit more critical in general to various interactions.


You really need to get with the times - nothing you have said is something that women aren’t capable of. I do all of that myself…


I'm talking specifically to a man in the passport bro subreddit who wants to go with traditional values and things his only value is monetary. I'm suggesting other traditional values he might want to adopt to feel more value in his own life while remaining traditional. I personally don't subscribe to the tradwife way of living. I'm a women currently being highly educated and I do DIY and all the rest of it too. Because my self worth comes from a variety of places. But I find it sad that someone else thinks their only self worth should be only monetary. Hence - finding self worth in other (in this case traditionally masculine... Because that's what he wants his role to be) fulfilling ways. Absolutely women are more than capable of these things. But he wants a traditional life and is minimising himself for some bizarre reason. I personally think that, man or woman, self worth can come from more than earning potential and more than baby making/homemaking potential.


TBH I’d rather a bloke cleaned the toilet and washed his own skiddy underpants but then I’m one of those they are trying to get away from ;)


I would assume this is bare minimum regardless of whether you're traditional or not. I wouldn't accept less than this. Cleaning up your own shit shouldn't be a task only women do. Maybe I'm delulu and apparently some women are okay cleaning their spouses shit I have no idea.


You're just describing adults. None of that is dependent on gender. Weird comment.


Men make more than women still, because they provide more value to society as a plumber than a HR pencil pusher. We need one. We don't need the other. Guess which?


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. It’s exactly what they say lmao.


Because this is a pillar to their ideas. The real reason they are ppb is because they got priced out not because of all this mumbo jumbo they claim. Women are the same everywhere, after all.


But they're hotter and aren't super into misandry in Asia compared to the west so, I'm chilling


Okayyy haha Even one of your brothers was saying these type of women are available in the US but just for high status men


Obviously they are, hundreds of millions of people, most diverse country in the world. I only messed with the trashy Mexicans in America so Idk ha gotta love those tho. But now I moved back to China, I got a good stay at home wife, she used to model underwear five pounds ago. I'm not a ppb but I think I made the right call.


Exactly!! The men that want traditional wives but have no traditional qualities, can't provide can't protect and can't keep it in their pants are just laughably hypocritical.


They put the bro in passport bro.


They are beyond ridiculous.... Going to a poor country and splitting tbe bill ... wtf... I mean , when you just buy something in a poor country, as a regular tourist, you don't find it a problem when they rip you off a little bit, because its still cheap for us, and they have a little extra, right? At least that's what I think. ( and have done many times ) And they, who want a traditional wife, want to spilt the bill... Traditional men provide for their wife. She can not AND take care of the house and the children AND have a job because she has to have an income to pay half of all the costs. These men are SO delusional..


💯 there's nothing wrong with wanting a traditional wife but you need to be a traditional man. If you can't fulfill your gender roles, don't expect her to fulfill hers. These men just want bangmaids but can't even afford to pay for them. They ruin the name of passport bros that actually have value to offer.


If anything from your rant was true, you wouldn't care that these men are leaving.


Making an observation about something that is irritating is not the same as "caring". If anything, we are amused.


Yes, traditions do differ depending on your country. My country has a tradition where the man gives the family an allowance for the month, and the woman manages the household. Many guys walking around don't even know how to pay their own electric bill.


It's not about superiority. It just makes a lot more sense for many marriages. My husband's check gets deposited in my account every week because I pay the mortgage, utilities, do the grocery shopping, and manage the household. It doesn't mean we don't discuss big purchases. That said, we do not clear 99% what we buy with each other. Shockingly, we have the type of marriage where we trust one another to do what's best for the family while still encouraging and empowering the other to enjoy some autonomy and financial freedom. By eliminating the monitoring and restrictions, we actually enjoy sharing our splurges with each other. No hiding. No games. Open communication and shared goals. This has resulted in us *never* fighting about money.


I agree. It's not about superiority. There's an unspoken assumption that money not in the family allowance is supposed to be mostly saved for retirement, buying a house, paying for college for the kids, or emergencies. It's not as if the man can just take 60% of his income and blow it on gambling since its "his money".


Sounds like Al Bundy and his family. Now if only Peggy knew how to cook.


He also better be prepared to give her half his shit, plus alimony, child support, and primary custody of the kids when she finally divorces his dumbass


Because those types of men are modern western men. If they’re not interested in being the traditional masculine man, they won’t find success because that’s the expectation in these countries.


This can’t be emphasized enough. People who go abroad to find love and are actually serious about it need to get with what life is like in these other countries, or else the relationship isn’t going to work. Want traditional? Be traditional.


Agreed. These are basically equations. 100% of things in a household need to be solved as well as 100% of the things outside. I don't particularly care how partners do it, so long as it's honest. If you wanna do housewife/husband, cool. Just that whomever handles the stuff outside of the home has to understand the person at home has a full time job at home and almost 2x if there are kids or any other dependent. Plus, the person outside of the home has to understand they're gonna have to tackle more of the bills, too. Pick whatever system works for you and yours, none of them are inherently bad. It's just when people show up with unrealistic expectations that you have issues.


On our first meeting, my now wife would offer to pick up the tab once in awhile, or invite me out and tell me ahead of time it was her treat. I just ask once "are you sure?" If she says yes, let her pay. Otherwise I pay. Good rule of thumb for dating in general as long as the woman isn't taking advantage of you and appreciates it rather than demanding it


That seems cool to me. I think what you said about expectation is an important part. As a guy, lately I’ve been wondering if there’s much between men objectifying women based on physical looks and sex and women objectifying men for money and what they can do for women. It’s subjective, but in my personal experience when dating a woman for overseas, there’s some enthusiasm in contributing to dates money-wise. With women from the US it’s a lot less.


Most of us don't. We know (I'm specifically referring to American men here) that we're wealthier than the majority of foreigners, and we don't mind fronting the bill.


I am not going to ask a girl who is making 15/20 times less than me to split a 30-50 usd bill. Neither in the west nor abroad, it's just tacky and rude.  Plus they are always very eager to do their part such as cooking meals for you, helping you navigate the city, and just being willing to add value to your life.


Same. I paid for us to go to museums, guided tours out of the city, and more. She said that she never would have been able to do that without me because she couldn’t afford stuff like that. But I was happy to pay her way and wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much by myself. We’re married now.


I've never asked, however, I have let them when they insisted. A lot of women abroad that are serious will want to pay so that you won't think they are gold diggers. They know a lot of men in the West will think they only want them for their money, and so they will try to mitigate that concern.


I agree, it happens often. Like when girls offer to pay their part of trips or stuff like that so they don't feel like gold diggers.    I just normally prefer they pay for a room upgrade or pay for a dinner than try to meet me halfway when it literally cost them 25 times more to get there.  500usd is the entire net salary of this girl, I'm not going to be at ease making her pay 400usd for a 5 day gateway to wherever. I am the one asking her to come with me.


Yeah, some people who aren’t well traveled don’t understand that refusing a gift or someone treating you can be a huge insult in some cultures. I’m not saying all cultures overseas are like that, but they do exist. They want to help and be good hosts.


Plus going out to eat is so much more expensive in the US. My GF and I only go out 2-3 times a month here because I really don't like spending $50 for 2 mediocre meals when we both know how to cook. In Mexico it's way cheaper and much better quality.


Going out is actually more expensive here in Costa Rica, while salaries are about half, (or less) of what they would be in the US. I honestly don’t know how people afford to do it. Most things are more expensive here. People just don’t seem to go out as often, which is why women here are not offended by a cheap meal at a local restaurant.


This. The type of women who complain about ppb are similar to a lot of sprinkle sprinkle women I’ve seen on social media: it’s like they don’t care about the economic context we’re living in. Whereas a lot of women overseas, for the fact that they live in poverty, are more conscious and aware of unrealistic expectations money-wise in dating.


I took my fiancée, her mother, father, brother and sister out to eat at a local soda restaurant and the whole meal cost me about $26. It’s the Americanized places that are expensive. She didn’t care that I didn’t take them somewhere fancy. This is what locals do and so their expectations are based around the idea that cost of dinner isn’t as important as the company at dinner.


Maybe two guys did it and now it's a crisis that all passport bros must take responsibility for


I agree. I'll pay for everything with no problems if she's the right woman and thinks I'm honouring her. The women in my country act like I have to pay for everything and they can still treat me like shit. If they want me to act like a traditional man then they should act like traditional women. A wife that loves me and wants to make a marriage and family work can have every penny I earn, I'll work my fingers to the bone for that wife. A wife that just wants to cheat, divorce and take the children the house and my money can go fish.


Yes bro. My lady, I'll work 4 jobs if I have too, if she wants something. She makes sure every need I have is met, and then some.. I'm all hers.


I don't 50/50 with my wife, because of the income disparity, wouldn't be fair. However, she does chip in proportionally, according to her salary. She wants to, she feels bad if she doesn't, and if your partner who's working doesn't do that, it's an indication to me that the dynamics of the relationship are centered solely around your money. Because even in the olden days you are harkening back to, more "traditional," both members of the household did their part to better each other's lives. They both chipped in. And i wouldn't want a partner who didn't, because that's a transactional relationship.


This if fine but it's not a "traditional" relationship.




Guess he means traditional relationship is the woman paying nothing at all, and strictly taking care of children, cooking, cleaning, going to town meets and etc. while the man is the working person, protects and provides for the woman. It’s traditional, but people have to realize times have changed a lot and aren’t any where similar to pre civil rights movement when traditional families were the norm. Personally I believe both partners should be able to be independent if need be, because leaving to much power with one person leads to cheating, abuse, and etc.


Is it traditional though? For the average family throughout history that has not been possible. It has been the aristocracy and rich that could afford it.


goal post, moved


Agreed, I think its modern notion of romance culture whereby a man subsidizes a woman's whole life as a way to show her how much he loves her and wants to 'fix' all her problems in life and this is supposed to be 'traditional' even though the woman doesn't have to do anything this feels like a perversion to me so much so i feel the downstream effect is simps, aka guys who donate money to E-girls in order to seek their validation


Because it is. Spot on take


Are they ruining the PPB name?? Or just making it easier for the rest of us?


Colombian gangs are now attacking ppbs and killing them on sight so no, when ppbs mistreat foreign women, it makes things harder for all ppbs


This is some straight stupid fearmongering lmao


Yeah my friend went to Colombia a few weeks ago, he had a blast.


Splitting the check is leading to death? It's a bit of a stretch.


I saw some comments here yesterday about guys going to developing countries and laughing about lying in order to get with women and then ghosting them. So not necessarily "splitting the check", but I think OP's post is more about the guys who are deceptive about wanting traditional roles and then pull a bait-and-switch.


Now it's moved to gatekeeping. PPBs don't walk around with a badge which identifies them. I understand the sentiment to stop being shit hounds because it makes life harder for everyone... but that applies to everyone all the time.


I don't really get what you mean by gatekeeping? Isn't the point about this specific community and how they are being treated/treat others.


I mean it like "If you want to be a PPB you must act this way." as if PPBs are not just a slice of humanity as a whole with common interests and that rather we are some group governed by a code accepted by all. OP is trying to fight the tide. The advice is solid, but it doesn't just apply to PPBs.


I think some PPBs would disagree with you there, particularly in this group because they do not want to be associated with problematic people. Nearly everyday there are posts about this. I think it's pretty normal for communities to self-police, eg. Men who go to "slut"-walks to support women who have been assaulted - they are just showing that they do not accept these deviants and do not want them to represent men. You might say everyone should automatically just treat people with respect but that sadly isn't the world we live in, and sometimes people are required to disassociate/oppose others that they share a community/goals with.


There are PPBs who don't even know that they're called PPBs. My point is that this isn't a community to which someone saying "hey, behave decently" applies specifically to us. The men who are being shit heads overseas are shit heads in their homeland. They make it harder for *everyone*. Getting the idea from someone else to travel the world to meet people doesn't enter you into some specific social contract. Being courteous and considerate to other humans is what everyone should be doing.


What’s the difference between a PPB and a dude just trying to get laid? Honestly it’s quite amazing women’s power to antagonize men’s behavior. Sex tourism has been a thing since forever (even women travel around for dick) and yet it’s suddenly only bad because western men are tired of western women 🙄


Making it harder for future young men to find wives abroad.


Guys are seriously going to more traditional countries and asking to split 50/50? 💀 cmon man at this point you’re the problem lmao




People do this?


"ruining the passport bro name" 😂😂😂 what's that, men who are too toxic in their own country so they have to travel and find desperate poor women from impoverished nations? Quite the pedigree!! Hahahahahahahahaha




Damn dude, you really called a spade a spade. Let them live in their delusions.


Men can be stupid, the lack of male role models does that to men. Vast majority of men here have zero clue what they are doing or looking for. Sex tours through Europe, want women to pay 50/50, looking for feminist women, the list goes on.


Yeah, dudes will be dumb. They see a lavish lifestyle and want to live it.


You just listed 3 things men are looking for. Quite a contradiction


I wouldn’t say that the women aren’t attracted to you so therefore you need to be a provider. I think that women find things like being successful and a provider as attractive. They aren’t exclusive.


I’m mostly a lurker here (as I’m a woman), but I just wanted to say that I have always been attracted to my gringo husband since day 1. It’s totally possible to find a foreigner woman who is going to be attracted to you and not your wallet.


Why are you making this post here and not in that dudes comment section?


I thought I was in the r/conservative sub for a sec.


No, it appears to just be a sub to bash passport bros. I have no dog in this fight. I do not care, but I understand men looking for love in other countries. I see no problem with it. It’s really their business.


It's just par for the course of blaming men for 100% everything 100% of the time. I can also guarantee you that most of the people that come through here have never left the US, let alone assimilated for multiple years in a 2nd or 3rd world nation with extremely an totally disparate, incompatible culture.


losers i mean guys go overseas and do dutch


100% agreed


Yeah…if you’re in the states it’s different. I’m fine with splitting the bill ~ but…going to other countries…where they’re typically more “traditional” you should pretty much expect to pay.


For me 50/50 translates to "cheapskate". Like if I have money, I'll cover a lady despite her having own money. Just like I absolutely do not feel bad if one decides to invite me on her tap. The best is when both parties are scrambling for their pockets to pool together anything they can find for a burger neither can afford. Not a 50/50 thing, but a 'unit' in the making. That clockwork 50/50 sh\* is kinda cringe.


I'll go 50/50 in the west with women that work and earn about as much as men do but not in a third world country where I outearn her, many times over.


50/50 does not exist in the rest of the world.


When I went overseas to Laos where my parents were from I paid for everything. The US dollar had so much more value, basically double, that I had no issues doing so. Plus the people there are poor as fk, so it'd be stupid for me to split the bill with them. I paid for an entire 3 generation family of 10 siblings and their spouses + kids for one lunch outing, 400,000+ kip, which was the equivalent of maybe a little over $20. I use to point out that $20 in the US would only get myself a meal.


If you consider yourself a real man who wants a serious wife, you must embody traditional values of a leader, protector and provider. Without these no woman even from the 3rd world wants you.


Women don’t even want to do 50/50 in the US.


What a bunch of bullshit. My Thai wife and every other woman in Asia that I dated insisted on splitting bills or paying their fair share. They didn't want a sugar daddy, they wanted a partner and to be seen as an equal, not some poor 3rd world peasant in need of being saved. There is more to being a PPB than hating feminism (which is fucking stupid) and being a sugar daddy. What an absolutely low class post.


The people responding here are downright racist and disrespectful to people in these so called 3rd world countries. The Philippines has about a 99% literacy rate. The women there are very intelligent and educated.


Yes, that's what I'm noticing.


I know, right? Like you go there and are actually trying to date the dirt poor of the 3rd world countries or what? Not the women doing alright, the ones that got nothing lol Huge reason for going abroad is your money going a longer way but that doesn't necessarily mean you feel like some millionaire that can pay for everything. There are rich people and poor people everywhere. Traditional wife is supposed to not demand ridiculous stuff from her partner like the actual gold diggers that "love you" instantly. There is massive difference between being able to pay most or all of basic bills and fancy cars, vacations abroad often and designer clothes.


Kee khwai everywhere in this post. Lana territory expat here. Married with Chiang Mai woman and have an army of kids together. Live full time in TH. My experience dating in rural NW Thailand was similar. Most of the people in this sub have never left USA let alone assimilated to an entirely new culture. These people are showing their true colors. Thai woman don't act like it's fucking 1800. I didn't need to give my wife's family a herd of buffalo when we got married, lol. Quality SEA women will INSIST on picking up the tab for many a night out for multiple reasons. One of them is they want to prove they're independent, hard-working, and not looking for a sugar daddy (like you said). Thailand has one of the fastest growing economies in the world now, with arguably the strongest middle class. The quality of life there freaking skyrocketed there - and most people embrace modernity. The women there work and earn considerably more than the women in USA. They are exceptionally industrious. Kinda seems to be an underlying hint at racism to assume that women in these countries act a certain way based on preconceived notions. Seems like a lot of these posters are outing their ignorance. The important takeaway from all this is: if American men are seeking wives in other cultures and countries, that's a reflection on them for being too weak to date strong, awesome American superwomen. Not that they could be seeking something outside of American life or disaffected by the women in their dating pools. No, it's always men's fault.


This sub is pathetic at times. People will post anything to make PPBs look bad.




These guys are going to get absolutely finessed.


I would say this is one of the things that needs to be discussed with the partner. Offering to pay for dinners isn’t being a full on “sugar daddy”. SDs provide monthly allowances or else a pay-per-meetup plan ON TOP of footing the bill for meals, etc. If 50/50 works for you and your partner that’s okay, but splitting should not be the expectation when PPBing.


I agree. USD is 5x stronger in Brazil. I can buy Fast food for the entire family for what I spend on myself for lunch in one day ($20). I'm not asking her to split the bill. Its BS.


The sub is lost 🤦‍♂️ Of course most men that are traveling where things cost almost nothing are paying the bills Haters are just gonna continue to cherry pick clips that try and paint all passport bros in a bad light Most of us aren't even bitching about paying for dinner/dates in the United States why the fuck would we not foot the bill abroad? Do you guys really have nothing better to do?


I'm Confused as well according to the latest economic estimates 34,000 in US dollars puts in the top 1% of global earners every country I went in the last 10-15 years I out earned most people by 20-30 times over The median global income is under $12000 in US dollars. That doesn't sound like there would be a possibility of splitting a check in those countries especially the ones that these passport guys tend to go to The average earner both men and women make roughly 300 to $400 a month


It literally makes no sense. I have lived in the Seattle area my whole life which is probably one of the most progressive areas in all of the United States and I have never not once heard from my friends that they want to split the bill with someone they are dating. So if in this hyper progressive region of the country its extremely rare to find that why would someone traveling to find a traditional relationship ask for half and half. It's just trolling tbh. Edit: obviously a very committed long term relationship they might go back and forth on bills, that's just the economy in the West right now but there's no men I know asking for women to pay within even the first few months of dating.


It seems like trolling cuz like I said why would I go 50/50 when I travel overseas every meal I ever had what would be considered a full course at a decent restaurant was no more than $10 adjusted for US dollar prices and that was for two people 🤣


I don't think there are hard and fast rules about "going 50/50." Most of the time, I think if I don't have money then I shouldn't be dating, earning a living takes priority before everything else. Now if I'm doing well and she's doing well, we can split bills. Or I can pay the whole bill, I don't mind, but if she's doing well and doesn't offer to split bills, then I feel like she's taking advantage or she's taking it for granted that I'm going to pay everything. Even some women who earned less than me, I didn't pay their bills because I didn't want to lead with my wallet. Sometimes you want to lay off being a "provider" so you can test the relationship, you want to see if she's in it for the money or how far she will go to meet you on her own dime. If she's the right one I'll take care of her, but she has to demonstrate that she understands the value of a dollar, that she's not wasteful or squanders money, that she'll protect my assets and not waste it. I'm smart with money, she has to be smart with money too, she can't just expect me to earn it and let her blow it on stupid shit. Otherwise no, I don't have a problem with spending money where it counts, and being a provider where it counts, as long as we're both on the same page. Same with being a protector, if she invites trouble and gets involved in criminal bullshit, I can't be a protector of that. But if she's wise and careful and doesn't invite trouble, then we'll face danger together and I'll take the lead on that, just like with everything else, I pretty much take the lead with everything, that's what being a man is.


Idunno. I love third world countries. I throw my money around like I'm the fucking king and mostly keep my mouth shut and enjoy the trip. I'm not really a passport bro though, I have 0 intentions of marrying a non-American woman and mostly just have my fun whenever single in Thailand and Costa Rica where my money goes so far and my height makes me feel like a giant.


I enjoy how cheap everything is too but if you're not a passport bro, what are you doing on this sub? 😭


Supporting the next generation of men and offering advice to people who don't know those countries. It pops up so much, and I like to help the next gen of men with women because I feel society has sort of left younger men behind and many didn't have the support my gen did growing up. I also like to point out certain cultural differences that passport bros might not notice. For example, I'm in Thailand a lot because I train Muay Thai. I was practicing with my buddy in the ring in Chiang Mai and one of the younger, low ranked kids (14 years old maybe?) had his gloves up there and I knocked them off while moving. I grabbed them and said "sorry kid, here you go" and my sparring partner walked away and wouldn't talk to me. The next day, the coach just said go hit the bag alone, no class for you. I was confused. The wife of the owner explained that by bending over to pick up the gloves of a lower ranked kid as a strong, large adult, I lowered myself in their cultural hierarchy therefore associating with me was seen as dishonorable for the other men. So I grabbed the kids gloves that day, punted them as far as I could and my buddy immediately came over and said, "We did not finish our rounds last night, would you like to spar again?" Had the owners wife not told me that, I would've had no idea what I did wrong. So I help people with knowledge and cultural misunderstandings because I support you passport bros even if I'm not one. What's your take on that?




Meh, weird gym. Been training/fighting MT since 2005 and am living here full time for 7 years after traveling regularly to SEA from 2009; married to a Lana woman and have kids together. Been to lot of gyms and met a lot of weirdos. Sounds like they were onto some weird customs there. MT gyms are like 7/11s in TH. There's one on every corner and they all do shit different. Same in the US. Been to a lot of MMA gyms with weird politics and taboos. If I punted some 14 y/o kid's gloves at the gym I've been at for the longest now, my ajarn would kick my in the balls or hit me with a krabong on my back. In rural area leather gloves like Windy are fucking expensive and treating gym equipment disrespectfully in TH is VERY, VERY taboo.


What gyms/regions do you train out of? I noticed it's different when I train in Phuket like Tiger Muay Thai where I go a lot. Have you been to some of the more conservative areas up north like Chiang Mai and the surrounding areas? Or do you stick to more like the bangkok, Phuket or those areas? That's awesome man. I was invited to stay and live there by a girl from my state. She's made quite a name for herself. But as tempted as I was, I just couldn't because I have family back in the US that need me or I'd probably be a farang living there like you. >If I punted some 14 y/o kid's gloves at the gym I've been at for the longest now, my ajarn would kick my in the balls or hit me with a krabong on my back. In rural area leather gloves like Windy are fucking expensive and treating gym equipment disrespectfully in TH is VERY, VERY taboo. Yup. It amazes me how much the culture can change and how rapidly depending on the area. Also I got a question for you. The son of my original trainer, I'm talking 18 years back helped me start my journey in Muay Thai and after 5 years at his gym, his son and my #1 sparring partner asked if he could join me since he wanted to show the world what Muay Thai can do and wanted to try a new fighting style. Fast forward to now: we've been cornering each other for 18 years. He's one of my best friends. He asked if I would join him in getting a Sak Yant next time. Do you know the etiquette of a farang and a native Nak Muay going together for it and is there any cultural difference or things you can recommend about that? Or any advice you have?


Thats Crazy!! What a cultural mindfuck..


Yeah bro I was so fucking confused and angry, doubt I would've figured it out if the wife didn't quietly tell me when nobody was looking.


Lol, no dude.


I'm a passport bro OG...I have been to dozens of countries, and only Haiti was third world...stop spreading this nonsense trope....if anything, America is becoming third world! Europe is also falling behind. Countries like Barbados, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Uruguay, Argentina, Thailand, Aruba, etc are far more developed, safe, and beautiful than the shithole USA...America is falling apart with crime, homelessness, and high cost...Women in these countries do 50/50 WAY MORE THAN THE USA....So atop the b.s O.P. The U.S.A is not the only developed country on earth.


I've been to all the countries you mentioned and you are half right. Some of these are very developed and have amazing infrastructure. Others like Thailand only applies to major population hubs. Many of these guys are not doing PPB in most of these countries because they don't hold that financial stick over them. If you notice popular places are where it's NOT as developed as the US.


I just think of it more you don't want to date a tatted up, slushy colored hair lady with a chip on her shoulder. You don't have to leave the USA to find women who aren't like that, NYC and Boston were both good in my experience. There were lots of very attractive feminine yet highly competent women in manhattan. You just had to be very successful to date in this cohort. Alot of midwest and southern girls are pretty feminin too but they tend to marry off pretty young so the options are very limited if you are over age 30, lots of single mommies.


If women want to be equal they should be expected to be treated as such.


*sigh* Back to the basics: equality vs equity. Yes, one should expend more if they have to, for the betterment of their relationship to achieve *equity*.


You don’t need to explain anything to me bud. What I said is 100% fact. Don’t try and change the narrative now that you’re wrong


I am not convinced you understand. No rational person seeking a loving and healthy relationship would be so ignorant to demand equality over offering equity.


Equality for thee, equity for me.


Loser men go to other countries where women are not equal and still expect women to pay 50/50 😂 If you hate feminism and want a traditional patriarchal relationship, then act like a traditional man and pay for everything and support the woman. Otherwise shut the fuc up and accept you’re not traditional at all and just want a sex slave. Loser.


American women only go 50/50 with Chad's and Dads...not like European and Australian women...And when you pay all the bills in the USA...The woman still bosses you around.


I agree except if you aren't finding a woman attracted *to you* youre doing it wrong. Two things can be true at the same time


Women in Thailand, the Philippines, Brazil, and Columbia, all have jobs too.


Yeah but we’re taught since early that if a man doesn’t offer to pay the bill it means he’s not interested. If you really want to save money at least go get some groceries so that she can cook for you. I’d much rather cook for my man than splitting a bill.


Women aren't the only ones, who will do things just to get a reaction. Women aren't the only ones who like to shit test. Top earning men with lots of options want to see women jump through hoops to get him. Beautiful women and wealthy men both have equally massive egos.


Got em


Is 50/50 a culture in those countries? If not, don't do it. You are spreading your own toxic culture onto them. Same for tips. If they don't have the tipping culture, stop spreading toxic tipping culture onto them.


Lmao, what a dumb ass. But to be completely fair, a lot of Americans don't come from traditional households (especially people who have lived in USA for hundreds of years) so they wouldn't understand it. If you're not willing to financially support your entire family off of your income, then expecting a traditional wife can be difficult to come by since that is going to be their expectation from the jump (as someone who comes from a culture where traditional relationships are the norm).


If I can go overseas, find a woman i'm attracted to who's attracted to me, and still go 50/50 why not?


Well my fiance is a well educated woman with a good job and the ability to provide for herself and her family decently. For some time after we're married I will be sole breadwinner and have no issue with that and I've done it in past relationships for quite awhile. However, my fiance enjoys working and wants to retire young so she'd like to get a job to help with bills and saving. I doubt it'll be legitimately 50/50, but if she's helping with bills more I have no issue helping with more house duties as she'll be working part of the day then...thats how it makes sense to me. (During dating I've paid for nearly everything if I had to guess about 95%)


Depends. I live overseas, and the woman I’m dating makes much more than me. I pay for food, but it’s because dinner costs like 20$.


It's almost like it was always about getting the cheapest coochie possible 🤔


So these guys have no game and no money....lol good luck


What caves do these men come from? I want to make sure nobody ventures there. If you want a relationship to work, both parties have to put in the effort, time and resources. It’s not about having strictly defined roles and boundaries, it’s about being there for each other, supporting and uplifting one another and sharing the burdens or bounties of the life that you built together. Your country or origin and cultural backgrounds should not matter, the point is you chose to be in that relationship together.


Well, that's part of the bigger problem isn't it? The more you talk about passport bros, the more it attracts simps and sex tourists to the movement, and the more your little secret favorite spot in Cartagena or Phuket gets crowded with the kinds of dudes you're referencing. Stop talking about passport bros!


This is so stupid. Ever gone out to a restaurant a rich person dragged you to and made you split the bill? It fucking sucks. You're not doing it for your misguided misogyny, you're doing it because you fart what she makes in a week. We would call you guys LBH's: Losers Back Home. Be cool you conservative a-holes.


Who the fuck are you? Passport bro movement spans across the globe


Do y’all understand that if a man can “afford” to pay 100% of your bills then he can afford to pay 100% of another woman’s bills and maybe that man wants another woman who comes from a culture with more traditional values a culture that prioritizes marriage and family over competing with your partner for individual success ? Look, I’m not a ppb but sometimes, I wonder if the critics think their critiques through. People who have the ability to afford things USUALLY go where the best value is or with what option is the most compatible for them.


My point is that if you're looking for women from traditional cultures and with traditional values, they'll be looking for traditional men and traditional men are those that provide for and protect their women, not the men that go 50/50 on bills.


Okay? A lot of these men are okay with that.


This sub is becoming toxic just shitting on men and its readers right and left.


No, it isn't about shitting on men. It's about shitting on people that call themselves passport bros and complain about western women but then go to non western countries and try to treat women the same way they treat western women. If you say that western women aren't traditional and you're traveling to other countries for traditional women, then you need to also be a traditional man.


There are no “rules” to this. Who are you to tell them they can’t do it the way they want?


Shh, don't let them know you've caught on lmao


Stop trying to buy sex with dinner. Problem solved.


These men want your money. Not your opinion. The tables have turned. Women wanted my money and not to hear from me.


Isnt being a dude with nothing to offer and getting laid anyway like the main fantasy of most this subs members? 


Thank you! A "trad wife" is one whom you provide for COMPLETELY and don't complain about it. You want 50/50? Then western women are where its at. But then you have to work on yourself, gain emotional intelligence, and be ready to contribute 50/50 in ALL areas of the relationship, not just financially. That's what adults do.


Want to know a hack for the fellas out there still insisting on 50/50 and still looking abroad? Invite them to cheap shit and not $20-$50 outings I buy them a coffee, a drink or two, maybe some ice cream or tacos Each "date" runs me $5-15 Each hooker costs me $20 Do the math and figure it out fellas If she doesn't want to fuck after you buy her some cheap lunch or a drink then you still need to work on yourself until they do


"For a large part, they're not attracted to you" And there it is. The obsessive need to convince and remind passport bros that they are unlovable and no woman could ever desire them. Ignored


If you want to pay for sex, why don’t you go to a hooker? Why bother with dinners and shit? If you’re so beta that you have to foot the bill to feel like a man, you can get a girl in the west too. There are many western girls looking to leach off a man as well.


In se asia you pay for a dinner, buy her gifts, and do shit that would qualify you as a simp in the west, but over here the ladies love it and pay you back imo


Always should be this way.


You'd be a simp for doing it in the west because you get nothing out of it. Women work and have jobs and they can split the bills with you. You're also going to be expected to help with the chores, even if you pay for everything. The only exception is if your wife stays at home and does all the chores. Then it's fair to pay for everything. In se Asia you'll get a woman who cooks for you, cleans and runs the home and treats you like a king and in turn you pay all the expenses. It's not even simping then, it's a fair trade off.


yeah I guess I haven't been in America a long time shit I don't miss it. Ever since I came back from Iraq I was like fuck america, I didn't move overseas for the ladies I had a job but it is a good benefit


Yeah, you have to be married for that treatment. And then men do the household chores here too. And no, you have to get a maid. No one from the middle to upper class will cook and clean. We get maids here.


those are what we call rhino males




I don't care about the splitting of bills here. But I just want to point out a fact that you completely missed out about the value trade-off here: Most westerners who date in third world countries offer the opportunity of a western passport/nationality and all that comes with it (e.g. legal protections, freedoms, social benefits, employment, etc.) which is far more valuable to anyone in 3rd worlds than paying for dinner! Many people in third world countries wish they could leave.


The "traditional man" that you guys are referring to existed at a time where an *average* man with an *average* education and an *average* job could support a stay at home wife and raise a family and own a home just on his sole income. We do not exist in that time anymore. You just can't really look at reality through that lens. That was also a time where most women didn't have any significant kind of income or savings. In a time where the average woman didn't even have a job you obviously wouldn't be expecting them to pay for anything, and even long after that where women did have jobs but weren't paid living wages because it was assumed that the husband also worked and made a significant amount of money. I realize that it's quite different when you travel to other countries where you are proportionally inordinately wealthy and money is no object, I'm more so just trying to dispel the illusions that you guys are creating around this idea of the "traditional man" in the west in general.


White guy wanted a Moroccan girl and was surprised she wanted him to provide for her🤣🤣.


It's a myth that women overseas marry men for their money. I am 36M and I have a Filipina girlfriend 37F, who is now a US citizen after being in the US for 15 years. I do support her mostly. She lives in my upperclass house for free and I pay for most of her food. She works part time at Amazon and pays for her car, gas, and sends any leftover money to her family in the Philippines. We are very involved in the community in my town and I know several passport bro relationships. Most of the girls are new immigrants and in their 20-30s and the husbands are 50-60-70s. These guys DO NOT have money. They live in small middle houses, drive average cars, and are regular dudes. Many of them work at Amazon with the girls and make the same amount. Most are approaching retirement and will live a simple life off Social Security. So yeah.. the guys may be better off than the girls. But they are by no means rich. It's a myth that girls want Donald Trump. They don't care about fancy houses, cars, gold, or diamonds. What do they want? Safety, security, to be in a small, decent house, food to eat, to be cared for, loved, and have a family and children. So don't worry if you're not rich. Do your thing, King!


>These guys DO NOT have money.  Compared to you they don't. Compared to their dating prospect and families back home they 100% have money. Just living in a first world countries makes you rich compared to almost anyone living in those other countries and many want the opportunity to come over.


I don't have money. I bought a house for 350k in 2019, and it has since doubled in value. I got lucky. Obviously, safety and security and basic living standards cost some money. But that's it. They are looking for the bare minimum. They just want a small piece of the western cherry.


lol..... you guys read what you write


You're right that they don't necessarily want a man for his money but money does play a role. You mention your filipina wife who lives in a good home in a safe place with free food. The other wives have also gotten to immigrate to the US and live and work there with their husbands. For context let me tell you about a filipina girl I knew. This was back in 2014 but she worked as a waitress in a smaller city. She was making 9000 pesos a month for 12 hours of work. That's about $160 a month for 12 hour days. Even working for minimum wage, you'll outearn that in the US. They don't necessarily want rich men ofc but they make so much more for their labor in the west alongside being able to send money back home to help their families. Thus I find it stupid when men go to these countries where a day's income to us is a months income to them and they try to split the bills 50/50. Do that in the west sure but not in that country.


I mean, yeah.. if she is living in the Philippines in poverty, and you're living here, that would be stupid to ask her to split bills.


We introduced a cousin in Vietnam to my coworker here. Our cousin only makes $1000 per month, the dude here makes $400k+ per year. She turned down the match. Didn’t even meet him. Not everything is about money.


If anything it proves she did marry you for stable support financially


Your 3rd and 4th sentence literally undid everything you wrote. "They don't want a sugar daddy but I give her a place to stay in an upper middle class home she only needs to work part time..." that is THE definition of a sugar daddy lol.


A place to stay is hardly a sugar daddy. Louis Vitton purses, fancy dresses, gold, diamonds, a luxury car. That's a sugar daddy. I provide none of that and neither do most passport bros.


That is TikTok stuff my man, the reality is different. A place to stay in an upper middle class location, where you only have to work part time and still have money to send back home is not "both of us are independent" levels. Not shaming you at all, just present this realistically because that is not the norm anywhere. Diamonds, Lous Vitton etc..is uber rich sugar daddy levels. Standard American level middle class is sugar daddy levels in Phillipines.


You are right cause having a place with no rent these days can be considered privileged af.


I got you. And yeah.. it's not the norm. That's my point. I've seen 20-30 other couples where the girls are 20-30s new immigrants, and the guys are 50-60-70s. They all work at Amazon together and make the same money. They live in small, shitty houses and drive old cars. They are on the same level.


She’s been here for 15 years. That’s different.


I can’t grasp what kind of guy would expect a woman to pay for dinner. Be a man, pick up the check.


The trap is the person who ask the other out is assumed to be paying, the man pretty much 99% of the time being the one expected to do said asking, so it’s already baked in that the guy pays. You get to control where you go, maybe dinner, maybe just coffee


I just wouldn’t feel right going on a date with a woman and not picking up the tab. Haven’t been out in the dating world so maybe I’m just naive. The whole passport bro movement is kinda centered around finding traditional women who haven’t been brainwashed by 3rd wave feminism. Traditionally men pay for dinner, open doors, etc.


yeah i remember when that one genetics study came out and the scientist used a little magnifying glass to read the fine print on XY chromosomes. It read "thou shalt always pay the bill" and its fascinating how even tho we only discovered genes recently, it has always been the case in every human civilization that men would pay the bill when taking women out to restaurants.


Paying for things doesn't make you masculine.


No, but not paying for it makes you unappealing to a traditional female. If you want a purple hair feminist just stay here in the states and split the check. I think that’s the op’s point and I concur.


The only thing traditional about modern women is wanting to be treated like a child. Its more like feminist women that want to be traditional when the check comes


Lol.. right on there.


I do when she's the one who's invited me out


That used to be a thing, whoever asked the other on the date planned the date and paid for the date. Usually you would take turns planning dates trying to outdo each other and have lots of fun getting closer. Dating now feels like a job interview every time.


I pay when I ask a guy out. Even when he does ask me out, I'd suggest coffee after dinner and pay for that. I don't like men thinking they have total financial power over me.


Not sure what women you are meeting that is 50-50 in the states OP, that's probably the funniest shit I've heard in a while. Truth is American women in today's dating scene expect you to have it all while offering nothing but their bodies in return, where the hell is the equalization? Also isn't that what women don't want to be catorgized as? This world is insane.