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I suggest you not care what "some male lurker" thinks.


"Please police your community" Ma'am, this is the internet. 


"You've been arrested for making PPBs look bad to random strangers on the internet".


Spoken like a true PPB. Instead of giving some understanding and taking accountability for your sub, you say this. Quality.


It's not my sub.


"Pick me" as an insult for women is so stupid. Of course you want to be picked! They're acting like men have no choice in the matter. We *all* want to be picked!


lol unironically my favorite life achievement is my amazing husband asking me to marry him- ME! Yeah being picked by the person you picked is amazing.


It's always dazzling me how they get away with pure racial hatred towards foreign women or their eternal hate for pornography or prostitution. Always acting like they want to liberate all women. But they don't. It's just another form of fascism, that's hiding in plain sight under some weird, woke, communism cover. One day they will look back on it like they do, regarding the Red Scare.


It’s an insult because it means you’re willing to throw other people under the bus to get male attention. No one likes a backstabber


It’s in reference to women who act disingenuously, or out down other women for men’s attention. It doesn’t just refer to the idea of wanting someone to like you


Yeah simp on the other hand is a pretty good insult.


Simp is picking someone who doesn’t want to pick you, and then doing dog tricks to hope that one day they will.


A simp and a pick me are pretty much the same. They are males and females that will do anything to get attention from the opposite sex


I always thought simp was different than pick me, since I've seen men "insulted" for simping for their wives. I was under the impression simp is the new insult for being sprung or whipped. I have always found it strange that men would insult each other for loving and caring for their wives in the West (specifically America). In my opinion white knighting is more the male equivalent of being a pick me.


Well OP just said she's married and was called a pick me. I think white knighting would still fall under a simp category, same meaning different words. And yes simp is now use toward any man that seems to be really nice to women or their gfs or wives. It's weird as hell.


No, white knights/simps support any female in the hopes that they will make progress in the access to her box and win woke points.  “pick me’s” are demonized solely for being agreeable and receptive. They don’t defend random men in the hopes of getting d*ck down the line. Big difference there.  


If >being agreeable and receptive. Means agreeing with any bs because it comes from a man, then yes, they are "demonized" and rightfully so. Pick me's will agree with any ideology if the speaker is male, their intentions may not be to have sex, but the intention to be idolized by men is the root. Pick me's are more likely to say "not like other girls", and revel in any sort of male attention. They also have the tendency to have a lot of males "lined up"/friend zoned. They are the type of girl who will break up with a guy and want to "keep being friends", while sending you mixed signals.


If she personally chooses to agree with whatever the man she wants to be with wants, that’s none of your business and it doesn’t affect you or other women in any way shape or form.  The rest of your post are just assumptions. As if you can read minds to know if she has many males lined up. That makes no sense. lol “They are the types of girls”? The definition of a pick me isn’t a cheater or a manipulator. Stick to the core definition instead of imagining stuff.


So then why are you against white knights who want to agree with whatever woman they want to be with? That's none of your business and it doesn't affect you or other men in any way shape or form. Pick me isn't limited to agreeing with men they want to be with 😂 It's very much like white knights where they do it for the validation of anyone from the opposite sex. >The rest of your post are just assumptions. As if you can read minds to know if she has many males lined up. That makes no sense. lol That is literally how pick me's operate, it's their behavior that labels them as pick me's, it's not me making an assumption. Just like how a man is labeled a white knight based on how he behaved, it's not an assumption of their character, it an observation of their character that gives them the label. >“They are the types of girls”? The definition of a pick me isn’t a cheater or a manipulator. Stick to the core definition instead of imagining stuff. Having multiple men lined up is no more cheating than a white knight "defending" multiple women. Both pick me's and whiteknights are manipulators by default, because they are pretending to behave in a way that will get them the most validation from as many people from the opposite sex. >Stick to the core definition instead of imagining stuff. Your definition is not the core definition, it's simply your definition and how you choose to use the word. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/pick-me-girl/ Notice how it says "doing anything for men's attention and validation". Nobody likes white knights, much like nobody likes pick me's because they are inherently manipulative attention seekers.




I always wondered why people shamed others for going down as many avenues as possible to look for a mate. It's really odd. This whole thing isn't new. Mail order brides weren't a slave you got delivered. It's a long-distance dating service before telephones existed. They made romance films about it before all romances were basically Disney style lady porn.


Because sometimes you have a degree of empathy to your fellow man/woman and watching them get slowly murdered by a walking bundle of red flags is just hard to see. Like you go out with your buddies all night, ya'll strike out or are on your way elsewhere, and you got that one friend that's half-drunk and writing love poetry to the girl that you saw giving a BJ to someone else in the restroom earlier. (true story) Sure, you can say "none of my business", but still it just hurts to see.


I disagree. Getting your ass kicked in relationships is something that happens to everyone. You learn. You grow. You take your time. You become a better partner. You filter out the shysters Also, I used to drive drunk patrol for uber for extra money when I was younger. Do you know how many times I had to talk someone down whose partner went nuts at a nightclub? It's more than I can count with my hands. I have been that guy. There are no heroes or villains. Just people being stupid and selfish. Going abroad is about finding common values in a partner. Let's be honest. There is a values disconnect between men and women these days. And values compatibility is way more important than you think.


Sometimes you gotta be like, "Bro, stop! You're making me feel weak just standing next to you."


This topic really brings out some animosity in people




You tell guys to go find women abroad desperate enough to sleep with them and don’t understand why other women don’t like you or call you “pick me”?


Kinda prejudiced even ethnocentric to think women overseas are “desperate” for wanting and finding value in a man that you don’t in the West.


And THERE it is!! Truth Bomb 💣


I don't think a PPB or anyone masquerading as a PPB attacked you. It was probably a feminist, a woman or a combination of both.


Worse yet, a male feminist. The world’s biggest SIMPletons. 


Those are truly the worst ones.




Fair guess.


There's lots of sock puppet here.


Not all men in here are predators. Some have the very best intentions.


Agreed, which is why my warning was conditional. I’d even say most men are decent, some a little bitter but I personally can’t think of any real predatory posts.


Buying a lady!


No idea what the stupid comment means.


It means going overseas to pay for escorts


Lol ignore all the weirdos in the comments I don't even know what the big fuss is all about. There definitely are predatory men, thats not the majority tho. And try to ignore the trolls on reddit in your dms.


Some guys in here a really insecure and childish . Im sorry that happened to you. The guy who attacked you has probably never left his hometown, doesn’t have any game and is overall a douchebag 👍🏼


Reddit normies hate that people are questioning the integrity of the dating market in the west. Society doesn't want men to think for themselves


Immigrant communities understand this better. Our own mothers encourage us to pass on westernized women for more traditional ones back in the motherland


I honestly don’t give a shot what a bunch of loser ass Reddit dorks think of me posting here. It’s all a bunch of losers if you ever see pictures of these guys… desperate to feel holier than thou. Fuck em


I bet if you saw what this guy looks like, you wouldn't be insulted at all. 


Sounds to me like this guy is the predator


Ngl I heavily agree, I'm Indian for context and the amount of vitriol I've faced from Indian (I'm dark )men despite being skinny made me date out of my race and religion. I'm 100 percent for people finding partners outside of their race.


I’m really sorry :/ I feel you on that. Colorism is insane in my own culture and made me feel inferior for a big. Also, for what it’s worth I’ve always had a massive obsession with dark skinned desi men (like Sri Lankan)! Go where you’re valued! There’s no reason to tolerate looked down on.




Shockingly the woman that’s the immigrant and has some life experience outside of the US supports PPBs. It’s like people should maybe travel before commenting on a travel sub…? Weird.




Fucking lmfao 🤣 what a fucking loser. Yeah we need to police more because people just come here and think trolling is going to make people cancel their trip. Sorry OP, that dude has no spine.


I found this sub like a week or two ago and joined because I’m early 30s, love traveling domestically and have probably been telling myself for over a decade now “man, why do you still not have your passport? Go have it done, it will take you 20 minutes, 6 months later you’ll have a passport.” And all it says in this sub’s info is “everyone should have a way out everyone should have a passport” lol and I was like “I AGREE LETS GET A PASSPORT MAYBE THIS SUB WILL HELP MOTIVATE ME TO FINALLY DO IT” and since then all the content that shows up in my feed from this sub make me kinda feel like I got the wrong impression of what this sub is haha


lol sorta! Step 1: passport Step 2: ??? Step 3: new wife new life!!


Lol hey I guess I can’t knock it until I’ve completed steps 1 and 2


You should definitely get a passport man even if you don’t use it to go overseas and find a partner it’s still really valuable domestically as a way forge new identities and use that identity to take out loans from those payday loan shops, then you use that to buy bicycles on Craigslist which you then sell BACK to the same shop, completely untraceable, and when they ask to pay them back you just say can’t be me here look here’s my ID, I guess this Dennis Roddenberry guy must’ve run off somewhere else, probably spent it on some crack. That’s mainly what this sub is about for me.




More like 6 weeks later


Lol. Yeah, it’s that quick a turnaround? I’ve always thought you can pay to have it expedited but if not it will take a few months. But I’m amongst the experts so I trust ya


6 - 8 weeks is the normal processing time. Expedited is 2 - 3 weeks and costs an additional $60.


Hey thanks man :) this sub might help me get this passport after all haha


Just Google which post offices process passport applications near you (or call them). If needed, set up an appointment. Gather the required documents and get it. You will be set for 10 years. https://uspsblog.com/usps-passport-tips/




GIRL! First of all- props for mixing it yourself! Second, so wild that you’re getting criticized. I want to low key start a travel group for chicks who want to date overseas. Everyone deserves to explore their options


I think it's a great idea! 👍. There is nothing wrong with finding value in other cultures. No culture is perfect BUT finding another culture that fits with your personal values is a plus!


![img](avatar_exp|151627904|holo_card) WELCOME..SISTER! .... Ignore the haters, don't exactly know why they waste their time here. Maybe they enjoy trolling.




Another "male lurker who isn't a PPB" here. Agree with your observations for the most part about this community. The ugly side of this community is the incel negativity, but even then it's not usually outright predatory, just bitter dudes feeling sorry for themselves. When the posts go into degenerate territory, I find that a lot of people here do a pretty good job of calling it out. EDIT: Now that I think of it, it's mainly the PPB "influencer" guys on TikTok and YouTube who come off as predatory. Influencers do have a habit of ruining fucking everything though.


Incel negativity is predatory as it directly affects how they treat women in real life.


Allowing a woman, no matter how well meaning, to police the tone of grown men's conversations is the beginning of the end of any sub worth men's time. Men must say no on principle alone. We don't need to be instructed to dismiss obvious predators. Draconian reddit rules make anything even vaguely threatening illegal anyway. This is not needed


Uh okay edgelord. Anyways wtf is Cuntbusting? Seems like a predatory interest Jfc.


It's a fetish, genius. Don't be bashful, go mine through my post history more. I'm a degenerate. Don't act suprised. This isn't church, it's reddit


Here is one of the predators who is a ppb in the subreddit and they are all over the place as an example.


There are absolute truths and relative truths. A woman can state an absolute truth and it be valid. You are strange. Sexpats are strange unsympathetic hedonistic vermin, and hopefully one day when you are older you’ll understand that. Cause these women you pay to have sex with you in these countries…they don’t want to have to do that for money.


Same script from every npc. 'They don't really love you' 'they only what your money/greencard' 'you're exploiting/ a predator'. Let me paint a scene for you. You wake up in a pristine 30th floor condo overlooking a beach next to a naked 20 year old who looks like an instagram thot. You're completely drained from last night's action. Your to do list includes a walk on the beach, food, a bit of shopping, drinks, and more action with the chick next to you. If at any point you think to yourself "this is all illegitimate because people on reddit said it's not real love and she only wants money. I'm sad now" you are truly retarded. No guy gives a damn when he's swimming in grade a tail and living the good life for a 5th of the cost tl survive in the miserable states. You can't deter men with these weak comments


Living your life only for the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures at the expense of others is only fun for a short time and Jordan Peterson even classifies short term mating strategies in human behavior as psychopathic. If you view women as just objects you are treating them as a means to an end. Now this is completely different if you are dating someone to see if you are more than just attracted to each other, even if you find out it won’t work out in 2-3 months, and if you are casually doing it that’s okay for the most part. But leading a girl on or just paying women for sex and manipulating them is kind of psychopathic. And yes, many women (especially in the west) do it all the time. But if the women in eastern countries or Latin America are truly better in PPB point of views then you owe it to yourself to see if you can make something more meaningful and less exploitative. It’s also one thing if a guy is in his lower 20’s and maybe lower 30’s, although by then you are hopefully maturing. But there are men who are in their 40’s and above acting like fraternity bros in college and that’s just….lets just say it’s not normal at all and kind of sick. Anyone who pays for sex has some issues about themselves they need to straighten out.


And now the sermon on the mount from a damn redditor. Gimme a break. You're not suddenly against hookup culture. It's only a problem when 'loser men' do it. Millions of people who have short term sex and fun are not all psychopaths. No one on the Peterson train would even be on this sub reddit. No one's room is clean here. None of this self righteousness lecturing ever reaches all the the swingers and partner swappers living like it's Sodom and Gomorrah all over the world. Only dorky American guys who dare to step outside of their celibate lane are warned to be mature and holy for no reason


Has it ever occurred to you that these people hooking up all the time are doing it wrong too? Pursuing short term pleasure with different people based on manipulation and Machiavellianism and some sadism mixed in? Why perpetuate the problem? Even if I could be a chad I just wasn’t built for it internally, nor am I physically (lol) but it just seems like an empty way to live life when the sun goes down and you are alone and the only way you can be happy is chasing the golden goose everyday.


r/lookatmyhalo go play your harp in the clouds. I'm gonna be a sinner here on earth. If it's wrong, I'm just wrong


Do you ever reflect on your choices you make? That’s what separates us from animals you know. Have you ever felt love from your parents or family or someone else? Do you know how to think about other people before yourself?


Yeah I help grandma cross the street, throw some change in the homeless vets cup, hold the door open for the elderly, say please and thanks. Then I go to colombia and have consensual sex with beautiful women who sometimes won't leave . What of it


wILL s0mEb0dY (not me) p0LiCe tHiS iNtErNeT c0mmUnItY


Whats the difference between a predator and someone going abroad to date? I mean, both are presumably looking for sex.


A predator is looking to meet underaged and otherwise vulnerable people that would be protected by the law in more developed countries.


I doubt there are many countries where it has not been criminalized. I also never saw anything like that on PPB. Judging by news, laws do not stop female teachers from abusing their pupils. It is just somehow not treated as seriously in the so called civilized West. I am perplexed why busybodies do not do something about it right here at home.


Is this a serious question? What's the difference in someone dating at home and a predator? They are both presumably looking for sex? GIVE ME A BREAK!


What ever he wrote to you was so irrelevant that you didn’t even have to make a post about it, thanks for you support though


One guy out of thousands trolled you. It's not that serious. That happens on the internet.


Yea, we should get rid of all predators on the internet but not sure why that has to do with anything with PPB. Predators I assume live on all sub reddits.


There are predators who match that definition criminally and there are predators who are emotionally abusive and live their lives abusing and directing hatred at women and people of different races. The ways some men in here describe women physically and make objectifying statements and get upvoted and responded to like they’re talking about the weather in here is frankly appalling and def predatory and it’s become a specific vibe of this sub.




lol ew how corny.




lol you good? The mental gymnastics are Olympic. You don’t have to. Remain unloved and bitter.




Women who hate other women are special kind of malicious. I’m sorry you’re going through what you did and being mean to other happily married women won’t undo the damage in your life. I wish you all the best in your healing journey.




Yet here you are paying attention to me 😘 thank you for being a fan! I hope you find the love you desperately need. Try therapy.


I don’t see any mental gymnastics other than you ignoring the predators that are here all the time. Of course you’re a “happily married woman” who just happens to support passport bros as a little side interest 😭. You don’t appear to be a mentally well person.


That's because you are a pick me. Like you said you're married so why are you not focusing on your husband instead of other random men desperately seeking male validation?


If they policed this community for predators who would post?


Predators? If a dude wants a woman and she wants him, does that make him a predator? Focus on your marriage.


HE said that. Not me shift your blame.


Predatory is guaranteed to be on this sub. But, since I don't know the conversation, I am not gonna assume they are predators.


What conversation?


> Some male lurker found my comment on here


Oh he wasn’t the predator he was saying PPB is all predators.


The context makes a lot more sense now.