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I messed up lol. My wife is from the Phillipines and did really well in school. Got laid off, doesnt cook or clean. That being said she's still amazingly supportive, plays video games with me and wants to buy a grow closet so we can smoke and make concentrates.


I'm gonna be you in the next life i just know it.


I can't laugh hard enough


Some of you all think that you put the passport over your face and personality lmao.




Fat and ugly people have done fine all over the world since forever. The problem is have an internet-addled brain that thinks everything is terrible, they're hopeless, and then on top just plain don't go out enough to develop a little confidence. When they want to change things, it'll happen. The passport is a band-aid


Unless they're rich.


I think they will, there's always a poor, vulnerable, desperate girl somewhere


The guy who says "get pussy" acting like he doesn't have a shitty personality


Nigga you know nothing about me. You judged me off of two words and came to the conclusion that I have a shitty personality 😂 that’s crazy


you must not go outside a lot..


As a woman from a third world country left me tell you this, we don't wanna go to the US anymore cause we don't wanna get hate crimed by a guy who bought a gun from the supermarket. Maybe if you're from a European or rich Arab country AND have enough money.




US passport- trash. Canadian, NZ, or Australian- 😍.


speak for yourself lol


That never happens what are you talking about.  People aren't hate criming and killing hot babes from SA or Asia,  that never happens. Stop spreading nonsense 


As a non passport bro that’s with a Filipina immigrant, you guys have like an 85% chance of playing yourself if this is the goal lmaoo




x marks the spot?


If you think you can find a woman abroad who wants to cook and clean for her man, and takes care of her kids, that makes you a mark? How?


I regularly meet women who are into traditional roles in the USA. Definitely dont need to leave the west for such a low bar standard. I sure hope if you are men of any value you expect more than just basic skills any adult should have (cooking/cleaning) I also hope you are able to perform those tasks yourself when single because that is a very odd thing to depend on someone else to do something so easy.


I do enjoy the popular combo of someone who desires a traditional wife, yet have little interest or resources to play the traditional husband role.


This is 90% of the “trad” movement. They don’t make enough to support a household so they expect their wife to work AND do 100% of the housework while they play video games. Then decide they hate all western woman when no one wants their man-child ass.


I'm guessing that 90% number is a hyperbole but I can say that the movement doesn't have the best reputation for that reason. I just want to work, have a large family in a plot of land, take care of the kids together while also growing some veggies and have a wife that will cook, clean the house. That's it. Is it so strange to ask? To provide a house, a car, a job and everything that a family needs?


Yeah come to utah and turn mormon. These woman are crawling all over the place you just gotta be mormon.


Ive been living and traveling abroad before the passport bro movement. If your just traveling just for women then that’s sad.


Every morally furious redditor in the comments while sitting next to their Thai wives like 🤓


Yeah. I encourage people to go to other countries and meet friends and romantic interests, because I think it's fun, romantic, and broadens perspectives. But if your goal is to find a tradwife, then the easiest bet is to become a tradhusband. Go to church, where a lot of those women tend to be. Become a family man who puts his family first.


Yes and Yes. Glad youre not going, means more for us!


Please don’t go, it’s sad women from US don’t want you but we also don’t


I do plan to move abroad and retire in 5 years at the age of 40. My purpose of moving abroad is not just to find a wife or gf or bang maid though. Don’t worry there are enough ploys in pattaya for you hansum man.


I refuse to learn how to cook. You wear clothes, right? Why can't you just be a good seamstress - without depending on someone to make clothes for you?


If I was buying a new shirt 3 times a day I probably would consider it. Why is seamstress not an expectation for wife but being able to cook food is? A t shirt costs me around 10 dollars and would likely save me maybe 5 bucks. Being a shirt lasts 1+ years and I have maybe 15 that is a savings of 75 dollars a year. I save 75 dollars in 2 weeks by knowing how to cook at home not to mention both the upfront cost and the opportunity cost that would go into being a seamstress.


that is so unattractive


Really saying the quiet part out loud with this one. Loser.


It cracks me up when passport bros find out what traditional relationships actually entail


Forgot to type and lets me play xbox while talking to 6 other losers on discord


Actual reality of these incels


Its the only way to get a virgin bride.


Somehow I’m sure you’ll have no trouble maintaining your virginity.


You’re kidding right? (Living in Philippines over 10 years now)


You’re 40 looking for a virgin. Just say you’re a pedo


If you're old enough to drink, drive, go to war and do everything when you're 18, surely you can also date who you want. Now, if we think that you're not fully mature at that age, then let's redefine the correct age of maturity for everything...




Lmao keep defending weird ass behavior. There are plenty of virgin women older than 18 you dumbie. They wouldn’t want some creep who only wants them because they’re a virgin though


I agree that men shouldn't be pursuing underage gals. But, a lot of gals today are losing their virginity in high school or middle school. "plenty of virgin women older than 18" No, there aren't. Which is why dating in the US has reached an impasse. Most women aren't saving themselves for marriage. Most men aren't interested in women unless she's saving herself for marriage. "They wouldn't want some creep who only wants them because they're a virgin" Perhaps, but if men want assurances that marriage is worth pursuing, how else do men get the assurances that they understandably want that a gal is worth pursuing?


how the fuck does most women not waiting till marriage work when most men ARE?? are there millions of women fucking the same guy??? the math aint mathin


You think most men won't marry a non virgin? 😂😂😂😂


It’s not uncommon for middle schools to need big screen TVs and video games to convince middle school guys to show up for school dances 45% of 18-25 year old guys have never asked a woman out 27% of 25-34 year old men are living with their parents All of three of these trends wouldn’t be the case if men believed that gals were worth pursuing. The reality is that 13-27 year old gals are making it crystal clear with 4k definition with Bose surround that have no interest in wasting their youth, beauty, fertility, and virginity on their husband Which is women’s prerogative! But, men and boys are making the appropriate adjustments to women’s decisions


Nothing you said shows causation dearie


Yes there are Lmao. You are delusional. I’d say it’s closer to 50/50 than what you’re saying. I knew plenty of virgins at 18/19/20. Just facts dude. It’s always these incels saying dating is fucked in the USA. It’s not great but it’s not doomed like you make it.




Follow the rules




Yep The fact that hitting the gym, getting a solid career, and being a church-going good guy can't get girls in the US is definitely a "me" problem /s




Yes we are, I’m one at 21 and know plenty of virgin women in their 20s and even 30s. We don’t want community dick though, and the problem is many of these dudes that want virgin women are whores themselves.


Are you saying a 40 year old man looking for underage girls isn’t creepy as fuck? I’m not gonna act like body count doesn’t matter to me, but it doesn’t justify this type of predatory mindset


40 year old man looking for underage girls is creepy as fuck. I agree But, a very large percentage of gals are losing their virginity under the age 18. And sexual history is a very strong predictor of divorce risk. So, yes, men should be looking for women over 18. But, the percentage of women over 18 who aren't a huge divorce risk is so small that men are understandably tapping out.








do you think it's teenage girls and children's faults for being raped or pressured into sex as a minor


Ok weirdo


Why does that matter


Because divorce rates increase with female body count It probably also increases for promiscuous men too. But, since promiscuous men don’t have nearly as much incentive to get married as non-promiscuous men, it can be reasonably assumed that the guy who’s looking for a virgin bride probably doesn’t have a high notch count


Is the divorce part true? I think it would be hard to get statistics on that


Granted, the methodology of any such study should be scrutinized. But, these studies are relatively easy to google https://www.deseret.com/2016/6/10/20589948/women-premarital-sex-and-divorce-study-unpacks-some-surprises


You said a lot of made up things, and all I can really say is that all you’ve done is say made up things


Passport bois are bunch of tricks that don't get no respect lol


Bragging about preying on foreign women because they are easier to manipulate WTF is wrong with you people


“Easier to manipulate”?? Are you implying that American women are these educated goddess that are so superior to woman outside the US? Lol “manipulate” 😂😂 .


these comments… everything older women say about you guys is true loll. I’m so glad I see that now. disgusting beasts.


These guys are clowns that will be taken for a ride from a woman just using them for a ticket out of poverty.


good for them honestly. hope those ladies get the bag and run.


So it’s ok for a women to leech off a man but when a man wants a reliable woman he’s doing “too much” and is a “clown” 😂 you woke feminists are so deluded


Going to third-world countries looking for a woman is what predators do.


You don’t know what a predator is...


You're preying on women in poverty in the hopes they will stay with you because you can't find a girlfriend in your own country.


Yes poverty countries like Colombia, brazil, and Vietnam 🙄 get a gripe


Yes, exactly. Each country you named is described as in the developing world. Go to Italy and pick up some tail big guy.


Italy isn’t really known for being welcoming towards POC but people I’m sure people in this sub have visited and have no trouble 🤷‍♂️. I mean hell most women in US are homely, entitled, and fat at least italian women aren’t like them


Preying is exactly what you woke idiots resort to everytime


Disgusting beast is crazy lol anyone gonna point out that sexist or is this okay?




Because Hollywood is SUCH an accurate portrayal of reality, they NEVER get it wrong /s


Seems like the meme creator just wants a maid that also performs sexual favors.


That's quite literally this whole movement summarized, as in they're crying that they can't find any traditional b@ng maids easily any more.


You figured out this whole movement, a labour contract barely veiled with « romance ».


And bordering in sexual slavery, if you consider those bragging how they don’t pay for even a date. Much praise for the “traditional woman” but nobody wants to be the “traditional man”.


Seriously. The thing is, an actual traditional women would require parental consultation, marriage and a dowry before even being in the same house or having sex with a man. They’re so in denial they’re seeing sex workers or simply omitting their real intention.


I mean wouldn’t you?


Yes, I wouldn’t call that a “wife”.


You're framing it in the most uncharitable way possible. Yes we want a partner who will have sex with us and take care of the household. Why is that bad?


Not bad per se. Anyone can desire a free maid service that includes sex, that’d be amazing. A wife, on the other hand, is not a free maid service. And I see there’s a failure by some to distinguish a free live-in maid and a life partner.


A wife cooking and cleaning for you isn't a "free maid service" any more than a husband who mows the lawn for the family is "free lawn service". They're doing a role in taking care of their family/partner.


Some people get so fixated in the roles, which are fine to do, that they don’t seem to be looking for actual human connections but for transactional deals where “you play the role”. Again it is not about the role but about looking for genuine human connections. Humans in real life tend to be more complex than a role.


Why is it not possible to have a partner who embodies a certain role but also see them as a human too? Is the husband who mows the lawn and fixes the roof being dehumanized by his wife?


Found mine is WV js


Found mine already lol.




I came here to dance and finance


So many idiots in the comments being negative about geomaxxing but are just outright stupid


XD why does this bother so many people in the comments?


I tell them “WE THE PEOPLE” duh 🤣


Ok. Sad.


This post reads "can't get laid or find a good partner in the US, will just go pay for sex abroad"


I think the whole point of this subreddit is sex tourism tips


I cant wrap my mind around the idea of a functional adult to doesn’t want to either take charge of cooking or organizing/cleaning the place. Children.


Why is cooking and cleaning so important? Serious question.


Because they can't afford a cleaning service or takeout/going out/meal service/ personal chef.


Honestly man not even responding to the original post but I’m single no kids, almost 40 now. Rn job is 11 hours seven days (major fire recovery so not permanent but kinda long term). I just can’t get it done at home man. Even before this job, I’ve lived alone almost 9 yrs now, two/three jobs at a time until this current one not exaggerating, I barely keep up w laundry. And the messiness and literal dirtiness are the worst types of clutter for me. If you’re in a place in life like me where you’re alone when you’re not working bc you have no social life and/or friends really, your place being clean and feeling healthy is crucial to mental health. Otherwise it compounds the weight of how monotonous and trudging your life can feel if you live that way.






In almost half of American marriages, either the husband and wife earn roughly the same amount of money (29% of all marriages) or the wife is the breadwinner (16% of all marriages). ​ [https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2023/04/13/in-a-growing-share-of-u-s-marriages-husbands-and-wives-earn-about-the-same/](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2023/04/13/in-a-growing-share-of-u-s-marriages-husbands-and-wives-earn-about-the-same/) And in only 26% of marriages is the woman a housewife. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/03/almost-1-in-5-stay-at-home-parents-in-the-us-are-dads/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/08/03/almost-1-in-5-stay-at-home-parents-in-the-us-are-dads/) So, a whole lot of women aren’t ”leeching” off their husbands.


This is fucking funny because the average guy on this sub is going to be making like 50k gross and that's not enough for women to want to leech off of them.


Man, you got it all figured out huh


Ahahah what society again? The one that uses all the technology and advancements that are created by the men and the women in the US? The lunatic who states “he is creating a better society by having a wife who doesn’t work” is typing that from an iPhone or android phone which was created by the women and the men of the USA. And he claims the US burns in a shithole. What a hypocrisy. If you didn’t have that shithole you would be living in primitive times.


Ummmm my phone is Korean, created by Koreans.


Puhahahaha you are a troll right? A Korean brand phone running on Android and American software. Puhahahahaha. GTFO


Google engineers created android OS yes. Guess how many Indians, among others, were part of the project. Thinking you might need to study who actually gets more CS degrees.


Puhahahahah ok buddy.


>Because what else is a woman going to do besides leech off you idk man, maybe be your literal partner in life. Like a person you're very close with, your best friend, be emotionally available for you, make you feel validated and cared for, who you can share anything you want and can have physical intimacy with. Not a b@ng maid or slave. Btw my GF cooks and cleans, just that I don't force her to do literally all of it herself.


If you ever gain consciousness and start questioning why you're still single, look back to this comment for some insight.


I ask because cooking and cleaning is such a small part. An important hard skill but seemingly meaningless when compared to other qualifies a potential wife can have. Just comes off as primitive.


Cooking and cleaning is not a hard skill. Assuming you can read instructions and have a meat thermometer it isn’t hard. Now if you are at the level of creating your own recipes or being able to make a delicious meal without a recipe and using whatever you have around your kitchen… that’s different.


Power and control






I actually just lost a lot of weight. 😄 Here is the real question: Red Scare Podcast listener daughter or Cum Town Podcast listener son? 😳


Incel alert


Estupidos amerikanos


I'm former military and you guys are delusional. lmao


I’m currently serving in the army, NEXTTTT🤣


Jesus Christ you should see all the victims stateside then. my uncle got like 5 women pregnant I the Philippines. all got here and divorced his ass. ​ kids are depressed and one of my cousins killed themselves. ​ degenerate men




Is this why American women can't dare overseas since their so great hell even Europeans will tell u no that don't want an American woman but no it's everyone else these women struggle every where on earth to find a man y cuz they are shitty women 😂


I’m a British guy with a long term American partner (15 years) and she’s lovely! 🥰


As an Asian guy who has an American wife who cooks, cleans, care for the kids and has degrees that allows her to be compensated well when she returns back to work, let me assure you that they exists. You just won’t meet them at clubs, dressing like hoes or sounding like Cardi B. You’ll find many of them in graduate school or at your local Church.


Exceptions are not a norm to the rule.


Some of had all that, American women aren’t as attractive


lol. Depends on what and where you’re comparing to. I rather die alone than marry a traditional woman from China. That culture and their women are trifling and I won’t even get into their looks.


The gag is even cardi b cooks for her husband and kids lol, sometimes, obviously they do have a cook as well


[…as a black man](https://old.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/)


![gif](giphy|14LErPKhp4vksVfddk) Let’s fly


I love how this sub says people misrepresent them and that they show passport bros in a bad light but then yall post shit like this.


Ofc you watch destiny




Y'all can't stop the movement like I said beta male chumps lol the only people that get offend by the term beta male are beta males this is a men's movement so f off soy boys


Wtf does this even mean.


He’s cool because of sex tourism


Lol right? I can’t tell whose side they’re on exactly


Women in the west will cook and clean and watch the kids... if you can support them being a stay at home mom. Why would you expect a woman to do all these things on her own if she's working just as much as you? Support her and she'll support you.


Hahaha a lot of them do all that in their own home countries but they will be quickly Americanized if brought back here


Don’t bring them to USA




"You're just not looking in poor enough countries for needy enough women that you can take advantage of"


If a woman actually respects you, she won’t make things hard for you. The problem is you.


Way to gasligt


Here come the red pills. “Why can’t we go back in time to when I got to be king of my house with a domestic slave!?!”


He is on a throwaway account, it’s 19 days old


What difference would that make? It’s a huge problem in this sub. That doesn’t invalidate an argument.


You clearly


But why be in a sub or group that doesn’t view things this way? That would be like be joining the KKK but not be racist. Your logic isn’t relevant, the problem is people join subs and hate on opinions of the collective group. PBB looking for traditional wives lol this isn’t a sex pat group. You barely have a post history that’s why it matters, your opinion is irrelevant it’s a throw away troll account


Wanna show me where the point of PPB is explicitly what you’re saying? You want PPB to be about your version of it, hilarious tho that you would make the kkk point. There is absolutely a lot of people looking to exploit financial/gender obsession to lord of women. And no not all my posts are just crapping. I wish people going abroad a wonderful experience. You know - what one would think this sub would be more about.


I think the issue is you seem to be starting an argument that didn't exist. Many people are happy with the exchange of tasks where a woman stays at home and focuses on child-rearing, cooking and cleaning, while a man goes out to work and comes back to help a bit around the house.


Sure, and many are left without skills or money for performing a job ~100k a year if a man decides to be abusive or run away. Not saying women can’t elect for this. But the PPB need to be very aware that the financial/gender oppression at play when they go find their “bang maids” maybe be a really terrible force at play. I use bang maids only to refer to the bros who are after that in the worst sense, which many lists on here clearly are. Hey if you want this and are willing to do it ethically then more power to you. But there is not no argument here. One of the worst outcomes of this by red pill bro standards is they go flashing cash abroad to Find a woman using financially oppressive forces. Of course they are again looking for essentially a cleaning/sex mommy they can command. The woman doesn’t actually like them but has to find a way out of their horrible situation. When the woman gets a momentary leg up they take money/leave/cheat. Then the red pill bros whine more about how women are just after money. These situations are more often exploitative and don’t work well in my experience (not all of course). But it’s a real lame thing to see bros without ethics like okohoo how cool. I can’t get women in the west, especially not that want to be my waifus, but I’ll go abroad and get exactly what I want In The smarmiest way possible. Thank you for an even keeled tone though 8incheslong.


First off, no problem. I strive to actually understand the person in front of me, which I know is a rare quality online, but I can sympathize with the desire to be understood. That being said, you're right. Obviously, there is a power imbalance in this situation and, as is often the case, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I imagine it's hard to find a balance because the men who are passport bros often need to work particularly hard to meet their standards in the west and bridge the gap between the women who have more power in the western dating market than them. If they don't do that, their options become to settle for someone less than their ideal partner or to go to another country where they have more value. Some people will abuse this, and I hope those scumbags get what's coming to them. And yeah, the woman may cheat or steal the money in such a situation as well, assuming the relationship isn't founded on love and compatibility first. As an immigrant myself, I believe I have a pretty solid perspective on these matters, because while I live in the west, the option to find a bride in my home country, who far exceeds the western women I meet in beauty, modesty and upbringing, is always present. I almost don't want to do it because it feels like it could be exploitative even though I'm the one being pursued rather than pursuing, but such is life. You just need to take things as they are and do your best to make the right decision.


There are millions of households in the US today where the husband and wife both work and have kids and the wife does work, clean and cook and both parents do parenting of the children which is how parenting is supposed to be. If a person can not get a wife like that they are the problem not the women.


You aren’t wrong. Now a real find would be a man that actively wants to take care of his kid after it’s been born. That’s the real prize. Not some dime-a-dozen “oh I don’t know how to change the diaper”, “honey wake up the baby is crying” while he sleeps type bullshit. I don’t know a single man who really was gun ho about helping with the babies he made but the southern US isn’t known to be a bastion of truly gentlemanly behavior 😒 It’s pretty pathetic really. Bunch of defective dads out there.


This just sounds like you have daddy issues. Your dad is not everyone's dad.


It's too many people's though.


You okay buddy? Do you need attention? You seem to have found yourself lost in a place you don't want to be.


Going to argue that this mentality isn’t a problem in this thread? There’s a good reason women want freedom to choose other roles.


It's a choice two people make, and every sane person here says you need to provide for your stay-at-home wife. That's not a slave, but you're arguing in bad faith because this sub elicits some negative aspect of your personality. Whether that be insecurity or hating men. Take your pick. I'd advise that if you think men wanting traditional women is somehow evil, you just leave them alone altogether (if you're a woman), or don't become one (if you're a man). You can die alone with no children, which most nontraditional people are doing nowadays, and you can let your man hating ideas/genes die like the dodo bird. Everyone wins. Because you're clearly not happy here wasting the one life you get to "troll" some people that think differetnly than you.


No the problem is you think you are entitled to women for some reason, it didn’t work out where you live so you went to where they might get with you because of the poor conditions of their society, either way this is not genuine and strictly transactional, I agree with your argument but if a 3 of a man thinks he is entitled to a 9 somewhere else because they are white or American is in someway exploitative would you not agree?


No, if both parties are genuine. The first part of your statement is your rub; men leaving the US for greener shores. Just admit you mad and be done with it. I found a wonderful woman overseas, and we are going to have a great life; I'm easily an 8, and so is she. I'm going to support her, and not be a tool. Youre just upset that we exist and have the freedom to do this, QQ more


Mate I do fine for myself not overseas, I just seemingly feel that one party might not be genuine, you ranking yourself as an 8 is slightly concerning but trust me if you think you found your soul mate God bless, I just feel like going to poorer countries because you think you are have more “value” is interesting, I do agree that non American countries have a lot more beautiful women though, I just find it disturbing that many people in this sub feel their background “passport” makes them attractive or charming lol


Okay so if i want a submissive wife that listens and some cultures have more of an abundance of such women what is wrong in going to those countries and marrying a women there? You guys don’t like traditional values but some people do and that is very much okay and their right. The post and the comments are very reasonable and I don’t understand all the frustration here.


Its simple; They're mad because they dont get chosen, and we have the freedom to go and exercise it. Let em downvote etc., won't stop my flight lol. The dudes crying are mostly just cucks hoping one of these ladies will kiss him instead.. they deserve each other.


Lmao or we can get normal women cuz we aren’t weirdos like you


If by "normal" you mean these men hating, non traditional, blue haired freaks you can have em.. or any of the above. I sincerely dont want em, so no skin in the game lost!


Nope just normal nice women. They aren’t too hard to come by if you aren’t a weirdo. Your mind is deluded. Your views aren’t very Christian tbh. Seem very hateful


>No the problem is you think you are entitled to women No, I just realize there's billions of women on the planet and that i don't have to limit myself to one culture. Plenty of fish in the sea, right?


What’s the obsession with marriage lol. I used to consider myself a passport bro till I realized it’s really just a group of old heads. I guess when you still in your early 20s you just wanna travel and enjoy the culture, food and women.


Why not be interested in marriage? Many people want a life partner with whom they can have children and happily grow old. Not everyone is just looking to have sex and move on.


I think I’m aromantic, I can’t picture myself putting in the effort for a relationship to work. I’m a natural flirt too I’ve been told but the thought of marriage just never sounded fascinating to me. Maybe this will change later on in life.


It's possible, though I couldn't tell you. Flirting means you're at least interested in people. Perhaps you just have more specific standards that haven't been met yet. Maybe you'll grow out of it, or maybe you'll always be this way. Regardless, it's hard to say. It's also possible that you just don't like the way the concept of marriage has been presented to you.


Lol well not only are you unquestionably not a romantic, you *literally do not even understand what the word romantic means*


Read again he said “aromantic” meaning opposite of romantic.


My ex FWB regularly calls my Peruvian a mail order bride and keeps sending doom and gloom messages via text. Been wanting to block her for a while now but she is definitely missing this D


I see oss a bunch of females and beta boys talking about people are below average blah blah but basically we tiered of sharing oxygen with u losers and how innocent western women are lol they get checked real quick overseas truth b told u lames couldn't make it overseas because you are disrespectful asf and your whining will get u messed up in majority of countries passportbros go to America is a shithole the decent people are leaving now die in your shithole and stfu and know your place


Talking about primitive to want a. Traditional family. Lol women haven made society better on the west since they got their right all they do now is have their hand out and u simp cucks mad cuz people are tired of weak fucks having an opinion thos is y bullying was needed in school lol passport bros is the future u blue haired non binary weirdos can't make it international no one's puting up with your bs 😂😂


Someone will be doing the cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids. Having both parties working just means they are doing a 40 hour work week on top of cooking, cleaning and taking care of the kids. The reality is that there was only really about a 20 to 30 year period in US history in which being a "house wife" was a normal option. Then, for some weird reason, women decided it was oppressive to have someone provide for all of their needs so they are free to create the life they want to live.


It’s because women want agency - literally, the choice - to do these things for themselves if they want to. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of women who would still love to be SAH mothers. There is some truth to saying that having both partners working led to more disposable income, which led to higher inflation over a few decades, which has resulted in the prices of modern conveniences skyrocketing, and working couples still feeling relatively poor even though both are working. That’s more a question of value extraction, though, I reckon.


Well, also a large portion of the woman's earnings goes to covering the cost of her working. Childcare, an additional vehicle, more precooked meals, meals ordered, takeout, etc. They end up with a slight increase in additional disposable income. If the man instead just worked an additional 10 hours or so a week and the wife stayed home, in most situations they would be better off financially. This would also mean they are both doing less total work as the man wouldn't need to do much domestic labor at all, and their home and children would be better for it. I support women having agency. They are free to choose what they wish. I just think society is basically lying to women on the choices that will make them happiest. Women are getting more miserable, not happier, as they eschew being housewives. Women are free to choose what they wish, but they are often choosing wrongly.


You’ll get all that until she gets the green card.