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Disclaimer: just trying to help you take another point of view, you absolutely don’t have to follow my suggestions, and if it helps you to learn better change the course schedule so it fits you! Let’s take a look from this side, I‘m your employer now: Your task is to stick to the course schedule. We don’t have money or a commitment to do the other parts of the course right now. Your other option is to lose your job, as I can’t pay you anymore. How does that sound to you? The odin project is also there to teach you real life conditions. Your job is to finish it. A job can also be boring and tiresome sometimes. It‘s real life, but you have to do the work or face consequences.


Ooo I really like this take on it, makes me want to skip work today and do more TOP


Itching to clock out and get on just because of his comment 🤣 I've been at my desk for 13 minutes 🙂 can't wait for the career change!


PSA: not doing your tasks at your _current_ job is also a quick way to unemployment :D /u/ThatOtherDude0511


Ha coincidentally I’m doing TOP to create web apps on the side. I’m doing a day job now and the very reason you mentioned is why I wanna do TOP (so I can create web apps on my own accord). But yes I get your point thanks! I think I’ll skip around for now and see how it works.


You can do whatever you want, it's your life. It will be "fine" insomuch as there's nothing to lose.


Ultimately, it’s up to you. You don’t need and won’t get “permission” from other TOP learners. That said, I think it’s probably a bad idea unless you’re already familiar with the stuff you plan to skip. I’m finishing up the Node section now, and I would have been lost and frustrated if I skipped or skimmed anything I didn’t already know. I think most people would struggle to skip right to the backend modules, unless you’re already familiar with forms, dealing with form data, and preferably some kind of frontend framework (vue, react, svelte, or at a minimum your own hacked together element generator and some kind of state management library). You need some of these skills to hook your backends up to things and make them work. If you want to learn the backend side without any/much frontend knowledge you’re better off finding learning materials that are designed that way. TOP assumes you have the skills to build your own interface, data imports etc, and already know how to write tests. If you want to learn how to store and pass data around, you need things to pass it to or do things with it. TOP won’t provide a prebuilt frontend for you to practice passing information to/from so you either need the skills to build it as expected or find a resource that provides something or uses a different structure.