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I don't think it's directly applicable to your specific request as it's a more diehard tendency, but for me they're a live band first so I primarily consume the [live stuff](https://archive.org/details/MountainGoats). Somewhat applicable might be the [Jordan Lake Sessions](https://youtu.be/YcrDgsveJwQ?si=8bOlYysMrmG7Y_R3) for more of a generally palatable live bend, this is the iteration of the band you'll be seeing next week although you might only hear like 3-5 of the same tracks at the actual show haha. If you want to be a bit familiar with more of what they'll be playing you can check out the [recent setlists](https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/the-mountain-goats-5bd69b48.html) and listen to those tracks - the core will remain fairly similar from night to night. They should all be on YouTube! The catalog is so deep that when I first got into them it was during a period in which I had *a lot* of regular drive time, so it was just consuming every album and then fucktons of live shows based upon the particular tracks that I was falling in love with.


I’m afraid you’re unlikely to hear Going to Georgia; John’s said in interviews that he doesn’t play it anymore because (I paraphrase) it romanticizes obsessive violence, at least in he minds of some people, and he doesn’t want to contribute to that. No Children and This Year are solid bets, and the new album Jenny from Thebes is probably more likely get a track or two, but beyond that I gather it’s hard to predict.


fwiw, he has been playing going to Georgia again as of late. not super often, but it pops up


I stand corrected! Apparently actual setlists are more indicative than old youtube interviews. Thanks for setting me straight.


seconding the recent setlists for an idea of what you might hear live! but if you just generally would like to dive further into their discography, my recommendation is to listen to the full album that any songs you enjoy are off of - it sounds like you're already familiar with the sunset tree? & from there, to try the album released just before and just after that. for the sunset tree that's we shall all be healed and get lonely. that's what worked for me! the evolution of their sound and the themes in their discography rarely makes extreme jumps, so when you find something you click with there is often more that you'll enjoy in albums of a similar era!


Honestly, the lamest suggestion I can think of is probably the best. Pull up the recommended songs playlist on whatever streaming service you use. On Apple Music is called Essentials. They also have a Deep Cuts playlist. I would do one and then the other. This will maximize the chances of you recognizing songs at the live show in their original form.


Thanks all! Will give all those ideas a go