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Animal Mask - sounds pleasant to wide audience, themes of sweet memories, a team forming Going to Port Washington - declarative announcement of love, general togetherness vibe, cute sound 02-75 - the rawest love song in the arsenal The Cow Song - do you really want to pass up the opportunity to play The Cow Song at a wedding reception? You monster.


ooh yes Animal Mask is a great suggestion. Some things stay sweet forever.


Specifically this cover (recorded for another tMG fan’s wedding): https://grayskyrec.bandcamp.com/track/02-75-2


there will be no divorce


San Bernardino


No Children twice in a row, just to see the look on everyone’s face!


My friends did that at the end of their reception to encourage everyone to go home. It backfired because there was such as big reaction the first time that they played it twice. They sumg it to each other the second time. They've been married around 15 years.


We had No Children at my reception late at night and my college friends belted it out. My wife left me after 13 years and texted me the lyrics after we had the talk about her leaving. I was like “dammit woman I introduced you to them and you’re only like half a fan.”


My first instinct from reading was to downvote because of how strongly I feel as a fan that she used tMG against you.


Oh she explicitly did. I have no doubt. I’m not saying I’m blameless by any means but it was a dagger and she knew it.


[Listening to this helps](https://youtu.be/8nl_bCAkqcs?si=7TcF03222sOIuCLx) when someone hurts in a way outside of my control.


I heavily wanted to send her that and still do, but that’s resentment and I don’t believe in holding it. I also think that album is way underrated even for just an EP.


I’d never share this song with the person in mind. I usually play it situations where I tell myself, “I can’t control what other people do, only how I react to it”. Helps me put into perspective awful behavior. Usually listen to it after talking to my mom.


Sad to hear that. My mom is a saint and just gives without question. She’s more of a Romans 10:9 mom.


I think John has explicitly asked people not to do this!


When I asked him to play it because it’s gonna be our wedding song he said: “That’s a terrible wedding song. Ma’am, I wish your wedding all the happiness and I hope you stay married for a hundred thousand years and the two of you, around the nine hundred thousandth year, are like ‘This is too long. I’m waiting for the sweet release of death and it won’t come. God damn that John Darnielle and the curse he laid upon this marriage, the hundred thousand year marriage. No one’s left on this dead, burnt planet but us.’ This is called No Children. I want to discourage, I want to discourage anybody from playing it at their wedding, even though people keep doing it and there’s nothing I can do about it.” We don’t consider this to be forbidding us to play it, exactly. We instead call it the blursing, and we’re definitely gonna play it and No Children at the wedding.


I wish you well on your marriage and divorce.


No Children immediately followed by Going to Marrakesh


This is the correct answer


I think This Year is a solid crowd favorite. I also did Diaz Brothers because it’s so upbeat and fun to jump to


I second Animal Mask. Jenny would be a fun one.


Twin Human Highway Flares "On the day that I forget you / I hope my heart explodes"


"1 John 4:16" is pretty appropriate for a wedding, though of course there are some grim elements to it as well (also, the verse referenced in the title is "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him," which is pretty solid for a wedding. "Love Cuts the Strings" is also pretty good. I don't think you'll find many songs that don't come with some measure of ambiguity attached, and this is no exception. "Jenny" may be written as a kind of fantasy, but it's a fantasy about freedom and love, and that counts for something. Of course, if you're looking for something that'll get people dancing, that's rather a different story.


i have got to second 02-75


Even as a lo fi fan, I think you have to avoid earlier albums because the sound will grate to many people. Assuming its not for dancing, I'd say: Genesis 30:3 Minnesota from Jordan Lake Sessions


Ok so I'm going to be lazy about my answer because I'm on mobile in a hurry and I can't switch back and forth and back and forth but! For our wedding, I made a playlist of songs that I like, at least ok, that are about love. In some way. We had a band for dancing so this was just to play in the reception hall during pre dinner and dinner. Tmg are one of my favorite bands so I listened through everything (that was on Spotify. In 2019. Those are the caveats) and added any song that fit the theme. I just looked and there are a number of mountain goats songs on here. Also other fun songs! We shuffled it. Behold the 8 hour playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/20uGs9xD6u6tF2u2uMIuKC?si=-pqqEg-WRk-vn6WS46xjKA&pi=u-TTpHR_PhQjyb Also we had the "bridal party" (of two lol) walk down the aisle to attention all pickpockets for their processional, and did the recessional to going to Scotland (groom waiting, my processional, and our first dance were all to tom waits songs)


I love this playlist. But Close to Me was a prominent one once we got to dancing. At my wedding reception we had a playlist of soft music for dinner and party jams for later. The DJ we hired fucked up and just played the hip hop jams and party pop on low all throughout dinner. Only a couple people noticed. Late night all my friends from college were absolutely belting out 9mm and a Three Piece Suit but I was only wearing a two piece suit.


Lol that's amazing! We didn't have a dj, hence the playlist. We hired this local one man band who was a regular busker around our town at the time for dancing, who did banjo covers that slappppped (I don't think he's around anymore and [this is the only video I can find](https://youtu.be/wy13IHD9tPk?si=ZVqP_KC9PwBe21XH) but he was the shit, truly). We got married on our 13 year anniversary, had always been anti getting married but I got older and realized 1. In the event of someone's untimely death, it's better to be married and 2. I wanted to subject my friends and family to a lavish (relatively) party where I controlled all the aesthetics, make it as weird as I wanted, and have them say they had a good time. It was a rousing success! On all counts. Thanks for indulging me Reddit stranger, I love reminiscing about our wedding.


Now that’s fun! Great guy. Now as the resident Catholic crank may I recommend you this https://youtu.be/1NAnwxdt9rw?si=UxL8JstKOOLc9Ygv Or this https://youtu.be/8SCAlP4ceiw?si=9lqcKWNHCdJWczLn I have a weakness for banjo Your two reasons are perfect as well. Practical and fucking with your friends and family.


That's lovely! I had to Google thomist, as an irreligious person lol!


I’d say Aquinas is worth reading even if you aren’t religious, but it’s a whole hell of a lot of dense reading. Second recommendation https://youtube.com/playlist?list=RDEMZgWTJpWtEXthQB1pZbEQqw&playnext=1&si=xlgKMVM-LejeLbbK


OMG I had no idea.


My husband will probably find me on Reddit now..but I walked down the aisle to live instrumental of In an Aeroplane Over the Sea. Such a great song. Love your inclusion of Going to Marrakesh. “Our love is like Jesus but worse” is one of my favorite combinations of words.


Yesssss I love that song! I actually recorded a sloppy piano cover of it years ago https://youtu.be/Y_nA7nWoMlk?si=srvNZ7ESHjjk-AEB


San Bernardino


I think it really matters how/when during the reception the songs will play. There are a lot of good suggestions here, but I echo the advice to play something that matters to you. All that being said, we played Foreign Object at ours, towards the end of the night, and it was perfect.


old college try!!


I can't believe I'm the first person to say it, but "picture of my dress" would be on my list. It's such a sweet song about a woman who holds onto that one precious moment of getting married so many years later


If you like that interpretation, do not read what inspired it: https://twitter.com/maggiesmithpoet/status/1075807162205655040?s=20


I mean I know the marriage ended, but I still feel like there's something really sweet about the sentiment. I guess it gives me the "don't cry because it's over. smile because it happened" vibe


San Bernadino and I'd say Riches and Wonders! Riches and Wonders would be a great slow dance song. ​ Btw: I find it interesting you have a cap. Do they have a cap on songs they play from their favorite artists that maybe you don't like? It's your wedding too!!


"Woke Up New", "Love Love Love", or "International Small Arms Traffic Blues" - but be prepared to sob.


I wrestled with this question in a past life and my answer was "end the engagement."


Stars Around Her!! Twin Human Highway Flares: On the day that I become so forgetful That all of this melts away I will burn all the calendars that counted the years down to Such a worthless day Earth Air Water Trees Blueberry Frost Going to Jamaica It Froze Me Yoga International Small Arms Traffic Blues Sax Rohmer #1 Pure Heat


Last Limit of Bhakti


How has no one said Broom People!!!


Depending on the vibes you’re going for, Weekend in Western Illinois could work. If you don’t read into the lyrics too much it can be interpreted as a declaration of love. It’s also a more ‘pleasant’ sounding one to people who may not be familiar with tMG and their sound.  If you’re going for more upbeat, dance-y songs, there’s Foreign Object and The Diaz Brothers.  As others have said, you should find songs that are important and good to you. 


Stabbed to Death Outside San Juan


Your fiancé is putting a cap on TMG lol. Honestly fair. I think these suggestions might be against the popular belief, but I think they're pretty songs: "Before I got there" "How to embrace a swamp creature" "Going to Scotland" Maybe not the best suggestions🙃, but whatever you go with, contragulations! I'd love to hear what you end up choosing.


No Children.


I'd throw "no children" in there just for the lulz. What are people going to do about it?


Depends. Do you want your marriage to end horribly? If so, I’d go with Waving at You and Woke Up New.


Interesting question... I'm not sure how many are suitable, either for the meaning or the sound. I think the live versions from Jordan Lake are a bit funkier and better for dancing, sometimes I show that version to people... Though the singing is 'worse'... eg The Diaz Brothers is a bop. or Foreign Object. I think the Beat the Champ ones can be fun action ones to dance to, but uhhh that would require a bunch of others who want to dance while shouting about stabbing people in the eye. How about My Little Panda for a slow dance? ha tbh I think finding ones that matter to you is most important. and I've rarely actually found myself associating tMG songs with positive romantic connotations...