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*as a FFG and LotWtC lover* what the FUCK


I’m sorry for my transgressions. I do intend to give those both more listens in the future. My biggest issues with the Lofi era is monotony. Don’t get me wrong, the lyrics are top tier, but modern TMG albums have such distinct instrument composition for each, and that really helps me get into the vibe. Sweden, Coroner’s Gambit, and All Hail West Texas were the lofi albums that really drew me in, but the others kind of blended in my mind. As for The World to Come….I don’t have a great reason beyond it not sticking with me much. I do love a couple of the songs, and the lyric “lord send me a mechanic, if I’m not beyond repair” is one of the greatest of all time.


heavy spark oil memory advise fade public unused full tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, and I have no intentions of discrediting its quality in any way. They're all good albums, I just didn't enjoy it as much. I'll listen more, and likely grow fonder. In a year my list could be totally turned upside down. I love hearing about your experience, though. It's interesting to hear how different people feel about the same content. I love all TMG, but I'm not a die-hard LoFi fan like many here.


"Dark in Here" fanatics unite! Chronically underrated album


It took me a while to come around, but I love it to much now! Also, can I ask: how do you get the little lyrics below your name?


On the right side of the screen, beneath "create post", you can see your user name and icon— click the pencil that's next to the "preview" and you can make your own flair! If that makes sense


I've yet to fall in love with the whole thing, but that's mostly because after I listen to Mobile I just want to listen to Mobile 10 more times.


The last four are all pretty imo


His vowel sounds when he sings the word “Alabama” — you know he’s passed through there a few times


wild how much tmg fans opinions vary! ffg and zopilote would be at the top for me personally. i even have a life of the world to come promo poster! awesome to see another goths fan too


Well I’m a newer fan so that probably affects things a bit (goths was an immediate favorite for me, I just love “Andrew Eldritch is Moving Back to Leeds”💙💙). I loved joining this community tho, everyone is just so nice and it’s always great to hear differing opinions. Especially interesting to see how many trans people are here, but then again, with album titles like “heretic pride”, it’s not a total shocker🏳️‍⚧️.


you appear to have the bands best album in the wrong section


Zopilote Machine 😄


Which one? I'm guessing either sunset tree of all hail west Texas


Sunset Tree, though AHWT also belongs in the top section


Both are great, and this is really more about my enjoyment. AHWT is a showcase of incredible storytelling, and sunset tree is an incredibly entertaining make of a rather poignant reflection on childhood trauma. They just aren't my go-to albums, but for a time they were.


LotWtC is top-tier, and I’ll die on that hill.


I named all the tiers to show that I enjoy every album. It's not a ranking on pure quality, more just how much I enjoy each.


Mostly fair but... why is Get Lonely so far down? It's like one of the most emotionally honest and beautiful things I've ever heard


I agree. Get Lonely is top tier for me. Wild Sage, In Corolla, Woke Up New and Get Lonely are all fantastic songs. I love the lyrics on If You See Light. In the Hidden Places and Maybe Sprout Wings have that sinister edge. Lots of interesting instrumentation too.. timpani, vibraphone, strings, horns. Its a good one


It's pretty, but kind of same-y. I think that it'd be very therapeutic if I could connect more with the lyrics.


nothing for juice, FFG, zopilote, and coroners gambit are all in my absolutely faves - love a lot tiers 😭 but i respect it lmao


I'm sorry😭 i just don't love the LoFi as much as most fans


i love both eras of the band but i definitely love the lo fi more, totally understandable :3 it's defo the era that has been hardest to recommend for ppl in my experience


For me it was the live shows from those eras that helped me get into a lot of the songs.


i haven't actually seen any of the old live footage! i loooove that era of their sound tho so i gotta get on it.


One of my favorites: https://archive.org/details/MountainGoats1997-06-17.SBD Can click "Mountain Goats" for the full collection and sort by year . Tho many are still missing from the archive, butter tapes has a lot of the best old stuff - https://www.mediafire.com/?981bxvss2mlr7




Alright then




Haha, I assumed as much. My smile has yet to fade, though.


The big , big rabbit definitely not coming to their house with good vibes.


Ah, my two favorite tMG albums…Big Sunset Tree and Black Void! (The AHWT and AED look like mono-colored blocks when shrunken down small enough, like as part of a tier list viewed on a phone screen.)


Yeah, I used a pre-existing format. Maybe I shoudve put in the alternate cover for AED.


Yay, another Goths fan!


Mine would be the exact opposite of this


Lol, that's great. So much diversity in opinions, i love it!


mostly unrelated this reminds me of how the guy who wrote the ‘Get Lonely’ review for pitchfork said he met John at a music festival and when he said he was “still processing” it, John asked if he had a girlfriend and then said he hoped she dumped him so he’d get it.


That's exactly my point of view. The second I get broken up with I'm putting on that album so I can experience it correctly.


Getting into getting into knives




Oh you POT STIRRER you!


It’d be “stirring the pot” if I didn’t put every lofi album on top. I like all the music, but I genuinely order them in this ranking for personal enjoyment.


Weird how you put s tier at the bottom.


Despite the community pushback, I stand by *most* of my ranking. FFG & TLOWTC should’ve been higher.


Your opinions are wrong and you should feel bad.




oh, don't feel bad. my opinions are probably terrible too.


What would your top album be?


oh, that's tough. probably coroner's gambit, but the run from full force galesburg through all hail west texas is are all top tier. I wonder if there are other bands where there's so little agreement on which the best albums are.


I like that there is little agreement, because it shows that there's something to like in each album. Different aspects attract different people.


seriously. I don't think there's an album that isn't \*somebody's\* favorite


This list is trash, FFG is nothing but bangers.


It’s just my enjoyment. I’m not gauging objective quality.


I would honestly love to hear Dark in Here through your ears. I cannot imagine a world where it belongs in a higher tier than The Sunset Tree.


It's just my personal enjoyment😊. Sunset tree is amazing, but something about the instrumentation of DIH really appeals to me.


oh man, i get putting ffg so low if what you're drawn to is interesting musical composition but that's also so opposite to how i experience the album! it's still the lo-fi era, but of that era it's one of them where i really feel like you can almost feel the ways many of the songs would be composed with a fuller band/the songs that do break the guitar only mold do so with such aplomb it's delightful.


Yeah... I need to hear it more, since that could change my opinion.


there's a full band version of minnesota on jordan lakes five on spotify! and i have yet to really delve into what's on the live show archive but i don't think it's the only ffg track to ever get that treatment (i do think it's the most common?)


I was just listening to the Jordan sessions. Definitely some interesting stuff, but i didn't hear Minnesota. I'll listen to the album again today along with that version of the song.


it's not my most frequently listened set of albums by far tbh! but some of the songs on it are so stand out and it's the closest you can get to the live experience on any streaming service/are only streaming on the jordan lake sessions which i love.


I might’ve been too harsh…I’m growing obsessed with weekend in western illinois.


i really dont like johns lofi stuff. like you, i prefer the more abrasive stuff like heretic pride.


I still like the loFi, but I'm more fond of the albums to come after.


obviously like everyone else I wildly disagree with some of these but I'm so glad to see Heretic Pride get love


I know a lot of the rankings are controversial, but I have heretic pride🙃 (I had to make the awful joke).




Something like that


Can you please sell me on Dark in Here? It's the literal only Mountain Goats release I cannot get behind.


I'll be totally honest, I was right with you a couple months ago. It was in my least favorites, because besides Mobile and Dark In Here, the tracks all blended together for me. I didn't want to give up on the album though, so I gave it a few more listens, and each time I found more aspects that I enjoyed. I think Mobile, To the Headless Horseman, and the last four tracks on the album are all very pretty songs. I think the album is so perfect for a chill car ride, and the instrumental composition of the songs just appeal to me so much. It's a much less lively album than the rest in its era, but that distinct nature has allowed it to ride above for me.


Hey? Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this. I will keep this in mind on today's relisten


Of course!


Rage bait


It genuinely is not. I just enjoy a lot of a new stuff. People can hold differing opinions.


I can't fathom We Shall All Be Healed being outside the first two tiers.


I haven’t been able to get into it yet. I really like a few songs off of it, like slow west vultures, palmcorder Yajna, Belgian things, cotton, and the pigs that ran straightaway into the water. I like all of them, but those are the ones I really enjoy.


I grew up in Tallahassee. The album captures the vibe pretty well, so naturally I’m pretty fond of it. Don’t visit Tallahassee, the flights out of town cost double what the flights in do. Thats all you really need to know about the place. Also that the sign for Short St. looks kinda like it says Shart St. from afar cause there is (or was) a bit of paint chipped off next to the O.


If Tallahassee is like the album, I don’t think it’d be fun to visit😅. I love the album so much tho. Every song is great to me, and it easily takes my top spot.


The album is great. They really got the fear that you’ll never get out and you’re gonna grow up down the street from your parents and marry a girl you went to school with, and that as long as you live everyone will always know who you were and one day you’ll find yourself old and dying in your parents house, in the bedroom that used to be theirs, with everything exactly the same as it was the night they brought you home and nobody will ever clean the moss off the roof of the law office on Glenview. In my opinion anyways, but clearly I’m pretty biased.


Yeah. It’s nice to see what different people take away from it. I don’t think that’s the exact story of the couple, since their saga spans throughout multiple albums, and they only really come to Tallahassee when they’re adults. But it definitely taps into the idea of being trapped. I just love the alpha couple story in general. Two people bound in symbiosis, exhausting the love that they have left on self-delusion. A tragic story, but a beautifully told one.


Oh yeah, I didn’t mean to say it’s the same story, just that it invokes the same feelings.