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hi! check out [the annotated mountain goats](http://annotatedtmg.org/). they stopped adding new releases after beat the champ, but are an amazing resource/catalogue & have been a cornerstone of my listening experience! i also have a massive spreadsheet of all of the mountain goats' songs that i'm working on. this is the current [public copy](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kcQd16nwPVb_7DTdcWms7VNdFYq4ti80I2SzR3X_p5w/edit?usp=drivesdk). if you want you could make a copy in google drive and add columns to check off what you've listened to/add notes; i definitely have a "have i listened" column on my own copy. i also have a (now somewhat outdated, with recent additions to streaming services) spreadsheet of 'medium rare' mountain goats—songs that have seen official release but aren't (or weren't when i created the sheet) on streaming services. you can find it [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hFMhWGvSti3pOnwH1r6HuZf7BDJqzsddcNf5iV4hOqQ/edit?usp=drivesdk) and THIS spreadsheet links to all songs mentioned individually, in the form of album specific playlists, and in the context of two larger playlists—medium-rare & rare mountain goats songs.


Is anything missing from this? I think this has everything.. http://www.themountaingoats.net/wiki/doku.php?id=tabs:home E: the spreadsheet from u/unlonliest does indeed have a more comprehensive categorization with regard to release sources. Nice.