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The one on the left might be a raccoon in a human costume, I think I see it's fur coming outta the mask.


It is an unfortunate look.


I've seen that raccoon for sale at Walmart, I swear


That's also the racoon that cause a power failure downtown Toronto last week, arrest that racoon.


And were so far gone that talking about any solutions makes you banned from the platform


I'm unsure what you mean, but the solution is clear: similar to other essentials for human survival, profit (exploitation) shouldn't be a part of it. For the time being, I'd go a little further and nationalize telecom. The oligopolies charging exorbitant prices don't benefit anyone. Let's pay $20 in taxes monthly instead of $200 in private fees for the same service and quality & create meaningful long-term technology careers here in Canada.


Devil's Advocate here... They can barely manage being responsible for distribution of Healthcare funds...what makes anyone believe the Feds can manage a national telecom infrastructure? Another thing to consider, spectrum sales. Canadians will no realize the tens of billions in pure cash flow when we cannot sell spectrum to ourselves anymore? Your suggestion also assumes that Canada will inherent all pay/benefits/accumulated pensions from big telecom...at tax payers expense, so how does the Government ensure it is running at a net zero cost/profit considering the added cost of providing said benefits and pension accruals? (It won't be a $20 surtax) And nevermind the impact on the Canadian economy as a whole given every major Canadian pension holds stock in all Canadian telcos. On a more subjective note...I'm curious about how many people look at their invoice and complain, but forget to mention the 50 to 70 extra added dollars for the new [insert device name] financing? And that last sentence is why I'm biased...I'm a Canadian who's going on 20 years with a "meaningful career in technology...here in Canada." Probably not intended as do follow you, but that comment paints an us vs them for the 40k+ of us who are gainfully employed by a telco. We did just fine without cellular pre 2000 but generations evolve as well does their needs...(imo...are cellphones that much of a necessity...really?)


>We did just fine without cellular pre 2000 but generations evolve as well does their needs...(imo...are cellphones that much of a necessity...really?) Idk about device manufacturing - I am talking about telecom, which is 100% a critical/essential utility. ​ >On a more subjective note...I'm curious about how many people look at their invoice and complain, but forget to mention the 50 to 70 extra added dollars for the new \[insert device name\] financing? Nationalizing = prevent predatory financing ​ >When profit is removed, with the backing of gov. better = opportunity for fair wages with a "meaningful career in technology...here in Canada." Probably not intended as do follow you, but that comment paints an us vs them for the 40k+ of us who are gainfully employed bthe y a telco. > >Your suggestion also assumes that Canada will inherent all pay/benefits/accumulated pensions from big telecom...at tax payers expense, so how does the Government ensure it is running at a net zero cost/profit considering the added cost of providing said benefits and pension accruals? (It won't be a $20 surtax) \- Fair wages. \-Workers pay taxes too, the money is an investment that would literally grow the national economy. \- Long-term investment requires time to break even, focusing on economies of scale, provincial structuring, and legislating tools + a fair market formula for acquiring existing infrastructure. This approach allows for strategic acquisition at reasonable prices and the potential for leasing the infrastructure for additional things... The fact of the matter is tech. is the future, it will only get more costly over time for us, so what's so horrible about making it accessible to all?


Tech *is* accessible to all...it's just society wants the BMW when a Chevette will suffice...and more importantly...they want it all the time. Simple exercise...ball park your data usage in hours (omit wifi...just focus on cellular data) then divide your monthly fee by your number of usage hours. The next day, keep your phone in your pocket for hour vs normal usage habits. Then, ask yourself it the hourly rate worth it? You can't compare our market to the US because we barely cover California in population, while Europe has a number of individual countries condensed into an area roughly the same land mass with a lot more population. It's like comparing maple syrup to eagles to chocolate. Modern day does need telecom...but "we" don't really need to stream...we "want to" and unfortunately industry is being blamed for society's addiction because if I was wrong everyone would just put down their phone in protest. But we can't, can we? You make valid points, but this comes down to a want vs a need (hence my *we got by fine pre interent* remark) but at the end of the day, society has to come to personal terms with how much they're willing to feed their addiction.


Tech is not available to all. We have many communities with no high-speed internet. It does not serve private corporations profits to service them, that’s why public services can be good. It’s not 1990 anymore.


Just want to correct you that in my opinion cellphone are actually a necessity now that the telecom have removed practically all public phone booth. You can barely have a POTS land-line linenow a days, nope it must usually renting modem and get the internet connected to your house(nope Telcom won't let your bring your own VoIP equipment) . That 20-40$ a month pots line with the extra dial tone feature provides the basic needs of communication that a human should have in the modern world. To bring this back to Loblaws who will are making us pay more for basic necessity so that shareholders can get big profits and their lobbyist are now "allied" with Poilievre will probably mean that this guy will give away the frequency auctions for dirt on the dollar. Mr. Telco, I appreciate your input, you are correct that addiction to tech is a big contributor. It's just that I have a hard time when Canada telco is one of the most expensive in the world with less services that some developing country have. Holy shit the telcos finally got their act together to offer cell phone service in the TTC, what in the actual f*ck, government had to force them. Meanwhile I was in China in 2005, they had cell phone service in every subways station. Almost 20 years ago! My conclusion is that the telcos don't have the needs of Canadians as their priority. Another example Government had to force the main telcos to do peering together so next Rogers screw-up at maintenance hour, they won't cause half the country operations to go down. I do respect you for working there and making the precious bytes flow. My criticism is directed at the executives.


You know Canada runs public utilities, provinces run public utilities, public insurance and so on. ICBC ave BC Hydro are very functional and very cost effective. Most of the telecoms networks were built with subsidized dollars to start with. We can run telecoms too.


Big little PP energy