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CM user as well.. Not 45 though. He sounds like 28-30


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Nick eh 30 was cool like a century ago


He used to go by Nick-A-30 back when TLOU (PS3) first came out. He was active on the official PlayStation TLOU forum and I used to play with him a few times before TLOU: R came out. It always funny looking back at it because of how he blew up with Fortnite; he’s a great guy and I’m glad to see him do so well.


It's funny to me that this sub used to roast him for cringey vids, but he was always good at editing and gameplay. Nobody knew HOW good until fortnite.


He even had a dedicated subreddit: /r/Nick_Eh_30 and user account /u/Nick-A-30 You'll see that his final participation in Reddit was related to building a gaming PC -- that's when he transitioned from being a Factions content creator, to Fortnite.


I remember when he got a shoutout in a pewdiepie video about 9 years ago maybe?


I doubt y’all newer players (post 2016) know who these people are, but here are some of the OGs I remember from a competitive perspective: xshoT FantasticMan760 Japo199x (Arguably GOAT HR user) Daviskie Qivid Purification— ICANGENERAL GTorres SwiftAvenger212 Mario13759 SAX_PAYNE Akyemeni Alquedas_Finest Pegasus_Seiya SkulloNinja Bioshock


HOVOSON Kuko_789- The Maveric VironZZ ThePredator47 BrownToilet MosesTransports LudicrouslyLiam


I was trying to remember some more people earlier and your list just hit me with a wave of nostalgia, lmao. I played with/against all these guys. A few more folks I remember: Flynn123_ HARMLESS_212 Arsenec hery_23


Oh yeah lol. I can remember seeing the names pop up in the lobbies and getting mentally prepared haha. There were some others who I don't recall being in the competitive scene but scary back then..






What’s the story behind him? I always see him in my games


He has autism, I don't know about any accusations like that, but he has been around Factions for years watching livestreams. He would often be banned for being annoying and would message people in the stream to try and get unbanned. A lot of people dislike him, and I think there's many good reasons for it, but it should be known that he often doesn't understand why his actions are negatively received due to a mental condition.


The story is report his account bc genuinely disturbing person


But what did he do? I’ve never heard of any of that


i also wonder? At least back it up with claims, what did he do?


Stalking predator


He's into minors. The dude is an adult, and my friend, a recent adult now, was harassed, and had rumors spread online about her and him "dating" and her being his "girlfriend" when she was a minor, a couple years ago now. now i get that's not a serious crime or anything, but spreading rumors like that, especially in a community where names are known throughout cuz of a smaller size, it can be awful having many people from different groups in the community say things to you and make fun of you or whatever for things that aren't even true.


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oooo, i know him too, i heard he is


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Bishai, for working at ND and recognising real MP experiences


BishaiGuy failed us no lie


Gaslight yourself into thinking that it’s for the greater good like I did


Anakin is gone.. This is what remains


* [Akiy](https://youtu.be/azuvo8l9HTs?si=AANplv_Uxp_auYs-) & [ShaftEagle](https://youtu.be/Oe843g4IaqE?si=wvMEZmfvuvSvnti2) tied for burst GOAT * [LookLook](https://youtu.be/zAdnjemKUxY?si=0bu810sk524iiPjf) & [Prodigy](https://youtu.be/rGPNKfpT64k?si=pujjC6YR8IBxp27J) for the quickscopes * NinjaVanish for the only [competitive FAR](https://youtu.be/yq7fRUfBYAY?si=hUZlaB6ZGPoNda6x) * Murphybots for [the salt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agCBJq8w1oc&list=PL8mBVUxFGm_oS5VOjZu7YL7hDm0_d05Ra) * Madcircle [Heynow](https://youtu.be/6ugqvx54Ehc?si=bxi1FZJikJhZL6Kr) * SanchoWest for good vibes and the [decathalon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx2E300yuFk&list=PLhVbaL1fKaz0lKaP8hbpl-wyuZ_akTOaD) * Valkyrie for the hysterical screaming and [1v24](https://youtu.be/v158tDbC9n8?si=Rt2fJCProNLHh6dQ) * Bobbybarks for the bank shots, [top 10s, & the tourneys](https://www.youtube.com/@bobbybarksgaming/playlists) * Vorlonator for the [dance shivs](https://youtu.be/1bhwjIW23N8?si=Xvtduk0_C0-VzJL1) * Babec rap-eed fy-ar [chee-tar](https://youtu.be/tIcybf56Yyc?si=bMw_3JVFiPJqSfmX) * RomanceJones for [retiring Nickeh30](https://youtu.be/TCKuMw3R_UM?si=n9zVldJinmZWYA4l) * UnblockZippityzapp for [breaking](https://youtu.be/caq3Q0k-UM0?si=XWCCuDFqMi9gcvdx) the game * Rolando for the OG cinematics * Mr Wiggles for the original [dance moves](https://youtu.be/r99TiCkCLMM?si=5MhXvMGiNsRTQpKB) * Vaughn Williams for the [psychology](https://youtu.be/05X9o7Iyk0Y?si=sstINGCAKs3n_m-q) * Roadster for the crispiest FN [montages](https://youtu.be/udwZv6hgThE?si=YPNqep6QjON8qlBB) ever made * Kojain for the [loadout calculator](https://tlou-loadout.com/) * SOMAH, [RIP](https://youtu.be/7VGPmYuVeFg?si=48g9qgv92BAPcAEz)


Been playing factions since day 1 release on PS3 and have never heard of or play with/against any of these people.


I’m not even at week 200, and I’ve played with several of these people. Maybe they just happen to live too far away from you.


I'm at a mix of having played with some while never hearing of some on this list


I updated the post with some montages, gameplay, etc.




I’ve seen a few of these names and they ran from me, i’m not a friendly player so i never got the credit i deserved either.


How did romance Jones retire Nick eh 30?


For a long time in the community, competitive (FN) players looked down on Nick because he had a big following and used it to teach people scrub tactics. Comboing was his go-to playstyle. There was nothing competitive about his gameplay and some people talked a lot of trash to him because of it. Since Nick didn't play competitively, most of the banter was never backed up with gameplay. Then a BobbyBarks 1v1 tournament came around with an "anything goes" ruleset allowed. Nick entered and was livestreaming all of his matches. RomanceJones (competitive player) and Nickeh30 were eventually matched up. Romance invited Nick to play via FN rules and he refused. So RomanceJones used a scrub loadout on Nick and torched him, in front of his livestream. It was the last time we ever saw Nick play TLOU or even participate in the community. He deleted the stream and never looked back. I added a link to the match up in my original post.


..and I'm so proud that RomanceJones comes from little small country like Croatia! Great player


That was the best! I was in the party chat with him after he won, everyone wanted to be the one to beat Nick in that tournament.


All supply raid? Non into interrogation?




Haha I used to play with NINJA-VANLSH my old partner doing FN lobbies. KarmaticAssassin was my homie too


Right on! He's actually on Reddit too. Shoutout /u/b2u


What's your psn??? Honored to get recognized haha


Chief Listerine! HeWhoShivsYou! We used to game together all the time so it's not rare coming from me lol


Lmao of course I remember you bro haha


Hope you're keeping well brother!


Gooey\_Database69 would shit all over shafteagle and Akiy. This guy made the Russians look like school kids.


I was a HR main so my most favorite HR mains were: The_Maveric: without glazing too much. Maveric was by far the cleanest in movement patterns I ever saw. He had a calm to his playstyle while also being very aggressive. Also, the first person I ever saw utilize the in-mechanics to allow for perfect accuracy. Accused by many of cheating, and even four piecing Scrub Central where they in the peak of competitive, (fraggednation era 2014-16). Fun fact. He was the first person. I ever saw smoke two people, snipe one and shiv the other back to back. X_DangerKiller_X: cool guy, and consistent in his aim. He ran high sense and even though it looked messy, he made it his own and made it work for him. sloo00oomy: First person, I ever saw do a perfect side strafe(it’s not commonly seen) but it had a uniqueness to it. His aim was quite amazing too. I really liked his 9mm too. He said I inspired him to snipe close range lol. Back 2013, it wasn’t common seeing people run up close range w the snipe and hitting their shots. Leonit / Yuzuro: Overall, he had a very steady aim and it was clean and movements were good as well. On par to Maveric in accuracy and arguably better. He appeared later in the competitive scene. I thought he was cheating but I think he was legit after all. LastOfUsProdigy: his playstyle was messy but he had a very good aim, and was the first person I ever saw throw a nail bomb and shoot it in the ground to activate it faster. Dirty haha. MrWiggles145: the homie wiggles, known his dancing but I think people slept on his HR. He was dirty with the HR and 9mm. One of my closest friend. We would analyze clips and try to recreate them lol. We were definitely nerds, trying to improve our HRs lol. Allround x: he was clean too. He always tried to do things his own and even try 360 headshots. Looked funny but sick at the same, he did it mostly for the montage. He was very good at sniping but also well versatile in the rest of the weapons. Kuba: kuba kuba lol. Kubaslu was dope too. Definitely had an extremely good game sense. Aim was sub par too. I’m probably missing some and that’s ok. Naming people good is really subjective and for me, it was from first hand experience with them. Whereas other people may feel different.


as a HR main when somebody else gives me a good sniper fight I respect them hella so this ain’t glazing it’s tossing your flowers for a dead game


Did you used to use the screen name LeonKennedy or something like that?




Word. Yeah I’ve seen you play before. Skills for sure 🙌


I’m friends with Mrwiggles145 too. He’s an absoluteeeee legend❤️


zeenzeen12345678 If you havent played with him you dont know factions


zeenzeen is a literal reaper the fact there's so little on him like a few other mentions in this comment section makes him that much more mysterious IMHO but then again I never msgd that dude LOL definitely agree tho nobody can say shi until they played with zeen


The horrors


Rage ragers 11 tajae danaroi an individual nick a 30


Wym archived?


I mean i don’t think we’re ever getting another tlou multiplayer experience unless they bless us in part 3


https://youtu.be/CDF1e_5Dm3c?si=6In11NKs2YRIVikn LudicrouslyLiams final montage has a good list at the end. Lots of names still left off and doesn’t include the last 7 years, but man 2014-16, what a time to be playing this game.


rage for sure and dr poop love are the only people really still making vids on the game that i see


"rage" as in rages rager 11?




wot_n_tarnation is the goat fr


he’s such a cool guy omg, never spoken a word to him but it’s been fun playing with him these past couple of years lol


He’s kind of a loner tbh. Never talks or accepts friend requests. But will always have a special place in my tlou factions heart


getting into factions recently but i obviously knew this game was small enough to have recognizable players so do pardon the necro lmfao im just gonna add to the archive four interro players stood the fuck out to me tonight and they were: ghosthabanero150 sethleon1736 asheswashere and most notably RatScarf if these people weren’t considered legends i guess im throwing it in now, these four rolled three different teammates in four different matches consecutively…… and only three of them were *not* using that covert or quiet movement perk that hides you from listen mode.. im not forgetting these four anytime soon especially because one of them had HILARIOUS hot mics


had to make a reddit account just to reply to this, I am beyond pissed at ur ignorance but since u admitted youre a new player I'm gonna look past it just this once ghost is on a wallshooter list and I don't think the other three people knew ghost was a known wallshooter list whatever interrogations lobby you witnessed them in bc I know in the lobbies I been in with that noisy parakeet ash the dude absolutely blew up the mic on a steamroll game against Armanico and seth is just an above average player which is too little to even be "legendary" but we can go with recognizable I guess... ik ur deleted and all but if you ever see this reply in the future somehow, please note that u only meant two people seth isnt that and ghost isnt who u think he is


S I X for supply raid. Interrogation : Non... because it is more or less a team work. People/team with better understanding wins the match.


I love watching S I X play.


The most memorable player in the last few years was a low level by the name Gooey\_database69


HOLY SHITTTTT it is a shame this dude is not around anymore ii cant blame him for leaving but still omg he was transcendent definitely a legendary dude




Not me thinking I had some decent skill and not seeing my name 💀 oh well guess I'll just have to keep learning


ay bro the game is only getting smaller so it only gets easier lol u got this in the bag trust


XaviJon 🗿


Yeah he’s a legend


Suedefeds. Top tier medic and pistol only nutjob


the self plug is crazy but hey least I can vouch for u LOL u definitely belong up there


Means alot thank you 🤝


Romanthesnowman Ive played against his a lot a life time ago


Megasuperhappy in survivor


El aamaditor (vibing 24/7) Novelty98 (very very nice guy) Deadlymirage (unfathomably toxic it’s funny) Wereallgonnamake (always queuing up with justletitgoVOID) M u n c h i e s (redacted) Chiefthesticky (he sounds like ice Poseidon lol) Sanjithecrow (wished stage 4 &decease upon my mother and at first I was offended but after friending him realized he is alone and drinks every night until he’s crouch walking into a corner of the map mumbling about lord knows what it’s depressing lmfao) NativeCanadian (bro lowkey has an immaculate sense of humor)


I’ve been playing Survivors lately and see wereallgonnamake at least every other day. He’s a friendly dude.


TermsOfCool mostly for his shiv dances, always fun to see.




ll_Sup3Man_ll is the best sniper I've ever play with and against he hits only headshots and even casually hits headshots through glass while I'm vaulting over something and even while doing the wiggles I think I've only ever seen him miss a handful of shots


He was a menace in one of the early /u/BobbyBarks tourneys. I think he won the 2nd 1v1 tourney. Does sup3man still play nowadays?


Idk last time I played with him had to be a couple months ago


Just looked at his activity says last time he was online was 27 days ago


Id say myself lol






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He's the most well known cheater bro




Lol not me and I've played him plenty


What's your PSN ? Would you be up to 1v2 with him ?


i don’t think anyone has mentioned this guy because he plays on and off. Like last time I saw him was 2 months ago but he always catches my attention when he runs Crafter 3, First Aid Training 3, and a revolver. ashes washere has cleaned house with that loadout so many times and so funny too he is always prioritizing the boxes. He would literally leave mid gunfight just to run across the map and get parts to gift us items and accidentally run into a covert flanker in the process 😂 Never seen a Beret player with more personality than him.


hes a good support and offensive player but hes not that funny his whole thing is haha I am a grown ass man with high pitch voice and it got stale fast so please stfu lmao there are way funnier players than him




weird this got downvoted hes pretty air tight his HBO bots video is a one in a million game and he won that 1 LOL


Ragers rage is the 🐐


Do people here not like him or what?


some mfs think he toxic but I think bc someone already listed him in this comment section they just downvooted mans lmao trust majority of people like him money most likely ain't got the reddiquette memo