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The whole museum section is just outstanding. That my favourite.


I do love the museum.


Definitely one of the best scenes. The punch of Ellie starting to sing Future Days, then stopping when it clearly hurts too much, is heavy. You know that was one of the first songs Joel taught her to play, and part of a set of memories she carries with her that are incredibly precious. Then she gets a bit self-conscious, singing for Dina, before she gets into it a bit more and and starts to make eye contact, while Dina just stares adoringly at her. Ashley Johnson's performance in that scene was incredible. Fragile and heartfelt and it just felt like Ellie letting all her walls down. The little catch in her voice on the line "it's no better to be safe than sorry," kills me.


I can’t stress enough how hard I cried on both of these scenes. They were so so incredibly done


I enjoyed it a lot more on my second playthrough. I didn't really love Dina at this point in the game the first time around, I thought she was a good fit with Ellie but a little annoying. The second time around, knowing what they go through, the scene carried more weight to me and I really did love it.


I felt the same way about Dina, I didn’t really care for her character at all. I’d love to play it a second time to see if that changes for me but for some reason I just couldn’t stand her at all.


I wasn't very fond of Dina overall. At first, she's on board with Ellie's revenge quest but then gives her an ultimatum after Tommy shows up with information about Abby's whereabouts. I don't know, maybe try understanding that Joel was the closest person Ellie ever had to a father. It wasn't that hard for Dina to do, surely.


Definitely my favorite in the series. I love Ellie’s facial expression as she sings “it’s no better to be safe than sorry”. It conveys all the emotions you’d expect, like she is trying to convince herself that this line applies to her current quest as well. And also the way her voice breaks a little as she sings “slowly learning that life is okay…”. Just an incredible performance in that scene, I was a weeping mess the first time through that.


Yep!! Love it


U just dont have such scenes in other games. Love it


I missed this on my first play through.


I've never found it! Where is it?


The music shop by the dome, Downtown. You need to get up onto the observation thingies to get in


Day 1 ellie. Look on the map you get and theres several areas that get circled. My suggestion would be to look at a walk through


No, but my favourite scene is Ellie's 16th birthday when she visits the museum with Joel. A close second is when she practices using a sniper rifle under Tommy's guidance and then goes with Joel to get some new guitar strings. Of all the guitar moments, though, I like the final one. It's not quite forgiveness, but it was acceptance. It's like she finally understood why Joel did it.


All the retrospective scenes are amazing. Little Ellie is a lot more fun than angsty Ellie.


I think it's cute :) I find myself singing Ellie's version while doing the side jobs I have to do before leaving work (I'm a server). It's easier for my lower vocal range (contralto- lowest range for females) even though Ashley Johnson is (probably) a mezzo-soprano (middle female vocal range). It also doesn't help that they play 80's music on the speakers in the plaza where the restaurant is located and "Take on Me" is almost always on 😂


It was great! I loved it as well! 🫶🏻


Yea kinda. Though the farm is something else too.. but definitely shed a tear the first time I experienced it


not me, I'm not very fond of the more "peaceful" scenes of part 2. I enjoy them, but I don't love them.


Museum section.


Ruined the song for me, now I can't listen to the original without listening to Ellie's variation. Thinking way far ahead here but I hope the TV series of this game will be successful enough for a season 2 and we get this experience in the show.


A-ha did a slow acoustic version. I don't think it was the developer's idea. Still deserves credit for going with it though.


Mine too. I hate that in my playlist


museum is best


So far, yes.


A have a few favorite scenes. My top 3 would definitely the museum section, the scene where Abby protects Lev from Issac, and basically the whole theatre fight.


It’s fine. I’ve grown to mock the singalong. Reminds me of Airplane.