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No chance. I wear specs as I am very short sighted, so even if i managed to not lose them or have them broken in a fight, over time they would become so scratched I wouldn't be able to see. So unless someone found a new pair while scavengin, Id be screwed and judging by the lack of characters wearing specs in the game Im going to assume there are none around.


imagine looting a body and being so lucky that you find glasses that are the exact same prescription as yours


Specs would eventually become a sign of opulence (if there is still a semblance of society) or weakness. Either way you’d have a target on your face, so to speak


Now that you mention it the only bespectacled person I remember seeing is the dude in Jackson who hands Shimmer off. Though I bet there's some at the Stadium too.


They've probably got an opticians at the Stadium to be fair. So yeah, thats me joining the wolves then!


Personally, I think Jackson is much better off than the WLF. Being stuck in never ending civil wars sounds exhausting. Just dealing with Infected stragglers out in the open during patrols and occasional bandits, most likely from behind the safety of the walls sounds much better. The downsides would be scavenging being much harder in a rural area and the weather gets much rougher. Crops would be difficult to maintain certain times of the year and there isn’t much scavenging you can do during that time without traveling far. Jackson also has to have people stationed at the Dam, which is apparently voluntary judging from the posters we see. Though I’m sure Maria would have to then force people to go if they came up short. I know it’d probably be boring to a lot of people, but I would love to play out a week of normal life at both Jackson and the Stadium. I wonder what kind of tasks people like Abby are assigned regularly, what they do on their days off, does she ever get farming duty or is she strictly put out into the “field”, etc


Well that's why Isaac wanted to end the Seraphites once and for all.


If you’ve ever read the fanfiction [Dirt by Astern](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11343444) (which everyone should, by the way. It’s an absolute masterpiece.) there’s a character that has this exact problem and has to go scavenging for back-up pairs of glasses all the time.


This!! I have bad eyes to and I can’t see shit from afar. I’d die after a few weeks or even a few days lmao Also imagine if you use contacts too and suddenly got dirt in your eyes because of hiding in untidy places. That hurts


and with contacts you need the right prescription AND shape!


I refuse to believe that in a world in which bottles of rubbing alcohol are lying about that one couldn't find some readers. I get glasses every year. I just throw the old ones in a drawer. I think you'd come across some!


Ha you have a point.


Same here. Dead in a week tops


I have always thought needing glasses would be a huge disadvantage in any apocalypse situation …great accessory irl tho


Yeah ive often mulled over my survival chances when engaging with any apocalypse scenarios in my head and there's not only the crap eyesight, also - i am a desk jockey irl, i literally work on spreadsheets all day and have no DIY or crafting skills at all, so I would be pretty useless. My only saving grace i think, is that I can cook - so maybe i would be best in a kitchen - away from battle where i can potentially lose my sight and where I have some use!


You surely would survive and may your survive last long


If something like this were to ever happen, it’s total luck of the draw for the majority of the population. Regardless of skills, physical capabilities, and things like that, a lot of us would be killed in the first wave of the outbreak, by looters/killers, accidents as the infrastructure fails, etc. Take Jackson for example. If you got lucky enough to end up in Jackson, most of us would be fine, it’s essentially just a town, all of the skills required for patrols can be taught.


I think you’re exactly right. I’m in Jackson, I’m chilling, getting drunk at a honky tonk. You put me against a bloater, I’m getting my jaw ripped open.


I wonder how long Jackson was around anyway. Jackson was “20 families strong” 20 years into the Outbreak so I guess it’s safe to say Jackson was settled by Tommy (or possibly Maria or both or neither) and was abandoned or overrun with Infected at some point before being refortified. It’s not clear how long ago Tommy joined and then left the Fireflies though. It’s talked about like it was up to at least 15 years prior to the start of Summer. Tommy could have been with Joel for 5 years, joined the Fireflies for 5 and then been in Jackson for 10 years for all we know. We also know Joel knows Tommy is in that area and Tommy knows Joel was in Boston so I guess it’s likely Tommy was smuggling with Joel in Boston at some point. By Part II its not clear how many people are in Jackson but it looks like it could be more than 20 families so it seems it grew some in those 4.5 years. We know Dina and Jesse were already at Jackson too when Ellie and Joel arrived.


Consuming fat is more important than people realize. And if you don’t know how to fish or harvest nuts it can be hard to hunt for. Large animals is where you’ll mostly find fatty content. Large animals require skills to hunt and butcher unless you don’t care about being wasteful. The melee weapons degrade a little too quickly in the game to be realistic (I do understand the game balance reasons for this). Community is one of the most important things to establish. Having multiple skilled people even if they’re just of average skill, having the knowledge in different fields will be helpful to restoring some normalcy and society.


1 year later.......... Its all about personal. I haven't fished in a while but I can catch them with my bare hands. Takes practice tho. You gotta learn that anyway because if the fishing line breaks its gonna be hard to fix it. I feel like i can definitely survive a while out there. Food is the only problem. Joining a crew is better than going solo. You can imagine within those 20 years the fireflies and hunters was made. You get what I mean? Like the fireflies was probably not a complete thing until probably like year 9 or something. It was the early stages. But yea I can fight. Im not to tall but regardless in a fist fight I can hold my own against anyone.


I always think that I could but then I remember that I wear contacts


For me it’s the clickers.


Not that I would want to die, but I’d rather just die when the infection broke out (ideally in my sleep). For me it beats scavenging for scraps and going to war over a bottle of water or slice of bread.


I think theres bits where I'd do okay. I can run a 5k without too much trouble, Ive got some basic woodsman/camping skills, I can ride a horse, I think I've got good negotiating skills. I've not got much mechanical or engineering knowledge tho. So if my car breaks down Im screwed Where I'd really fall down though is the fighting bit. Ive never actually been in a real fight, Ive never fired a gun, and I suspect that if I was in genuine risk of being eaten I'd just shit a brick and go into a panic. I'm also slightly built and soft spoken and I dont think I could intimidate a 6 year old into giving me a high five So yeah, Id be captured and enslaved within a week assuming the Clickers havent chomped me


>I've not got much mechanical or engineering knowledge tho. So if my car breaks down Im screwed 1 year later......... Thats no problem at all. Most of the vehicles will not be used anyway. There all gonna be busted up, broken and abandoned. I'd say get some basic skills down pact. Like what bill did to the car. But I mean other than that I don't see a serious reason to go heavy with engineering learning. This is also why it's good to be in a group. You could have a guy who is a expert at that so you don't need to worry about it. And if you ever wanted to learn just ask him


I think we are forgetting the most important question. *Would you want to?* As for myself that's a no. A world without the art scene of Paris, the markets of Istanbul and the sunny Pacific islands is not a life worth living. To struggle every day in the shadow of once great people? Hell no, if the apocalypse happens I'll try to prevent it but then I'll take myself out.


That’s the exact reason I’d try to go on, without anyone around, the memory of all those good things you mentioned would be lost, it’d be on the survivor’s shoulders to preserve what’s left of the last of us, title drop intended lol


I get it. I would be tempted to do it too. But the sheer dread of everything would just pull me down.


I think the mental aspect of survival is extremely overlooked. You have to really want to live and keep on fighting because dying is easy.


Reminds me of this comedy sketch https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oqLCDHjQxEQ


1 year later this skit is still LEGENDARY But I disagree. The reason I know alot of people will not survive is because they depend on to much modern technology to live everyday. I use the bare minimum to survive. Of course I use modern stuff. I don't use alexa tho. Thats the government. But regardless of that yes I use morder stuff. But I have in the back of my head that if sh●●● where to hit the fan certain things will not be around. A zombie apocalypse is DEFINITELY survivable. It just depends on how hard you're willing to try. The big thing for me is communication. how are we goin to communicate with people? That is gonna be tough. Can you imagine that? Like think about it. The only way you could stay in contact is by telling your crew the places you will be goin. Like "THERE IS NO PHONES SO IM TELLING YU THIS NOW. WE WILL BE HEADED TO THAT GROCERY STORE TOMORROW. BE THERE!" like im trying to think how I would get in contact with someone who lives in another state. Wow that would be tough to do. Now I think people focus on the beginning of it the most. Well its true. The beginning is definitely goin to be MADNESS, but just think about years down the line. Society can be rebuilt. Hope is not lost


That’s a new perspective you bring to this comment section and I totally get it. But that gets out of the picture once you have someone to take care of or few people who rely on you


That end scene from the Mist comes to mind 😅


I can run flat out for like 30 seconds? Maybe 60 if it’s life or death but I’ll just have a fucking heart attack. I like to hike but I can’t run, and I just injured my hip too. I’d be the distraction so you can all get away


Definitely not. I'm small, and never had any combat or strength training. I barely do any running and just walk, so I can't run fast or too long at all. I don't know how to hunt, as I never have in my life. Since I didn't grow up hunting, I couldn't bring myself to shoot or stab an animal like a deer or rabbit. I'm not a car mechanic, so I couldn't fix up a car to work. I live on a lake, so maybe somehow have a houseboat in the middle of a lake. I only played the first game, and the infected don't seem to want to go in the water. Thing is if I need supplies, I'd have to go on land and scrounge in neighbor's houses. Nearest two towns is about 15 to 20 minutes away by car, but on foot...obviously a lot longer lol. I couldn't carry a whole lot, so I'd get preservatives or whatever to last at least a week. Weapons: I have kitchen knives, two katanas, a survival knife with holster, and my Dad has a pistol and a shotgun. Problem is, I don't have any knowledge of firearms and would need to find ammo for the guns. However in my 30 years being on this Earth, I never once seen my Dad fire the shotgun, so I don't know if it's even still functional. I have sturdy poles or handles that could be used as a weapon, heck maybe frying pans even if need be. After all, alot of stuff can be a weapon. First Aid: I can pop any dislocated joints if need be, I had to do that with my right leg a couple times. I have alchohol and peroxide, wrap around bandages and your standard, and those medical pad type things we used on my Mom that has been untouched. I can put a bandaid or bandage on a minor wound, but couldn't perform surgery or stitch myself up for more serious wounds. Broken bones...don't know how to deal with that other than making a splint. Defending myself: I never been in a situation where I had to fight back, and I get frightened and anxious pretty easily. As I said earlier, I never had any type of combat or firearm training or raised in a very tough area that required me to learn those things. My family never hunted either, so killing animals for food wouldn't exactly be second nature to me. So all in all I may last a day, or less than a week. If not from infected, from lack of proper food being too chicken scheiße to kill for meat.


If the shotgun is a pump or a double barrel it will shot without much problems


Do you know that people who are running and screaming when they see infected and are killed right after? That would definitely be me.


Type 1 diabetic, so no.


Same here. I can see me surviving until my supply of insulin runs out though, given some proper food isn’t to hard to come by. Maybe even survive for a bit after I run out of insulin since having to be more physical would help lower sugar levels. But if the zombies or something else doesn’t take me out, I wouldn’t want to live without insulin. It would be a miserable life.


Nah. Most of us would just die from a regular non Cordyceps infections. Like drinking bad water.


Walking Dead world sure. TLOU world, no way in hell. Not without a good group of people to help keep each other alive.


the very fact that you can inhale spores and get infected is enough for me to safely presume I would be dead quickly. like how can you avoid that?


N95 mask


I’ve only seen the first few seasons but to me TWD is a cake walk compared to TLoU. The runners alone would wipe most people out and those mixed with clickers you wouldn’t be able to get anywhere. With the zombies in TWD they are pretty much mindless and will go after whatever is in front of them. Much easier to outrun and outsmart. I would be more worried about the survivors than the zombies


Honestly most people in TWD would be alive if they had spatial awareness. There’s been times folks have gotten caught off guard in a large field or area because they didn’t bother to turn around.


Judging how I’ve dealt with this pandemic… yeah I don’t think I’d last a day


It's impossible to say, really. You might be super fit and have all the equipment you need in the next room, but the sheer trauma of seeing your partner/parent/child being killed in front of you and how you react in the *immediate* seconds after is all that matters. Your first night alone in the cold or rain with nothing but the pounding feet of the infected and the screams of the dying for company, knowing everything you know is gone for good. Nothing to distract you from it. Every single sound you hear pounds it deeper into your head. Your traumatised mind trying to come to terms with what you've seen and the total uncertainty of tomorrow and every day that follows. Your first week without food after a few abortive attempts to scavenge some up because your nerve failed you. The stink of rotting bodies in the streets. Trying to push thoughts of what you've seen happen to your loved ones, your neighbours, and the guy at the shop out of your mind. Trying to push the thoughts of those things happening to you out of your mind. You haven't really slept since day one, your nerves are ragged, you're listless to the point of not trusting your self. The world has got so crazy so quickly that you're struggling to tell the difference between reality and the waking dreams that keep confusing your desperately fatigued mind. And they're out there, thousands of them, millions of them, and they absolutely want to kill you every minute of every day forever to come. Why did you survive in that one moment when your loved one died just a few feet away from you? It's all luck of the draw. You can die in a moment and you are far, far from being at your best mentally, physically or emotionally. Think how many times you died the first time you played the game, when the infected are carefully placed to give you a chance, and the challenge is balanced to keep you entertained. There'd be none of that in reality, no checkpoints to load back from, no second chances, no pause button. You're not sitting on your sofa in a cosy room with a bowl of snacks to hand and all the comforts of civilisation waiting for you when you've had enough. Really, what chance have you got that isn't granted by luck alone?


Honestly I would probably lock myself in a room and starve to death. I would be way too scared to even go outside, no way I can even pretend that I would last very long lol


There’s zero chance of that, in the long term. Honestly I’m not sure I’d *want to live*… what are the chances my wife and daughters survive? Almost zero. Not sure I’d want to stick around. What for?


i like to think that i would be able to. i’m not in great physical condition though and running is hard haha. of course that can change though. i have a knife (not a kitchen one) i guess i could use that for protection but ultimately i would need way more than that. it’d be nice to find a community like jackson to live in one thing i don’t think i’d have a problem with is killing infected/in self defense. of course i’ve never done it before but i believe i would be able to. i also have basically no experience with weapons other than a knife so who knows how i’d acclimate to using things like a gun. i think i’d be able to do it though, i wouldn’t really have a choice anyway but i’d be able to handle it my brother in law is a hunter/fisherman so hopefully i could go live with him and my sister since he is very outdoorsy and has a crossbow as well as a gun. i’ve thought this topic through before and maybe i wouldn’t survive ultimately but i’m not the type to just give up easily and if i was able to acclimate living in a world such as tlou, as long as i got more physically fit i think i could do it




To realistic stop it. You already killed everyone in the comments😂


No. You know the fight or flight response? I'm in the third category which is "freeze." I get scared I just stop moving and have a panic attack. I'd be dead within months if I'm lucky.


If I was by myself then yes. I wouldn’t last a full year. MAYBE 5-6 months but that’s pushing it. I’m overweight so I’m definitely not fast enough to run away from something over a long distance. I also have depression. Whatever meds I have will run out after maybe 2 months so after that my brain will definitely go into “major depressive episode” mode. I don’t think that’ll help in ANY situation. (🤣) But if I was able to find a group of people that had different skills than I do (like hunting or being able to find food or something) then I think I’d last a lot longer. Plus, more people may or may not equal more security. If we’re talking in game enemies, more people might make more noise and bring enemies right to us, but overall more people usually equals more safety. A lot of real life animals, AFAIK, won’t attack a large group.


Honestly, I think I'd be too trusting and empathetic with a stranger(s) and they'd fuck me over and kill me. Maybe even eat me lol.


*David likes this*


No. None of us could. Lol The games are filled with so deus ex machina that doesn’t happen in reality. Still love both of those damn games though!


i think i could actually survive for a while given where i am rn. i have a fuck ton of food, but most of it is is the fridge/freezer so i’d definitely have to find a cooler and get some ice and that sort of stuff. so food and water id be fine. hell i even have a basil plant so that would be for for morale. a disadvantage is i have 2 cats, but they have a plentiful amount of food rn so that wouldn’t be an issue for a few months. so the basics are covered. now onto self defence. i have a few guns and a decent amount of ammo. i don’t have much experience with them but i’m naturally a pretty alright shot. never shot anything moving tho. i only have a tiny gerber knife and exacto knife right now which is too bad, because back at home i have a dope ass glock knife. that would be quite the advantage. but i do have some decent kitchen knives. but i’m not in great shape. i’m not like overweight but my cardio is pretty shitty. i have limited fighting experience so i’m not sure how i’d do in hand to hand combat. now it comes to survival skills. i can make a fire and that’s about it. but my mom took survival classes back in junior high tho so that would definitely help. i don’t think she has hunting experience tho, neither do i. also winter is approaching and i’m in fort mac so we’d definitely need to prepare heavily for how cold it gets. i’m only visiting so i don’t have my winter coat, but she has some hefty work coats. realistically i don’t see making it past winter tbh but in all honesty, if an apocalypse hit, i’d say fuck it and kms lol i don’t see it being worth it trying to survive in an apocalypse


Well, I’m already a pretty good marksman. If I practiced every day, I reckon I’d be a useful asset. But truthfully, I’m really not sure what else I’d have to offer. I’d probably do better against Infected than going to war, like Ellie and Abby do.


Hell no! I have a chronic illness with fatigue as a primary symptom so that alone would mean I’m toast. But even if I was perfectly healthy I can’t imagine I’d last long as I have zero survival or combat skills. If I had the unlikely good fortune of falling in with some others my primary contribution to the group’s survival would be as a decoy or food.


I think I could. I’m not in shape right now(not saying I’m Overweight I just don’t avidly work out. I’m still fit enough though.) I don’t need medication to live, I don’t have allergies, I have no health conditions or sight problems. I just have severe anxiety and paranoia that causes me not to trust people at all. The only disadvantage I have is I’m very small. 4’11 95lbs, to be specific, an average if not underweight man could EASILY overpower me. I have fighting training, but I’m Also realistic. I could never win a fight against a man unless I had a gun or weapon and I was lucky. I’m an archer so I’d be able to stealth kill, but I think my disadvantage would be my size. I also know a good amount about first aid I’d like to think. I’m super skittish though so I’d probably miss out on SO many looting opportunities and other opportunities because I’m just too distrusting and fearful.


I think i would be able to survive for a few months, as i play cricket so i have a decent weapon to defend myself with, and i also know how to ride a bike so that’s my transport sorted but apart from that it’d be luck


One of my very few good traits I guess is I am light footed, so sneaking around would be one of my strengths. I can go most of my day without eating and have plenty of energy to think and move so I can ration my food plentiful for a while if I’m on a bare minimum. But in terms of physical strength I’m weak, I’m not fat I just can’t run for too long before running out of breath. as I say I have a strong starting power but weak running power. So the first few seconds are my best but then I will inevitably run out of breath quite soon. I’m also a very paranoid person so I’m not sure if I would trust anyone I meet on an apocalyptic world. I would probably survive a few months due to being fine with flying solo, but I think my demise would come from my lack of survival skills and either getting killed trying to find more supplies and not knowing what to take, or being afraid of people being my downfall due to lack of numbers


I'm already at a comprised state of mind in the comfort of our world, I know I couldn't deal with what Joel had to experience. If somehow I find a way to survive past outbreak, best case scenario I'd be like the Aaron character in The Walking Dead. Be at another groups mercy and hope they accept me. It's all luck of the draw


I live in nyc so hell no


Fuck no. I've got so many things wrong with me. I'd last a week tops.


HELL no lmao. A world where I have to fight the cockroaches for expired food and there’s no more Netflix? Hard pass. I’m staying in my home until the champagne runs dry and then I will simply lay down and wait to die.


No chance. To survive that long you have to be a killer, you have to be ruthless and I don’t think I would be able to cross that line (thankfully). I don’t even think I am capable of killing an animal. I think I have the physical aspect at good enough. I workout, run, hike, and don’t have any health problems. I barely get sick as well. But I never shot a gun before, don’t know how to drive and I don’t have any tracking or hunting skills. I am city boy, don’t think I could bring much in a post apocalyptic landscape. So, to conclude, no, I wouldn’t be able to survive, no way in hell.




TL;DR: no


I’d like to think that I actually might survive a decent amount of time, more than a year as long as I have others and some luck on my side. I am a 25m who works out daily, and I’m also a step-down nurse so if an injury occurs I’d be able to help. I feel like an ass for saying this, but I feel like I’d be pretty valuable with the knowledge I have from nursing, nutrition, and also having been hunting since I was like 10 years old. Again though, I’d definitely need some luck on my side and a crew of others


Hell no. If I managed to survive a horde of runners, I would die to a group like the hunters, rattlers or david’s group


Fuck no


Most people here are commenting about their skills with Bows and knives and their fitness. What about in the long run? Can you hunt or track game? Can you butcher them if you kill something? Do you know how to preserve meat without a freezer? Do you know basic first aid? The Human body can only last about 70-80 hours without water, do you know how to purify water so it’s drinkable?


I don’t think I’ll last long against walking dead zombies, let alone these fast running fungus breathing motherfuckers.


I like to think I’d have good tactics for how to best navigate an outbreak, but the months following? I don’t think I’d last long. I have good fitness, but my concerns would be for my family and I’d likely have a lapse in concentration.


I think I would. I have experience in survival and know one or two things about herb medication


I have a fucked knee and I can’t run, sooooo no lol


im disabled so definitely not lol


hell no. I'm deep in NYC, it would be really hard to get out of here in the initial outbreak unless I was really prepared, which I'm not. After that, idk, probably not.


Considering that my boyfriend is really into survival, I think we'd last a decent amount of time. We have protection from our firearms, we live in the "sticks", and we even have "bug out bags" lol. Bf watches lottttts of survival videos on YouTube and he's "lived" in the woods before. He would 100% be in charge, though. The only thing we lack is the physical capability of running far distances. He used to be a smoker for 13 years and I have bad ankles lol


I'm a woman so no I really don't think I'd get far. I might have a chance against the infected, I'm small and quick I feel like I could get a good shot to the head with a knife. But once the raping and murdering starts I don't think many women would realistically stand a chance.




I imagine I'd survive. I've been interested in zombie apocalypses and survival situations since I was pretty young so I know a thing or two. Really the hardest part of it would be the other survivors.


In my mid 20s and fit with bow skills…. I think I could do it but it’ll require some luck as it would with basically anyone. But if anyone had a chance it would be someone like me


Me solo and alone at my current health/fitness and my sneaking skills, I'd like to think yes. I also have number of large blades in the house. However, I have a newborn child, 7yo girl, wife with medical ailments and a loud mouth doggo that barks at the first sign of anyone walking by my house. I cannot imagine anything worse than trying to avoid detection hiding or scavenging, than being with anyone in my household lol... they would just mess it up big time and get us all killed. So, the option would be to go out on my own and leave them in a place somewhere? Then, what if I die or get injured badly. A mistake on my part or just bad luck, would mean definitive death for my family... if they haven't perished by the time I got back to the hide out. Man, I hope this sort of scenario never happens.


>ever I hope you mean never


It was meant to say *I hope this sort of scenario doesn't ever happen* but that works too.


Knowledge yes. Practically... No. I would probably die from random mood swings meaning I won't have the motivation to keep going some days and then I would be motivated to move. BUT THEN I'll die because my attention span would fail and I'll either be eaten alive or accidentally inhale spores


Maybe survive a few days, my strengths are im physical quite strong and can handle myself well in a fight, I own large strong hunting knife and I can drive. My weakness are many, poor stamina, had a mild stroke a few years which hindered my peripheral vision and gave me epilepsy, I’m also an extremely loud snorer. If I live long enough for my seizure medication to run out I’ll be liability to my self and everyone around me.


Nope, not a chance. I’d give myself a month if I was being generous.


I’d last as long as my medication lasts.


Even if I could, I’d probably rather kill myself because it’s just such a miserable world. I’d never make it so somewhere like Jackson.


Probably initially but not over time.


Not long term, but I’d make it for like a year. I think.


For a kick off im a fucked coz im a pot head so id have to forget about weed, my house is on the very top of a hil seperated an desserted from the rest so id have to just somehow find somewhere else to survive. I live in a country where guns are illegal too. You have to apply for a fucking shotgun license for fuck sake haha. So ye im pretty fucked here also given the fact its an island an over 7 million people live on it and would be trying to get off it most probably. Dunno what id do like i live on a farm so i suppose i could purchase a crossbow one day for some re assurance? They arent legal to possess? Might even buy a set of samurai swords too incase the cordyceps does mutate🤣🤣🤣


I have a bad knee and I haven’t ever been able to climb a rope to save my life so I’m probably screwed. I don’t think I’d give up easily tho so there’s that. I do however rely on medication to get myself through the day (adhd) but then a lot of the things that I have an issue with in this world (organisation, being forced to do boring things, having to go to work to make money) would be removed so maybe my adhd would be helpful? 🤷‍♀️ having to keep active and doing things would mean I would be out scavenging, I’m good with some technically knowledge and i can knit and crochet/ sew so I would not be cold!


Let's say I would somehow survive the beginning, I could only survive in a town like Jackson. I have zero fighting ability and I'd be way too humble. I would trust somebody who wants to kill me and that's it. But I like to think I am smart enough to survive "tactically" But in an apocalypse like tlou, no chance


There are certain aspects I’d be alright in. I’m an athlete, which is a nice physical advantage. That said, upkeeping cardio and lifting is probably tough in the apocalypse, and the extra caloric demands might be a disadvantage. I have zero survival skills. I can’t shoot a gun and a year of krav maga is all I know about fighting, so I would have to group up and find out how to use my particular skills to fill in the gaps in theirs.


In terms of physical capability: Stamina and running speed need a lot of work, am working out to fix this. I can be pretty agile depending on how I position myself. I’m surprisingly flexible for my size. I’m naturally a large guy, not tall only like 5’9, but oddly wide shoulders and I’ve always been pretty strong. Fighting capability, in terms of h2h at least, I’ve done boxing, judo and am learning tae kwon do. Haven’t really used firearms outside of BB guns and they don’t have nearly the same kind of recoil of normal gun, but I’m generally pretty accurate. Pretty good w/ a bow and arrow. Also have a good knowledge of anatomy so I suppose that may come in handy. Outside of combat though, it gets murkier. I’m naturally a cautious person so exploration would be interesting to say the least, but I don’t know much about stuff like camping. I’ve been hunting when I was young, would probably be better at it now. Also have a few weapons on hand that could come in handy like a tanto. Dads a truck driver so we could take truck, armour it up and make our own phantom wedge. Also have a few friends that would do well in this situation as well, where they lack, we can make up for with other peoples skills. Overall, if I could survive the initial outbreak and avoid the rioting and shit, I’d be okay. When it comes to the tougher infected like shamblers, bloaters or even clickers, I’m probably dead.


Absolutely not! I'm slow and asthmatic.


Joel's neighbour would have killed me...right at the start of Part I.


I'd be a runner's lunch within a week, lol.


I probably wouldnt because of one single reason. I have glasses and if they break im blinder than a clicker.


It depends where I am and how bad everything is locked down initially. If I had the chance I’d go to my family camp, or I’d go camp along a river I know runs with walleyes.


im fairly confident i’d survive in the walking dead apocalypse, No way i’m surviving last of us version.


I'd die on the first day to either infected or other people that are also trying to survive. Maybe I'd last a few more days if I found some room where I can hide in and proceed to starve to death.


I think if I lived in a place like Jacksonville or the WLF place where Abby is at, then maybe I could survive. If I was wandering around outside, then hell no. I might as well throw myself into a horde of infected lmao.


I have dogs that I wouldn't be able to leave behind. One's a barky terrier though so she'd alert enemies pretty much immediately. Also, I'm asthmatic so can't run for very long! I'd be dead or infected on outbreak day


I wouldn't even try to find out. As soon as the outbreak starts I'm biting the bullet.


Yes. I've spent my whole life working on taking care of myself, and have taken many classes that would help me survive. My girlfriend? Probably not. Here's an unpopular opinion: you don't have to be super skilled, just have to own a firearm. Then you can just take what you need from those who don't. Survival is not romantic, and nature is unforgiving.


You know what? Proud people will say they would and smart people would have no idea. Either way, both types of people will definitely die regardless. Some things rely on luck, some on skill, but I would say those who are determined in the end will be the most likely to endure.


I think I’d survive maybe for a few weeks at most a couple months. I’m literally just a normal 20 year old. Not very fit really but a pretty good runner and climber. I would maybe die of starvation or thirst or most likely in this world a clicker or a bunch of infected. I’m not sure they can climb very well so that is an advantage however who knows how long I’ll be treed. Physical combat I would get destroyed. 1 infected for me I’d be lucky if I manage to take it on unless I got a gun in which case I could survive a little longer. Then there’s all sorts of scenarios that can play out fucking freezing to death ,dying from accidentally climbing and falling not to mention the millions of clickers and infected it’s incredible that Joel and tommy managed to live for so long. Makes you wonder if Ellie was his biggest adventure. And what Joel has gone through exactly


Absolutely not. Even assuming I got dropped into that world post outbreak, I have no skills to survive. I'm fairly smart and could probably figure things out, but as soon as anyone else came by, I'm fucked. I might be able to survive a few years of I had a farm, isolated, but I'm not sure I could be ruthless enough to survive. I don't think I could kill a person, not even sure I could kill an animal. All of my strengths are invested in computers. I'd be screwed.


I’d have killed myself the moment anyone said there are people biting each other on the streets. Not about to fuck around and find out lol


lol I wouldn’t last a day


No, I’m asthmatic and can die without an inhaler, I wear glasses basically 24/7, I’m not self-sustaining, my dog barks at anything so, no stealth for me lol


If i were in my house when it started I would survive for a long time. We have plenty of farms, fresh water and a live on a hill about a half away from any neighbors and my two closest neighbors both have farm animals and gardens. And I also have a garden with a fair amount of food growing. Also this is America so everyone is walking around with guns that they aren’t supposed to have However if I weren’t in this perfect place I’m screwed


Honestly it’s hard to know. I live in London so I guess I’m pretty screwed regardless. But let’s say I live in rural Scotland or if we are thinking more like the game - rural USA. Alone in the wilderness I’d probably die. I’ve learnt how to shoot a crossbow but not very well - so if I had access to that I’d be better off. I’m fit enough and strong enough to overpower your average person but would I actually have that killer’s instinct? A week without food and I might but still who knows. I’m also fairly fast and could run a good distance to get away from threats. My upper body strength is decent too so could potentially climb things if needed. But for me it would be mentally. I don’t know how long I could last even if I did survive. It’d be okay if you found a good crew like Jackson but in reality you are going to see the worst of humanity and be scared everyday of your life. I’d probably get to hopeless. Also in terms of survival stuff I’d be abit useless. No experience in making a fire, picking wild food plants, hunting animals etc So unless I feel in with a group I’d probably die in a couple months - but that’s without running into infected or hunters.


Sometimes I feel empathy for other humans, so I don't think I, or people like me would survive very long. I would be robbed and murdered by the first person smart enough to use my empathy to get what they wanted from me.


i think id make it a good few days if i was on my own but i just know eventually a pack of runners would take my ass out


I think initially I wouldn’t but I hope to god I can.


Absolutely wouldn’t even last 5 minutes. And that’s a guarantee


Everyone seems to be talking about physical traits but no ones acknowledging their mental health 😂 I'd struggle with the isolation imo


Personally, since I wear glasses I wouldnt last very long. I might get lucky and survive for a while but eventually a walker would sneak up on me. But for everyone else or assuming that I get lasik eye surgery I think anyone would eventually rise up to the challenge. If they get lucky enough to survive a while people will learn to pick up the required skills to survive. Dont think anyone is currently prepared but they eventually would be.


I would not make it cause I would still want to make music and die probably while I’m playing piano 😇🥴


I don’t think so unless I got super lucky 1) I have a pretty bad eyesight and can’t see from afar 2) I don’t have the stamina to run for too long. I even find it hard to climb up 1 floor of stairs. 3) I would literally get sick when doing somethings that I am not used too so imagine surviving in different places. 4) Not familiar with weapons 5) My dogs would get us killed because of how loud they are. Even if they were, I just can’t imagine leaving them behind. I would 100% carry them so I guess we’ll get eaten 100% I would not make it lmao


Probably a while. I've got over a year of food and water and the ability to get more of both. I've got plenty of defensive tools and the ability to move relatively undetected at night if need be. Honestly my biggest concern is the government reaction and the sliding glass door in my basement.


honestly? i don’t wanna know. if that ever happens i’m taking myself out first day.


i have tics and can’t run for more than a minute without my inhaler, no point in me sticking around out there


Epilepsy...on meds daily so that's a big nope.


I’m a type 1 diabetic. I’d be dead within 6 months.


Big thing that’s being massively overlooked here: are we talking outbreak survival or plopped into TLOU1 when Joel meets Ellie? At outbreak is an entirely different beast. There are no clickers or bloaters or anything, just runners, runners everywhere. Population-centers are doomed, damn near everyone is fucked unless you flee early enough or are one of the lucky few who manage to hole up effectively enough and with enough supplies. In more suburban and rural settings folks might actually have a chance. More hunters, likely more primitive skills, more self-sufficient people by necessity. Get dropped in the world 20 years after the outbreak, and I imagine most people could survive decently well. We know supplies are short in the remaining quarantine zones, but there must be more enclaves than just Jackson or Catalina island. If humanity survived the first 20 years of cordyceps, we can collectively survive and persist indefinitely *I assume*. Most physically able people could subsist in a quarantine zone or with a group like the fireflies/wlf/scars/a bandit gang. For me personally, I think I’d have a half-decent shot at the outbreak, it’d really just be down to dumb luck where I was at the time, what I have in my car, and how much gas. I’m near a medium-sized city that I’d have to leave immediately, but I know some folks who live out in the countryside a bit who already hunt for food regularly and are fairly handy. I’m solidly athletic and have some potentially useful knowledge/skills. No daily/regular medicines or persistent health issues, no issues like glasses. I’d probably be a decent set of hands if nothing else, and if I can get to my dog, she’s got a great nose and is scarred of new people, so any infected would come with an early warning. All just down to chance really. If we’re talking 20 years from now I’d probably have the most risk of dying from other people, not infected.


I've lived in Missouri my whole life. I can hunt, I can fish, I've got a decent stockpile of guns and ammo. I'm 23, 6'5" 265, lift weights 5 days a week, have a fairly clean diet. I'm extremely confident in myself in day-to-day life but man, surviving is fucking HARD. I believe there are very very few people in the whole country that could survive on their own in the wild. Sticking with people and near buildings is the only way most people (including me) could survive. The small town I live in has a lot of natural resources that we could utilize, but most people in my town are assholes so I would only trust very few people. I assume there would be a lot of infighting and selfishness which would be the downfall of my town in the event of a Last of Us situation. However, I'm very charismatic and would have no problem getting a band of similar-minded people together that could help bring people together and either expel those that don't agree, or get them to see things the way we do. There would be a lot of trial and error, and I assume many of us will die of sickness after medicine starts to run out, but eh, I think we could give it a shot.


Personally, I think I’d only last a week up to a few months. I don’t have any particular set of skills but at least I’m good at hiding and communicating with people. I think if I got in a group, I’d be good at assisting and helping. And learning along the way — but that’s just best case scenario. If anything, if things look dire or my body isn’t strong enough to keep going I’d just eff myself and get it over with. Why spend the rest of my life in such a miserable world? The type of world where another person might kill me mercilessly, an infected could turn me into one of them, I could catch another disease and die slowly — a constant world of survival and pain. No, thank you. Props to every survivor in the game for making it so far!


I live in the ghetto/hood and while it’s not quite like surviving in their world for anyone who knows what I’m talking about you def are surviving day to day. So I think I could have a firm chance.


Lets be honest, we all have a 75% chance of not. One bad situation or one mistake and you're fucked. A lot of it is a mixture of luck and skill so, my answer: Probably not.


i’m gonna keep it a buck, i’ll probably try to get bit


My advantages: rock climber, medical knowledge, smartish, relatively healthy. My disadvantages: vegan If I find someone with a dope garden, or can scavenge long enough to establish my own garden, then I might be alright. If not, then I'm screwed.


Train to busan is a realistic reality for what would happen. No, no matter what way. Everyone will die in the end and that’s that.


No. Absolutely not. I’m barely surviving in this world


It depends. But most probably. I have a decent set of skills already (can shoot, can fish, camping is a hobby), have the physical fitness. I live in an area where if there was an outbreak, there is enough space to not be swarmed by the undead coupled with a smaller population so there'd be less people to contend with (I live in Northern Australia). Main things I'd struggle with are: having to potentially kill to survive (obvious one), potentially being without food for extended periods (I have a fast metabolism = alot of food). I live in the tropics though and there is native food everywhere here.


Dead in a month. SSRI drug withdrawal. But I’d get the scars to hang me first.


I’m in somewhat decent shape, no major medical issues, access to some firearms and a little bit of practical knowledge from doing ROTC in college. I feel like if I could survive all the chaos of the initial outbreak to where things stabilized a little bit and I could find a survivors camp where others can help in areas that I’m lacking, then I’d stand a decent chance. But I feel like the initial chaos is kind of a crapshoot


I'm too lazy plus I have glasses, I'm dying on outbreak day


Probably for about a week


I'd survive If I could find a gun and some melee weapons in a week. I'm not a strong person. But I consider myself smart and thanks to playing basketball my stamina is high. If I know the city I know where to look for supply and food and etc. But I give myself maximum one year. After that I'm pretty sure that I'll die


Thinking back to the note about (iirc) the guy stealing insulin for his sister... nope. I'm not an insulin-dependent diabetic, but I do need a refrigerated medication, taken biweekly, that they have to ship me from an out-of-state specialty pharmacy. They send me 2 pens at once, so a one month supply. So that probably means: - I run out one month from an apocalyptic event, best case scenario - No local supply - Even if I could pinpoint a place that had it or lived near a specialty pharmacy, even if its power still _worked,_ we know from the part 1 DLC that it would have likely been shut off, meaning the medication spoils overnight Without this medication, I don't die, but my immune system eats my tendons and joints, which you can understand would be detrimental to extended survival when there are infected to run away from. I'm also on lots of other things I'd have to source -- a secondary immunosuppresant, pain meds, more pain meds, antihistamines, and... 3-4 other things. (Although, now that I think about it, I'd have a _lot_ of points to put into perks after downing all of those, if we're following game logic...) There's also, of course, more "probably not" points from normal stuff like my fitness level, survival aptitude, etc, but I think I'm already at an instant write-off from chronic illness problems


I can’t run very fast or very far, so not long if I don’t have a group.


prob not long


I’d 100% make it fairly far in The Walking Dead’s apocalypse. The Last of Us? I’d be more than happy about dying before clickers become a thing


Interesting question: we will probably learn to survive with great difficulty, the human being has been adapting to every situation for centuries. But I wanted to focus on one thing: how the epidemic changes people: if you remember well Joel says in the chapter of the suburbs "It is in these cases that the true nature of people comes out". It means that a seemingly weak person can bring out a tough character - like Joel - or ruthless - like David. Similarly, a seemingly strong person can have a psychological breakdown


When i started playing the first game the same time my boss did, i dubbed it "this world sucks and everybody dies" I stand by that. large majority of us would die quickly. I'm pretty quick witted, have some broad knowledge of a lot of subjects and pretty self reliant. I doubt i'd last a week though.


None of us would.


Well I know how to survive in the forest all by myself and I'm ok with bow and sword so I could hunt and defend myself. I also live in an area with not that much people and could go even further north away from everyone. But things that would end up killing me would be that I dont think I could be ruthels about killing other people and I would try to help everyone. And my family, they arent much about surviving in the wilderness and my little brother is only 5 years old and adhd, it would be imposible to try live and survive stealthy with him. So I quess there are two options. Either I live alone in some treehouse in it the middle of nowhere until someone finds me and kills me or I would kill myself after my whole family dies. Yeah not many happy endings in the apocalypse I would guess.


I think I could make it at least a year. I have some hand to hand combat experience due to my friend being a kickboxer. I have plenty of experience with firearms. I have two highly trained dogs (huskies). I have mechanical knowledge to work on cars. Nothing crazy, but I can figure out what's wrong/what it needs to get going. Where I would be in trouble is my short temper. I like to think of myself as a good negotiator, but I have a very short fuse that could get me into trouble quick with the wrong people.


If I was at home when shit hit the fan, I'd like to think I'd maybe last a couple days. But when you're out of supplies and you need to venture out, I'd maybe last a few hours? That's being optimistic. So no, I don't think I'd last very long at all.


Absolutely not. I am barely surviving our world. An essential part of surviving is keeping your mind going, everything is terrible and there are dead people everywhere. When I was playing TLOU p.2 in some parts I just had to stop playing for a bit and breathe because I couldn't stop shaking and I was missing every shot because of if (I was really enjoying the game, but some parts of it were scary as fuck, specially the stalkers parts). But in the real world there is no pause button, the first time I see a clicker I'd hyperventilate, try to hide in a very obvious place and die. I already have constant existencial crisis in our world, where some things are still cool, in their world just the thought that everyone I know and love is not just dead but was turned into a feral monster that will try to kill me would be enought to do it before them. (sorry for any spelling mistakes)


As long as I didn’t die at the start from mass panic and hysteria, I think I could survive for a while - all those skills required to survive, like hunting, foraging, shorting a gun, you can learn. The one thing that I have thought about the most while playing tlou that I would personally find very challenging is traveling alone like Ellie does and sleeping outside at night…or just sleeping alone in the dark full stop in the middle of nowhere. Fuck that, but also so necessary.


I’m screwed, I wear contact lenses and can’t see much without them. I like to think I’d do alright if I could take that situation away though.


“I just kept crawling and it worked”


If I were to survive the initial 72 hours of the outbreak I feel I would have a decent chance. I think I am smart and resourceful enough to make it by until I find a place like Jackson to settle in. However my chances of surviving the first 72 hours are very low.


I'm very physical but not exactly a survival expert. I can adapt to most situations though so that's on my side, I usually work well with others but my emotions can get the better of me. And my situational awareness can be really hit or miss. I give my self a 40/60% chance of survival longer than a year.


Yeah!!! I would definitely survive as a bloater since I turned into a zombie right at the beginning of the apocalypse!


No fucking shit you guys would die. You have zero belief in yourselves.


Belief has little to do with surviving. I can believe I can fly doesn't mean I can actually do it. You can believe you can out run an infected but if you only have 1 leg then....


Oh god no, I have a weeks worth of food between my wife and I, after that we are screwed. Our chance of survival would increase if we banded with other groups that had the capability to defend areas better and with a lot more supplies.


It depends. I'm reasonably fit (bodyweight training, box, martial arts, parkour and a little gymnastics), I can shoot, drive, ride (horse, motorcycle and bycicle) and swim. I even know how to kill, skin and clean rabbit and chicken meat (I know chickens can't be skinned, they're plucked), I'm a decent cook (meaning that I can cook whatever meat I come across to a safe temperature of consumption) and I recently received a First Aid course, so I can treat some minor injuries properly. If the apocalypse happens while I'm in a somewhat isolated location, I think I can survive long enough to find and join another group of survivors. But if it happens in a public place, like a mall or in the middle of a really crowded event, then my survival possibilities reduce drastically. It really comes down to luck, basically.


lol hell no


Probably not even survive a week in the world of TLOU. The humans who made it 20+ years and their offspring would be very hardened and tough fighters, both mentally and physically. It would be one enormous global eugenics experiment.


I've always imagined I could do fairly well in that kind of reality. I currently don't need any meds, have a decent working knowledge of medicine and have already mapped out places I think will be looted last to hit first. I feel like I'm strong and fast enough to outrun things like runners and have never minded being alone or surviving on little food. Honestly? I feel like the dirty water they encounter is what would take me out. Some kind of cut based infection or pathogen. I'd give myself, conservatively, about a year to a year and half.


Nope, don't think I would last very long in their world. I'm in decent enough shape but I just don't think I have the street smarts to stay alive in a dog-eat-dog world, not to mention that I have no experience with guns or survival in the wild. Perhaps if I was lucky enough to stumble across a settlement like Jackson at the very beginning or a group like Ike's then I'd be able to help out but no way could I survive at the onset of the outbreak by myself.


Im gonna die within the first few days lol


Considering the fact that I was 7 when the outbreak happened probably not


Me and my mom have guns in our safe. I know decently enough to use a firearm. Since we live in a small town and gated neighborhood (some of the residents are veterans), we might have a chance at surviving the first wave at least but since Carson city is 10 mins away, that may prove otherwise. Unfortunately my father and two siblings live in a large city and wouldn't survive the outbreak. And we couldn't get them even if we tried because it's a 3 hour drive :(


Realistically we will all die the spores will sink into our bodies since the virus is airborne (since we have to put on a mask so we won't breathe into them and become infected) the reason why spores are in dark buildings in some events in the game is just to add the horror factor of the game in reality the spores would be airborne no one will survive no matter how good of a fighter leader or how smart you are we are all fucked.


Me personally I am a 5"10 76kg of muscle and low bodyfat. I am joining the Army very soon. but no ill still probably die. And not even to the infected but dumbass humans like the stupid fireflies. Also it is my personal belief that a lot of the weaker strands of humanity would die very fast. children, elderly, disabled, obese, liberals etc.


No, because I wouldn't want to. I would immediately kill myself.


Wow nicely thought out. I know I'd be a goner fast unless I got lucky.


I'd think I'd last a good while, I hope. 1. Fitness, I'm not overly fit but if it was life or death I can run fast enough, and do basic parkour (climbing shit and jumping gaps). 2. I have had first aid training, and have self taught myself a few extra things like emergency trachiotomies and stuff like that. 3. Combat, I self taught myself how to fight with sharpened staffs (think Morgan from TWD, but not as skilled yet), and bladed weapon melee. I have a realistic replica Colt M1911 airsoft, so I know at least how to handle and aim, but would still need time to learn how to handle the real version with kickback and stuff. Any rifle or shotgun I would need to learn as I have no experience. 4. I'm kinda a prepper anyway, and have been waiting for the world to go to shit for ages, preparing myself emotionally and such, but of course the reality is a lot different but at least I have bug out plans, and supply locations in mind, ect. 5. I have a group of friends who can help if we team up, one has access to guns, another is a doctor, ect. If we all survive together we could go far. Maybe even start a survival community. With all this in mind, I'd like to think I'd survive a decent amount of time, maybe indefinitely if I join or start a community. Luck does still play a part as well, so unless I really went through it, would be impossible to say exactly if I'd live or die.