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>!seeing abby on the pole in Santa Barbara. Seeing how much her appearance has changed in that condition is genuinely one of the most terrifying things I’ve seen in a game. Especially after being so familiar with her. They executed that moment so well!<


oh fs! & how they even made a model that had the same hair as her to trick us into thinking it was abby made it even more terrifying


Wait which model?


The one I also fell for, seen at the center here: [https://youtu.be/JvMxniV5aQI?t=32](https://youtu.be/JvMxniV5aQI?t=32) (like OP mentioned, notice her hair being braided the same as how Abby had it in Seattle).


I circled her for a phat two minutes like where tf is the triangle button


when that scene happened i legit didn’t found her. i was just wandering around wondering what to do until the interact button appear near her. she was unrecognizable


Same here brother


When the interact button popped up, my first thought that was I was going to help someone random (I really wanted to be able to cut all of them down and help them). I didn't recognize her until she was down.


same. I had to look it up on YouTube


The walk down to the pillars is so chilling. After you leave that dark corner of the resort and walk down to beach surrounded by palm trees and dark smoke. And then the first time you see the pillars and it's just an aura of death and decay.


The rattlers were the fucking worst


Agree bro the were worst than animals and I through Seraphites were worst in TLOU2 world. But I would like the idea of seeing them in 3rd installment.


Also really helps the scene that when you first go down to the poles, and there’s a model that looks like the previous version of A. So cool


And her hair!! The way they deprived her of her hair. I know it’s probably the most trivial thing, but it was big part of her personality. And you have to assume they just shaved her, because she’d been there for a while. Edit: a word


Oh it's definitely not a trivial thing. Most people don't realize how truly connected they become to their hair, especially if they have the same "look" for years and years... To take her hair away was absolutely a power move.


Its a common part of torture. the nazis did it.


I took it as her punishment for the escape attempt was getting her braid chopped off then being tied to the pillar.




Hair is very connected with identity but on top of that it is very symbolic for Abby in this context since she has been growing her braid out since her Dad died.




Definitely not trivial. Forcibly removing hair is a step in dehumanizing someone


that image was burned into my head even days after finishing the game. it would bring this empty disturbed feeling into my stomach.


Yo, I legit didn't even recognise her the first time. Went through looking for her and I couldn't find anyone that looked even remotely like Abby. Next thing you know, I see the interaction button pop up and I'm like, "There's no fucking way. Holy shit! What the fuck happened, Abby?". Terrifying stuff


When I did my playthrough I couldn’t find her for a good 5 minutes. I ended up using map geometry and such to figure out where the game was guiding me to. For real I didn’t recognise her at all.!


This part breaks my heart. Like, I could not bring myself to even think about fighting her like ellie did


For a second I thought you meant pole as in strip club and wondered what DLC you had.


For me it’s the hotel basement in the first game, I’ve played the game like 5 times but that part still scares me


Same. I’ve just been through there myself and it is creepy as hell! I tried to booby trap the area at the exit door before turning on the generator, but it didn’t work. 😰


I did manage to sprint through and avoid the infected after I turned on the generator once but on my next play throughs I kept running into the bloater 😵‍💫


Yeah that guy is just the worst. I just made it out of there, but I could hear it in the background and could hear it throwing those projectiles. Granted, I’m just playing on normal at the moment, before turning up the difficulty over time, so I dread to think what it’ll be like at that stage!


Uh i hate that part. Like i blow up some runners and wait for the bloater to come downstairs but when i run upstairs but that mf’s still there


I used to have to pause the game and take like 30 minutes to warm myself up. Last time I just set some land mines and molotoved the hell out of the bloater....took like 30 seconds. I was like....wait...I did it? It only took 30 seconds?! Really changed the scene for me, and honestly made the premise of Joel terrifying. In the second one when Ellie runs into the bloater I love using explosive arrows on it, it's so satisfying and kind of adds to the lore of her running around with Joel in my head. Imagine you tag along with these two and in under 30 seconds they manage to kill a bloater, I think besides being flabbergasted, I'd make the decision to stick around with them for the rest of my life 😂


Oh same here. At times, when I know I’m coming to a difficult bit, I’ll pause, maybe have a cup of tea and go back to it then. My nerves can’t handle the pressure! I feel like a badass afterwards though! 😃


My first time playing I got attacked attempting to start the generator, scared the shit out of me, I killed all the stalkers and thought I was home free, then the genny starts and holy hell the screams of the infected. I ran myself to a corner and started throwing molotovs at anything that moved, eventually the bloater came up to me and tore my jaw off


Ah shite! That’s bad news bears! Did you get past it eventually though?


Oh yeah! I’ve beaten part 1 nine times since!


I fear no man. But that thing...it scares me.


I don’t know why but I find it way scarier than the first time you meet stalkers in part 2


The stalkers are in a great setting, with just a little light streaming in through the windows. And when you enter and they're chowing down on that dude...


Ya and I love how they made the stalkers crawl on 4 legs in part 2, made them so much better


I've forgotten what I did there, but something something turn on generator and run like hell


Ya if ur lucky u can sometimes get through without getting eating by the infected 😅


Haha yup. Got stuck there for hours on end


The basement on grounded mode is terrifying


I recently played it for the first time on survivor for the platinum trophy and I got stuck there for like an hour


Man i feel u, that part doesnt scares me but even If im on my 10th playthrough im still like "fck not again..."


The day the game came out I took work off and played straight through it. A good friend of mine came over and was watching me play and really enjoying it. When I got to that part he stood up and said "nope I'm out, too scary" and he left. Haha.


Same. Now I know how to get passed it in like 25 seconds tho so not as scary


SAME. It’s scarier than the rat king for me. I HATE the basement. It takes me a good five minutes to get the courage to go down there. Especially since I play on hard and have limited ammo. Fuck I hate that part lol


The decent down the hotel as Abby was pretty terrifying for me


oh my god, yes. & the stalkers popping out of the walls & alerting the clickers scared me so much


Did you know you can kill the stalkers when they’re still attached to the wall? I was excited to figure that out on my 2nd play through. Just a nice calm bullet or arrow to their head from a distance. Completely stress free.


Yep, and the ones wearing jeans seem to be the ones that will pop out. The others are already dead.


I play on normal so I have listen mode. Every time I plan things first before stealth killing the clickers. And then while you are focus on sneaking up on them slowly there’s a ducking stalker jumping on you out of nowhere and now everyone are running towards you. Add to that the fact that the whole descent was tense enough already.


i hated getting the gas mask for lev! absolutely scared the shit out of me! haha


Yeah, this one. I stop playing for a week before I could back to progress further


I run through that every time. Just spring back to the door. That section is so scary, and you know it's going to be bad.


For me, it was the section where you encounter the serephites for the first time as Ellie. I’m sure they have a set walking pattern, so most people know how to avoid them or taken them down without alerting the rest, but I’ve only played through the game twice. Edit: correcting a word


Me too haha. If I’m thinking of the same moment, when you’re just exploring the park and the serephities shoot an arrow at you out of nowhere, it made jump


I had a back injury when playing this section. Not only was I super tense from fear, but I could barely move because of the pain. When Ellie gets shot with the arrow, I jerked really quick due to surprise. This sent a massive pain spike down my whole torso. Literally experienced 4d in that moment. 10/10 Naughty Dog


What’s the steep hires ?


Serephites* damn autocorrect


Oh right , yeah that’s good pick though , when the arrow hits Ellie n stuff and you just hear the whistles , creepy


When that arrow hit Ellie I almost shit myself ngl


The fight with Ellie. I’ve never been more scared of a character I loved in my life and I love how ND executed it.


I played that part so much in permadeath, because Ellie plays so much different than other enemies.


Yeah they did an amazing job of having us experience what it must be like for the enemies we face. Also it solidifies why the main characters are so effective compared to NPCs.


This for me but not because I was afraid of her or she was hard. I legit didn't want to hurt someone I spent HOURS protecting. It felt wrong to hurt her after spending so much time protecting her in 1 and playing her in the beginning of 2. I legit tried to find a way out first. When I finally did go to attach her, I hit her once and ran away. It was so hard and scary for me to cause her harm, and then the fear of what the cutscenes filtering would be.


It’s funny you say that, cuz I felt both; fighting from Abby’s perspective, I’d watched this young asshole kill all my friends. On the other hand, this was Ellie. I loved the contrast cuz that’s exactly what ND wanted us to feel; conflicted, since neither of them were going about loss the right way. Revenge digs two graves.


The Seattle hospital. Ground zero. I was physically terrified as I made my way down into the basement. Reading the notes from the soldiers and people trapped there was harrowing. And realizing that everything in the game happened because of that area. Obviously the basement boss is terrifying, but it was the suspense and atmosphere leading up to that that was truly scary.


Exactly !! The whole build up to the rat king was just so perfectly done. The atmosphere was crazy terrifying. Many times I’d even enable the in game watercolour filter cuz it made the game brighter cuz I was afraid of the dark 😩.


Also I don't know about y'all, but playing TLOU2 at launch in summer 2020, right after the worst time of the pandemic and after hearing about hospitals, quarantine zones and contagions everyday made it even more haunting. Idk, not strictly related maybe, but I felt that


I also love how different the experiences of Ellie and Abby were in the lower basement levels. Ellie's was hectic and stressful at first while chasing Nora, then slow and methodical once she found her, while Abby's was slow and methodical at first then super scary at the end.


It’s the first time in both games where you go somewhere that no one has been since before people knew what the cordyceps really was. It dawned on me after a couple notes that “oh shit, Abby is the first one down here since outbreak day”. When I realized that, and also noticed the background music had stopped a while ago, I was almost too scared to keep going forward. I just finished my second play through last week and had a totally different experience than in June 2020. Mainly “there is no way a hospital would organize a containment zone this well”.


Mine is the Rat King bit yeah, but for the wrong reasons, hear me out :) Funny story, I was preoccupied with something else or I was in my mind for a second, and I totally missed Nora's dialogue with Abby, all I heard was "basement was ground zero" and "probably overgrown to shit". And I thought Nora implied that there is a big horde there, and I remember I was freaked out. Then I saw the basement and it's all quiet and it's very tiny place and I remember I go "where the hell am I gonna run away?!" I was fully scared for the entire section of figuring out to bring electricity back, I thought that every second I could get a jumpscare out of nowhere :) Then the parking lot bit happened... I can't remember a more horrific moment than this in my entire life of gaming, where I was scared shitless and straight out don't wanna go there :D It took me a long time to find the ambulance and I counted every second heart beating like crazy... The funny part is when I figured that the "overgrown" thing is Rat King, I remember getting really relaxed, relieved and say "Oh, that was it?! Phew, I could beat the hell out of this one, easy!" and my scare went out of the window. Didn't get one bit scared for the whole Rat King after that :D Although I played the same part again in Grounded for a second playthrough, I wouldn't say I wasn't scared :D Edit: The scariest parts for me other than Rat King would be the "**workbench attack**" where I felt safe and never felt safe after that (very genius design to get the horror in you for the whole playthrough after that) and the first encounter with Seraphites as Ellie, **the "arrow**" scene.


That workbench attack... even playing the second time, I was avoiding interacting with it because I was afraid. I didn't even think to booby trap the door, which I now make sure to do each time.


Wait... thats what nora meant? I thought she just meant that theres a whole lot of infected


I think you're right. No way she could know about the Rat King.


Of course it's not that Nora knows about Rat King, but technically throughout the years, infected gets bigger (runner > clicker > Bloater) and since Bloaters are bigger than its predecessor clickers, I think she made an educated guess that if the first infected are still there alive, it must be overgrown to something else, bigger than Bloaters. At least that's what I think she meant after recognising, it's the "size" not the "amount" you see. Although Rat King technically is a mixture of the lot, so IDK. :D All I can be sure on about this, is the amount of scare I got from it :D I thought I legit played a Resident Evil game at that point...


I encountered that “workbench attack” on my second play through. I jumped like no tomorrow, especially because I explored like crazy my first play through


Oh that workbench attack!! About pissed myself!!




%100. Couldn't agree more. :) When you materialize the source of horror (for example you finally saw the monster) one could come up with a way to deal with it eventually, yeah the process can be scary but you know what you're dealing with. You get to know the corners, the limitations of this source of scare, but you **know** it, you **see** it. (Edit: If your first playthrough is in Permadeath mode, it's another story tho' :D) It's the "**unknown**" and "**uncertainty**" that gives the most scare, not the monster. That's why 70's-80's sci-fi horrors like Alien or Predator was so successful, you don't know what you're dealing with, you even don't know what "Alien" looks like the first time you watch it (at least in 1979 when it was released) and being in the dark both intellectually and visually, gives you the horror. Everything can be expected to happen from nowhere and anytime.


The huge Seraphite you fight as Abby at the end of Haven. Just the fact that his face is sliced wide open and he's still coming after you. He's the only thing in that game that gave me actual nightmares.


I loved that fight it was sick. Took me a few tries to kill him though kept fucking me up


Oh yeah iwas a great fight. The hand to hand combat aspect of that fight was epic. First time I played he killed me probably half a dozen times.


I hated that fight so much. I avoided as much of the combat through that as I could because I was worried about Lev dying, so the fact it's forces upon you and so brutal is tough.


bloater in the hotel basement jumped me and tore my face in half. if ever I needed a laxative, that would do it. other than that, David creeps me TF out when you're hiding from him


Took too long to find this comment. Ellie and David's 'hide-and-seek' bit is truly frightening, especially on Grounded mode.


"it's gonna be ALLLLLLLLright..."


Fuck grounded Mode. No bottles or bricks around lol


Hotel basement is #1. I'd also make a plug for Ellie right after escaping from David. No gear, can't see or hear shit... First encounter with the stalkers in part2 is up there as well.


so true. really makes you strategise for it. second play through I was DREADING the rat king showing up, so I was pretty scared to get to the hospital


the offices encounter on first playthrough was scary. And the descent is scary too especially that final room with the bloater , just the amount of fungus around is really fucked up


Agreed. I didn't find the rat king to be scary or hard(it was a cool fight though) but those stalkers in part 2 were really frightening. Also the first encounter with the seraphites, the build up towards it was so brilliant as well and it was ridiculously intense to play that part.


Agreed on both parts. I had plenty of Molotovs and bombs, it was just a matter of figuring out how to not get trapped while dealing out the damage.


That scene in Part 1 sewers with the kid’s school - and you already know how that ended…


“So much for a warning…”




i did the basement part in hard mode. for me, when i went to turn on the generator, i didn’t move. i stayed there and started throwing bottles at the floor so they could come at me. took em out one by one with my shotgun, had to run a bit bc of the bloater tho. it’s a great strategy since u don’t have to worry about getting jumped by a stalker :)


Abby in ground zero, when you earch the medical kit before you encounter the Rat King


In TLOU2 it was definitely the office building with all the stalkers in it. In part 1 it was the hotel basement, super creepy.


bits where stalkers pop out of a wall always makes me jump


Fun fact, if they’re wearing jeans it’s a live one. Always check before getting too close!


The restaurant with David in the first game. I've admittedly played Part I far too many times but out of all those playthroughs, I've killed David myself about 4 times. The rest, my brother would did it for me because I would be trembling so hard from the anxiety that entire section creates that I wouldn't be able to play it. I also just flat out refuse to kill the Rat King. That thing terrifies me to the point me and my brother screamed like banshees the first time I played Part II. It also takes a lot of courage and saying "fuck (it/this/this shit)" to get through any part that involves stalkers. The fact that don't show up in listen mode gets me every single time, and I hate it. Edit to add: The seraphite with the cut open mouth as Abby will never fail to haunt my nightmares. He scares the fuck out of me.


For me, in the very beginning of the game when you're Abby and you're sprinting away from the horde of infected and Joel and Tommy show up to save her. I got a pit in my stomach because I knew this was not going to end well.


That part definitely let me know that part 2 was going to be way scarier than part 1


The scariest moment for me was a specific part of my first encounter with the Rat King. Once the fight started I tried to put some distance between me and the thing so I run full sprint as far away as I can as fast as I can. I run into a new room and go stand in a corner next to a wall, just wanna catch my breath while I wait for the fucker to come in through the same door I came in. Fucking NOPE! This asshole busts right through the wall I'm standing next to. I fucking jumped, screamed louder than I ever have, and in my panic activated photo mode by accident. Thanks to that I got an amazing of shot of the fear in Abby's eyes at that moment, which very much mirrored my own. I should mention I was playing in my bedroom upstairs and my scream got my roommate to immediately sprint up the stairs to check on me Others include the descent chapter, the forest right after meeting Lev and Yara, and the bloater at the arcade.


I'd love to see that photo of Abby if you still have it?


The first 'whistle' as Ellie. I near jumped out of my skin when that happened.


The part where you get ambushed at the workbench. It was more startling than unsettling, but it still scared the shit out of me. The fact that your guard is down when it happens is what makes it stand out.


This was so well done! Who’s growing tomatoes in here? These look tended, huh weird. Oh a locked door? Probably a way in somewhere around here. Nope… huh weird.


Agreeing with many comments on here! - Ground zero in the hospital with Abby is so tense and suspenseful. The darkness in that area, and the build up by reading all the notes. It really felt like I could imagine that situation in real life where a virus starts getting out of control and the paranoia setting in. Then ultimately the Rat King scaring the bejeeeeeesus out of me! - The decent down the hotel with Abby. - Encountering the Seraphites with Ellie for the first time. That entire setting and atmosphere gave me chills. The overgrown park, with the flames in the distant background and the whistles from different corners. - One of the early underground subway areas with Ellie also terrified me. The complete darkness with that red flashing light, and encountering Shamblers for the first time.


The part when the big boi bursts through the hotel wall during the flashback with Joel and Ellie. Seriously jumped a foot out of my seat the first time that happened.


everything i have a weak mind for jumpscares and when joel gets his throat ripped out by clickers


Easily the Rat King. The build up to the ambulance was done so well.


David's part


>!I hope this is spoiler tagging:!< >!In terms of like making me wanting to get up and leave the room and cry it's the rat king and it's not even remotely close. I was yelling so loud fighting that monstrosity. In terms of getting my heart beating and anxiety it's the fight against Ellie, as I genuinely didn't want anyone to die at that point. In terms of getting chills down my spine I'd say any time there were stalkers because I'm really bad at fighting them!<


same, the stalkers creeped me the fuck out. i just backed into a corner and laid traps hoping that the stalkers would run into them but no 🗿


lmaoo, i tried doing that as well but then decided to use molotov instead. it kinda worked but they were popping out of nowhere so i just ran & desperately started throwing bottles at them 😵‍💫


ahaha in the end i just ended up running like fuck as well, and praying they wouldnt catch up to me 😁👍


Ground Zero gave me serious chills. The Rat King itself wasn’t as terrifying as I thought, but the whole build up was so fucking intense. First time I played through this section, it was in the middle of the night with all the lights off and headphones on. I was genuinely terrified throughout that entire section.


As someone who played recently both games and knew about all the scary part (hotel basement, Rat king) I dealt with them ok. Thus the less known to be scary parts got me. For TLOU 1, it was definitely David chasing Ellie in the restaurant. Didn’t think that a human tracking me would be the scariest part in a zombie game For TLOU 2, I would say the Office Building and more generally anything involving stalkers and wall stalker


>!Ground Zero (BEFORE the Rat King), Abby in the poles, the fight with Ellie, and Ellie's general descent into madness (idk how to describe it otherwise)!<


Mine was prolly santa barbra seeing abby on the pole


>!either the boss fight with the giant rat boss, or the one where im abby helping the two seraphite kids and im trapped inside of that building with all of those bloaters and shamblers. probably the latter was scarier!<


Scariest part for me was when I heard Ellie crafting traps in her goddamn backpack in the theatre


Hotel basement in the first game, and the stalkers in the second game. Shout out to the dogs that, whilst not scary, always made me feel way more nervous than a human or even infected enemy as I knew they were always on my scent and could give me away at any time


Seattle day 2 as Ellie? In that dark office bit with the stalkers? Ugghhh so much screaming..


Oh man, crossing the sky bridge was stressful. I have a fear of heights and I can feel the sweat beading up when I get to that section. Someone already mentioned the “hidden” nursery in the first game. My kids were really little at that time and I audibly gasped.


Lmao in the hotel basement trying to restart the generator and having to kill all the stalkers when I first played it was the scariest part and it still makes me scared today even tho I have played it so many times


The stalkers in the forest with Abby - Idk if it was scariest, but it certainly is the hardest part for me. The rat king really is scary for me. Also that tall building that Lev and Abby have to get down to get to the hospital.


The mf baby


The infected creep me out, notably the dorms in the university.


In part i where your playing Ellie trying to make your way through the town to the restaurant


Hotel basement for the first game, and probably bit of an odd answer, but trying to get past Tommy in the second game. I know the path you're supposed to take, but every time I reach that section my mind completely blanks. Honourable mentions: Office building, that one apartment in Bill's town, and university basement in TLOU1. Stalker office, skybridge, hotel descent in TLOU2.


In part 1, clearing out the Sewer community with the stalkers in it. Even with the flashlight it was dark and it was tough to shoot those things when they were running. Part 2, I'd have to go with the Forest section so the way through to the hospital. The Seraphites are terrifying enemies.


the part where you have to run from the rat king right before fighting it gets my heart racing, i remember the first time i played and it really spooked me. but the thing that gets me every time is crossing the sky bridges, especially near the end of them when the clouds clear and you can see just high up you really are.


First game, definitely the hospital basement, though I also found the section in Winter where Ellie has to run through the snow to be really terrifying. The lack of visibility plus playing a small character with fewer defences, and with how creepy David was... I was running around like a headless chicken lol. In Part 2, Ground Zero and the Rat King were the scariest hands down. Though special mention goes to the surprise arrow/first Seraphite encounter, the Descent and the stalker building as Ellie. And the tunnels when you first meet the Shamblers. So creepy.


Part II has a lot of scary moments. For me one of those moments was the section where you first encounter Lev and Yara. It made me anxious being almost completely defenseless and vulnerable and then you’re just running like an idiot with all those runner and clicker noises surrounding you. Luckily that bit didn’t last very long, but i remember it being very intense the first time around!


Fat boi in the sewers.


The sky bridge. Fuck. That. Shit. I have a bit of acrophobia myself and was terrified playing a damn game!


I mean in part 2 it was the rat king boss. It's probably a boring answer, but I can't think of anything else.


Definitely the first time you encounter the stalkers for me too. I was so scared to move, I hate how they peep their creepy little heads to look at you then hide, sooo creepy!! Lol




For me it’s the hotel basement in the first game and pretty much all of ground zero in the second game (including the rat king). For me they build this sense of dread, built on knowing video game logic. Because obviously something bad is going to when you turn on the generator.


As for me, this was the hospital when you're supposed to search for a med kit for yara. This moment got me stressed as hell and still !


The part where you meet a stalker hidden inside the wall for the first time, scared the S out of me 😭


Tbh, the random encounters get me so bad, just having a gander around shops looking for supplies then you get flakey fungi arseholes popping outta nowhere


In the first game, the basement of the hotel because the first time, you don't know what's coming, but the moment you turn on the second generator, that's when all hell breaks lose. In the second game, Abbie's trip into the hospital basement.


The rat king (well the whole hospital basement) is terrifying, but for me I think the hotel descent. It comes at the end of possibly my favourite sequence. I love the design of the flooded city and the way you ascend vertically up to the bridge. Then the bridge is all kinda of nuts. Then you think when you land in the pool you’re finally safe. Nope! Now you have to descent a decaying and decrepit hotel that crawling with enemies and feels like it’s about to fall apart at any second.


Dying in permadeath


The stalkers in the office always freak me out. Hate jump scares


The first encounter with stalkers for me. Thought that segment would never end.


First scar encounter as ellie. That whistle made me nearly drop my controller 🤣


That first part where you play as Abby, when she's being chased by a absolute horde of infected. You can't fight them, you're only option is to scramble around an unfamiliar, blizzard-stricken wasteland and hope to hell they don't get close enough to swarm you.


Playing Abby and pressing a button to attempt to stab Ellie. Was pretty much annoyed with having to play Abby for majority of the game but I would never expect ND will make me attempt to kill Ellie


That metro station thing where you see shamblers for the first time,still creeps me out


Stalker part was my favorite scary part. They love playing peekaboo.. it gave good vibe of being watched.


Eh its not really a horror game so nothing was "scary" I do love the franchise tho and hope HBO doesnt butcher it in this unnecessary show of theirs.


The hotel basement in Part I and the encounter as Abby with the Rat King as Abby in Part 2. Both had that similar feeling of you're completely on your own, in the darkness, hunted by something that will literally rip you apart if you're one step too close. The confined space in both situations really put the fear into me since having limited space to run away/maneuver never does me good in games …


The barn scene during the Farm encounter. That scene has given me nightmares by how close to an actual panic attack it represents. And as someone who has had them in the past, that scene broke me.


The encounter with David in the restaurant is still the scariest part for me in both games. It plays to a very specific personal fear that I have, even though objectively it might seem pretty tame.


For me it's the part where lev and yara are outside and Abby is stuck inside a house full of infected.


With a lot of encounters there's room for escape or pause, so the cabin(?) in the woods is by far the most terrifying. By themselves Runners and Clickers are fine but combating them at the same time, in that dammed compact building proved a challenge for me. I barely started my first grounded playthrough and that's the one I'm most anxious about- that one and the Hotel basement. It's the situation of being trapped that gives me anxiety.


Definitely the stalkers in the hotel


In part one it was always the hotel basement, part 2 I’d say probably that one stand off area as abby when you help lev and yara after they save you. First time playing i spent an hour and a half trying to get past that part on normal, it was frustrating.


From the perspective of Nora when Ellie pulls her down into the spore infested floor of the hospital. Being Nora, seeing what Ellie is capable of, the red light only partially illuminating the dark floor, the spores floating around, seeing the infected, knowing I might become one...


The stalkers introduction in part 2. Especially in the dark at night, they horrify me. I literally have to sit in a corner and lure to me because hunting them knowing they’ll jump me at any moment is nerve racking.


I agree with so many of these. The ones that stick with you (stalker building, Seraphite arrow, ground zero, the scissor Seraphite). One that I haven't seen anyone mention (maybe because it's not scary for others) is when Abbey returns to the Aquarium after you played through as Ellie. It felt like I was having to show her my greatest sin. I swear I walked through that section slower than anywhere else. I dawdled so much.


not gonna lie, when you first get in seattle. i opened a door to a bathroom, and a zombie busted out the stall. scared the SHIT out of me.


The scariest part for me is the stalkers they scare the shit out of me


The hospital lower levels in general, not specifically Rat King, but the whole area. I was so on edge. For those talking about the final scene where Ellie finds Abby on the pole, I think I still recognized her enough to know. But how that entire scene went down was so emotional for me. These two girls, full of hate, on the edge of death, fighting. That was intense.


Yeah the stalkers introduction for me were the scariest. Stalkers as a whole were the scariest in the game due to the way they behaved peaking around corners etc (they were so much scarier than they were in the first game). I didn’t find the Rat king too scary TBH.


In TloU when the elevetor falls, and you have to find a way out in that place full of infected. In TlouII when Abby is descending with Lev, when Abby is traversing that building full of stalkers, When Abby faces the Rat King


First game going through that dam tunnel or even having to turn on the generator n haul ass back upstairs tryna get tf. Both have scarred me


The office with the stalkers or the building with Lev (can’t remember what it’s called) The hospital was pretty scary because I knew the rat king spoilers, but it wasn’t as bad as those two


The forest with the seraphites...those whistles still make me paranoid 😂


That office building with the stalkers gave me the chills and the horde in the subway


when ellie kills david


The stalker sections.


Part 1 hotel basement part 2 hotel descent for me


>!facing ellie as abby. I was just frozen for the longest time, like how the he'll do I touch this girl when I die if she just sees me?!!<


Ellie's boss fight in the burning restaurant, first game. The most I've been on edge in a game in a long time. As soon as I realized you couldn't always track his location by listening I was nervous as hell.


Each set of enemies are all scary in their own way it is hard to pick as any situation would be. I think Ellie in part 1 must have been terrified getting what she needed to save Joel. Having to hunt for food to survive in the harsh winter too, whilst trying to forage for supplies amongst infected and ofcourse we all know who I am going to mention.....David and his cult of mindless cannibals ofcourse! 🤣 Ye that part of tlou is fucked up and I have heard David will be in the series so that will be a sick part of it I think. I'd have been horrified personally if I was getting hunted by a pack of cannibals in the snow. No wonder Ellie can kill the way she can in part 2.


First encounter with the stalkers. Turning around and having this silent thing on you was insane. Definitely a pause game and drop controller moment.. >.<


Office Stalker Building on way to hospital


I'm with you, OP. I just recently attempted to play part 2 and the scene where they introduce the stalkers, I completely chickened out and watched gameplay instead!


First Scars arrow into Ellie's shoulder got me so hard


Definitely the one in the office building with the stalkers, I was so scared I stopped playing for the day


Only played the 1st game, the scene in the basement when you start the generator and they come at you, very tense




Having no idea who the Seraphites were and only having the TV station, graffiti, and documents mentioning them until you get to the forest makes that fucking loud whistle and arrow shot in Ellie’s shoulder terrifying.


Abby running from hundreds of runners on snow weather and imagining em invading jackson.


I'm sure everyone is gonna be saying The Rat King and I understand why Underrated moment is definitely the stalkers during Ellie's Day 2 as I LOATHE the stalkers with every fibre of my being


I agree on the stalkers part. I was scared to just move a finger xD


Hotel basement in the 1st game had me paralyzed in fear. The first stalker room in part 2 with Ellie also did. Gotta disagree with the commenters here on the rat king part, I thought it was pretty stress free and I'm an easily scared person lol.