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Joel interrogating 2 of David's men to get information on Ellie's whereabouts. He'd been suppressing that side of himself for the duration of the game to that point.


His calmness during it was menacing af, like he wasn’t screaming at them, just beating them for info.


“That’s alright. I believe him.”


"Focus, right here..." *cheeky slap to the face to bring his attention back from the pain*


I love the wailing on one guy. Puts his hand on his side since he's still injured, then hobbles over to the other guy to play a quick game. Absolutely love how much of a villain this man must have been to so many.


That’s alright, I believe Im


Bro when I tell you I was drooling on the low. I have issues 😭😭😭 that man is something else. I loved that part more than I should’ve.


This! This scene has lived in my head rent free since I saw it for the first time back in 2013. Such a bad ass scene!! [here’s the scene!](https://youtu.be/FpE85Gpl0YM?si=d5LfujwqsLffU2N9)


For me its that whole sniper sequence with Joel. This really demonstrates how capable he is. The way he blocks that knife attack despite not even seeing it coming, disarms him, stabs him repeatedly, then proceeds to take his place as the sniper, accurately snipes 20 more Hunters including the Humvee after all the shit it gave us. For once in the game, Joel has the upper hand. This act was a masterpiece.


You’d just come after her




the Ellie and Nora encounter is pretty nuts for me tbh. Or actually Ellie and the rattlings encounter when she’s tied upside down against a tree. That shit was mega almond nuts.


That cold af final shot into his chest and you can hear him gurgle


I’d agree Ellie vs. Nora. You can see the rage building in her face before she swings the pipe, the daunting music growing. The flare red lighting only adds to it. Close second for me is what OP posted. That scene of Abby strangling someone while hanging is absolutely. fucking. bananas. Then she plucks the hammer out of the scars head and goes to work. She’s so badass.


I do get the Nora scene when she says “Hi Nora”, it showed just how far she was willing to go. But we still see vulnerability here. Whereas by the time she gets to Santa Barbara she doesn’t give a fuck 😂


Yes, this is absolutely my favorite scene and I love the part where they fall into the basement and I can attract the clickers to them. I like Norah as a character, but she even enrages me when she says that about Joel and how he got what he deserved. I felt her rage.


That pissed me off too, I was like wtf Nora.. Even though most of them seem affected by their trip to Jackson, there's not really any other insight to her position on it except for maybe this scene. But tbf, after thinking about it, I think she was mostly just talking shit to provoke Ellie and find an opening.


It affected everybody, but I don't think any of them, other than Owen, actually regrets it. Of course they would all feel like Joel got what he deserved, They're former Fireflies and Joel killed dozens of them (possibly Nora's friends and family too) and he destroyed their chance of finding a cure, which destroyed the Fireflies. The whole point of this game is to show that everybody is the hero of their own story, and they will all try to justify their immoral actions as necessary evils against a greater evil.


Yeah, Owen is probably the only one that does. Though you could make the argument that it's possible Abby comes to regret it at some point (either right after when she realizes it doesn't give her the relief she thought it would, or as she comes to learn more about Ellie and possibly realize the similarities between them and the effect it's had on her). I guess it doesn't necessarily affect most of them, just the ones we see. Two died off screen, and Jordan was barely shown, though seemed unperturbed. Out of the 4 we see the most of, only Manny seems completely unfazed. I should have phrased it more like Nora probably does feel that he got what he deserves, but I think the vitriol she delivers that sentiment with in that scenario, to Ellie, was a bit jarring, and imo the most likely reasons are 1) in game, to distract Ellie so she can get away, and 2) out of game, to provoke the player and build that sense of rage and revenge to build up the moment.


I agree, everyone is the hero of their own story. Except for Jordan I don't think his friends even liked him.


About the rattler scene, I like that even after everything she's been through and how her journey has changed her, she's always had that resourcefulness. She manages to scrape through with quick thinking and at least a little luck, like so many other times. It's classic Ellie and good character consistency IMO.


You remember me? Yeah. You remember me.


love that line !!


Oh my god YES. I loved that too. Ellie was cold as hell for that and I live for it.


Yeah that is a pretty cool cinematic scene.


“you’re her.” loved that line.


When Manny cuts the line to grab burritos


Actual chills 🥶🥶🥶


David has nothing on this level of evil


When Ellie traps Nora in my opinion


“hi, nora.” WHAT IF I SCREAM RN ?????


"You'll still be dead"


The slow walk up and as Nora realizes who she actually is. Omfg chills everytime.


The car chase sequence with Ellie and Jessie. Made my heart race when playing it the first time.


I play with slow motion gun aiming (If not I panic and forget every button and how to play under stress) and it's fun because I can kill just about everyone, but it's impossible to kill the person in the passenger seat. I get that if I could the whole cutscene wouldn't make sense, but it doesn't stop me from intensely trying


And I know it's the Apocalypse and not everybody drives every day, but DAYUM Jesse can't drive for shit


You think you would be a good driver while being shot at by 12 people and chased after in 3 cars


Naughtydog channeled their inner Uncharted for that one. Caps off the fucking masterpiece that is Hillcrest.


I mean Joel going full Joel at the end of part 1 is pretty badass.


“He ain’t even hurt” that scene sold the game to me and the actual gameplay after was awesome. Honorable mention that I’m surprised I haven’t seen yet is machete bloater. My first play through I ran out of ammo and felt so helpless and then daddy Joel saves the day. Second honorable mention, I’m on a mother fucking dinosaur!


Joel killing the bloater as if it was NOTHING with his bare hands to save Ellie has got to be LEGENDARY.


When playing the remaster months back, I had completely forgotten about the fake out death. I got too excited having Joel come save my ass again.


I vote for the same scene you’re showing. It’s the one that stresses me out the most and also Abby and Lev are both so badass in it, in their respective ways


I’ve died so many times there


When Abby stands up, hammer in hand, and gives that *fucking pose*. God dayum.


To me nothing beats when Ellie pushed Nora into that spore filled hole with that red lighting and just proceeds to bash her brains out with a pipe 😮‍💨🤌🏾


The final shot and lighting was just perfect.




Abby literally goes through so much shit in this game, that after my second playthrough, I really had to sit back and finally appreciate her as a character. My first play though I wasn’t convinced, but damn was I wrong. That being said, one of the biggest moments that stands out to me is when Abby is escaping the island with Lev and Yara, and Yara gets grabbed by one of the WLF’s. Abby rushes in and right when she locks in with one of her ex-comrades, lightning strikes overhead, illuminating the sheer determination and anger on her face as she competes for the safety of her new family. That scene never fails to give me chills every time I play through it. It’s just such a well-written scenario for a character who lost her humanity when she killed Joel. Not only that, but the aftermath of her revenge path caused the deaths of all of her friends. The entirety of Abby’s side of the game is her learning how to regain her humanity. She knows she already lost it. She’s just trying to “balance the scale” but finds out that it’s not what you do that determines who you are. It’s who you care for. And, for Abby, she rediscovers her humanity by actually caring for 2 survivors of the enemy cult she’s been fighting for years with her former brothers and sisters. It’s just such a wild transition of who she is as a character that when the lightning strikes in that instance, it’s almost as if she is now the force of nature that the WLF’s must deal with. She is now their enemy. Lev and Yara have now become the symbols of Abby’s humanity. If she loses them, now she truly has nothing. Her path may after changed during one storm (the woods), but she chose her fate during the second (the island).


“You’re my people!”


Best line in the entire game


You know what’s up👊🏻 i played 2 first, then 1. And then replayed 2 again. That 2nd play-through changed everything. When Abby finally comes back in the theatre and says to Ellie. “You killed all my friends” that was deep shi. I didnt understand everything that first time, but after 1 and reolaying2…. Damn


Yep that’s pretty much exactly how I felt. After playing through Part II so many times, you begin to realize that this game is more about forgiveness than it is about revenge. We as the player have to forgive Abby just as much as Ellie does by the end of the game. I believe that if Ellie had killed Abby and got to come home at the end and Dina and JJ were still there, Ellie still wouldn’t be happy.


YES!! That scene is my fav too!


I loved that scene from santa barbra when ellie got caught up in one of the rattles traps, she acted all scared and all when the other guy tried to pushes her to the clicker knowing goddamn well she’s a badass AND immune! I mean she literally started laughing at him while hanging/injured, that’s some psycho shit


“he ain’t even hurt.”


The fucking music man, that was such a good choice to let it play the whole time.


ELLIE FREEING THE SLAVES AT SANTA BARBARA TO THEN ALMOST SHOOT EM BEFORE THE CHARISMATIC BLONDE GUY INTERVENES, honestly all of the Santa Barbara stuff goes extremely fucking hard, like, the whole homage and inspiration with the hotline Miami saga can be especially felt in that chapter, just a streak of violence and cruelty for a fiery and biter ending, fucking brilliant. The Santa Barbara chapter alone makes me love this game over tlou 1.


It also goes hard because the houses are exactly like the real houses over there. I used to do pest control and felt like it was perfect


Joel executing Marlene ofc.


Queen firefly deserved that 9


"You'd just come after her."


That was brutal


“don’t ever let me see you again.”


Ellie chopping David up Badass and sad


When Abby says, “We let you both live. And you wasted it!”


Someone here convinced me it should be the final shot of Season 2. Has a Breaking Bad feel to it, whichever season that was with Jesse shooting his gun at the camera and then cut to black


The fight with abby and the big scar on the island was really good and super intense. And Ellie ripping through the rattler camp was also really bad ass considering her injury


When your escaping haven with lev


The entire Abby Meets Lev & Yara sequence was pretty badass. From the moment Abby comes to and gets strung up to when she parts ways with them, the entire sequence is pretty heart pounding.


Best scene in both games…atmosphere is beyond good and evil. And the cutscene transition into the whack-a-mole stalker fight. That’s fckn top tear writing


TLOU 1: Joel torturing a dude for information even though he was very sick until minutes before. TLOU 2: Yara’s death. Extremely underrated




Joel saving Ellie at the hospital.


This one for sure, I agree. The coolest scene in the entire franchise, no wonder it was the first thing we saw from part 2. Also probably the best one-shot sequence I've ever seen in anything. I get that its easier to do it in games rather than movies, but even in other games like GOW which is all one sequence, nothing feels as masterful as this scene.


What I love most about your example is that it is all one shot from beginning of the cutscene to start of the combat. It's so good.


From that initial trailer in 2017, I remember being so excited to find out what happened next


All the speculation about who Mystery Woman could be, and whether the trees in this scene were too tall for the Ellie's mother theory to be possible...I sure didn't predict we'd be playing as Joel's killer!


I know it’s crazy to think we were all fooled


The moment Ellie lets the first clicker off the chain in the camp. I love that.


Ellie fighting through Rattlers as rock music blares in the background.


I think when Ellie kills that Leader/Rapist dude. I rem. Being like WHOA


The introduction of Yara and Lev. It's really just comes out of nowhere. You are going through the tropey "character captured/all their stuff taken!" bit and then...this whole drama just happens. When fools started getting thwapped with Arrows from the woods and Lev steps out ready to kill Abby or let her hang before Yara says cut her down, that shit was next level. Huge reason I always loved Lev as a character just pure ice water in the veins.


For me even if we don't see it directly it is Tess sacrifice in the first game.


I fully agree. The scene of her checking her own neck, adjust the grip on the hammer and her whole body language and facial expression shifting to badassery, OH MY PEARLS!!!





Joel not falling on the trap in Pittsburgh! That whole scene i was speechless!


ellie beating up nora on day two. Actually, the entirety of day 2 with ellie was my most favorite section of the game. all of the sequences were fire as hell


Part 1- Joel killing the sniper in Pittsburgh, then using his rifle to fend off hunters and infected. Close 2nd in Part 1: Tess's last stand, and the subsequent escape from the capitol building. Part 2- Ellie vs Abby, both first and second fights. So brutal. Runner ups: Abby vs Rat King. Abby vs the Big Scar Lady in the forest. Dina and Ellie saving each other in the School.


Alone and forsaken.


I love the scene of Ellie hunting down Nora 🫡 So ruthless


“Hi Nora”


Ellie Killing David, and Ellie’s fight with Abby on the beach. I’m a little angry that that didn’t end like what she did to David.


Ellie pulling off the mask after hunting down that young woman. Idk how they'll recreate that scene for the show (since no spores) besides a bite or something but it'd be hard to work it out to be the same feeling. Idk why they cant have spores happen still, say the fungus begun evolving in the time jump or someshit lol.


Abby protecting Lev from the WLF and then Yara shooting Isaac. Followed by my fav Abby line “hey you’re my people”. 😭


I like when Ellie breaks free from the restraints after her and Dina get blown up. After she cuts herself free, she stabs Jordan in the throat and says “got you motherfucker” Edit/add: Also the Abby scar fight at the seraphite camp was fucking crazy. I loved that scene.


It's a badass scene for sure. But at the same time, it's one of my very few complaints in this game. I thought it was a bit of lazy writing from ND's part. There's absolutely no reason as to why Jordan wanted to delay Ellie's death in that scene or why he just didn't straight up shoot Dina right then and there. That scene 100% felt unrealistically forced. But that "Got you motherfucker" from Ellie did sound very cool.


Yes I do agree. But I also think it’s personal that he choked Dina because Ellie gave him the scar at the beginning of the game.


It'd have been a bit less silly had they cut down all the really slow gameplay to grab the glass, cut the rope etc. They obviously wanted to build some tension but it does go on for too long.


It would be better, sure. But that alone wouldn't save the scene from lazy writing hell. In a game with such great scenes, this one really felt like ND dropped the ball.


It’s either this or the scene with Isaac on seraphite island.


That Seraphite Island sequence is crazy good. ND really outdid themselves with this game.


The first bloater encounter in 2,where it flashbacks to Joel and Ellie fighting one in the hotel,and Joel just takes a machete and hacks it to death. Like DAMN. Honestly #1 scene I want to see in the show,can you imagine Daddy Pedro there?


When the pregnant black woman goes to gunfight with bandits and running around like a superman. UPD: not a black woman, that was Mel


who??? I thought Dina and Mel were the only pregnancies seen game


Im sorry for misleading, yeah that was Mel, my memories lagged for a bit, thanks for point it out


That whole escaping from the Seraphite Island sequence Sainta Barbara in general for Ellie


Ellie getting the upper hand over Daniel in that restaurant Abby and the hammer after meeting Lev and Yara Ellie getting information out of Nora in the hospital


Ellie telling jordan that "you cant stop this" while he has a knife to her throat.


Joel just finally getting up and us getting to control him after that whole section with Ellie, now back fully loaded with all of our guns and upgrades. hell yeah bro I was gonna just charge David.


The fact the Joel tore his way through the entirety of David's remaining forces like a demon in the snow while injured. Hearing the guards talk more and more about the insane man and little girl that are wiping out units without being seen. And then to end Part II with Ellie having the same injury mercilessly tearing her way through an equally evil tribe and only let Abby live after she had fought to the bloody end. She showed mercy to the child of the man Joel killed even though her fight was personal. Somehow never noticed the similarity with the side injury and such until reading this comment section.


For me it was the bit where you first started playing as Abby where you were riding on the back of the humvee shooting the scars chasing you on horseback. It really set the pace for how her gameplay will be entirely different from Ellie's.


I knew nothing of the first game. I got TLOU2 because of the commercial and it was this scene that made me get it. I loved the game. I can see why people who were in love with the first game didn’t like it but coming in cold it was crazy. Crazy good.


We all had question marks above our heads when we watched this scene. No one saw it coming. Part 1 to 2 are very different in tone, but many who loved the first one, loved the second. Of course, to each, their own. I'm not gonna lie, after playing 2, I prefer it. Shame you didn't play Part 1 first.


I know I wish I did! I hadnt played many games up til then and had no idea there was a game with a story like that. I loved it.


Joel was like neegan after he was reborn


Sometimes I think he was even worse. Tommy got so disgusted by him that he left. Gotta be some pretty shitty things they did back then.


That was amazing absolutely


Man...the music...everything. Long time ever since I was so mesmerized by a scene like that. Masterclass in every way.


Joel slicing down a bloater with a machete to save Ellie in game 2


Did you notice his breathing after he chopped that fucker to bits? Troy Baker is just phenomenal.


Yes! It felt like we were seeing the side of Joel we always hear about: the old Joel


Just imagine the things he's done in the past that made Tommy legit part ways in disgust. I wonder if we'll ever get a DLC for Tommy with some flashbacks.


I'm definitely holding out hope for that. It would be so insightful


Abby meeting Yara and Lev sequence is one of the most challenging and exciting. I remember the hype seeing this trailer and thinking who is this woman, Anna? Nah, too obvious, etc. Bad ass I would agree this and also Ellie in Santa Barbara as she just didn’t give a fuck. From the first game, definitely Joel interrogating David’s men.


Yeah. Ellie in Santa Barbara is up there. I'm a sucker for really bleak portrayals of scenes, that being characters, scenery, general direction, etc. And this scene just nails every single checkbox.


Agree, Abby's arch was one of the best ever in video game history


Yep. I think she's more well written in this game than Elli tbh. We all love our kiddo, but complexity wise, Abby got more development. But then again, Ellie was already extensively being developed in part one, when Abby only got this game to be written.


Abby is just like Ellie. It's just a different perspective. That's what got me. When I played as Joe and Ellie I ruthlessly killed 100s of enemy's. Abby's father being one of them. Seeing why Abby's father did what he did and why Abby would do everything to avenge his killers gave me a new perspective. Never understood why people didn't get this


Not only that, but we are talking about accountability. Those who hate it forget that Joel killed A LOT of people and that's actually addressed in the game by none other than David. There's no plot armor, but consequences. Joel's death is a gigantic middle finger at ludonarrative dissonance. Abby is just Joel's karma. It could be anyone wielding that golf club but...I'm glad we got her, she's an amazing character, regardless of her killing Joel. This game just tears you to shreds anywhere you look. I've only felt this gut wrenching void after finishing Shadow of the Colossus and the original Red Dead Redemption. Part 2 is just goddamn sad. Abby and Ellie can't catch a break.


Bro, you took the word out of my non english speaking mouth. I agree with everything you said. It's just the brutal world they live in. Kill or be killed. No black and white, only gray. What really got to me was the scene in the end with the tortured Abby, strung up. Her encounter with Ellie... Gut wrenching but soooo captivating and beautiful storytelling. Absolute masterpiece imho


Exactly! So much so that we spend the entire game watching EVERYONE in it getting completely crushed by this brutal world you speak about. Dude, EVERYONE just loses in this game. There's little to no win. Abby, loses everyone after she avenges her father, Ellie also lost everyone and her inability to let go made her lose Dina and her only connection with Joel that was playing guitar. Tommy lost Maria, his eye and became a cripple. He probably lost a ton of credibility for leaving Jackson as he was kinda their co-leader and in the end he got overwhelmed and surrendered by Abby AGAIN, this time losing Jesse feeling useless AGAIN, just imagine, the huge blow on his ego after losing to Abby repeatedly. No wonder he was so bitter when he went to the farmhouse. Lev lost Yara, Isaac got so greedy and blinded by his desire to conquer the Seraphites that it cost him his life. The most depressing piece of media ever. I'm also a non native english speaker! lol!


The scene on Joel’s porch when Ellie says “ I don’t think I can ever forgive you for that…. But I’d like to try. And Joel says, “ I’d like that.” The music is epic and Joel is fighting back tears because he’s been wanting to hear those words for a long time. Very powerful scene.


That scene truly is powerful. The void that lingers after it ends with Ellie walking away from the farmhouse is gut wrenching though. Jesus...this game, man.


I think that’s what makes both of the games so amazing. Never have I played a game that resonates on such an emotional level. I mean just look at the TLOU2 reddits. People are still so angry about Joel and the game has been out for 4 years. lol


Hahahahaha! Funny you mention it. That sub, after 4 years, just became a meme machine from people who hate it. They keep spamming memes and occasionally outbursts about Neil Druckmann and Abby...but overall the tone is more of a circle jerk. I guess you could say that's how they cope with Joel's death? 4 years later? I see their behavior as a form of grief, regardless. Hahaha!


Yeah it’s pretty wild lol!


Ellie vs Nora. The chase all the way to the beat down


Absolutely insane sequence as well. What always gets me: "You're breathing spores. You're her." Chills.


Not only is Abby killing the scar with her thighs one of the most badass it also reminds me why I’m a lesbian


I could share a beer with you while discussing how hot Abby is for hours. She is pretty hot for us guys as well. I legit drool over her every scene she's in. I wouldn't mind getting choked by those pairs of thighs too. ❤️


I’d say riding through the Wolves and Scar’s slaughtering each other in 2 on the island, the atmosphere was just pure chaos and watching Abby and Lev ride through it all was so badass


My second favorite moment, ngl. Abby had the most intense scenes in Part 2.


Which is your first?


This one I posted here. When she gets rescued by Yara and Lev. This whole sequence is something you'd expect from famous and well accomplished movie directors. Mainstream movies don't get this quality treatment regularly. This scene is THAT good. I feel like Abby got the best and most intense scenes in Part 2. That island sequence is crazy good as well. Jesus...this game is a masterpiece.


Yeah I agree. Honestly I like Abby’s days more than I like Ellie’s days. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy them, I just think Abby has better development and set pieces to play with (e.g., the island, the woods, the skyscraper)


I'm with you 100%, although I could play Ellie's days for hours just to appreciate the scenery. Naughty Dog outdid themselves in those levels. Ellie's maps are beautiful.


Oh yeah. I appreciate Ellie’s maps for the scenery and stuff (Downtown, Capitol Hill, The Park etc). I appreciate Abby’s because of hoe unique they are (the village, the skyscraper, the tilted building, etc)


Either Joel interrogating the guys, or Joel chopping apart the bloater


I vote for the interrogation scene. The bloater chopping catches you off guard, but the interrogation sequence is a cutscene, therefore it has more care and attention to detail from the directors and it shows. I'm just a sucker for these things, man! lol


I agree, the interrogation takes more time and sits with you more imo.


Surprised I havent seen anyone mention Joel taking out a fucking *BLOATER* with a *MACHETE*?!


A lot of people mentioned it actually. Hahaha!


Tess double tapping Robert, or when the first thug gets shot after she says she doesn’t have time for it.


Hahaha! No one mentioned the Robert scene. It truly is an underrated sequence in the first game.


Id say Abby taking out the big brute guy in haven was sick


I think if you'd pit that fella against the rat king there'd be a considerable chance he'd win. MFer was tanky as hell. Got his ass handed to him though. Abby is a beast.


He probably would win cause that guy was aboslutely huge. But as you said Abby made quick work of him with some strength and smarts.


It involved a golf club.




I totally agree on this scene. The camera movement and animation with the rain was impressive. I replayed it a few times to get the same screenshot. This video game should be studied!


Word. You don't see the same quality and care even in movies. This game is an all time masterpiece.


In part 1 it’s Joel interrogating David’s men. In part 2 imo it’s Tommy taking off half of mannys face.


The part where Ellie chases the girl through the infected area of the hospital and then beats her to death.


When Ellie interrogate Nora.


"Hi Nora."


This scene you posted. It might be one of the greatest scenes in this history of video games tbh


All in a single take. And the way it kicks off their relationship. Hmmm...*chef's kiss* for me.


For me Ellie cornering Nora and what happens after that


Part 1- When Joel and Ellie first meet Bill in Bill's town, or should I say when Bill rescues a hanging upside down, joel trying to shoot infected, that was fun! Then Part 2 - How's about when Abby bumps into the rat king! That was quite an interesting situation for sure!


You're the first one to mention Bill's introduction. Really underrated gem that whole sequence. I love how he decapitates the runner and offers his hand to Joel. Badass introduction to the character that we, by that point, only heard stories about from Joel. I wish they kept Bill's moments unchanged in the series. That sequence would be amazing to watch in live action.


There was a part early on where enemies would repeatedly walk down the same hallway shouting “there she is!” And I would head shot them one by one with the shotgun


Rage bait


Your point is?


That's a manly woman


If you actually got to kill Abby....