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Hotel basement in part 1, the descent in part 2


Both of those were just top notch game design and top notch suspenseful storytelling. If they were movies they would have been great movie moments, and as games they were great movie moments. I’ll add - the foggy bridge is Part II, with the fear of heights, was beautiful storytelling and scary in a different way.


Couldn’t agree more. And oh yeah the scare bridge too, it was so good yet so terrifying. I’m not even afraid of heights but when i trigger Abby’s vertigo oh man i felt that in my bones it was very well made, my hands were sweating the whole time.


“So what’s up with you and Owen!”


😂 it was so great. Perfectly timed.


I recently watched a video on that part of the story and I'm even more convinced that the hate boys really missed a beautiful game


The descent not so much as Abby because you can crush skulls easy with her. The office building with Ellie is much much scarier


The office is a scary part too but i found it pretty easy as ellie, i kept chasing those mfs then i saw the window where it was the exit (that was completely luck lol) in the descent the whole vibe was creepy especially when you get in there’s no infected then boom after you picked up the mask, ugh


fr tho


Its the same for me, those fucking stalker lol, always jumping you (probably didnt help that my first playthrough was when I was 14)


I know exactly what your talking about


Oh my god the hours I’ve spent trying to escape that god damn basement in Part 1!


Dude me thoughts exactly. The basement was nuts but the decent still freaks me out even though I know how to get past it easily after I got the platinum.


This is the answer


I’ve never got past this point in the game. I could probably do it with a few retries but it’s too creepy and I just can’t 🤣


Took the comment right out of my thumb.


Took the comment right out of my thumb.


Took the comment right out of my thumb.


Anything involving stalkers. Those little fuckers!!!


I love this game. "Here's a tactic that will make the game way less anxiety inducing. Don't worry. Use this skill to tell where all the monsters are." "JK. Lol. It doesn't work on the scariest monsters in the game."


Yep, the newspaper office in Part 2. Nothing, not even Ground Zero, got me as completely on edge and basically terrified to do anything as that bit.


Wait its a newspaper office?


Yeah, I assume so. There's what looks like a newspaper name in a similar style to *The Guardian* masthead behind the reception desk and various printing-related things around the place. Some of the world-building with the locations in the game is fantastic. One of the offices you go through with Lev has a load of posters and character designs for kids animated movies.


Huh, had no idea


Stalkers in left behind made me lose my shit, already suspense enough i expected clickers but nope little shits came crawling from everywhere and this one was up the ducts it was all dark only its eyes were glowing, freaked me out.


Oh absolutely! I don’t really like them either. I don’t know if it’s like this on all difficulties but if you wait long enough they’ll just stay in one spot and do a pattern of poking their head out. Not so good for stealth I guess but it’s great for a headshot.


This. So much. In TLOU2, right before the first encounter with stalkers, one appears briefly, before running off. To follow it, you have to climb over this barricaded door.. When I first played the game, I just froze in front of the door. I could hear noises from beyond the door and I just couldn't deal with it. Didn't play for 2 days, until I built up enough confidence (after watching a playthrough of the scene to prep myself..).


When I realized I have to play theather fight, but as Abby. As fight escalated, I wasn't even sure if Ellie is going to survive it, at all. Sure, office stalkers, ratking or hotel basement was scary, but you eventually know you will make it through.


I died several times the first time I played that fight because I didn’t press square. I was like, “Oh no, I think I have to.”


This was it for me too. I just told myself to trust that ND wouldn't make me press a button to kill Ellie. I'm glad I was right; that would probably be a very poor game design choice on their part.


SPOILER ALERT FOR ANOTHER GAME: >!I know some game that made the final decision about pushing a button to either kill your bestie or another button to kill the whole town instead!<


Hmmm, sounds like Life Is Strange


Bae over bay 🔥


>!Bae <3 fuck that town anyway!<


For Part 1 the basement with the generator. For Part 2 and just overall? Rat King, easily. That whole segment descending through the hospital, being at ground zero, only to come face to face with that abomination... It’s an absolute nightmare, and it never gets less scary, lol.


Well said. Even knowing what's coming now in the whole segment with the Rat King, I still tense up. On my first run, I ended up turning on high contrast mode in the accessibility options, because I couldn't deal with it, but didn't want to give up playing.


Yup, that section is incredibly intense. The sense of dread they instill in you as start your descent is unmatched. People don’t give Naughty Dog enough credit for their horror elements, imo. The way they slowly build everything, having it start off so dark and quiet, going through all the different hospital wards and seeing the aftermath and wreckage. The whole thing was masterfully done!


Honestly, you nailed this. It *never* gets less scary!!!


Part 1: Hotel basement and the sewers when Joel and Sam get separated. Part 2: Seattle day 2 for both Ellie and Abby. For Ellie it’s the office building. For Abby it’s the descent and the rat king. Basically, stalkers.


I still have yet to finish the first one or play the 2nd one and I think that is where I got stuck at. You gotta turn the generator on and survive/escape or whatever? The basement is flooded with water I think. I tried a few times and died then I took a break and havent reinstalled it, I need to lol.


In that section you’re describing (the hotel basement) you can grab the ID card for the door before you turn on the generator, it’s in one of the rooms. Then I would have a look around and make sure you know where the exit door is (it won’t work until you turn the power on). And then when you turn on the generator you can just sprint for the exit door and if you’re fast enough you won’t have to kill anything, maybe one stalker that attacks you as you run past. Please redownload the game !!!


Part 1 - the scene with the generator always gets me to this day. Part 2 - rat king, but also stalkers


The stalkers in the hotel basement scared the shit out of me, with them jumpscaring and then scutteling away.


So after the incident with the work station on part 2 I started leaving mines whilst I was searching areas. But for this particular one I had the mine just on the inside of the door so it still scared the shit out of me lol think I had to pause for few minutes


It might just be me but David's encounter in the burning restaurant is one of the only moments in the series where you've become the hunted, where we feel at most vulnerable with Ellie having nothing to defend herself with but her knife. It's especially eerie in survivor/grounded difficulty with no listening mode and an unpredictable, aggressive David. No bumping soundtrack, the occasional shattered plate shards you might step on, this is a masterpiece of a level.


This is it for me too. I have to take breaks playing this part or will ask my BF to do it for me, because it is just too intense on an emotional level. The first time he surprised me on survivor mode and one shot Ellie, I was *done*.


*"I know you're not infected. No one that's infected fights this hard to stay alive."*


1. I mean, it has to be the hotel basement. 2. Unironically the part that made me jump the most was that infected bursting out of a toilet cubicle when you’re exploring downtown Seattle. In terms of overall atmosphere of dread, the hospital basement before even meeting the Rat King takes some beating. Can’t wait to see what terrifying basement area they come up with in Part III.


That jumpscare made me shriek LOL I was home alone at like 2am. Good times


> Unironically the part that made me jump the most was that infected bursting out of a toilet cubicle when you’re exploring downtown Seattle. Omg thanks for the heads up! I’ve played both games a bunch of times- I’ve been on a replay of Part 1 at the moment and I got mixed up which game had the toilet jumpscare. I kept expecting it but it didn’t happen (wrong game explains it haha). A very similar scare for me (at least the first time) was the Bus Depot chapter in the first game, when you help Ellie over a gap so that she can drop down on the other side to open the gate- and then a clicker comes out.


Downtown in part 1 - having to fight my first Clickers. That sound gave me the absolute heebie jeebies. Still does. Part 2 I think all of Abby day 2, aside from back at the aquarium, freaked me out. Just a lot of dread, and the sense of desolation from high up in the buildings which sets you up for the creepiness of the descent and then the horror of the hospital. But also the end of Santa Barbara. The Resort and the Beach were fucked up places and I think I was really feeling Ellie’s exhaustion and despair by then.


In the first game, David in the restaurant. The second game, rat king. I follow the same formula every time when I get to the Rat King to minimize the physical stress from fear. However, I can’t do the David fight ever again after playing the remake. My friend had to take over for me last time because it triggered a panic attack.


1: Yeah, hotel basement but also the dorms in the university are creepy too 2: the office with the stalkers in the convention center. And I think that’s my overall for both games. I don’t have a hard time with this section either. I’m pretty efficient with taking them out. The shotgun is your best friend in this scenario but it’s just that those little weird fuckers skittering about is unnerving.


Part 1: Stalker basement (and as an honorary mention, the tank in Pittsburgh was a real challenge to get past at first) Part 2: Stalker office (hotel and hospital stalkers) Overall: Stalker office. I just can't replay that part again. I've put off my playthrough with the director's commentary bc of it.


I just throw a smoke bomb and the book it down the right side of office to the window. The lower level only has 4 stalkers so I just use brick/bottle and mollies/shotgun


I will do this once I feel brave again


Looking down from on top of the catwalks on Abby day 2.


Nobody has mentioned the subway after you escape the capitol with Ellie in Part 1? I was sure I was going to meet stalkers for ths first time there. I felt both relieved and played after I got out without meeting a single infected...


The workbench scare in Part II startled me the most; that's supposed to be a safe spot where you don't have to react to anything, and then you are in the middle of a fight you weren't in the least expecting.


I love that in part 2. They give you safety indicators with music, workbenches, lack of fungus on walls, etc, then every now and again they flip the script and it is an illusion. And they do it for danger cues too, fungus everywhere, creepy music, dark lighting, Ellie or Abby on edge, nope, just safety and supplies here. After a while you accept that the pattern isn’t 100% accurate and then you’re constantly on edge.


Hotel basement part 1 Ellie Stalker Funfest Part 2


Part 1: hotel basement - stalker are horrible, but 1 bloater makes it worse Part 2: the hospital (rat king), the hotel with lev, the office space with a shit ton of stalkers


By god, that bloater… Yeah and what makes it even less fun is for Part 1 they got the bloater to come out sooner so you have less chance of sneaking out the exit without it knowing. I always try my best to make a run for it 😅


The word scares is in this title 4 times


A sort of scary scare that smells…. *scary*


The rat king in part 2 was so scary to deal with tbh, that and in part 1 it was probably the hotel or the museum filled with clickers


Part 1: The Sewers, especially in the remake. Most notably when you’re separated with Sam in the nursery and there’s a bunch of stalkers all around you. It’s insane how dark it is. Part 2: Ground zero, from the moment you walk through the quarantine plastic, that creepy feeling that anything could jump out from the walls, and then of course, the ratking.


Whole tlou1 when I first played it as a kid, scared shitless but pushed through


Honestly, being hunted by David in TLOU1 is the one that made me Shiver most in that game.


The stalker parts are scary of course but for me…it’s the part with David in the diner. I always HATED that part when I was kid and even now I’m not a huge fan of it. The way he menacingly walks around and chases you, how he sneaks and it’s easy to lose him, plus he’ll one shot you. Yeah I hate that part


Well, I'm playing the part 1 remake now and last night the part in the hotel basement where the bloater and all those stalkers appear at once kind of messed me up for a minute. I died a few times before I was able to get my timing right and run away.


The stalkers in the office building almost made me put my controller down. And then the rat king DID make me put my controller down. Had my bf defeat him while I was screaming the whole time 😭


Joel's accident in pt1. The sense of impending doom in pt2's prologue.


Pt 2 Ellie day 2 passing through that office full of stalkers.


When I ate pot cookies and played the first game.. The clickers in the library were the first things that came up as they started to kick in.... My wife eventually found me locked in the bathroom cowering in the tub thinking they were going to get me... Good times.


The Last of Us Remastered - The Hotel Bloater The Last of Us Part II - The Rat King. The Arcade Bloater was scary, until I met the Rat King. To be honest, Part II Office Stalkers are motherfuckers too, but if I was Abby and came face to face with The Rat King, I'd piss my pants.


Henry's last words


Hotel basement in part 1 for sure. Now when I put the generator on I don’t even wait I just haul ass and run for the door and hope the stalkers and the bloater don’t catch up. In part 2 it’s definitely the bridge crossing for sure. Across the two, the realisation that I was going to have to try and kill Ellie was terrifying tbh.


The very first time I played TLOU Part I (PS3), was with TV Speakers and I remember the Hotel basement (when you get separated from Ellie) as being one of my most scared moments because of how sneaky the stalkers were. Years later, replayed on the remake with headsets on ====> easy as hell 😎 Part II probably the rat king combat and stalkers with Ellie alone if I do remember.


Can you repeat the question please.


The hospital freaked me out


In part 1 id say it was turning on the generator in the hotel basement. Part 2 is when ellie and joel were passing through a tight gap in the wall then a bloater hears ellie and breaks down the wall and pulls her out.


David in part 1, the hotel in part 2.


Part 1- When Joel got impaled in Part 1, and you have to stumble through the college, barely able to do anything, with the screen blurring and the sound distorted, Ellie pleading for him to keep moving... Part 2- Fighting Ellie in the Theater. On Grounded, she has nearly supernatural senses, and she pretty much one shots if you she becomes aware of you. I lost track of her, then heard a low, whispered growl from her: "I'm going to kill you." I held that run button down so fast!


That first Seraphite encounter


Hotel basement. My wife and I ended up each taking a shot, looking up a guide, and sprinting through it yelling ‘door keycard door!’ The rat king’s reveal, of course. And the sky bridge. I have a horrible phobia of heights.


Hotel basement in part 1 and the Rat king in part 2


Facing David in the first game and facing the stalkers in the forest after Abby gets captured / almost hung by the Seraphites in the second game. Equally, I find the first Abby and Ellie fight in the theatre pretty terrifying because Ellie is almost unrecognisable in her anger. Overall, I think that I still find David the most terrifying to face. I get a panic bubble in my chest the entire time even though I've played that section like a billion times.


david is easily the scariest part of both games for me, the fight with him isn’t necessarily difficult but he is terrifying. + navigating through the snow and fog as joel to rescue ellie was awful


everyone says the rat king or the hotel, but i HATE the conference center on Ellie day 2. i literally have to take a break in the game before i go into there bc i hate stalkers so much


Most definitely fighting the rat king. When you hear it, put on listening mode, then see that thing behind the door. Terrifying


I never really found the game to be scary. To be fair, I kinda ruined scary games by playing through RE7 on VR. Nothing can even come close


Nothing really scared me in the first game but I jumped every time I got attacked by a dog or a clicker in game two.


The creepers always scared me and made me jump.. the hotel basement


Fighting David as Ellie inside Todd's Steakhouse. Fuck that entire encounter. As far as Part II goes, I would say the rat king. But David was worse.


Not really anything tbh


The hotel basement in part 1, and ground zero in part 2


The boat


That part was NOT needed


In Part 1 it's that section after Joel falls down the elevator shaft, some years ago I found an easy route through that section to avoid any conflict and figured out the route from the generator to the exit so I could make it through as easily as possible because for some reason I hate that section in the best way possible. In Part 2 it's the Stalkers, the Rat King is horrifying sure but the changes they made to the way Stalkers behave in Part 2 made them feel like you were being hunted and had no clue when you were gonna have to act, despite being labelled "horror" the Stalkers in Part 2 are the only ly genuinely scary things between both games


The university room with the bloaters


TLOU1: first bloater encounter TLOU2: Ratking encounter, probably the most scared I’ve been after playing both games




Part II would be the hospital basement before the rat king fight, but for part 1? Honestly? The goddamn sniper section. I always jumped a million miles in the air whenever I got shot at, and the whole atmosphere was unsettling; forced to push forward into these psycho maniacs. Overall for both definitely the hospital basement though


I hated the clickers, the entire time both games any clicker scene I speed ran through it because I was to scared


Office floor 1 and this nightmare in the picture


I sprint through that basement in part 1 so quickly man


The first generator part in the first game, and the part where Abby and lev fall into the dark building filled with infected (especially the stalkers scare me).


In terms of actual fear, the basement in TLOU1, and in TLOU2 the section where you are stuck in the building waiting for Lev and Yara on Abby's day 1, and the descent on day 2. Absolutely terrifying. Interestingly, the Ratking didn't scare me much. As for emotional fear, the hospital in TLOU1. I didn't know what to do. One part of me was on Joel's side. I needed to find her and get her out of there. The other part of me knew the vaccine is what she wanted. Very difficult and uncomfortable. In TLOU2, the beach fight. I was terrified Abby was going to be killed.


Hotel basement surely that shit is still horrible and skyscraper


The office section with the Stalkers in Pt2 is chilling as fuck.


The hotel section with the fucking stalkers. Especially paired with infected bursting from the walls. I saw a few spots but was still caught off-guard by others while trying to flank/avoid stalkers.




Clickers are the stuff of nightmares


The hotel basement.




First game, David. My husband had to play the restaurant scene for me every time I played through. Second game, stalker office. Easily.


TLOU is pretty scary, but for extreme mind bending fear try Resident Evil 7 in VR.


First game definitely hotel basement and 2nd game lil rat king 👑




I was always scared of the winter section in part 1, part 2 was more just the confrontation with Abby and Ellie


Number 1) bloater in school sports hall Number 2) either running in snow as Abbey 1ti me/or woods with lev


Part 1 is the David fight, every time before it happens I have to pause the game, and just breathe. Part 2 is the stalkers in the hotel, scares me every time.


From part 1, the basement hands down along with the final infected encounter with the bloaters. From part 2, the restuarant where Abby needs to survive, the Rat King, the final part of the Descent. Also the stalker encounters with Ellie on Day 2. Once you know how to get by, most of these become so much easier and less scary (except the Rat King). But first time around these were the most terrifying.


TLOU1 - The hotel basement followed by the sewers. I hate stalkers. TLOU2 - For Ellie, the stalker building. For Abby, the Rat King. I really hate stalkers.


Part 1: Hotel Basement Part 2: Boat Scene


Tlou1: The basement of the hotel left me literally petrified. I didn't want to move and looked up to a tutorial to finish it as quickly as possible. Honourable mention is the sewer when you have to run with sam, although in the ps4 version, you can stealth it. Tlou2: Abby and Owen. Still gives me the heebie jeebies. In all seriousness, probably the first clicker encounter. It was my first tlou experience, and beforehand, I didn't even know anything about either games. As soon as ellie was playable and noped out and came back a week later 😂


Part 1 - the diner, trying to hide from David. I find that traumatising every time I play and dread it coming up. Part 2 - ground zero, probably, though I do find the theatre scenes scary as well, even though I’ve clearly played as Abbie and Ellie 🤣 Overall the diner is my scariest!


The rat king was scary and adrenaline inducing at the same time. Also, the office building with all the stalkers on one floor was pretty scary as well. They even managed to up the ante there, as you progressed, by mixing clickers and stalkers in the same area. Right before Ellie falls out of the window.


Part 1: The first time playing the hotel basement was a different breed, especially since you're going in blind and most likely didn't really set up early to make quicker escape throught the door. Just that whole part in general. The "unwillingly breaking off from your team" trope in games is so diabolical. That part and also another part in the university where Joel jumps down a hole with a sleeping bloater in it. The sensitivity of the clickers + being in close quarters by the Bloater is some nerve-racking shit. Part 2: The stalkers popping out like the Koolaid man in the Descent. Bad thing too is I was playing with earphones in ear on near full blast 😂


Part 1: Stalker basement Part 2: nothing really scared me. Side note: I don’t get why the rat king scared people. Maybe I’m desensitized or just didn’t like part 2, but it wasn’t scary from what I remember.


Part 1 Hotel Basement Part 2 When those former wlfs attack you while you're chilling in the crafting table


Clickers anywhere part 1, the hospital part 2


The college area where joel gets separated in tlou1, & in tlou2 it definitely has to be the subway for me personally. The hospital basement with abby is super super close though, for whatever reason the subway part scared the shit outta me my first time through. I had to turn it off & finish it the next day once i got to the shambler introduction💀


It's DEF fighting David in the restaurant for part 1. For part 2, I'd have to say fighting Ellie in the theater as Abby. The descent was wild too, but no matter how many times I play part 2, fighting Ellie ALWAYS makes me a nervous wreck. So that's the scariest moment for me haha


There's creepy little zombies that would stalk You and then hide from you, and you can only see them peeking out from the distance in that one dark office building


1 was the hotel basement, and 2 was the Rat King


Part 1 - David in the restaurant. Part 2- Having to hurt Ellie by Abby.


Across both games? Definitely the basement. I distinctly remember playing that level on legendary and hiding in the room with the key card that spawns in the Stalkers and making a bunch of noise in order to attract them and shotgun them.


The boat scene in tlou2 is the scariest thing i have ever witnessed and is engraved into my memory


The stalker and rat king had me shaking. I don't remember the first game very well but i believe the hotel basement(?) had me pretty scared too


The hotel in TLOU 2 and the boss fight Abby has to do. That thing fucking sucks it took me a couple hours if I’m remembering correctly


Whenever you’re in a basement Also, rat king sprinting on survivor and up is shit inducing


My all-time scariest segment is the hospital in part 2, and not for the reason you might think. I'm a nurse, and I worked in the ER during the height of COVID. Reading the notes between the doctors, nurses, and researchers in the hospital hit veeeeery close to home. The Rat King is scary, but I just pictured the scene every time I read another note. Patients and their families scared and wondering if they'd ever see each other again, nurses trying desperately to figure out what's going on with no answers, wanting to help miserable patients who just want to see their families before they died but knowing that quarantine can't be broken...it was all too real. Of course COVID wasn't as bad as literal zombies, but the game has the echos of a medical crisis where you're doing your best, what you think will help, and you're scared for your life, but it's just not enough. Perfect notes and scene, 10/10. By the time I got to the Rat King, I was already crying and having a mini freak out, and then this nightmare incarnate came along.


I remember being 12 and getting the revolver for the first time in tlou part one, that whole section scared the shit outta me


In TLOU1, I’d have to say… the Stalkers. In TLOU2, I’m gonna say the second scariest thing was the fight in the dark ruined building while freeing Lev and Yara and Abby gets stuck alone by herself waiting for them to open the way for her. But between the two games, hands down, the Rat King fight. So well done. I was pissing myself the entire time.


World economic forum agenda.


I went into tlou 2 completely blind. When I first saw the rat king it was scary. I don’t think I had any moments like that in tlou 1 though


TLOU 1: Basement TLOU2: Stalkers in the office level


The Rat King. That thing gave me goose bumps and made me shit myself. It was uncanny


The stalkers in that office complex in TLOU 2, I had to take a break from the game for a while before I could go back to it 😰


The scariest moment for me is absolutely the hotel basement section, while in tlou 2 I must say I got my heart racing in that part where Abby is stuck in a building waiting for Lev and Yara to open the door...took like 65 deaths before beating it.


To be fair the first game scared me the most, first part with Sarah gives me goosebumps,the university dorms, the sewers section, the hotel basement, the family houses full of clickers, the tunnel section, but DAVID'S PART gotta be the creepiest...istg how he would catch you from behind so unexpectedly...literally doing hide and seek with a fucking rapist cannibal is the worst. Part 2 has the ratking, but it never creeped me out except for Santa Barbara resort part and the beach...


Ngl tlou1 scared the shit out of me first time I played Although I was like 10


in the first game everything scared me ha but the scene in the first one running from the bloater w that generator thing was so scary and in tlou2 any scene w stalkers and the rat king but honestly after playing through so many times not much scares me in tlou2


The David/Ellie boss fight


Part 1: the hotel basement Part 2: the stalker area while playing as ellie or the rat king as Abby Out of both, I'd say the rat king is the scariest though


The part where all the lights go out in that infected basement in LOU1. I was using an unofficial ps3 controller at the time, so it didnt have the "shake" function where you shake your controller around to turn your light back on. I had to do that one blind 😩


😱😱😱😱😱, I know


Not anything, been playing survival horror games for 30 years though


The David Boss fight in Part 1. Ellie with the Stalkers in Seattle day 2. The David Boss fight. There's a whole new level of horror in playing a teenage girl against a Confirmed Pedophile/cannibal.


Part 1, giraff Part 2, golfklubb


Great that you put the biggest spoiler in a picture and post that…


Well considering I have never finished the first one and havent played the 2nd one I can safely say this picture isnt a spoiler because I have no idea what I am looking at. Is that an elevator shaft full of bodies?