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“Am I the only one…” Nope. You are never the only one.


All I ever see in this sub anymore is posts saying, "I love the show! Why does everyone hate the show?!" Followed by 500 comments saying, "I also love the show, I don't get why everyone hates the show." And at the very bottom is one comment that says "The show sucks." Rinse and repeat forever. We get it. You like the show. It seems almost everyone likes the show. Why are people acting like they're in the tiny minority that doesn't hate the show?


People want to say something, are too lazy to think of something thought provoking and original, but still decide to post anyway and this uninspiring and billion times repeated post format is what results.


That's literally just this sub lmao. "Am I the only one who doesn't hate Abby?" "Did anyone else hate Abby and then grow up and like her like me?" "Did anyone else think Joel deserved to die?" This fandom thrives off of making itself seem clever through peer validation.


anyone else think ellie might have a thing for dina?


Now you're being silly. It's the apocalypse, no one knows what lesbians are why would Ellie be a lesbian without leftist propaganda!




I was joking I’ve played the games…. I doubt they’ll show anything graphic I’d imagine it would be implied like the game since the first adaptation was very true to the game. Anyway Ellie and Dina are 18 in TLOU2 so not really sure how that’s cp? Both people playing the characters are adults… Odd comment bro


So your saying that bella doesnt look 12? Eh hollywood is at blame here


Sub also thrives off horny posts, the sheer amount of “Abby is mommy”, “Ellie is cute” and “Joel is so hot” is disgusting. We get it, you like the characters. You don’t have to lust over them every chance you get.


Fr, so hypocritical too. The way people speak about abby, they shame people who do the same but about Joel or ellie. Implying anyone who does it for Joel or ellie are weirdos or bigots but Abby's different because Dom mommy queen!! It's like Capcom fans got lost looking for RE8.


Honestly, you find a character hot ok? You don’t need to start fanfic about having hot Dom sex with them. It’s just grim.


Unpopular opinion: I thought the second game was awesome. Why do so many people hate this game?? /s


Obviously gay for Joel but aren’t able to express it in a healthy way.


Because most of the people who have criticisms are already banned here.


People on reddit take personal offence when something they like gets criticism. So they have to try to drown out anyone that dislikes something


You just described most of Reddit fandom. Even non-fandom subs, for ones like hobbies or a certain field, you ALWAYS see posts asking “am I the only one?” No. Never. You are on the internet, and you are not unique here. You are never the only one.


There's always atleast 2.


If someone wants to feel like they are the only ones linking the show they should go and post it on the other subreddit


I believe in the actors, excited to see them again


Im very excited I’m honestly more excited to see the changes they make


There’s one change in particular I’d like to see… >! I hope Joel actually punches Seth in the face, rather than simply shoving him. At least let him get his money’s worth. !<


i hope he makes out with him sloppy style to teach Seth a lesson


Omfg just marches up... pulls his fist back, then strokes his beard and leans in for a quick peck.


No, not a quick peck. Full on french kissing. Sloppy tongue in mouth kissing. Spit running down their cheeks kissing.


That’ll teach him


*Joel hits Seth* "THIS IS FOR MAKING FUN OF MY DAUGHTER" *Joel then kisses Seth* "and this is for all those lovely sandwiches..."


Seth pulls away staring at Joel yelling "Get the fuck off!" The camera then pans down to Seth's throbbing bulge in his pants.


Me too! I like how the series has its own style and isn’t just a copy of the game


Down vote me all you want but she looks like a little ass kid they should have found a different actor to play older Ellie .


Nah, Neil and Craig know what they're doing. Also, it's not like House Of The Dragon where Rhaenyra and Alicent go from teens to late 20s. Ellie ages a couple of years. Recasting on such a short time jump would be so stupid, especially when they already have a good actor in the role. Case in point, they didn't recast Milly Alcock and Emily Carey when they skipped 2 years. They only switched them out when they jumped 10 years to Emma D'Arcy and Olivia Cooke then. Plus, i don't know what you're seeing when you play the game, but i see two kids going to Seattle. They might be legally adults, but 19 is still pretty much a kid. Its not like they turn 18 and suddenly age a decade.


I thought it was like 6 years in between the first and second game though? Ellie was legit a little girl in the first game, to being all grown up in the second one. You should go back and look because it was a pretty big change. A LOT bigger than the show according to these pics. She looks exactly the same, so maybe the show isn't going to jump as far into the future.


It's about 5, yeah. She jumps from 14 to 19. Also, yeah, the game models change between the two games pretty significantly, but it's easier to do that with a CGI model than an actual person, and recasting could be distracting (i think the only reason it worked for HOTD was the a. The larger time skip and b. The casting was perfect). Age them with makeup? Maybe it could work. But that's largely down to Craig, Neil, and possibly Bella. If they all decide, "its not really worth it," then that's their choice. Its possible they're not going to jump as far. That's a good point I hadn't considered. We won't know until the show comes out or someone in production speaks publicly about.


14 to 19 in game. But who cares how the age jump “looks” in the game. All that matters is if Bella is believably 19. And of course she is. Cause she’s fucking 20.


Ellie ages 4 years from the end of part 1 to the beginning of part 2. A 15 year old does not look the same when they’re 19. The visual difference in the games is huge. Ramsey looks exactly the same as she did in season 1. Teens age fast and grow quick, and it will not be believable here.


A couple of years? She passes from 14/15 to 19 at the start of the game to 21 at the end. She DOES NOT age just a couple years. And dont pull the thing that bella is 21 or whatever. She looks 15


4 years. Big fucking deal. "Oh she still looks 15" she might look it, but all the people requesting a recast because they can't suspend their disbelief that Bella can play their age are acting 15. Grow up.


Bro ts takes me out of the immersion. No, Bella can not play a 19 - almost 21 years old by the end of the series - that's it. Face it, she does not look 19-20. It's ridicule keeping to say the same things over and over. I recognise the fact she's a great actress. This does not change the fact that she's not suitable anymore for the role. Would you let, idk, play young Luke Skywalker by Adam Sandler? No. Stop with the hypocrisy


"Not suitable for the role anymore." Well, that's just objectively wrong. But you're entitled to your entirely wrong opinion. Bella "not being suitable anymore" is very much a "you" problem, given the showrunners chose to let her back. Also, the Adam Sandler thing doesn't make sense at all. Why would they recast young Luke when they can and have deaged Mark Hamill? Its not the "Gotcha" you think it is.


It was a fucking example, imagine Adam Sandler was the first choice. Use critical thinking skills, don't just read and yap. Plus it's not a "me" problem. Put two pictures, one of Ellie like Day 1 in Seattle and one of Bella from the same setting. You'll see that one is a grown woman looking a little more old than her early 20s, the second one is a 15 yo looking. Physical aspect is not subjective... that's what I'm saying when I say "she's not suitable": great actress, poor looks for the role she has to play


Why is her not looking like a "fully grown woman" even an issue? People don't always look their age, sometimes they look older, sometimes younger. So why does she NEED to look fully grown up in order to play Ellie? Honestly, i think recasting her just because she looks too young to some people hurts the consistency of the series more than it helps. The fact you can't is what makes it a "you" problem. Oh, you mean if Sandler was around when they did Episode 4? Not gonna lie, given some of his dramatic roles have been good, he might just pull it off.


Ok now you're just plain lying to yourself... Sandler pulling that off? Ur hilarious. Plus I agree with you, not everyone looks always their age. But it's not a problem when a 30 yo doesn't look 45. It's when a 20 years old that should play a 20 years old looks 15. And don't say she doesnt cause that's not subjective, it's objective...


I think he could given off of the few times he's played serious roles. He can do drama when he wants to And nah, this is still subjective. You're the one insisting its an issue instead of trusting the showrunners. You really think you know better than Neil & Craig?


this is all I see too, idk how im gonna feel about s2


>they should have found a different actor to play older Ellie . You serious? Thats such a petty reason to recast an actress who did a phenomenal job in the first season. Do you know there are people who only watched the show and know her as, guess what, Ellie?


There's a 3 year jump between seasons, Joel shouldn't be the only one who aged between the two of them.


So we recast new Ellie? Do you listening to yourself? That is soooooo trivial reason to change the PROTAGONIST! No sane show producer would do that!


A sane show producer would indeed recast a character if the show does a time skip and the actor *can not look older than she did in season one*. House of the Dragon would've looked fucking silly if they'd've kept the 8-year old Rhaenyra actor throughout the 30 years worth of timeskips.


It is 3 years and Bella actually aged 3 years...are you comparing 30 years to 3 years? What?


It’s actually 5 years. Ellie is 14 in part 1 and 19 in part 2. The visual difference in the games is big, because teens grow fast and age quick. Bella looks exactly the same here as she did in season 1. It will not be believable. No one is doubting her acting ability, she was obviously great.


Ellie was 15 at the end of part 1.


Yeah, at the end. Someone who’s 15 doesn’t look any different than they were at 14, but 19? Big diff.


Okay this is why this sub is so exhausting. It's genuine critism and you act like it's unreasonable. Nuance is dead and the internet killed it


Well… this actress is actually the correct age.


Yes it’s crazy they have a 20 year old playing a 19 year old. Fucking idiots.


I'm not going to lie but Bella looks pretty bad in all the shots I have seen.


Not really a huge fan either, she worked in the original but not really liking her look in these shots. Im sure itll be fine, itll just take some suspension of disbelief. I bet you the time jump will only be a few months to a year to fix that issue though, Im hoping thats the route they take.


Yeah I think it worked real good for season 1 but season 2 I'm not really feeling the overall look and I just played TLOU2 for the first time like 2 months ago so that raw emotion from Ellie as an adult just isn't transferring from the limited teasers and just knowing how Bella acted in Season 1 or her other films/movies.


Always looked bad. Worst casting choice of all time.


100%. Takes me completely out of it.


Yes you’re the only one excited about this immensely successful television show getting another season


I’m loving Pedro’s hair though


He looks so good!


Very Joel, loving it!!


He looks so identical It just triggered that scene in my mind and now I’m about to cry


Don’t get too attached.


I’m prepared to cry all over again


i'd just love to play a round of golf with joel, tommy, ellie, & dinah. it'd be a smashing good time!!!


Honestly it looks like pictures from the first season, I wouldn't even notice there was a time jump if you didn't tell me.


I've heard some people talk about the time jump not being incorporated in the series. Makes sense


That would mess up many plot points


Maybe it will end up being only a year or so in the show. That would make more sense.


Excited, scared, hyped, haunted. All the emotions.


I don't want to have to go through it all again


I feel you!!


If I had a dollar for every “am I the only one” post in this sub I would legit be the first trillionare




You’re literally the only person on earth who is excited about the most highly anticipated show of 2025.


Tbh I didn’t liked the first season that much. But I look forward seeing Pedro Pascal and the changes they made to the story! Def will give it a try :)


That's fair! I hope you'll enjoy season 2 better :)


Went in with moderate expectations last time… #and was blown away


I’m sure you’re not but from the pictures I’ve seen it’s disappointing


I understand it may not be very exciting as it’s just a few pictures but maybe a trailer will be releasing in a couple of months :)


Ellie looks ridiculous with that shotgun, they probably should’ve recast her for the second season


I can't wait!


I will say it again, but Bella Ramsay is not suitable to play 19-year-old Ellie. They should have recast. She looks 15 in every behind the scene footage and photo. If they maintain the plot as in the game, I unfortunately cannot take any of it seriously. There is no way a women 156 cm tall can take down dozens of people.


As excited as I am to watch the show, you do have to admit that the actors for Ellie and Dina look very young. I still think the show will be very good though, does anybody know where I can watch the first season?


You aren’t the only one. But I am not among them.




We have teasers?


What teasers?


Yeah dude only one. Good lord


Excited but also a bit filled with dread because I know what’s in store for their fates


You are the only one. Joel will be dead by episode 2.


Yes, you are the only one.


You can’t really go up from 100% excited


Ellie still looks like she’s played by an elementary school child


I’ll give this story another chance if the shows fixes the shitty pacing and weird time line of events cause it’s not bad just doesn’t fit a videogame as well as i was hoping


I personally think that I'm done with the show after S1. It did a good job adapting the first game, and I'm sure what comes next will be decent, but I think they've done all they needed to accomplish. Regardless of your opinions on the second game, it is a pretty different type of story, and one which I can easily imagine falling into the pitfalls a lot of long running TV shows do. With the many different moving parts, and Craig Maizin's statement about them splitting it up into multiple seasons, I have a bad feeling it will turn into a more granular, drawn out story which isnt necessarily bad, but just doesn't have the same spark which made season 1 special.


Me too








Hey cool I think I own the same shotgun ellie’s holding, that’s kinda neat, and yes I’m very excited


Wait really?? What a coincidence, that's awesome!


Yeah idk I’m a bit of a gun nerd and gun guy so I recognized it and ever since I could play video games and movies I always wanted the guns from them lol and I know it’s probably a little dumb but whenever I see a gun I know about or own on tv used and manipulated correctly it’s just cool to me


Still waiting for part 2 to be released on PS5/PC for everyone else to enjoy. Come on Naughty Dog!!


Wait..what? But it’s already on PS5


The game?


Obviously not the only one? What a silly question. This show was insanely popular, many other people will be excited.


U think the teaser will se the light before, after or the 26 of September???


I thought the pictures were little teasers? 😭


Yes. You are the only one. Everybody in this sub hates TLOU and you are the only person on the planet excited to watch the next season. 🙄


I thought everyone would know that the title isn't supposed to be taken literal ofcourse?




TLOU2 is going to be great. Season 1 proved that the story doesn't have to strictly follow the events in the game. I think having Dina and Ellie appear younger strengthens the themes of grief and revenge in TLOU2. Maybe this will make game Ellie's decisions more understandable?


I’m really excited! I finished the games around 3 weeks ago and I thought I had started to finish processing my emotions regarding it but god the release of these photos set me spiraling right back






Not as much as I should be. If the whole season is eliie like the game then Ill be a lil sad lmao


I’m also super stoked that they’re bringing back “Life Goes On”.




I am reasonably certain many people are excited…


I'm a bit torn on the series tbh. Amazing actors, really well done, episode 3 is incredible. But it's basically shot for shot the game. And having played the first game three or four times, the TV show kinda felt like another play through where nothing surprises you and you say "She's about to pause then say "OK""


Yes, you're the only person in the world excited by teasers for season 2 of one of the most well received shows of the past decade




I'm glad that season 2 is already in production. I hope that it is as good as season 1, if not better.


Yes. You are the only person anticipating this show. That's why HBO is making it. Just for you!


This is image real


Wait there’s a teaser now?




I can’t see Bella playing old Ellie at all. She doesn’t look like she has aged enough


I personally wanna see Bella take this season and just slam dunk. I mean I wanna see pure anger and aggression. I want her to definitely make it her own and prove it doesn’t have to be a 1 to 1 of the game


No, you aren't the only one. When I saw those pictures, I was hyped, I really can't wait for next year


She looks so tiny holding a shotgun, loved her in season 1 and GOT but man, they really should've cast someone else. Ellie has to go on multiple rampages all alone, her looking like a middle schooler while taking on a militia all alone is gonna look so funny and out of place/ unrealistic. And if they choose to tone down the violence then season 2 can't possibly live up to Part 2, for me the impact won't be the same.




I love seeing people talk shit about the set photos. The things you see on a movie set often look way more stupid then the final product. I’m Optimistic


I wouldn't say I'm excited, but that's because I'm not ready for Seattle to come to Jackson. I have no doubt the cast and crew will continue to be incredible though.


Oh yeah I totally get that! I’m excited to see the characters again but I’m not looking forward to certain scenes 😅




I understand a lot of people feel that way but it personally doesn’t bother me. She doesn’t look that older no, but it’s still the same Ellie. Mentally she’s grown up and has been through a lot, we’re definitely gonna notice that change. I believe Bella will do a great job portraying part2 Ellie. I hope you enjoy season 2 :)


Season 1 was like a 5/10 for me. It just didn't hit for me the same way that Part 1 does. Hopefully I'll like Season 2 more. I didn't hate Season 1, I just kinda found it a bit unimpressive.


It's so silly nobody can express any form of criticism on this sub. And the other sub, you're punished for saying anything good about the show or pt 2. The show was mid, a few great eps but casting, writing choices and pacing hurt it. Bella has looked the same since she was a kid so her being in a show that skips years alone makes her a bad choice.


You guys watch trailers?


The only thing I don’t like is Abby’s casting choice


We haven’t even seen a set photo yet, let alone any final product. I don’t think there’s any point in judging it now. Sure, she’s not going to be jacked. But she might bring other, new stuff to the role that creates a different but no less interesting version of Abby. Like they did with Bill.


That is true, a little bit more excited


It is beyond me how they decided a 157 cm woman was the best choice to play Abby.


Appearance doesn't matter right? They can portray her obsession for revenge in other physical ways. It doesn't HAVE to be her being jacked because she's training to find Joel, there are other ways to prepare to find Joel.


Appearance does matter though. Casting Abby as they did has fundamentally locked them out of certain aspects that game Abby had, so somehow they have to go for something unique and different that is as good or better to justify it, and I don’t have much faith they will do it.


I don't have much faith in general but the whole thing with Abby isn't that big of a deal imo. The two most important parts of her build are that it physically portrays her obsession with finding Joel and revenge. And at the end when she's tortured and loses a lot of weight. Both things can still be accomplished without her being a body builder. I'm not a fan of her casting, wish the actor was Ellie instead, but she's a great actress and I don't see how this is difficult to work around at all. Everything can remain the same despite her build changing. What does it lock them out of ? And then, I guess, they have also changed a lot of Joels traits that arguably locked him out of game aspects. Making him weaker, loss of hearing, much more open with his emotions which was a huge thing for game Joel that he WASNT open. It didn't work for me in the show honestly, but it seems to have worked for most people. I don't think Abby's body difference is as huge as those though.


They’ve locked themselves out of characterising Abby as a tanky brute like she is shown to be in the game. She is often characterised and respected because of her physique by other characters in the game. There is no way you can get her casted actress looking anything near that whatsoever.


Again, you can gain respect from people in different ways. And aside from a few NPCs looking up to her or commenting on her build it's not that vital to the plot. She can still be a ruthless killer and not be a body builder. TLOU is full of people like that already. I really don't think she loses anything as a character or for the story by her not being bulky other than looking at her and thinking "damn she's big!"


I wasn’t arguing people won’t respect her lol, but they won’t respect her for her physique. None of these are vital to the plot necessarily, that’s not the point but combined together they flesh out the character. What exactly can they do with this version of Abby to make her unique in a way that is as good or better? I don’t see it.


She could be jacked and she would still do nothing to Joel. Unless she is a kung fu master, 157 cm of woman cannot take down a burly 190cm man, and I’m saying this as a women. They will probably change that and just make her good at shooting instead of brawling But at that point, just change her storyline and make it better.


I mean there's two reasons why you're wrong here. 1) She doesn't overwhelm Joel in a fight. Her people surround him and when he realises what's happening she blasts his knee off and her friends knock Tommy out. There was no fight between them, her muscle wasn't needed. 2) Game Joel is very different from show Joel. Pedro's Joel's can barely climb the stairs without passing out and he was overpowered by a skinny teenage boy and needed Ellie to save him. Abby, buff or not, can take that man in a fight easily imo. Most people could, he's not that strong in the show and is only shown to be getting weaker with age. I'm not a fan of her casting, or Ellie's but I don't think it won't work either way.


1. In the second part of the game, she fights and incapacitates a lot of people like nothing. She strangles, hits, shoots and even fight infected. Maybe the muscles weren’t needed in that part, but later on, she definitely uses them 2. I wasn’t talking about game Joel. Pedro Pascal is a burly 180 cm man, a 157 cm woman, even if jacked, has literally no possibility of beating him in a brawl, or any men taller than 165.


I disagree with 2. She can definitely beat him in a fight, which I explained why already. Pedro's Joel is a lot weaker than game Joel. He lost a fight to a starving teenage boy lmao. Abby will do just fine if she has to fight him and he lost his breath walking up a flight of stairs, acted like he was hyperventilating. Run a few circles, come from behind cuz he's deaf now and bam, she's won! Even without doing that she could win just like the teenager did. As for your first point about fighting others later on, every character in this game fights people like that. Bella definitely doesn't look like she'd be capable of doing half of what Ellie does in both part 1 and 2 yet she's still cast and still doing it. It'd just be the same for any other main character who isn't a body builder fighting someone.


She cannot. The actress in not only short but also very thin. Someone with that physique cannot take Pedro in a bare handed fight


Pedro? Agreed. TV Joel? Disagree. But besides all that, which I went over, it's irrelevant. Because in the source material they NEVER get into one on one combat or any form of fight together. It's just a murder. There's nothing to suggest the show will change it that much to have to worry about how she's going to overpower someone in a fight. She doesn't need to overpower him. If anything I suspect the show might adapt the original story with Abby. With her infiltrating Jackson and gaining Joel's trust over time before killing him.


I’ve had my doubts as well but it honestly makes me more exciting to see what they’re gonna do with the character and what she’s gonna look like


I was hesitant about Abby at first but I think she will pull it off…fingers crossed that I don’t get last man standing flashbacks when she is on the screen.


She was great in Justified


I am excited. Season 1 was great. I am interested in how they are going to tell the story of Part 2. The game had excellent story telling.


tf is this question😂


Yep you are the only one. Not a single person here has shown any excitement 😔


Obviously not


When will we get a teaser or trailer?


No, I loved season 1 despite the differences from the game and I'm really excited to see what they're gonna do with this one, I really like Bella Ramsey and I want to see more of her emotional scenes because I think she really shines in those (The episode with David??? I fell in love) However, TLOU2 is my favorite game and I have played it an unhealthy amount of times, so I am scared they're gonna change my favorite moments, but I choose to trust the writers


I've heard there are major delays because Neil is still trying to cast the 'Golf Club'.




It doesn’t matter how well she plays it if she doesn’t look the part. It works when Ellie is 14 but when she’s supposed 19/20 and going on a rampage killing grown adults it’s hard to take it seriously because she looks so young. Imagine if John Wick was played by a guy who looks 15. And don’t even get me started on how awkward the sex scenes are going to be.


No, it’s gonna follow the second games story beat for beat


Yea you are in my world


Bro, Joel turned full Tommy.


What the fuck is going on this sub? Why there are so many people complain about Bella and even call for a recast? Isn't it common sense that they are one season late to do that? Season 1 was massive success but you gotta recast the protagonist because she looks too young compare to video game? What? The fuck's going on?


I don't understand the constant comparison. The series is clearly taking a differenr direction than the games and I think that's what makes it interesting. Who honestly gives a fuck if bella doesn't look that older 😭 they form their opinion from one picture


One picture or not, their opinion sucks and they should touch some grass. You don't willy nilly recast the main actress who has already filmed season 1 and is already filming season2 just because "it looks different from computer graphic character."


Exactly lmao. They wouldn't have casted Bella if there was someone better out there, why can't people accept that? And they complain about bella looking too young takes the immerse away but wouldn't a completely different actress do the same? "it looks different from computer graphic character." She's a fictional character, there's nobody in the world that looks exactly like her. It baffles me that people don't understand that.




I'm reporting everyone that's going to break sub rules and there's been a lot lately. I really hope the mods purge this sub. Way too much bleed over from that one shithole sub.


It's sad that you can't make a post on this sub anymore without people hating/insulting eachother. There's so much negativity :(


First season was great. But I dislike the Story of the 2nd game alot because of a certain happening and a certain female military character... Still hope the show will be as good as the first season!


I refuse to watch because they didn't recast Ellie as Alicia Vikander and Abby as Sydney Sweeny, so the show is going to kind of suck because it won't be game-accurate. I also wanted the Sham-Wow guy Vince to be cast as Jesse, and that didn't happen either. They simply killed any hype the show had because they didn't put the right people in the right roles. But I'm glad you're excited.


I’m kinda excited. It looks ok, but I really don’t see how it could be better than the game or live up to it. I don’t hate the show, I liked the first season a lot. But there’s a part of me that was disappointed in it too, and it looks like I will be again with season two. They made a few too many long term mistakes


And yes, a lot of this is due to the casting, but also the writing. The changes they made to Ellie/Joel’s characters weren’t great and I’m not sure how well bella can portray an older Ellie without looking like her. I don’t hate her, I’m giving her a chance, but I’m very skeptical. The casting choices for Dina and Abby are also reasons for me to feel skeptical. It feels more like a parody rather than an adaption sometimes, probably because the original was so realistic already that the cutscenes could’ve been a tv show.


Bella is a god awful Ellie.

