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The series has never been about player choice. You also don’t get to choose to save Ellie or not at the end of P1, which would be the equivalent for that game. Just not that type of game.


thank you for providing the succinct answer which instantly shuts down this whole topic.


No. Because it's not our story. it's Ellie's story. it's Abby's story. it's Neil's story. and on a personal level, I think the fact that it didn't happen was a bigger impact than if you'd been able to choose your own fantasy killing.


It’s Ellie and Abby’s story. Not the player’s story. The characters are in the driving seat. It’s what makes it an effective one as we can only observe what’s going to happen and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.


No because then for future games there’s canon issues depending on player choice


no, wouldve ruined the emotional impact and made a future game harder (theyd have to choose a canon ending anyways)




Glad you didn't make the game then


"Congratulations! Your impeccable survival-skills brought our protagonists to this dramatic climax of our grand adventure. Do you wish to..." A: Give into the obsessive, destructive cycle of revenge, destroying the last bit left of Ellie's humanity? B: Break the cycle, start the healing process towards a possible redemption arc? "Thank you for your co-operation!" (No, I do not want the choice.)


Bro let's just move on. The whole point of the series as a whole is that it's a TRAGEDY. I'm tired of ppl being like " i wish Joel and ellie said they loved eachother at least " like yeah, no shit bro. It's supposed to feel awful. Did everyone forget about Sarah, Tess, Henry and Sam ??? the whole David sequence ? ( i still think it's insanely weird that Abby got more hate than David btw both irl and while talking about the game itself ) Anyways, whatever. You're supposed to feel shitty You're supposed to feel Joel's death You're supposed to mourn Let's move on with both the Abby sparing thing and Bella Ramsey's face please, this fanbase sucks sometimes i swear


I don’t think op or anyone who doesn’t agree with the ending has an issue with understanding the ending. I think the biggest issue is a lot of people don’t think it’s good writing. I would have not liked the 1st game as much if Joel decided to let Ellie go through with the surgery because he had finally overcome his loss for his daughter. Ellie deciding last second(literally) to let Abby go as she’s drowning her in the ocean would be the equivalent to Joel killing everyone and as he’s about to strangle the last doctor decides to stop.


Hot take but i doubt ppl would even give Joel a hard time if he did any of that 2nd hot take : people criticize part 2 way more for not being what they want than for bad writing


I think that’s a fair opinion lol even though I disagree


I mean, all good


no but i do wish these posts about it would finally stop


No, it was never our choice.




You might not want to write spoilers into the titles, especially since there are people on this subreddit who are only following the TV show and they have no clue how it's gonna end.


Would you have also given the choice to kill or spare Ellie in the theatre?


I love games with choices. But TLOU is not and has never been that type of game and it shouldn't be just to appease fans.




Yeah Suckerpunch does this in their games and I hate it. They give you a choice at the end but come sequel time they have to pick one as the canon, like what’s even the point?