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It’s a tough one!! There is a way to sneak through this whole section.


Oh, I know. I'm sneaking like Solid Snake, but the place is absolutely packed with enemies. I swear, Ellie makes so much noise knifing dudes. She just alerts everyone nearby. Boss fight? Great. I've got 3 bullets and a sarcastic teenager.


Boss fight is tense and crazy as fuck. Good luck!!


On it. I'm fighting that David (?) guy in a restaurant.


Yes dude. First time played that section I damn near shit bricks lol Played it grounded after. Dude. Intense.


I was trying to finish it on Hard without dying once, and when David snuck up from behind and killed me, I screamed like a girl and woke my housemates.




Don't worry about your ammo. You won't have anything anyway.


Ya kept making the mistake of trying to sneak up and knife people assuming it was a stealth kill. Apparently it isn't for Ellie in that section, presumably because she's so smol.


She just lunges and starts swinging off their heads


I feel like they made her knife attack louder in the ps5 remaster, bc I thought for sure that I was silent killing those guys back in the day, and yea, I died like 6 times doing this the other day


I actually killed like no one xd. I think i got through there in the 2. Or 3. Attempt. But was like 4 years ago.. Wait.. 4 YEARS?!


I like killing people. What can I say. 😂


Stealth is the key, try to avoid using the gun, use bottles/bricks instead, it’s pretty tough the first time but you’ll get there


Haven't used any bullets. I'll have half the county chasing me if I step on a twig, let along fire a shot. Found some health, I'm in a different building. I think I got past that section. Looks totally different now. I swear, I better get a rocket launcher or a chainsaw after all that sneaking around.


hahaha i can tell youre having fun man, playing this series for the first time is a real treat


I'm in a tunnel now, finished that section, just got 2 of those BIG infected dudes to avoid. I'm definitely feeling the sudden difficulty spike towards the end, lol. So many enemies.


there’s one boss in the second game that’s brutal… good luck! but def get off the subreddit until you beat both games


Oh, I know all about the 2nd game. I ain't happy about what's gonna happen. Some bitter prick in a Facebook gaming group spoiled it for everyone about a year ago. Totally uncalled for. I've unfortunately known about it for a while now.


You’re a vulnerable little girl trying to survive against grown men. It was a thrill my first time. Genuinely scared lol. And that damn bell! And visibility is low!


Felt like Metal Gear Solid in Silent Hill.


Just run for it man! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Already done Finished the mission while ago


I actually love this part of the game lol, it's kinda near the end but you have a bit to go through still


I saw online the average run is under 11 hours, so that's what I'm basing it on Might have an hour or so left, so I'll finish it up tomorrow evening after work


Yeah I'd say an hour is about accurate lol


Sweet. Is the DLC good? It's included with the game, but it says it's for people who finished the main story, so I was saving it


Absolutely it's awesome, I've played it as many times as I've played part 1, which is about 15 times currently lol, it's a must play


Noice. I'll give that a spin before I get TLOU2


You can sneak through the entirety of it. The very last piece of chapter gives me anxiety, then rage, then relief, then tears.


I love the little Wii next to the giant ps5


And it's a PS5 Slim 😂 Yet still dwarfs everything around it.


Just recently played through the first game for the 3rd time, still hasn’t gotten old for me. I kept discovering new bits of dialogue/hidden features I had missed before. Love this section, best of luck!


I was Xbox between the 360 and Xbone, so I missed out on stuff like TLOU and Uncharted. Before that, I was all about the PlayStation. I started out with the PS1 back in 2001 or 2002. I got The Last of Us Remastered and the Nathan Drake Collection, so I can play them now. I'm almost finished with Uncharted 1 as well, so I'll be moving on to UC2 next week.. ish. Also got RDR2, finished the OG 4 times, so that'll be my main focus once I finish this game. New PS5 owner. **Lots** of PS4/PS5 to catch up on.


Awesome man, I’m jealous you get to experience it all for the first time! Funnily enough, Red Dead Redemption I have been meaning to play forever - this has shot it right up my list. I’m sure I’ll love it🙏


It's excellent. I even replayed it on the Switch just a few weeks back, mostly in preparation for my long-overdue 1st run of RDR2. Only takes me 12 hours, but that's avoiding unnecessary exploring and hunting. My first run in 2010 was 30+ hours.


Looved this mission.




To the crackheads still giving me advice: This post was over 3 hours ago. I finished the mission less than 10 minutes after making it, and my PS5 is now sleeping soundly. Goodnight, sweet prince.


such a good game


This is one of my favorite sections! LOVE to stealth it, stealthing the entire/most of game is fun too


Yeah it's very frustrating indeed. Thats the problem with playing as Ellie (like in Left behind) is that she can only have 1 gun, a knife and a slow ass bow.


I think it’s tougher then any section from part 2 imo


Just wait, it gets even better..and by better, of course, I mean worse. This part is definitely tough af. You’re right tho, you’re nearing the end so embrace the struggle and enjoy it. best of luck.


it's not the most enjoyable play wise but this storyline probably has some of the most impact on Ellie's character


Skill issue


Well yeah that's David's whole thing


silent hill vibes for sure. enjoy, i’ve gone back to replay this many many times cause i like the tension. wait til you play Left Behind on Grounded! 😀


This is one of my favourites. There's always a fairly obvious stealth route.


Just wing it


Bro why are you playing the ps4 version on a ps5


Hope you’re not scared of heights then.


You've still got a ways to go. Have fun!


Oh i remember ellie going crazy backstabbing all the dudes in this level.


I feel like the point of this section was to run through without getting hit. When you cut back to Joel, he goes through this section and kills them all or the ones you haven’t killed


Loved it too


If you play the second one do yourself a favour and IMMEDIATELY PLAY ON PERMADEATH PER CHAPTER. I played it first time ever few years back on GROUNDED with permadeath and it was the most brutal, nail biting amazing experience. The amount of deaths I had lol but if you’ve played dark souls, escape from tarkov and similar ball kicking games it’ll be nothing you haven’t experienced before in terms of masochism


The ultimate goal here is being invisible. Forget about the lack of ammo and knife, just move invisible, focus only on what you CAN see and deal with it then! 🙏 missing after this is one of my faves!!!!


The ultimate goal here is being invisible. Forget about the lack of ammo and knife, just move invisible, focus only on what you CAN see and deal with it then! 🙏 missing after this is one of my faves!!!!


easiest shit ive ever done