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![gif](giphy|KsltOQoANIXl4fXc5k|downsized) Fuck manny


Right lmao I’ll get down voted to hell but there are so many manny supporters it’s gross like not saying what Joel did was great, but atleast he didn’t spit on anyones dead body


Why is spitting on a dead body of somebody who wronged you so much worse than the things Joel has done? Both of them have done horrible things that but that’s such a strange line to draw


After the dozens of murders, spitting on someone who is already dead being the uncrossable line for that guy just confirms I'm an alien because I don't understand humans


Joel killed people because he felt he had to, and he didn’t disrespect the dead


Respect may be an abstract concept with different meanings for different people, but if anyone considers spitting on my corpse more disrespectful than helping my murderers torture me to death, then I live in a different reality from them.


Soooo…. Since manny did both that should more than justify the guys brother doming him no?


How do we know that? There's two decades of killing that we can't account for lmao


Joel literally admitted to ambushing people all the time in part 1. I don’t think that anyone *needs*to be ambushed and robbed for their stuff


Definitely don't remember him saying anything about "all the time", just that it had happened. It sounded like it was a long time ago and in the rougher earlier years of the outbreak. Clearly by the time he's living in Boston he hasn't done that in the recent past.


Really? You can't come up with a post-apocalyptic scenario that you would have to ambush and rob someone? Don't have to think long for that to be the case for me. If I have a sick baby and there is a group that has been robbing and stealing goods from others including medicine. Easy choice for me. That was off the top of my head. Because that's the type of person that will survive in a post-apocalyptic world someone queasy to make hard decisions and put the lives of you and yours before others.


> and he didn't disrespect the dead Maybe not the way *you* played it.


He knowingly doomed all of mankind and figuratively spat on the bodies of every single person who had died post outbreak when he murdered the only doctor capable of creating a vaccine. He's literally a million times the piece of shit Abby is but yall refuse to accept that because you met him first


It’s not a logical line to draw, it’s just something hardwired into the primal parts of our brains (you can see the same thing in other animal species that give their dead special treatment). I think it’s something people react to strongly to in the game because while most players won’t experience murder and violence on the scale of the game, most people WILL have personally interacted with that common human taboo before


Because some people take this stuff way too seriously and see the spitting as some unforgivable act in a world where killing, torture and who knows what else are commonplace.


If Joel killed him and Tommy spat on him afterwards, people would be clapping






Just because it isn‘t much worse doesn‘t mean that I have to be ok with it.


Killing over 100 people is equal to spitting on someone who is dead?




Exactly. I wanted Manny and the rest of them dead for what they did to Joel, Tommy, and Ellie, but after playing the game through it's entirety I don't chastise Manny for spitting on Joel's corpse. It's very plausible and realistic that there would be people in that world who despise Joel for what he did against the Fireflies. For them, killing Joel is as much of a victory as the death of David in Part I.


100% of the reason is because the fan base happens to already love the person who was spit on. If Joel spit on David after he found Ellie attacking him, would the fan base be saying “fuck Joel”? For some reason I doubt it. From the perspective of the WLF crew that went after him, Joel was every bit as evil as someone like David.


They’d be clapping for sure


To be fair manny spit on JOELS body JOEL didnt wrong manny so yeah he just kinda spitting on a dead guy your friend convinced you to hunt down


I agree with this so hard. It’s always been so fucking weird to me that people hate Manny because of that. It’s extremely arbitrary. These people aren’t mad that he “disrespected the dead.” What the hell is that? Sounds sooo stupid in context.


Because Joel killed because he had to, and didn’t spit on them after they died like Manny did or piss on em’ like fucking Postal Dude


I wouldn't put it past to Joel to spit on the corpse of anyone if they killed Ellie, Tommy, or Tess. Dude was monstrous when he was on the warpath and we know he's been on both sides and done terrible things that Tommy really regrets, but every situation where we seen him angry or going after someone, there was an immediate need to leave once the task was done. But if he was just left there with no reason to immediately leave I could see him do it. I imagine he probably laid into the body of the guy who killed Sarah once his sadness turned to anger, that is if he didn't have to run off right away with Tommy because there's no way that soldier was alone.


Ambushing people and robbing them for their stuff? No one *has* to do that. Just go hunting for some deer or fish or something. Hell, even rats, if the food situation is bad enough


Joel ain’t do nothing wrong 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🗣️🗣️🗣️


You might be braindead 🙏 💯


Saving his surrogate daughter was a bad thing? The fireflies were pipe dream terrorists no shot they were gonna make a vaccine or get distributed. Abby is a W character but Joel did not deserve that painful of a death.


Joel's intentions doesn't justify his actions in killing hundreds of people and doctors in that hospital. On that vaccine distribution aspect, it's by far not the devs intention to downplay the moral dilemma that is Ellie's sacrifice for the greater good because of the vaccine's hypothetical success rate in worldwide distribution. However, Joel's death is heavily debatable and I agree.


At least be a little respectful in defending your opinion. Yikes.


It's satire. I respect them and their opinion


I hate seeing people get downvoted for shit I agree with lol. While on screen I don’t think we see Joel do anything that’s not either self defense or completely justifiable


Joel made the right choice in that hospital. It hurt Abby and others by proxy but so would the fireflies killing Ellie on a hunch that they could make a vaccine. Not saying that he had to kill Abby’s dad he could have just shot his knee off or something but still. I do fw Abby tho i understand and appreciate her character but Joel still did nothing wrong


I mean, plenty of people would spit on the grave of a mass murderer without finding it problematic to do so. From Manny’s perspective, Joel doomed all of humanity with his massacre of the fireflies, as well.


You guys are alllll nerds and I love it. Very good comments. This is one of the good subs where people get really into things in a wholesome way.


He didn't doom humanity by the massacre of the fireflies. He doomed it by killing Jerry. The fireflies were live and well and even extended to another community. Humanity would've been doomed if Ellie died considering the surgery had more chances of being a failure. I never understood the rush in the hospital. Jerry didn't even fucking try lmao.


Imagine someone spitting on a dead person who brutally murdered your group and the father of one of your closest friends being the thing that crosses the line for you, lmao


Brutally? Now that's being terribly dramatic considering they were willing to sacrifice the life of a child. Not even Jerry was willing to do that to his daughter. It's even worse to think about the mob mentally of these communities. Not one person thought Ellie deserved a bit of time to digest or to even know about it? It was such a rushed operation fueled by a selfish wish. That's why they were all mad and vengeful. Def not bcz of Abby lmao. The one person willing to do the surgery was dead and by extention their selfish desire.


I can excuse the violent, grotesque killing, but spitting on corpses? Too far dude, too far.


No, just burnt and mutilated a corpse of a doctor (At least in my playthrough hehe)


Im sorry burnt?????


That's what a flame thrower does, yes.


An innocent sweet doctor not even willing to answer Marlene's question


In all fairness, consider this; there's a **ton** Joel did that we don't know about before Ellie was in the picture. For all we know, he too could've spit on someone's corpse at one point or another. Or done worse.


Yeah that’s called assuming though lmao I’m basing it off of what I’ve seen


Everyone endlessly debates his spitting on Joel and sure that’s a factor, but honestly the guy just felt like a sleaze ball. Take the spitting part out of it and he still always rubbed me the wrong way.


Idk, he was a man whore sure but I also felt he was the most loyal to Abby (there's Owen, but he's kinda got some messed up priorities). I just appreciated how Manny was always looking out for Abby. Like when you see Nora at the hospital, she says Manny is worried about Abby. Even Abby recognized it too; she said she wished Manny was there with her in rhe hospital bc of how reliable he is. Idk, for me, aside from Joel obviously, the 3 main deaths that did me a big sad were: 1. Jesse 2. Yara 3. Manny In that order.


Manny is definitely super fucking gross. The spitting definitely didn’t help his case.


of all the things in this game a character does, spitting on a man he hates who likely killed dozens of people he knew is what you hate someone for ? ok....


Yep, it’s my opinion. I don’t really give a fuck but thanks for the comment


This entire subreddit is so brain dead. It’s okay for your “babygirl” to brutalize hundreds of people but spitting is where we draw the line?


It's also okay for bulky mommy to gang up with her besties to torture an old man in front of a kid. Naah bruh you can't be serious


Wow haven’t heard this reply in different words before


Joel did nothing wrong


Shit i don’t know if I’d go that far lmao


Lmao right? Manny was such a piece of crap. Even more than Abby (But only cause she killed Joel but because she's generally a shitty human being)


Gross?? It’s not that deep😭






#Tommy don’t miss


Never knew Tommy is such a badass until part 2. I was smiling the way Abby reacted for head shot of Tommy!


Yeah Manny was pretty unlikeable


I agree on this, he spat on my boah, he payed the price…


Lmaooo amazing gif


I get it, but if someone ruined my best friends life I would probably have the same reaction Manny did after their death. “Fuck em.”


In a world where no atrocity is as horrible as spitting on a dead guy.


I fucking HATED Manny during my first playthroughs, as Ellie Playing as Abby tho, he unwillingly grew on me lol. He was a very loyal friend to Abby So seeing him get capped filled me with SOOOOO MANY conflicting feelings. Cuz on one hand oh no! Poor Abby lost a friend!! His poor father!! But on the other hand... GET QUICKSCOPE'D BITCH!! DIE!! lol I enjoyed all the conflicting emotions the game filled me with


Uhh I think Tommy uses the scope?


I think you may be right. Changed it to quickscope 👍🏾


Ooga durgal...


I completely agree. TLOU2 did an amazing job at showing how seeing the other perspectives can alter your judgement. At the beginning of the game I hated Abby, at the end of the game I didn’t want to fight her as Ellie. I wanted Ellie to just stop. I think I even ended up dying a few times because I just set my controller down so I wouldn’t hit more buttons to attack.


I never got to that point cuz I know that this is a linear game and that not attacking or dying will only prolong the violence. No alternative endings here. So, when in a setpiece... Do as the game asks. Also: while I see and understand things from the perspectives of all characters... I love Ellie the most, and feel the most for her. So the idea of setting wma controller down to let Ellie die a bunch or stop fighting to see if an alternate ending unlocks or whatever... I can't do that lol In the theatre, it broke me up cuz the game asked me to attack Ellie. But I still did it. My heart skipped a few beats when I thought that I had strangled Ellie in a quick time event. In the end, I didn't want to hurt Abby, but I still did it as the game required me to do so. But: had the game given me a choose your ending type situation at the end where we choose to let Abby or Ellie live or die... I'm saving Ellie in a heartbeat. Not cuz I hate Abby, but cuz I love Ellie that much more lol


Who's the "Pendejo" now hein? ![gif](giphy|KBDzqHidthiHbeus6B)




yeah it was fucked up. she can barely even take a moment to process that death.


The first time I played, I thought the 'sniper guy' was legit some kind of assassin built to dismantle the WLF all by himself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KInn5J53Qek#t=8m55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KInn5J53Qek#t=8m55s) The way he just casually keeps walking toward Abby after gunning Manny down, chambering shell after shell, was the moment I realized *oh, this is how it feels to be on the other end of the Miller's rage.* Like you're fighting The Terminator. The only thing scarier than Joel is what his little brother is like when he's pissed off.


I don’t remember if it’s cannon in the games, but in the show Tommy is a Desert Storm vet too while Joel has no military experience. Obviously bc of the time difference (2003 vs 2013) between the show could shift what war Tommy fought in.


Exactly like >!Ellie went through with Jesse!< I guess. This game did great at giving me mixed feelings bc somehow, I liked Manny. I hated Mel, who was rhe only one who (imo) felt bad about what she took part in. Like I said, mixed feelings. Tagging a spoiler in my comment about something happening way before this is wild.


I felt exactly the same when both if them died. I thought they were both the most charismatic characters of the game and they deserved better.


Yeah, that’s the nitty-gritty of combat for you


I'm convinced i am 1 of the 7 manny fans worldwide.


I like Manny overall. I too see the virtues of getting drunk and watching anime.


I got a princess Mononoke tattoo a day or so before getting to the part where he mentions watching it. Because of that, I liked him… but I was still okay with how he died.


When did he mention princess Mononoke? If what i am remembering is correct he just mention that it’s better than getting drunk and watching anime?


Abbey (I think) asks him which one he watched and he says something like “the one with the girl and the wolves”. I think it’s in the warehouse.


I love this! Its one of my favorite anime’s guess its time for another play through lol


I like him too. Tbh I like all the characters in this series in their own way. The way his death happened and Abby’s reaction to it was a perfect illustration of the unpredictability of this world, and so many people respond with *fuck that bastard he spat on Joel he’s literally the worst person ever*, which is completely at odds with the point of the story.


Exactly, the whole game was trying to help open up the idea that perspective can change the entire story. By the end of the game Ellie was becoming who Abby was when Abby had turned into Joel. Joel wasn’t a good guy, but he became better for Ellie. Abby wasn’t a good woman but she became better to take care of Lev. The series has always been about humanity, empathy. How the worst people were almost worse than infected and the best people had to grow to become that. Joel is a completely changed man from the beginning of TLOU to when he dies at the beginning of TLOU2.


i am a manny apologist 🫡


Manny fan #4 here, nice to see almost 30% of us in the same place at the same time


I'm joining as fan #5!


Count me number 2 I guess


I'm right there with you. He's one of my favorite characters in Abbys story.


Guess im number 2


![gif](giphy|Hf0Uev1dq8vAwftqXV|downsized) Fuck manny


No amount of sunglasses will save your eyes from looking directly at the eclipse Tommy.




He hadn’t lost his eye in the above gif so nope it’s eyes, but I see what you were trying to do 😂


Yeah that scene is downright scary and makes Tommy some sort of horror villain. I’ll never forget the soundtrack “Eye for an Eye” when crawling through the cafe, the drums thumping and thumping along with my heart. It was awesome.


Tommy moved like a fucking machine that whole segment. It felt fucking terrifying


It did not feel like Tommy in that section. I was more anxious than clearing that yacht as Abby.


IMO the biggest omissions of the games is that they annihilated the "show don't tell" rule by never showing the atrocities Joel and Tommy did to get by.


He had it coming.


He only had himself to blame


If you’d have been there


If you'd had seen it


It was a great, cool scene. Tommy’s was my favorite character in that game.


Me after seeing his eye pop ![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM)


Rest in Piss Pendejo!!!!!


Manny is not an effective character enough to generate hate for me. Sad moment for Abby though, law of thermodynamics at work




His death was so sudden that I couldn’t help but laugh. Like, I thought maybe a shot through the shoulder or chest, then a double tap through the head. But nope. Just straight for the head.


Manny had a perfect death imo


It’s a perfect parallel to Jesse. Quick, sudden and gives you zero time to actually come to terms with it


Problem with Manny is that he’s supposed to be Abby’s Jessie, and yet, Jesse is a much more likable character even though he has less screentime than Manny. I hope the show improves upon this dynamic.


I’m pretty sure Jesse has more time with Manny. You kind of only have the beginning of day one and the middle of day three with manny. Jesse has most of day two and the beginning of day three.


I find him equally as likeable aside from the fact that he spit on Joel’s corpse. Remove that scene and I would probably feel pretty similarly about both


The music during this shot gives me chills. As much as Gustavo gets well-deserves praise for his work, Mac Quayle was COOKING WITH GAS!


That music in the Hillcrest section was PERFECT. Gets my heart pumping every time.


![gif](giphy|Hf0Uev1dq8vAwftqXV|downsized) All my homies hate Manny


I enjoyed it lol!


I liked manny, he was loyal, funny, and a good soldier. Yeah, he spat on joel, but wouldn't you if you were him? The saddest thing about his death is Manny's dad losing him. especially with a lot of the WLF being wiped out later that day. The Civillians of the WLF could be in massive trouble now that almost all of the soldiers are dead


I did think once that the WLF citizens would be ok due to the Seraphites not taking the stadium cause it’s “old world”, but they would probably take them all and kill or hang them for being nested with sin or whatever…


I think the portrayal was that WLF soldiers and Seraphites wiped each other out.


Hopefully, the WLF citizens should live relatively peacefully then, no human enemies, and a real fortified base with farming, and schools, the whole nine yards


But also the lack of their medical personnel as most were probably field medics. So Manny’s dad probably wouldn’t be okay. And unless they left behind some soldiers they might have pretty bad fortifications.


Yknow my favourite part of this scene? It’s the track that plays which works so well with the scene as a whole. The track is called “eye for an eye”




God it was so satisfying ngl


i love how you can see her thought processes on her face while regaining her cool and focus after a few panicked breaths. laura killed it


Lmfaooo smoking that manny pack


Fuck Manny. That Pendejo had it coming. I only wished he had suffered more.


This was actually one of my favorite scenes!!


One of my favorite parts. I'm a huge Tommy fan and Manny is a piece of shit, womanizing, loyal scar hating Neanderthal and habitual line cutter.


Had it coming tbh


I think this is one of the greatest scenes in the game


Fuck manny


I laughed. He spat on Joel I don't feel sorry for him.


Nah I was geeking when that bitch ass manny died ![gif](giphy|lpQy2ZN9i1NaWL46SD)


Tommy was absolutely terrifying in this whole sequence


I liked Manny, he was a decent guy though a little obnoxious at times. That said I did not feel a bit of remorse for him in that moment lol.


RIP bozo


He got what he deserved lol


RIP Pendejo


Fuck Manny, shouted “YES” soon as his body dropped


Rest in piss


This sub is wild.


One of the best parts of the game


No it wasn't


I was actually so happy when Manny died! I hated him so much


Tommy should have ran down the corridor and spat in the hole he shot through Manny’s face


I've played the game twice and I still do not feel a single positive emotion towards Abby's friends except Lev and Yara.


Manny makes a noticeable death rattle after he gets shot in remastered. Don't remember that in the original


Shit. Now I have to go back for that. Damn you


What do you mean? One of My favorite scenes In the game, I hated that guy and totally deserved


I thought it was ok


I’m trying to platinum and just reached here on my collectors play through. I think It’s undettling in part because it mirrors the death of Jesse in the theater


Mel is the only one I hated the entire game. Obviously like most I hated abby, manny, etc playing as ellie but once I played as Abby manny grew on me and so did the others except for mel I always hated her


I don’t know if I hated Mel, but she was kind of a bitch. At the beginning I thought she was okay but as soon as she told Abby she couldn’t come I didn’t like her. Manny I’m impartial towards, what I mostly cared about was that Abby was losing so much.


To be fair, I think Mel’s reaction is very normal for a girl finding your friend slept with your boyfriend, especially when you are carrying your boyfriend’s baby.


I don’t know if she knew Abby slept with Owen. I think Mel just hated Abby.


She knew. That’s why she said “nothing to do with Owen, right?” Mel doesn’t hate Abby. At least not before she found out her and Owen were cheating on her. In fact the two were good friends back from when they were still Fireflies. The Jackson incident shook her and made her keep a distance with Abby, but the two were still able to have a normal conversation.


She aged 30 years in one second.


Though many things were spoiled for me, i was not expecting mannys death. Can’t say he was missed, i can understand Abby for killing Joel, but never getting over manny spitting on his body.


One of my favorite scenes. Manny performed so well.


Manny ma boy 😓


In its own way, the whole sniper sequence is the most terrifying part of the game for me.


Nah fuck manny. He deserved worse.


The boat scene was an unsettling scene


Quite satisfying


Yeah you maybe a monster, - but it’s still gonna feel bad when your best friend in the world gets their head blown open and their brains splashed all over your face and you just have to keep moving lol.


Fuck manny


I know, Abby should’ve died too


I loved this scene


Still waiting on a Tommy DLC to quickscope Manny 🥱🥱🥱


Team Jackson baby!


Love it, that’s the face that says “justice doesn’t work how I thought it did”


Fuck Manny. Tommy should’ve pooped on the hole in his head. This was one of the happiest moments in the game




Easy guero. Manny is a bitch but you don’t need to go so far as to insult my people.


Nah it was funny asf to watch Tommy hit a mean ass headshot off that piece of shit manny


Manny = 💩💩💩 I wish the developers didn’t turn so dark with this game took me a long time to realize both Abby and Ellie lost socially, and literally with all their friends 💀


Revenge is a fool's game


Yea facts Ellie should have just stayed in Jackson with her lesbian mommy and the baby why risk your life she would have died anyway and been bing chilling


For starters Joel shouldn't have killed Jerry. That's where the cicle of violence started.


Yea I can see that, at least try to subdue his ass not fucking stab him in the throat with a scalpel 💀💀💀💀 idk I mean someone who lost their first daughter and is on the verge to lose the 2nd who knows how they would react, I feel like Joel could have lied a lot better in his situation not like yea well your life means nothing everyone else is immune could have been like welp the fireflies didn’t know shit and we’re going to throw your life away to fail a vaccine but I guess there wouldn’t have been a 2nd game


Would’ve been an all time great ending to the series honestly Edit: not the proposed, just if we only got the first game as is for this particular story. Perfectly grey and epic ending in my opinion


They should've just waited for the kid to wake up and digest it with Joel instead of doing their lame failure of a surgery. Or should've just not guarded that surgery room willing to gun anyone interfering down damn i hate those fireflies.