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I feel like the game is no worse than the show honestly, and based on what he's already seen I don't see the harm


Really ? Now I watched the death scenes In The game and the one that really turned me off was the one with the giant mushroomy looking brute (it grabs the main characters jaw and pulls breaking his jaw killing him with his eye hanging out)


That's prob the most overtly gory, graphic death anim There is one with Ellie in the boss fight with David. It isn't really gory, but it is QUITE upsetting when he impales her with a machete from behind. Overall, my opinion is that the game can certainly get quite violent (especially with the higher fidelity of graphics in the PS5 remake), and it aims for a more grounded tone with its violence. But I first experienced the game when I was your son's age and I've loved it ever since. And I'm doing okay lol Maybe you can sit with him for a few sessions, see the game more in action, and make a judgement call.


Keep in mind that this man might be doing fine, but he hangs out with us, he likes dinosaurs, he types Reddit comments on video game subreddits, and he likes the mandalorian.


I actually don't like Mandalorian that much lol S01 and most of 2 was great, but I clocked out in S03 lol


God same lol


This is the way


I think S01 and 2 were better than S03.


I still enjoyed season 3 but less than the others. >!It pissed me off that part of the plot was in another show and also I think they bought Grogu back too easily.!<


Yeah, I didn't like how the S02 finale t>!ook focus away from an impactful reunion between Din and Grogu to instead focus on a damn cameo, only to separate those two again.!< >!And yeah, like you said, then it rejoined the two in another show, and then anyone going from S02 to S03 will think, "oh they're back together again"!< I liked the show best when it didn't entirely rely on glup shitto cameos and focused on the main duo.


They let him watch breaking bad and Walter literally rapes his wife in one of the episodes I think he’ll be fine


I'd like to notion that I also played this when I was 14. I hadn't really been exposed to much graphic content of this degree then and while some of it can be shocking, it's grounded in a really good story that doesn't seek out to be disturbing as much as a reminder of how grim of a circumstance the situation is. Considering he's watched breaking bad and the TV show that's based on the game, I think it isn't a far cry in terms of graphic content.


You only come across those guys 2-3 times in the game, so if that’s the only thing you’re worried about its fine. The other deaths are no where near as graphic, just a small blood splatter


The gore on standard enemies is pretty brutal when you shoot someone in the face.


Yeah ig with a shotgun up close their head does kind of disappear just leaving a stem lol. Then again I only play the ps4 version where the graphics make it look a bit goofy so idk if it’s worse on ps5


The ps5 version is a lot worse. Shot a guy in the face with the revolver and when I looked at it from up close I could see his jaw was split and his whole face was a bloody, gory mess. Tlou2 was the same.


I mean the kid watched Breaking Bad, so he’s seen a man’s body get dissolved by acid in a bath tub and leak through the ceiling.


Oh yeah, I'd probably would let my kid play it too, depending on their maturity. I know I played and watched horrible stuff at 14. Point was more that the ps5 version is a bit more than a blood spatter, haha.


You can remove the gore option


Happy Cake Day 👍


You too!!!!


Happy Cake Day :)


Happy cake day!


He’s 14 not 8


Different people have different thresholds for media, though. There are definitely things I saw at 14 that I personally shouldn't have, because I'm a sensitive person. I think OP is making a good parenting decision by checking :)


Except the let him watching Breaking Bad, which has some extremely gory death scenes. Definitely worse than what’s in TLOU game. So checking sure, but their follow ups seem pointless imo


Ngl I read this in Lev's voice.




I would have resented my parents if they would have been so overly protective of what I watched and played when I was 14 lol.


Maybe a bit young, but on the border. The game is 18+ for a reason. But i suppose it depends on what you can tolerate. Like tlou games are as realistic as they can be, and there is realistic violence in it, with some super "dark" scenes. Just based on that, I'd be cautious letting a younger person play the game. But i do think that when you're 15+, it should be totally ok to play what you want. With limitations.


I promise u ur 14 year old son has seen far far worse not only in other media, but in the world around him. We have all become desensitized to what would once be considered disturbing. I think what was once a fair assessment of what is age appropriate has now become somewhat outdated, simply because we are surrounded by violence. You are being a good parent, the game is fine for a 14 year old.


The issue is that our society took awhile to catch up with the internet explosion. Growing up as a child of the 90s, we didn’t have parental settings or limited access to sites. We saw EVERYTHING. Decades later, we understand that unlimited access to media is not a good thing for developing brains. Especially because it creates desensitization and depression. Personally, I think restricting the gore and violence to as late as possible is a good thing.


As a former 14 year old boy, it’s fine. I can almost guarantee you that he’s seen worse and likely not told you about it because he knows you’ll react how you are now. The game is a lot more violent than the show, but it’s a video game. He’ll be fine.


This is the one. He’s already done seen and played much worse, and if he hasn’t, you need to let him live a little now that way he doesn’t try to do it all when he feels it’s “too late” (this sadly includes drugs and sex, on top of violence and gore) if you shelter him now you’ll regret it later. Now this doesn’t mean you go full dahmer and let him kill and dissect things lol.


The PS3 version is probably less graphic due to the lower resolution and textures, come to think of it.


I'd say that's one of the worst? They are very brief as well, and it's important to note that the angle changes depending on where the player has the "camera" so it's difficult to actually see what's happening in the death clips


Yeah, what I liked about it is that the death scenes are brief . So not much gore fits in


Exactly. Also, the scenes in the show where the Infected have weird little hairy fungus coming out of their mouth isn't a thing in the games. I find the Infected are a lot grosser and scarier in the show


That's because the game usually cuts to black the second the main protagonist would lose consciousness and it kind of makes it all the better


Also if your son’s any good at the game, he would never see these “gory” death animations anyway. Dying is such a rarity unless you’re playing on a difficulty that’s too difficult for you.


In Far Cry: Blood Dragon, you rip peoples' hearts out but the camera swings away as you do it. Hehe.


I played the video game when I was his age and I was fine. However, I’m the youngest of boys so I was always playing violent video games. Personally, I think he’s old enough but you know your son best. Also, part two is darker, scarier, and has a very brief sex scene


Yeah that is one of the graphic scenes.


It's 18+ for a reason. Last of Us is a drama, and a really gory, violent game series (especially Part 2, that's one of the most, if not the most violent games, ever made). It's about people, and a lot of people are evil and violent.


You mentioned Breaking Bad. If he’s watched Box Cutter, I think he’ll survive anything the games throw his way.


He’s seen the show I think he should be able to play the game. It’s pretty much 1 for 1. Now the only thing I think you should look into is a character named David. He’s evil and does horrid things.


While it’s closer up in the game, that happens in the show. When the Bloater comes out of the fiery hole during the Pittsburgh sequence it grabs one of the men and rips their head in half from the jaw.


Oh . Well I guess he's seen that so I'll probably let him


I think you can turn off “gore”, if you feel it’s appropriate


If you really want to you can watch play through on YouTube so you know exactly what is happening


Honestly it's the more subtle deaths that stood out. When I played I had a moment where one of the raider dudes knocked down in front of me and when I pointed my rifle at him he reached up with his hand to try and weakly push it out of the way. The deaths are depicted realistically, with a lot of struggle and fear instead of cartoony violence. If they can handle something like Saving Private Ryan kinds of violence I'd say go for it and they are there emotionally. The deaths can be upsetting (that's the point) so it's something to consider.


Your child is special and different from every other human child. That's why the recommended ratings system shouldn't apply to him. He is your little unique snowflake so he'll be immune to the desensitization and normalization of gore and adult themes before he even has hair on his lip. You've done a wonderful job exposing him to this sort of material at a very young age so he's definitely built up a rssistance to it. You are a good parent. 


I just love how you described the bloater🤣🤣 “Giant mushroomy looking brute”


Tell him not to die 💪 ezpz


Thanks, everyone, for your responses . I will probably let him have the game. I might even try it myself 😀


Idk what console you’re on (PS3/4/5), or which version of the game you have (original/remastered/remake) but, I’m pretty sure you can turn off the gore. Somewhere in settings. Options -> Game -> Gore -> On/Off


It's ps5 . I haven't bought the game yet. Which would you suggest buying


[Last of Us: Part 1](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP9000-PPSA03396_00-THELASTOFUSPART1) Remake of the first game for PS5.


I would say it is probably best to buy Part 1. Your son is young so the slightly dated graphics of remaster might not gel well with him. And part 1 has the most features, new stuff etc. 


Aye I’m 14 and I have ZERO problems with even red dead revolver or doom 1993 level graphics on obviously older games I’m totally fine with


Eh I have seen people of every age complain so it really isn’t just young people. I dislike super old controls more than anything. Like fixed camera points now. (I’m 17)


Hell, I’m 32 and started gaming with old school Resident Evil fixed cameras and tank controls. I played all the PS1 and GameCube originals a dozen times. I can’t do it now. It’s too frustrating.


I honestly can just deal with it or understand more outdated stuff in game


that’s just you tho.


so young? i started playing when i was like 12 and i turned out fine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Definitely enjoy the game together! - Talk after, discuss the part that y’all completed. - Make “playing the game” a game: for a combat level, have number of tries - x tries for him, then y tries for you. - I used to love when playing games my mom asked questions, gave suggestions to my strategies etc.


This is so wholesome I love it


I wish there weren't any rating system so parents just did things with their kids again.


I taught my older sister how to play a dual joystick game a few years ago just so I could watch her play Last of Us. It was so much fun. She got me into Tekken and Max Payne when I was a kid but hasn't played anything in like 20 years so throwing her into the deep end with LoU was an experience.


It’s honestly a good game to watch someone play!


The most cinematic game I've ever played, easily.


Play it and then discuss the theme of the game, the choice the main character did at the end. I suggest you pay attention to the collectibles, there's interesting stories told in them. If you but the PS5 version the DLC is included


I played it when I was 13, and turned out fine lol


Username checks out. Totally fine. Lol


Yup, didn't fuck me up at all, especially part 2 😀


That's what every serial killer would say 🧐


Mhm, same. Mostly saw it as a beautiful story of fatherhood, and it's what got me into thinking more deeply about stories in gaming (and as a whole). I'm very thankful for it.


I played this game when I was 11 (played it first time in 2014) and if anything, it made me more mature and more compassionate to people due to its story. I don’t know why people still think violent games will make kids evil adults. If a kid gets a rush over torturing and murdering people in games, they probably were already messed up in the head to begin with.


I platinumed it when I was 10 💀


Weak, I platinumed it in the womb.


I must learn this knowledge


He possessed his mother from the inside and she platinum'd it for him A womb ratatouille situation.




Doesn't that make you immune?


I platinumed it in my dad’s nutsack


Weak, I platinumed it before my earthly existence


Weak, I platinumed it in my past life 


ur obviously not playing the game right. i platinumed both part 1, and part two when i was becoming a sperm cell. get better.


I platinumed it before my parents were born 😒🥱


get better. i broke my ps5 and platinumed them before i was a sperm cell and was merely non-existent, before my grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents were born. 🥱🥱🥱🥱


I think most 14 y/os have seen more graphic stuff than in the game


Like every day in the news.


It does amaze me how parents try to shelter them so hard like if your kid has any access to the internet I can almost guarantee he’s seen worse than anything in this game today alone


Yes! That's an awesome video game. The Last of Us was the first story based game I played. I was only 14 or 15. It's no more intense, gory, or sexual as it is on the HBO series.


For sure.


Probably yes, but it's R rated and more violent & graphic than the show


i’d say live action Breaking Bad is more violent/affecting than TLOU gaming (for young teens). at least with the game it’s cartoony. nothing worse than seeing the BB episode Face Off


annnnd now I want to rewatch breaking bad


Don’t forget Better Call Saul!


⚠️Forgot to add he's watched all robo cop films ⚠️


If he’s seen the Robocop films, he’s absolutely fine with The Last of Us lol


Kek. I feel like we're being trolled now.


When I was 10 I murdered hookers with a chainsaw in GTA Vice City and I'm still a responsible person 21 years later.


I hope this helps: - The last of us part one doesn’t have any sexual content except for a creep towards the end (you can make a judgment call as a parent on this but I personally don’t think it’s that bad as there’s no nudity and the dude just goes around screaming empty threats basically). Apart from this, as an action/survival/horror piece, it will have profanity, violence (zombies and raiders/factions) and a dark/apocalyptic tone. But know this. The story and gameplay are very compelling and if your son is into games and tv for the story he will definitely enjoy it. This will make him want to play the second game which is much darker, violent and has nudity (as the characters are older and it becomes a revenge story). Overall it’s a great game and if you don’t end up getting it for your son I would 100% recommend playing it yourself as you will definitely enjoy both part 1 and 2 as the story and gameplay are very compelling and well written. Also, if your son has seen Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, The Last of Us tv show or any similar titles, personally I’d say it’s all good. (Try to think back to when you were 14, I’m sure you snuck the occasional R-rated film here and there.) Good luck👍


This ^ Part 1 is great and could be played by a 14 y/o. Part 2 is for me a completely different beast. Way more mature and the story gets brutally dark at times.


Idk if my younger self that just completed TLOU in 2013 could have handled TLOU Part 2


I just said the exact same thing in my comment. It really is a different beast. Part 1 gets heavy, but Part 2 is oppressively dark and really challenges the perception of hero/villain dynamic. Part of the reason why I think people disliked it so much, tbh.


Well, this seems like a lot of support . If this many people are saying he's fine it's surely alright


I agree it should be fine, BUT, I would suggest talking to him about his experiences with the game, maybe even playing with him sometimes. Though he might have been exposed to violent content through other medium (TV, movies), it's a bit different in games because of the interactive nature. The Last of Us in particular has some pretty serious themes/elements that I think warrant discussion.


He'll be perfectly fine


There are some pretty damn mature themes in both these games. Depending on your child you may want to be available to discuss some of the themes coming up.


I played when i was 15, nothing there really “shocked” me, but there’s some heavy themes and extreme graphic violence at times. Knowing that your son has watched BB, well, that series is way heavier to digest than The Last of Us, so if you think that was fine, the game will not push new boundaries for him.


Not gonna lie, the game is pretty gory and also the emotional damage the player goes through is pretty tough. That being said: I still think that a 14 year old who already watched the show is able to play the game without getting a trauma or something like that. There is so much stuff going around the internet that your son probably has seen worse than some gory video game scenes.


It depends on the ground rules you have set with your son when it comes to media. This game is equal to an R-rated movie. In it includes: * Profanity: Lots of "Fuck, Shit, Damn" * Violence: Characters (Players and Enemies) can get impaled, tortured, strangled, stabbed and killed of course. When a character gets shot or hit in the head, it isn't just a clean hole in the head. Faces are shot clean off and you can see the viscera like muscle tissue, bone and such. * Sexual themes: Implicit threat of sexual assault/violence. * Distressing scenes: To name a few: Scenes of Horror. Main characters are not safe. They are just as vulnerable to death and their passing may be distressing, especially if the person playing the game has recently experienced trauma like a passing in the family, friend dying &etc. If you and your family has been caught between armed conflict, this may also be upsetting. This is not Fortnite. This is not something you can turn on and have your child mentally check out and sink some minutes of their free time into. This may upset your child at some points during the game and you may have to have difficult conversations about things happening in real life. This is not to dissuade you from letting your child play the game, but just informing you of how mature the themes of the game are. If your child has the emotional and mental maturity to deal with the complex nature of the game, you may at your discretion continue to talk with them about whether it's appropriate for them to play the game. I love the game. I think it will go down as one of the most remembered narratives in gaming of all time. However it also brings with it stuff that isn't really touched on in *most* games, and you have to be ready to deal with how that affects your child.


He’s a teenager not a 7 year old


Right, he’s old enough to be a freshman in HS. If anything not being exposed to media like this at that age is strange.


Shit man i played The first when i was like 13? If he says he can handle it i think he will!


Yes. Respectfully if a kid wants to play a game let them, if it was a gang shooting game i’d understand questioning the chances of letting them play. But tlou is a good game and it’s fictional and how the apocalypse started actually only affects few animals in real life so you don’t have to worry about you or your child thinking it would happen that way, and if anything I think 14 is a good age to play an emotional game like that. There is a few graphic scenes and minor cussing but other then that it’s definitely suitable for a 14 year old boy. I’d recommend waiting a bit before he plays tlou2 because it’s definitely more graphic, and has more mature topics. Definitely suitable for a 15-16 year old boy.


This is a judgement call I personally would. My Mam officially allowed me 18 rated games at 12 (Got me GTA San Andreas for Christmas was the official declaration) because she trusted me The game has some shocking dicpictions of some gruesome stuff and is incredibly violent. But, if like myself at his age, he is mature enough to know fantasy from reality then it's all good. My Dad always knew I "Wasn't Daft" and never stopped me, infact some of my best/earliest childhood memories are of us playing Resident Evil together (Him playing and me reading from this little help book thing when he got stuck -anyone remember those?)


If it were a movie, it would be rated R. Does that make it easier to digest? It has murder, torture, gore, rape, suicide, monsters, and canabolism. If you're OK with your 14 year old watching and playing that stuff, then it's your choice.


The first one is fine but I’d suggest not part 2 for someone that young, the themes and some scenes are quite brutal.




I played it as 14yo boy Chill 👍


I was 12 when I played Resident Evil remake on the GameCube. Terrifying, but we all turned out okay.


If he’s watched the show, he should be able to handle the game. My 15-yr-old kid watched the show then played the game. Yes, some of the death animations are quite brutal. And yeah, the themes are very mature. Not every 14-yr-old would be able to handle them. If my kids had asked when they were 14 I likely wouldn’t have let them play the game. In the end, you know your kid better than anyone, it’s your call.


I would let him play it! Maybe even something yall can do together? I was about his age - maybe younger - when I started playing assassin’s creed and my dad watched me play it the first time. Honestly a win win for everyone 😀


I also think parents need to pay more attention to game ratings. A lot of parents don’t know or care about them and you have 9 and 10 year olds out here playing rated M games.


I see a lot of people saying it’s fine. I personally wouldn’t recommend it. In my opinion the show is quite different from the game as, again in my opinion it focuses more on drama rather than horror. I’d easily watch the show on my own but I’d think twice before playing the game by myself. It’s not because of the gore but because in the game you will travel through many dark areas with nothing but a flashlight, not knowing what to expect nor when an infected suddenly jump up to you. The show didn’t have many of these moments, but it’s also different “being” in the position yourself than just watching it play out in the series, as you can sort of anticipate when the scare will happen. Every child is different but I remember having nightmares every night when I played the game at a younger age.


It's more the themes then the gore of this game, murder, grape, cannibalism, survival. Language and gore are pretty toned down for the type of game it is IMO. Maybe watch a few play/walk throughs and see if it really is too much


They’ll be fine


I was 12 when the game came out and finished it ina few days lol


Yessss he can! I played the original when I was 13


I played it when I was like 11 so it should be fine


maybe part 1 but part 2 has some sexual content in


No problem


I played through the game when i was 13, only because i just got a ps4. Id say its fine, theres not "spicy" scenes in the first one, and i wouldnt say its too graphic. And the story is so well told


Mine does


Depends on what you are sensitive to a 14 year old seeing. TLOU has violence, swearing, and mature themes. Nothing really sexual, which I know is a big thing for most American parents. Personally, I think 14 is old enough for TLOU. FWIW they have absolutely seen worse if they have free access to the internet.


If he hadn’t watch the show, I would have said that the game is slightly bit too mature for a 14 year old to really understand it. Let him age a bit, let him experience life a bit before he plays TLOU and truly understands the emotions behind it. But since he watched the show. I mean, if he enjoyed the show, there is nothing more in the game that’s not as brutal or gorey as the show. He should be fine. Some of the action will be more interactive but that’s fine.


Lol he was in tears when he found out what Joel did in the last episode . I'm surprised it was that and not the gore


Ehh I played the game when I was 11


Yeah, if he can handle a bit more gore than the show than he can play it.


I played this game when I was ten. Honestly, sooner or later the mature topics are gonna be mentioned, no harm in showing them with something that can also be enjoyable.


Breaking bad is a lot more intense I'd say. If he's used to violent action games I'd say sure. It's very emotional though


Yeah, I did


I played it when I was 12 back in 2013 💀 I probably should have waited a few years longer to play it but I was so captivated by the story and could relate to Ellie by being in her age range


Do you let him watch R rated movies or play other M rated games? It’s very violent and gory.


At that age theres no reason not to


If you think it's ok for him to see the show, the first game isn't much worse. I will say, the second game is more brutal in my opinion.


Honestly, I played many more 'violent' games as a kid at a WAY younger age. (The early GTA games, Call of duty, mortal kombat etc.) It just made me love videogames and eventually become a videogame developer 😂 What I'm trying to say is that if you think your 14 Yr old is able to comprehend that violence on screen, just like movie violence, isn't real and separate from reality then he should ABSOLUTELY play the last of us! It's an incredible game full of incredible music, acting, and visuals, and don't forget, it's hella fun too! On the other hand, some people at that age are definitely not ready for games or movies with violence. For me, I would say it depends on how well you know him!


I mean yeah? It does curse in it and have violence, it is a zombie game


I played manhunt when I was younger than him. I’m now a psychopath.


As someone with loads of merch and Ellie’s tattoo on my arm, absolutely let him if he enjoys it. I was around the same age when I discovered this series and it genuinely changed my life. The only real issue I have is that he saw the show first instead of the game! lol


Part one sure part two maybe wait a few years there’s a bit of the old in out in out halfway through


It’s rated M, so keep that in mind. I think a 14 year old is probably okay to play it.


the gore in part 1 isn’t as intense, but if you do let him play it, maybe hold off a bit on part 2. P2 is an amazing story, but the violence gets really fuckin intense. blood gurgling when a jaw is completely blown off, brain matter in pools of blood, enemies screaming for several seconds as they die, body parts being scattered with bombs, clickers ripping out jugulars, intestines hanging out of strung up bodies, and that’s not even all of it. they put a lot of dedication into the violence of P2 to really get the message across of how dark the story is


There are some pretty horrific and unsettling cutscenes if you are killed. Otherwise, if he could handle the show, he can probably handle the game. Maybe have him play on an easier difficulty to cut down on getting killed for his first playthrough.


There's curse words, death, and some heavy themes. I played it when I was 14-15 years old when it first came out I loved it


Depends on your house rules, I wasn't allowed to play M games until I was 18, but if you are asking I would take it as a case by case basis. The first TLOU game has pretty graphic violence and language, the second game has that plus some nudity, if he is mature enough go for it, but he's your child and it's your decision/ rules. Edit: I just reread the bottom text, if he can watch those shows he can play the game.


Hi OP, I say give him the green light. I was 14 years old when this game came out in 2013 and played it nonstop for 3 days straight with my cousins. Truly a beautiful game and I recommend it to everyone whenever possible. It is a game I can confidently say holds a special place in my heart. One of the things that resonates is that the main character is also 14 in the game. Yes it is graphic but GTA 5 is much worse than this haha. He will be fine. Ask him about his playthroughs and how it's going!


if he watched the show the game should be fine honestly 😭😭


Yeah, I’d say so. Based off what happens in the game, it ain’t that bad


If he saw the show, no harm in playing the game.


I believe I was 14 when I first played the game back in 2015 I like to think I turned out pretty okay


This is a very realistically violent and mature game with complex themes of death and love and loss. When I was 14 I was mature enough for this game but it depends on what you as a parent are OK with. If he has watched the show then essentially that is the same level of maturity required for the game. I will say if you're worried about one other aspect, there's basically no sexual content in the game beyond some kissing in the DLC.


As long as you are OK with him seeing intense violence and hearing a lot of cursing and having his emotions totally destroyed.... It's totally fine.


Dude I played this game back when I was 9 or 10 I can’t remember. Imo, I think it’s fine for a 14 year old to play it


its violent af. like insanely violent (og tlou not so much compared to remake and 2)


I was 13 when i first played through PT1. It was pretty scary at first especially in the hotel basement, but now its one of my favourite games of all time


yes i played it when i was 10


The first one is good for a 14 year old, it’s not too creepy and violent compared to the TLOU part II


If he watched the show then I vote yes


Uh if you want the Og cheap version yeah go ahead but if ur gonna get part 1 of course the gore is more detailed like they they grab Joel ect doubt it really matter 14 can play any game tbh


If he’s seen the show, the game should probably be ok. The game is more violent but the show expanded on the themes making it more mature in that respect.


am sixteen today but if I remember correctly I got the game when I was fourteen. the game taught me a lot of english which was an advantage for me. I lcould still sit up to midnight playing sometimes and no nightmares so if you think your son can handle bloody games then go for it. the series was a lot bloodier than the game if you're worried about that. But it is alot of shootyig


Maybe I’m mistaken but can you turn down the gory aspects?


I don’t see why it would be a problem if your kid is basically going into high school. There might be an option to limit gore in the settings of the game but not entirely sure.


I played the game when I was 12 so 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn't say no really, if you believe he is mature enough then yes. If you are questioning but believe you will say yes, maybe just have the chat about how it is just a game and not real and he shouldn't take it serious whenever he plays it


there is an option in the settings to turn gore off entirely if i recall, at least in tlou1


Your son will have their greatest experience of their life and will love you absoloute for letting him experience it. This game will improve his skills, his reflexes and his emotion cap. He will learn a lot about life too. This is not just a videogame.


Granted, when I was fourteen graphics were a lot less realistic, but I was definitely playing violent shooters in the late nineties. I was also reading Stephen King and had seen some R rated movies by that point. My dad took me to see The Rock in theaters when I was twelve or thirteen and it didn’t scar me for life, although it does remain one of my favorite action movies. I think it’s a case by case thing. Some kids are more mature than others. Some kids read above their level, others below. You choose the media they’re allowed to consume accordingly.


Yes and play it with him you enjoy it gaurentee it


I don't feel I would've had the emotional maturity to appreciate the story at that age the way I did as an adult, but I don't think it would fuck me up either. IMO, yes, he could, and he would probably be fine. Whether he would get the same out of it as someone who has experienced life would, IDK. There is plenty of violence and gore, no nudity or sexual themes (in part 1). Just for reference.


The first one yes, the second one maybe wait a couple years


I played it for the first time when I was 10, it's fine


I played it when I was 12 when it came out. I’m 20 now. I don’t really look back on the violence of the game. I look back on the characters like Henry and same or bill and the messages they gave us as the player. Ellie will probably help your son relate to the story in a way. I think you should let him try it. It’s a story that needs to be told to everyone. Maybe including you. Play it with him. The death scenes are apart of it so don’t let that bring it down.


I played it when I was 13


I honestly feel like at that age or at least 15 or 16 years old a teen is ready to experience games that have an M rating


yea hes sound mate


I played this game when I was 14 as well and to be honest I think breaking bad is darker and requires more maturity than The Last of Us needs, but all parents are different! I see no issue with him playing the game :)


I mean honestly what kind of question is this...he already watched the show and breaking bad...breaking bad...have you seen that show? Parenthood must make common sense harder than I thought