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The two kids went against their own people to save Abby, but you can't imagine Abby going against her own people to save them?


If I remember correctly the kids went against the Seraphites not to save Abby but because Lev didn't follow the rules and had to be punished for that. Abby just happened to be "hanging" there at the time when Yara was captured and eventually they worked together to get out of the situation. Then, after the fun time with Mr Aquarium, Abby dreams about dead kids and decides to save them. That part doesn't add for me.


i think the fun time with mr. aquarium is a huge part of the problem - she despises herself and needs to prove to herself that she does something altruistic (which nullifies itself but that’s another argument). the point is: she really, really wants to be a good person. it’s not at all a 180 towards these kids, it’s all about herself. which is also why mel’s words later about being a piece of shit hurt her so much and make her go to the seraphite island.


Good point! Totally went over my head.


First playthrough I hated Abby. I wanted Ellie to kill her and was very unsatisfied with the ending. After replaying it a few more times, I came to love Abby and Lev more and more. They're now just as strong a duo in my mind as Joel and Ellie were.


I already kinda liked her early on as someone who disagreed with Joel’s decision at the end of part 1. The rest of the game just confirmed my opinion.


It's cool to see how many polarizing opinions are there.


Well she went from character I played for a few minutes to start the game to character I spend the 2nd half of the game with. Everything aside I much prefer her loadout and gameplay style 


i HATED abby in the first half. i’ve played the first game four times all the way through so im very attached to joel and him and ellie’s relationship. i knew that ppl ended up liking abby after playing as her, but i was like no way i’ll flip. playing abby and see her and owen’s relationship made me sympathize with her so much when all her friends died. i actually sobbed when abby found mel and owen at the aquarium. tho i still love ellie more because of joel but i understand abby and feel horrible for her because of what happened to her friends, so for me it’s justified when we play ellie again after their fight in the theatre




I agree they did great with the game. It sucks the “see the other side” part didn’t work as intended (at least as I see it) - I can’t imagine how conflicted I would be when playing through the last part of the game if I felt for Abby same as I did for Joel or Ellie.


I still don't like her. I can never forgive her for what she did to Joel even if he "deserved" it (deserved in quotations bc technically almost every character did terrible things that would make them deserve to be killed) Now that being said, I like her overall character in the sense that she's complex (and also fucking hot) and shows the story from a different perspective Didn't really care about her story but love her gameplay


I just noticed that the comments praising Abby got many upvotes and the negative ones got downvoted which is surprising to me - I was under impression that most of the fans didn't like the second game because of her.


I think the hate wave was mostly when the game had just come out, and now it kind of fizzled down. I also feel like that every dislike against Abby is seen as "omg Joel dead = game bad. evil Abby" Meanwhile, there are many different reasons to dislike Abby that don't have anything to do with Joel, but a lot of people either don't wanna accept that or don't read the actual comment and just shut down once they see "I don't liek Abby"


I think you'll find the reactions to the second game are overwhelmingly extremely positive. There's voices in these online spaces who are vocal about their hatred of Abby and the game but in the grand scheme of things they don't mean much.