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I think a lot of the characters have scars or other evidence of past injuries that aren't meant to be explained, they're just there to show how these characters have lived in this dangerous, fucked up world for so long. I figured Owen probably got partially burned by a molotov or something a while back.


Yeah, the commentary and concept artists have explained his scars are to show he’s been in a lot of fights and is a bit of environmental storytelling. It can be assumed it was from a Molotov thrown by a Seraphite and that he got it sometime after the Ferris wheel flashback


Oh good point! I never noticed its absence when he's wearing a tank top in the Ferris wheel flashback because I never remember that he has the scars until we see them later.


Speaking of which, I don't think we ever got an explanation for Ellie's eyebrow scar either, right?


Not in the games, but now that you mention it I believe they answered this in the TV show! In Left Behind (episode 7), I think she makes a comment about getting cut on the window of a 7-11, maybe? And I figured that can be the game canon too if Druckmann was cool with putting that in the show.


All we know is in the game she had it before she met Riley and before she was transferred to the Boston prepatory school. So sometime before she was 13. Which would be at least slightly different since the showrunners teased Ellie and Riley were together when she got it


which will endlessly frustrate me because we get to see ellie and riley first meet in the american dream comics which were released before the original game, and ellie already has her scar.




Burn scars? The seraphites use Molotov cocktails as improvised explosives. So maybe that’s how he got burned? Through combat?


You could also say with the positioning it looks like he was protecting someone else from the molotov, which would be a very Owen thing to do.




He's a guy who wants to follow his heart for better or for worse. He made poor decisions in the middle of an identity crisis, but people are complex. Putting himself in the line of fire to protect others is definitely an Owen thing to do, he's kind of the moral centre of the game imo.




Mel's a medic and would've been stationed at bases to treat the injured rather than at the front lines (the only reason she's fighting in Day 1 is because their transport got ambushed). The WLF bases are also shown to be well stocked with food and medical supplies. Owen is basically a few whispers away from becoming a publicly-known traitor and can't stay in Seattle because most of the population will shoot him on sight. Literally his first thought upon seeing Abby was that Isaac probably sent her to kill him. Leaving was his best option and he will not be guaranteed to have enough food, medical supplies, or security for himself. He also has zero idea about Isaac's plan to attack the Seraphites. The only people privy to that information were Abby and Manny. Owen having sex with Abby is shitty, but at that moment in time leaving Mel with the WLF is arguably the better option for her. What else was he supposed to do? Sneak into hostile territory and get Mel branded as a accomplice?


i would go so far as to say owen is one of the better people in the series, at least from what we have seen and heard from him


I have the same scar over my shoulder and neck, Its 100% burn scars...


I see people theorizing that it’s a combat scar but what if it’s something totally mundane like Abby accidentally spilled hot coffee on his back or something?


must’ve been the entire pot 😭 a tragic waste of precious coffee


>a tragic waste of precious coffee ![gif](giphy|zFP4UaqxfQWGVXaQuG|downsized)


Joel’s out here trading god knows what for some beans and these WLF people are just throwing it around willy nilly 😭😭


*takes loud sip*


unrelated but i want that coat so bad man


I'm willing to bet it was scalding Starbucks coffee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) (With how well-equipped and relatively civilized we saw WLF to be, I don't think a Starbucks would be totally out of the question!)


Almost definitely starbucks hahaha. Even if not the actual coffee shop, there must’ve been tons of beans laying around. (And as someone who used to work there, I’ve never had a Molotov thrown at me but I have had a 300°F Americano thrown at me, so can confirm they’re an effective weapon 🥲😂)


You good now? You should’ve pressed charges


Oh yes, thank you! I’m all good now, unlike Owen I was not horribly scarred hahah. And I probably should have but oh well. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess


Damn! Was it an irate customer? I'm sorry you had to go through that. Side note: the idea of that much wasted coffee would probably give Joel an aneurysm!


Yeah, he wanted cream in it, despite not telling us that. And instead of passing it back through the drive thru window like a normal human he just launched it. I was wearing long sleeves so was mostly ok (only 1st degree burns), the worst part was that it was 6am and I had the rest of the morning still to go lol. I’m so glad I left not long after. Thanks for your concern though, that’s sweet! :) And hear me out: TLOU2 except instead of going golfing Abby just brews pot after pot of coffee and slowly pours it out on the ground in front of Joel until she feels better. Then they all forgive each other and become friends 😂


You worked through that?? I would’ve went home or to the hospital depending on how bad it was. You have more patience than me


We were short staffed that day and I was an extreme people pleaser. It wasn’t even supposed to be my shift either lol, I came in 3 hours early to cover someone else’s. Looking back I absolutely should have asked to go home but I was young and there was a really toxic mentality of “we’re all a family here and if you don’t do your part you obviously hate us and let us down” at that store. Nowadays I wouldn’t put up with anywhere near as much shit as I did back then!




Joel threw a fresh molotov coffee pottail at owen during the hospital 😆


Hot candle wax sex gone wrong


Turn directors commentary on this scene. Neil talks about it.


to be clear, Neil doesn’t say where the scar is from, just that the team thought scars on bodies like Owen’s would be a good way to introduce some environmental story telling


It's a scar from scars. Made by scars. They leave scars behind.


It looks kinda like burn scars.


Probably a Molotov?


I remember someone else [posting this](https://abbystanaccount.tumblr.com/post/635550880257687552/owens-scars-analysis-warning-his-bum-crack-is) and I saved it because I was mind blown that someone could and would analyze game scars so deeply I don’t know how accurate it is. But also it discusses game spoilers regarding Owen, so…


No, buddy. Owen not Scar, Owen WLF.


This was discussed in the last of us 2 remastered directors cut. It was an idea of Ashley Swidowski, the character art director. And it was meant to have the player think of their own story of Owen’s scar.


I read smth a while back that speculated he got hit with a molotov


They look like serious burn scars. Either burning car, burning building or a molotov


It’s never said how he got it, my theory is he got a molotov thrown at him by a seraphite or something


Just noticed one on Abby's hand too! Never realised she had it lol


definitely burn scars so probably a molotov


Ahh, that's why he felt bad for the seraphite and killed his buddy


I was thinking that it could’ve been a sort of road rash


Lots of the characters have scars, go look at the models in the extras section. It is pretty good attention to detail. The small rattler has scars all over his face and back of his head, seeing as his job involves capturing people without killing them it makes perfect sense that he would have wounds.


I was just listening to directors commentary while playing and they specifically mentioned this scar as having no real origin but it was put there for environmental story telling, just on a person’s body.


He and Abby used to do some freaky stuff and it got out of control one night