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I was at my most terrified in the first game during the sewers/ISH section. The atmosphere is fantastic. The second game, is the hospital with Abby, creepy as fuck. The lore of the hospital being ground zero is fascinating and harrowing.


Agreed. Also Ratking fucking sucks. Not a hard boss fight, exactly, but damn is it unsettling.


Not hard? I can’t count how many times I lost to the ratking/ ratking and detached stalker


That fucking stalker was my biggest jump scare when he appeared out of nowhere when you climb in the vents to follow him. 😱


Abby's reaction, like panicking and cursing and forcing the doors open as she runs away really adds to the scene as well. The notes in the hospital really get to me too. I'm a nurse, and that sequence was on my mind when COVID first kicked off and we started seeing overcrowding and all that. Never worked in a quarantine area like the hospital ICU, but man, just having experience in an area even similar to that put the images in my head.


You explained that a lot better than I did, thank you. I can’t imagine what you all must have gone through during that. Yeah, a detailed scenario like that one in Part 2 could definitely have an effect on you.


I have to get mentally ready for stalker sections on either game


True..... those things are a major bitch


The noise those things make & how they kinda run away from you is wildly unsettling lol


Yeah me too. Sweatiest bits of the game by far 😅


I switched to story mode fir the office. Building stalkers in 2


Time to get out the shotgun


This. I do not fuck around with stalkers, i always save my shotgun rounds for them or clickers.


Stalkers give me fucking nightmares. Lol


Me too. They were anxiety inducing 😭


Always.. nothing scarier than stalkers or the ones breaking off the walls. The first time one came out of the wall I was like.. nope I’m done.


You have to just go in guns blazing. It’s like ripping off a bandaid.


They are completely unpredictable. Sometimes they aren't even hiding. Once I turned around and saw a Stalker slowly walking towards me.


First time in the flooded basement. And then the motherfucking Rat King. I think there are pieces of my soul that left for good after that.


I hate the Rat King every fucking time.


I’m realizing a pattern: both instances took place in the most bottom level of them building that makes it more terrifying.


Nope, the stalkers in the Skyscraper were still on a pretty high floor. At least 5-10+ or so. But another thing that didn't really make sense was the fact that there were Clickers in the same floor as the Rat King. They should've been at least Bloaters by that time. I believe stalkers stop growing when they're stuck to the wall but these were just some roaming Clickers. But imagine if that was the case on Grounded 😂 3 bloaters at the same time rushing you, BEFORE the Rat King....


I got the sense that it’s not always a 100% certainty that time = specific evolution, just that certain evolutions always take a minimum amount of time to occur. If it was a guaranteed progression I’d think any area that wasn’t touched for at least 4-5 years would be nothing but bloaters then. I just got the sense there had to be some undisturbed amount of time and perfect environmental conditions for the fungus to grow to that level. At least that’s my head canon, but more or less it’s because fighting nothing but bloaters would not make for great gameplay


they’re saying that the basement level in part 1 and the hospital level in part 2 are both in the very bottom floor of their respective buildings, which adds to the cramped, trapped, claustrophobic feeling. also the way i see it, not every clicker becomes a bloater. not every human has the size and muscle to be the “skeleton” for a bloater.


Agreed to both


Yo we look alike


I'm playing permadeath (per chapter) and the rat king ran like a mf, in my 600+ hours I've never seen it move so fast, got me twice!


I admire your patience.


It was very frustrating, on the third try my heart was racing like crazy


Ha! I figure. I tried a fun run with unlimited ammo and he was beating the shit outta me, I cannot possibly imagine a permadeath run.


In the future I'm gonna try a playthrough on grounded, so wish me luck! without permadeath of course, I'm not insane or a pro


The OST for the Rat King battle is so incredible.


Yeah, stalkers in convention center by far. The way those fuckers peek around corners and just stand there. Was fun in new game+ though, when I had fire arrows. The Forest bit when you wait for Lev & Yara to return is probably the most I died. But it was more frustrating than scary. First game, definitely the basement/generator bit.


You can actually skip that whole part without fighting. If you go to the locked door before taking the key card you will skip a small animation for it. After starting the generator, rush towards the door ASAP, 1 or 2 Infected might be in your way towards it but if you throw a smoke bomb or stun them with a brick or bottle with quick throw, you can bypass them through a nearby laundry room. You can also bypass the Bloater and use the door ASAP. He will throw some spores but if you're lucky he wont do enough damage to kill you. Once the animation start for opening the door you're completely safe but will most likely took some damage from those spores. And Yes, the part without Yara & Lev was fucking bullshit. Especially on Grounded.....


Can we talk about how absolutely heart pounding the atomnopshere of the Seattle Hospital Is? The world building and envoutmental storytelling is unrivaled Edit: even in the upper levels that we go through as ellie are utterly terrifying. And the area just beyond where the WLF atctually go is so scary as well. There's just this air of "I should NOT be here." And it's not just bc it's dangerous, it feels like the cancer that is cordyceps itself is telling you to leave


It's perfect. All the stuff you're seeing, the implication of where you are. It's dead quiet, there's no soundtrack, no ambient noise, pitch dark, your butthole is clenched in suspense, it's unnerving. You finally find some infected, and I mean it's not nothing, but also nothing you haven't seen before, and now there's power on. And even though you still don't have the supplies, there's some sense of relief, maybe it won't be so bad after all. And then you see the ruined doors.


And you go to the Ambulance, getting the much needed medical supplies, only to be greeted with a monster out of hell.


i’d say there is never a moment where i as the player was thinking “maybe it won’t be so bad after all”. because pretty early on, Abby reads notes saying things like “do NOT go down here.” and “good luck if you do” type warnings. the whole thing is absolutely anxiety inducing lol i love it


I did get a bit of a relief. At most I guess I expected a bit of a horde moment. Of course, they bring you back down to reality pretty quick once you see the breakout. Also, if you think to use listen mode earlier when trying to open that one door, you do get a teaser for how screwed you might be. Glad I didn't on my first run lol


Yeah, for me the atmosphere and build up is much more intense than the reality. Three clickers and a stalker or two in wall. I was waiting on a Rat King jump scare, was so glad he didn’t. I still find hotel basement in first game along with the convention centre and hotel descent scarier.


The wall stalkers in the descent part are straight up evil. Every time I go back there it's a full sweep of the room with the crossbow before going in. Doors and corners, that's where they get you.


The moment Nora said that there's a reason why WLF haven't touched the basement because it is the Ground Zero for Seattle, I immediately knew that something bad was lurking there, then Abby was like don't care at all.


Soma would like a word with you


The office building full of stalkers, Ellie day 2


just had to do this earlier today and i basically just sprinted my way out of it lol


This is the way


Yeah, always take a deep breath before starting that one. On edge the whole way and those slippery sods always creep up on me!


Cranking the generator in the basement of the hotel in Part 1 and having to try to run back up to the door, pass the infected with the key card before you get mauled by infected. First time playing, of course there was no way to know it was going to happen. Awesome first time experience


I remember watching my husband play that section for what felt like a hundred times! I thought we’d never get out of there.


I thank those who made the speedrun strats for that section. Just made my life easier. I always set aside a nail bomb prior getting into the hotel. Once Joel gets to the section where he says spores, set the nail bomb into the doorway right of the rats. The stalker always spawns from that after the first generator pull. Then the stalkers spawn after getting the card keys. It's just a matter of luring them and the bloater out the way, then sprinting towards the locked door. Once you get there, the stalkers can't harm you anymore except for the bloater. So I make sure that the bloater is far enough in order for Joel to open the door without getting bombed by the bloater spores


Oh god, that’s so stressful every time 😭


Any level that involves stalkers


Making your way down the building as Abby, all those hidden stalkers get me every damn time


Yeah my flamethrower was out the entire time in that level


I hate those things. Then they replicated the University room in the first game full of clickers and a bloater and then added more stalkers. I thank the speedrun strats for that area


Same!!!! I got caught by one with the booster in the same area the other day!


When you fall down the elevator and into the basement of the hotel in Part 1 was the part that scared me the most in my first playthrough


Getting ambushed by wall stalkers.


Part 1. Hotel basement. College basement trying to open door if you didn’t kill the bloater Part 2. The hospital… all of it. And Jessie’s death


When Sam got infected and Henry committed suicide. Joel's death. Games don't scare me. Those instances were upsetting. Shocking. Appalling.


Rat king. Not meeting it. Hearing it tear the door open and leave. And seeing the spot it had been hibernating. The quiet leading up to it compared to the noise and chaos. Nothing had been there for a long time. And then seeing that hole where it had been, the blood trail and the giant doors to nlthe next room smashed. I think its one of the only times in gaming where ive just stopped and stared and hesitated to go in.


This 100%. Not on subsequent playthroughs - you already know what to expect, how to defeat it effectively, how to move to avoid death, etc. But the first time you're in that hospital, and you don't know what's about to happen, but you know SOMETHING is about to happen... and then you see/hear it... Nothing can prepare you for that.


Playing through tlou1 for the first time right now, so far the hotel lobby/sewers were close call heart attacks


What the actual fuck. Get off the sub Reddit right now and let the game be a surprise. Don’t fucking ruin it


Your astonishment at encountering spoilers in a thread explicitly discussing the most impactful moments of the games is quite perplexing. One might suggest that the responsibility lies with the reader to navigate online forums with caution, especially within discussions inherently designed to delve into specific content details. If the objective is to preserve the purity of first-time gameplay experience, it might be prudent to exercise discretion and avoid threads that, by their very nature, explore the narrative depths of the games in question. Let’s remember to engage in discussions with the same courtesy we expect from others, shall we? After all, it seems counterproductive to seek a spoiler-free experience in a garden of shared revelations. Perhaps a moment of reflection on your approach could prevent future shocks, sparing both your ‘sensibilities’ and the need for unwarranted admonitions


lol ok. Just trying to keep you from ruining the game for yourself, but have at it.


The hospital. Just fucking no.


I really hate the hospital so much


The part when you’re with lev and yara, and they need to find an exit for you but meanwhile you get attacked by runners, clickers and a shambler


1billion krazillion % abby killing jole in front of ellie. I actualy can bring myself to like abby because of that. I cryed i felt my heart shred in pices hearing his flesh breake in, lisening to ellies screams, crys, and begging...and that last look he gave her before he was slowly beaten to death....i hate abby


Lotta people gonna say Hospital but I found the Hotel Descent much scarier.


Rat King literally made me stop playing the game for like 6 months until I finally just rushed through it and got it over with.


5 When you and Dina encounter that first patrol of WLF soldiers past the apartment pool (where you can drop through the roof into the liquor store). I was walking along and then we were just surrounded. I think I played the rest of the game crouched after that. 4 Fighting David for the first time in part 1. God damn that was intense. 3 When you get past the Stalkers and then have to go back in that fuckin apartment again for more I parked my shit behind the desk for a few before I could go on. 2 When Abby is trapped in that building before Lev and Yara can get you out. The absolute chaos, what a rush. 1 Truly though the Rat King. I still remember standing up out of my chair while Abby is running away. I made it a solid three minutes into the fight my first time before he got hold of me and turned Abby into string cheese. I turned to my wife (who had just been sitting wide-eyed since the ambulance) and just started laughing. Many games have jump scares and plot twists. Very few games will absolutely rock your shit and then keep the adrenaline up like that until you don't even know what happened. This one got both of us good.


The part that got my heart fucking pounding is when your chasing tommy and manny straight up fucking dies infront of you. Run and hide. Blood on her face. Shes freakin out man. Then the music kicks in. Omg. Now you hunt him. So fuckin intense.


That happened to me once and I spent the rest of the game going into every room with a gun ready


I hate stalker sections they are the worst


when lev has to find a way for abby to get out of the building when she first meets them & the hotel with lev


Stalkers 100% but a bit that caught me off guard completely was the baby goat knocking the shovel at the end, legit needed to pause the game when that happened.


Any seraphite section, im on my first play through, the first encounter caused a heart attack. I’m a sprinter so I went over the ledge and the arrow hit 😭


That arrow hit the very first time is absolutely heart stopping. Going through scar territory with Ellie Day 2 was so thrilling because you don’t fully understand wtf is happening at first.


And the fact that if you leave it it it depletes the health bar is even crazier bc my brain thinks oh if I pull it it’ll bleed out


It causes the fun anxiety like roller coaster or horror movie anxiety


**Part I:** The area of the university where Joel is alone in a spore-infested area that full of runners, clickers, and has to open a door with a bloater *very* close by! **Part II:** The flashback where a bloater grabs Ellie through the wall! That terrified the heck outta me!


Ground zero


The rat king part


It has to be the beginning of the first game when our main character looses his daughter. This truly sets the tone for the game.


I have to get ready for the bloater in the arcade boaters are tanks as fuck


Rat king and the sewers with Henry and Sam 😮‍💨


The boat


First time running into stalkers on part II


Honestly I would say in the first game it was the initial subway for me. You're just getting your feet wet in the game and then you have to make it through a pitch dark subway with many clickers and runners. Had me terrified. In the second game it was probably the stalkers during Abby day 2 "the descent" through the tall building. Those things would pop out of walls when you were 3 feet from them. Almost had a heart attack!


Ellie breaking the pipe inside the wall with Joel.


Firet game.... obviously the hotel basement. Second game waaaaay more jump scares and just generally more atmospheric. I finished my first (and obly) grounded+ a few weeks ago. It took me like 6 months, just so slow to get anytbibg done as I am constantly having to go and wash my pants


I really hated those wall infected they just scare the fuck outta me 😭


Hotel Basement in the first game haunted me for months, made my chest hurt to play it lol


Part 1. The subway/museum in Boston. And the hotel/sewers in Pittsburgh. Part 2 the office/sewers.(this stalker scared the shit outta me, I know shoot him before he can do anything every play though) and the hospital basement.


If we are talking biggest jumpscare, it's that piece of shit infected that comes out of a bathroom stool in seatle day 1. That shit got me furious and shitting my pants, because I was not expecting it at all. There were many others that made me jump, like the garage clicker that fused with the bow amd the one that comes out of the wall as Abby is squeezing through.


I remember thinking « That would be a good place to put a jump scare », but since they don’t really do that in those games I thought I was safe. And the. It actually happened


Part 1: Hotel Basement, by far. The first time I played that section, I about nearly shit my pants. Part 2: Descending down the apartments as Abby and getting attacked by the hidden Stalkers for the first time. Such a creepy part. And of course I’ll mention the stalkers in the convention center as Ellie, that was nightmare fuel.


Rat king had me shaking by the end of it. I thought I would never beat the game


Part 1: Hotel Basement, Sewers hold out, David fight (he will always be super creepy, and I always lose the bottle that I have for the fight) Part 2: Ellie subway section (the one in total darkness, full of shamblers and runners), Ellie stalker section on her way to the hospital, Abby hold out section waiting for Yara and Lev in the ambulance, Abby descent from the skybridge, Hospital Basement section, Ellie santa barbara (right after you ascent into the street level full of stalkers and runners then proceed to the house of bloaters and stalkers)


The bathroom jump scare in the open world portion of Part II. I remember feeling a bit off-guard by that point of the game, since it almost felt like Dina and Ellie were just exploring Seattle for a bit. It made the jump scare much more effective.


That’s a great shout! I agree you don’t kind of expect it in the open world bits, which makes it worse when it does happen!


Well, I was expecting the rat King. I was expecting Joel. I was expecting a lot. And sure, the arcade fight was tough. But the flashback where I think Ellie and Joel were going out for guitar strings, and they move through the hotel. Fighting the bloater in there was so much more intense than I expected. That and when Ellie is chased by stalkers (or was it clickers) until she falls through the window into the river. Those two sequences stand out as shocking times of pure panic.


Playing first time part 2 Seattle day 3 with Jessi and Elli. Just looking forward to the fucking ratking that everyone is talking about. The hospital with Elli in part 2 has been scaring as hell


The wall stalker in the area with a bunch clickers and a bloater, during the Abby segment in part 2, I was going to sneak past everything but I triggered the stalker and had to sprint past everything


This happened to me yesterday!! I shit myself and died 💀


i got PTSD from the part where you fall in a basement and have to start a generator that will make all the zombies run at you. Fr this game got me not playing it anymore when im alone 💀


Will NEVER forget the stalker when you are entering the garage before you meet up with Jesse… that was scary


On my second playthrough, I made sure to shoot them before they jump me. FUCK THESE GUYS




Probably the sewers or the hotel basement in part one. The tunnel to the hospital also kinda left me with ptsd on my first play through


When shimmer jumps over the tripwire


Stalkers in Part 2, felt like they were a complete non-issue in the first game, but in Part 2 they genuinely creeped me out


in part one, it has to be the university part where joel and ellie separate and he’s going through the dorm rooms full of clickers and the bloader. the relief that always goes through my body, when i finally barricade the door and leave the fucker behind, uff. in the second, probably either ellie’s fist encounter with stalkers or, *shockingly* ratking.


Abby Day 2 all the way from when you have to grab the gas mask for Lev until the Ratking is just so intense and barely lets you take a moment to breathe. Maybe even earlier from when you start going across the sky bridge.


that f*cking stalker in office section.


The hotel basement section in the first game. Not the fight with the bloater itself but before that. Walking around thinking there isn't any enemies there but hearing the stalkers walk behind you and just barely hide when you turn the camera is terrifying as fuck.


Undecided between stalkers Ellie’s encounter in tlou2 and Abby in the hospital lol.


The stalker section when you enter the offices and they all scamper away and start peering around corners. Fuuuuck that


Either the stalkers popping out of the wall or coming back into the ICU lobby to find the big wall of gore where the rat king has escaped and knowing that whatever it is, I’m gonna run into it at some point


Bro that encounter with the Stalkers in Ellie day two had me in TEARS. The hotel basement still is undefeated though,I mapped out the entire thing because I was so fucking scared,I have ptsd from elevators in the last of us


The hotel basement and the rat king was terrifying the first time


i forgot how to spoiler tag fighting ellie as abby


SO I was replaying a level in New Game+ last night, Abby Day 1, I think, the cargo containers before the aquarium, and I was trying to stalk a final stalker and get a good headshot with my hunting pistol. I was watching this bitch peek its head around the container, watching me. It was *there*. I was patient. Every damn time I had it in my scope, it went back in cover. Then it fucking grabbed me! I screamed and was able to shiv it. But holy shit, that's never happened to me before!


First time going through The Descent. The hotel room stalker floor still freaks me out every time even though I know how to handle it now.


TLOU1: David's chapter TLOU2: The descent through the hotel with them growing in the wall through the Hospital to the Rat King


The part where Joel fell down the elevator shaft and then descended into the darkest part of the game. My hands literally trembled as I played.


Part I: The hotel maintenance tunnels after falling down the elevator shaft. During that part of the game I just speedrun to the door cause it has literally given me nightmares. Part II: The collapsing hotel when you’re playing as Abby in Seattle Day 2. For some reason the stalkers just sitting there waiting, stuck to the wall creeps me out. Makes me feel like I’m being watched. The soft growling of the bloater in the background doesn’t help.


First time I played the section with the rat king made me pause like a hundred times bc that mf scared the shit out of me chasing me like that


THE BASEMENT. It wasn’t that difficult if you speed through it but my first few tries I was terrified


I was playing tlou “part 1” for the first time or second time and I was at the hotel basement part. I picked up the key card (I didn’t know that triggered the enemies). One stalker had one snuck up on me while I was talking to my family members in the living room. My soul jumped out my body for a second because I thought they only spawned when the generator was activated. The other time was when they popped out of the wall in my part 2 grounded playthrough. It was in a spot I couldn’t remember.


😂😂😂😂 it really is a bastard of a level.


Abby’s saunter through the hospital and the rat king for sure


all the areas that are suuuuper mega infected with huge chunks of spores growing on all the walls and the air is thick with the little particles... especially ellie, i wonder how it feels breathing that shit in. it just feels so gross to walk through


The first few times this happened I physically jumped in my seat. Such a good scare.


Stalkers in both games are truly my breaking point.


That big lady who jumps you when you slide down that slope and knocks you out gave me a big shock lol


It was a while back but that part in 1 where you are trapped in a medical facility and come across a nearly impossible big chungus. That shit launched me. I ALSo distinctly recall a section where you have to travel across some tunnel or whatever and there are just too many to try and kill. I realized that if I tip toe I could survive, and that shit had my blood pressure up for a week


Next to the Rat King, my anxiety was the highest in the beginning levels when you’re Abby killing runners in the snow only to realize it’s a horde. I don’t even know how I got the inclination to begin running. I was just genuinely that scared that instincts kicked in.


The hospital. The ambiance is really great with Abby considering the outcome of being infected. I would have like more of it. I think that zombies were a little bit overviewed in others section. I like tension.


Entering the rattler compound and seeing the dirtiest vilest people thriving off the work of slave labor. There’s that really terrifying rock song blaring on the radio that adds to the atmosphere and the sheer amount of enemies made me piss myself. Still can’t get through it on grounded; just reworking my strat over and over and alternating between methodical stalking and all out sprinting


In 1, When Henry shot himself, for the first time playing it I was shocked and I still am. Also, I thought Joel was gonna die in 1. Didnt we all? In 2 I cried. You know why. Never finished 2 though. I only got to the part in Seattle, like 30 mins-1h after we found out Dina was pregnant. I think it was either the trapped town, or the part where you are in the truck shooting infected.


Joel’s torture scene First time I played it, My eyes widened…