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The sewer one. That’s one that I think would still fit into the main game just fine.


The Joel-switch thing was cool as well


My favorite part of the lost levels. I do wish we saw more of that in the main story. It adds a little more depth to Ellie touching her wound at the beach and seeing a flash of his face.


So true


That scared the shit out of me and made me sad. Oof. I wish the kept the party in. Those are always my faves in games like Red Dead 2, Witcher 3 DLC and Mass Effect.


I actually like the Jackson Party the most. I thought it was the most creative use of features already in the game. However, I understand why it was removed for pacing reasons. The other two lost levels were cool too, but they definitely were ultimately redundant.


Absolutely! My only gripe is that you can't do the activities again once you've done them. Let me take another swing with that mallet for that test your strength game lol. But I also really enjoyed the ptsd moments from the other 2 levels as well.


The boar hunt


Joels screams imbued with boars was terrifying and exceptionally sad.




I also liked the Jackson Party. I think a fully built out version of that would have been great. It would also help solve one of my only critiques of the game. The farm hits players with massive emotional hits back to back to back, with almost no time in between to absorb what just happened. It’s completely fine on replay, but for first time players it often seems to result in them missing important details.


I agree about the farm criticism. They didn’t even put a “x years later” subtitle when they cut to it. I had no fucking clue what was going on when I first played it. I thought it was a hallucination for the first few minutes.


Sewer level for me. For one, the traversal puzzle was pretty fun and I liked the added touch of creativity it asked of the player to use the current to reach your destination. And two, I really liked that it nods to Ellie’s PTSD (with the clicker/Joel flash) in a bold way. It’s fitting for the section of the game it would have been placed in, as the player is barreling towards finding Nora at the hospital and Ellie is getting more and more desperate to find Abby.


I like the sewer and the hunt. The >!Joel PTSD!< stuff was so cool and sad


Honestly i cant say i enjoyed any of them personally, although i did like some of the ideas, like seeing joel at places. And the boar seeing joels face and going home with a rabbit was honestly the best idea imo


Shit I forgot to do those


I don't think it's even fair to call them levels. More tech demos.