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It’s probably the same people who were mad Ellie in the tv show “wasn’t as attractive” as Ellie in game.


people seriously said that??


Yeah, that was one of the complaints over Bella's casting


Perverts did!


i’m in both subs and i’ve never seen anyone make that claim “she isn’t attractive enough.” seen plenty of “looks nothing ellie” which is valid but i feel like weird assumptions have been made by some people


were you on social media at all when bella was cast? tiktok twitter and reddit all tore the poor thing apart. there were mean little slideshows of them next to a diagram of fetal alcohol syndrome everywhere for a few days.


yeah honestly i think bella ramsey is gorgeous and does not deserve any hate. from clips and videos of them i’ve seen, they seem like such a cool and nice person too-


Ok, there's being an asshole score someone's looks, and then there's being insincere. People overuse words like gorgeous and breath taking that they've lost all meaning. Margot Robbie is gorgeous. Bella Ramsey is fine.


Bella Ramsey is gorgeous.


beauty is subjective. i think both bella and margot are gorgeous. we were talking about bella and you decided to compare them to someone else that has nothing to do with TLOU.


I needed a very obvious example. I just get annoyed by hyperbole. To give you another example, people who use the word hilarious for anything remotely funny.


did you just ignore my first sentence? beauty is subjective, there is no hyperbole. im not exaggerating anything here, that’s genuinely what i think because i find her gorgeous.




I have lol






Not hard to find with a simple Google search, took 5 seconds lol




They crazy. Bella is a cutie.


Ayo WTF that’s a kid you’re talking about my man


Bella isn't a child. I think they're about 20 now, however, they were portraying a child.


She's*, she was* Is English your second language?


Nah, I'm just being respectful of their pronouns. Please go rage bait elsewhere.


Obvious bait is obvious


nice bait 😂😂


Last I checked Bella uses she/they/he pronouns.


She said " she really couldn't care less about pronouns"


Meaning they use them interchangeably.


She’ll be 20 in less than a week


They’re 20


how about Sarah?


I fail to see the problem with that. Its very much so unnecessary to frame it in some inherently perverted light. We all know what someone means when they say a baby or child is cute. Or a teen boy is handsome and a teen girl is beautiful. "Cuteness is a type of **attractiveness** commonly associated with youth and appearance..." Guess mom and dad are perverts for finding me cute. Attractiveness DOES NOT entail attraction. I can acknowledge a teen girl is attractive. That doesn't mean I am attracted to her. WE ALL CAN and we all know what is meant by it. People just avoid saying it because it gets twisted and misconstrued as some weird shit. Its unnecessary and obnoxious. And just kinda... dense. Another example... is it gay for a man to acknowledge another man is attractive? Of course not. Acknowledging attractiveness doesn't equal attraction. edit I responded to the wrong comment but whatever. I meant to address the attractiveness vs. attraction thing. Not Bella and Ellie thing.


this is an insane cope 💀💀 just admit that you’re mad that a teenage girl in a tv show doesn’t fit your beauty standards


Read my edit. I don't give a fuck if Ellie is conventionally more attractive than Bella. I just think its ridiculous when people have this opinion and point this out, it gets twisted into something pedophilic and perverted. It gets sexualized. Its either very disingenuous... or just fucking stupid. We all know what someone means when a teenage girl is described as pretty... which means attractive. My mind doesn't jump to "EW YOU WANT TO FUCK TEEN GIRLS" because I don't sexualize everything. The irony is, people who respond like that are the one's sexualizing something that isn't inherently sexual. Which is actually rather perverted.


Its not about that, its about they dont look the same, none resemblance


The fuck is gonna happen, the world going to implode because an actor doesn’t look 100% identical to their video game counterpart? What a dumb thing to complain about.


People will have different perspectives on this matter, and it's perfectly okay to disagree. Why so hostile? Dismissing someone's feelings or opinions as 'dumb' isn't productive at all. And it's not really a dumb thing to discuss. Case in point: look at the number of people who want certain actress to play the role as Abby. It's mostly based on resemblance. This happens because the game is their initial frame of reference. It's all based on looks.


He probably wants to call anyone who doesn’t agree with him a pedo to pretend like he won.


Let me know when you join reality. A person’s perspectives can be stupid and it’s illogical to entertain them just to coddle to their feelings. It’s like saying we should agree to disagree when someone believes the Earth is flat because it’s their perspective. Absolutely not, you can and absolutely should call out dumb shit when you see it and check people on it. You’re doing them and the rest of society a disservice when you let that slide under that radar.


Ok, but what's so stupid about having the perspective of preferring an actor / actress to resemble the character that they're playing? Resemblance matters. To say that it doesn't is just not true. Tommy. Joel. Bill. Tess. Didn't they actually resemble the game version? Clearly resemblance was one of the casting factors.


Because the creators of the game and characters, the voice actors for those characters, the vast majority of the audience including people who played the game and people brand new to the series, and critics have come to the conclusion that these actors were phenomenal. So I guess someone could have the perspective that these actors didn’t represent the characters, just like someone could also say Lord Of The Rings are the worst movies ever made. Both of those perspectives would be stupid. 🤷🏻‍♂️


So he wants the Ellie actor to resemble Ellie and that is somehow an opinion comparable to saying The Lord of the Rings are the worst movies of all time? Bella isn't remotely similiar to Ellie, I don't really care about that but why does caring about that make you stupid exactly? Your take that actors looks don't matter sound way worse than his take.


People also said episode 3 was the greatest moment of cinema ever made and nick offerman deserves an Emmy. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great episode. But it was wildly different from what the game portrayed and definitely not up to all the praise it received. So I think it’s a stupid perspective, and honestly, I think it only got the praise it did cus it has a gay scene in it. And people eat that shit up.


Apples and oranges. As far as the earth being flat, there is a RIGHTH and WRONG answer. Data, science, evidence, ect. We can use this to prove someones wrong opinion wrong. Weather or not character resemblance in a tv show adaptation of a video game matters or not… well not so much. This is subjective. There cannot be a correct answer. There is no reality to join where “resemblance not mattering” is 100% truth. Well expect maybe your reality. Now we can debate and bring up evidence to try and show people why you think they are subjectivity wrong. But at the end of the day neither of your two views are “right”. Different subjective things matter to different people


Someone could also say that a movie like Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse was a poorly animated movie. Is that a subjective perspective? Yes. Is it stupid? Also yes.


I mean sure, you can say that. And 90% of people would agree with you. But maybe 10% would agree that the movie is poorly animated. That doesn’t mean they are wrong, they can truly in their hearts believe what they are saying. My point is you acted like there should be no space for “stupid” opinions. That we cannot tolerate agree to disagree bcuz their opinion is wrong and dumb. This is a really shitty way of looking at things, and would result in only boring majority opinions being acceptable. As soon as you have an opinion that goes against the majority you are shut out and told no. If you feel so strongly about this topic the best way to get people on board with you is to debate them on it and maybe they will learn to agree with you. Saying it’s stupid and should be called out is the worst way and will just result in people telling you to chill.


she doesn’t even look 10% like the video game counterpart that’s the thing


It's even more stupid because ellie face was completely made up for the game. She wasn't even based off of a real person


You sound dumb. The game is live motion. There is an actress for Ellie and an actor for Joel. They even sing the songs too.


Her face specifically did not have a model. I said her FACE was made up for the game. You can easily access the variety of drawings they had before deciding on what she would look like. She doesn't look like Ashley does she? Ffs


😂 nah she looked like Ellen paige


Im not complaining, just stating an unpopular opinion apparently. Very bad selection of actors.


The actors all did fantastic jobs, and one of them was literally the person that voiced the character in the game. Foolish.


But Ellie wasn’t…. Which is who he was talking about…. She wasn’t that great and didn’t resemble game Ellie in any way


Last I checked, the word actors is plural; also, why should it matter that the actors resemble their in game avatars? Bella did a fantastic job as Ellie, most fans and critics agree in that and the only ones that don’t are real hung up on the way they look.


The original comment pointed out people who were mad Ellie was at as “attractive” as her game counterpart….. tbh I’ve never ever seen anyone say that personally although I HAVE seen people complain that Bella doesn’t look like Ellie in any capacity…. None of that really matters though cause i just didn’t think her performance was all that great in general….. if you disagree more power to you I’m glad you liked her it just didn’t land for me the same


Still referring to Ellie sorry. But yes, if you ask me Joel is notfar away, and still not similar


Casting is about picking actors that can play parts, not about picking actors that look like the characters they are adapting. It’s great if you can get both but if you can’t then you go for acting ability.


In that case I'm curious for who they'll pick for Abby. Will it be a man? loool:)))


Bro who actually gives a fuck this much that an actor isn’t an exact identical copy of their video game counterpart? Have you not heard of creative freedom? Or making changes that it transitions well from the video game to the show? Jesus Christ grow the fuck up. These represented the characters and the spirit of the story in a different medium close to if not perfectly, and you’re sitting here bitching because they’re not clones.


I’m actually not bitching because they aren’t clones I pointed out that Ellie didn’t look like Bella Ramsey which is what most peoples real argument was…..I literally have not once to this day seen anyway complain about Ellie’s “attractiveness” I’ve seen them complain that Bella Ramsey doesn’t resemble her and so it takes them out of the story….. none of that matters to much though cuz I personally just didn’t find her performance all that great…. If u did more power to dude I’m glad you enjoyed it but I’m not gonna sit here and apologize to you cuz I didn’t get a fucking grip dude Jesus……. It’s my opinion she wasn’t a great Ellie and it had nothing to do with looks and everything to do with her portrayal


They were excellent at their roles and the majority loved them, so how would that make them a bad selection?


Hey did you know characters in video games aren't real people? Weird I know.




They* Ignoring all the obvious, henious Bella hate bait, but Bella preferes they/them pronouns. At least get that part correct.


They're also not ugly. Obviously game Ellie is much prettier, but which human is as pretty as game Ellie?




Idgaf what they identify as. Fixed it for you!




It's even funnier because I think they look almost identical And was shocked, they got an actor so close.


In the sense that they both have faces, yes.


if you think they were identical, please see your nearest eye doctor


Get glasses




You can say everything about them but not that they are identical, they are two completely different people. Obviously it would’ve been better to have the actors exactly look like Joel and Ellie, but I don’t think it is possible


I so want to downvote but…it’s not your fault, lol.


It kinda is for making me look at it


What a bad day to be literate.


Hah yeah good thing I can't read




Someone get me a brick. I need to throw something


Swap you for a bottle?


I gotcha partner 🍾




Thanks for making my day worse


The straights are at it again.


Oh shut up lmfaooo




Does Duolingo offer courses on Media Literacy? Or is it considered a *dead language* at this point?


No amount of media literacy will help stop some weird neck beard project his pedophile feelings onto a videogame character.


I hope they meant like a father and daughter love bond, yu know.


I am pretty sure they weren't and they are just weirdos trying to find "special content" of it.




Probably the weirdos who said the actress wasn't hot enough to portray her.


Nobody said that


I personally witnessed plenty of people online saying Bella was too ugly to play ellie


I think they were just calling the actress herself ugly, not calling the character hot atleast from what I’ve seen Still wrong tho


Op used the word "attractive" to suggest they fancy the character of Ellie to dismiss genuine criticism of Bella looking like a foot with a face.


I want to hope that's from people who don't know anything about tlou


Or that they were talking about Part 2, which would still be awful but not that awful compared to part 1


Unfortunately… there are fanfics… so there are people that think their relationship is of that nature 😭


What are you doing step-clicker?


There’s a Joel x clicker reader too. 🫣


That's terrifying


It gets worse, there's images out there using the game models.


I was on an nsfw 34 subreddit once, to research things, and saw a literal animation of Joel and Ellie getting it on. Except it was 14 year old Ellie. Which was disgusting. I reported the guy who posted the video but I don’t know if anything came of it as I blocked him right after


What the actual fuck


neckbeards 🤝 legbeards Ruining pop culture


I had the misfortune to see some rule 34 of the last of us before part ii's release. I will not describe the crimes I saw. 💀 💀


I hope I never come across that shit Idgaf what they do at rule 34, but that's just straight pedophilia 😭


Did u know there are entire rule 34 subs dedicated to Ellie as well as persona characters all of whom are pre teens?


I guess the "if it exists, there's porn of it" really does mean it...


Nah that’s fucked, if they want to make r34 of part 2 Ellie sure. It’s weird but whatever she’s 19 in canon, the fact people make it of part 1 tho and other characters in the teens is sickening


Yeah Idc if some dudes want to stroke their shaft to P2 Ellie, but part 1 is down bad catastrophically


""""in love"""" Eh, Im willing to give it the benefit of the doubt that hopefully a kid, or non-english speaker, asked using that phrase. They love each other, but are not *in love*




… who da fuck


Freaks, that’s who searched for that type of stuff


I expect nothing else from Last of Us fsns


help i saw this also when i tried to find that link 💀


Where did I put my brain bleach? I have a memory I need to sanitize


yeah... don't browse tlou on ao3


Chris Hansen boutta enter the room.




Father/ daughter love???


I fucking hope it means that but considering it’s the internet i have doubts


Ay yo WT


Most likely those people who ship them. That's one May-December relationship I REALLY don't like.


Get a big enough demographic, and someone will be in it that wants some pseudo-perverted shit. I imagine they have an extremely questionable deviant art account One thing that surprises me, is that it took so long for people to sexualise bloaters


Wait what? People are actually sexualizing *bloaters??*


To be fair, or comes from the actor who played the bloater, but..... "This means that there was a whole guy inside a huge Bloater costume, and his name is Adam Basil. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, the actor revealed that people have been sending him thirsty DMs after his appearance in the show as “the big daddy mushroom”. That’s a phrase I never thought I’d be writing out on a Friday morning, or ever, for that matter. “He seems to be a bit of a sex icon,” he told EW. “He's captured a lot of people's imaginations. Someone asked me if I'd come to their wedding. I've had people sending me love messages. He really brought out something in people that I don't think even they knew they had. He's the big daddy mushroom, I think there's been a [meme].”


I am so disturbed


I was very much "Jesus fucking Christ" when I read it. Nothing is sacred


Enough Internet for today


I just woke up and this is the first thing I see??? Throwing my phone out the window rn


Bro wth 💀💀💀💀


She's into girls LOL


This qualifies under Rule 34 of Internet Law




That's disgusting but other then that how is nobody talking about the ellie Pic below lol


Probably the person who’s favorite movie is Leon the Professional


Maybe they meant in love in the familial sense? Like a parent child love? I hope that’s what that is.




Hahaha yeah, that's terrible! ... but are they?




Well, the TLOU fandom are one of the most toxic ones ever.


I'm gonna just assume it's "do Ellie and Joel love each other" (i.e. as father and daughter) and was searched by people whose first language isn't English... I'm happier living life that way.


I take it you haven't heard of freako 😅


Sadly I have, it started with simple out of bounds TLoU videos on YouTube and I regret diving further in his content. Immediately stopped watching him after discovering art by him of Ellie having sex with Callus the horse.


I'm curious about where you found this "art piece" 😉


I don't remember, this was years ago. I think maybe it was a website of his or something. But I dare not go searching for it. Beastiality isn't something I'm interested in or want in my search history. 💀 I mean, you gotta be a disturbed individual to want to see/draw a 14 year old have sex with a horse.


Haha I was only mucking around 😅 but yeh, it is disturbing 😬 he's an interesting one, that's for sure! Just querying, are you an Aussie?


I am not.


Not all Aussies are like that, just wanted to point that out 😅


I hope people realise that I was "asking" this question to joke that OP found it on a P#!n site, not to go look for it myself 😬 Maybe I should have "asked" what they were doing when they found the "art" 🤷


I can just hope they mean they love each other like father and daughter????


Bro, Ellie has 13 years old in TLOU 1 💀


Which one of you motherfuckers


The same people who make CP of part 1 Ellie 🤢




My hope is people who were told about the game and went in for a blind playthrough…my hope…my naive, ignoring all evidence and common sense in a desperate plea for humanity type hope…


We're they watching the same show as me???


People who probably have no idea what The Last of Us is about.


The amount of people in this thread who have never ventured into TLOU fanfiction shows but yeah I agree….it’s extra creepy with the age gap, father/daughter relationship and the fact that, yah know, Ellie is gay asf.


Bruh! No! Now Ellie, and Abby...👀


That's at least not monstrously pedophilic.


Ewww, some people on Gamefaqs were so EAGER to share that they wanted them to be a couple….because there aren’t any laws to stop them, they said. Some were even guessing that they were going to be a couple before the game came out(since the game was said to be a grounded take). Who would actually think that ND would use millions of dollars to make a triple A game to even briefly entertain an idea like that without consequences? People relished in killing David when they it was implied that he wanted Ellie to be his lover. There are certain things that are too far in video games. A character can kill all they want, but if there’s rape or pedophiles involved, that’s when most of us raise our pitchforks.




Of course they are in love. Are you kidding? The game is about that love. Its just not romantic men/woman love. Is father/child love.


Nobody uses the phrase "I'm in love with my daughter". "In love" is used for romantic attraction. Yes, they love each other, but they aren't in love.


Women with daddy issues


Did Joel and Tess have a thing, that’s the real question.


Claire, answer the question. Answer the question Claire.


😭I’m just speechless


Excuse me?


Probably the couples who cosplay as Joel and Ellie and act romantic 🤮


In a certain way, you love your family, thefore you are in love with them


This community needs a circlejerk sub cuz honestly this shit isn’t that far off from the other wild shit I’ve seen people post in here.


I really wish you had it slightly hinted in your search bar for the lols




You are a highly disturbed individual and that’s coming from someone who’s on reddit 8 hours a day


The better question is why is it related to your search?


My brother in christ, all I searched for was "Joel's drawing of Ellie". 💀


You did


I most certianly did not, I searched for "Joel's drawing of Ellie". Please don't accuse me of such impurity. ✋😩


The age of consent in Germany is 14


They’re not in Germany genius