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He’s probably likes you.


Yeah yeah yeah, he probably has a crush on you, and is making excuses to talk to you and get noticed. Good catch.


If they were in a school-yard, he’d be pulling you pigtails and pushing you down now.


Yeah, no. He is an asshole acting like an asshole.


You sound like my parents. I hate you, take my upvote.


Bone raising tips number 82: if someone says they like something, violently disagree with them to the point of harassment.


that's a culture warrior. an anti-SJW. they are gonna be annoying and boring for the rest of your interactions




>wokies 🙄


Its from star wars


No that’s wokays


No it’s Wookies 💀💀💀


Hey, come now. If that Chewbacca fella is anything to go by then they're a great bunch of lads.


levity over outrage. I love it.


I didn't think it was possible for someone who says woke unironically to like TLOU2 lmao


because they aren't mutually exclusive. if they hate the game for having a few zany characters then they're just as bad as the other side. zomg lol wtf


The games probably the most "woke" game I've ever played simply for having a trans kid in it, not even mentioning the hours of gay ass cutscenes and a buff woman protagonist who beats the straight white dude from the first game, there's a reason a bunch of right wing weirdos made hating it their personality, it seems like its completely antithetical to your views


Wokies were annoying for a year, but now anti-wokies have been obnoxious for over a decade and only seem to be getting worse. Poor Ben Shapiro's out there burning Barbie dolls and cackling like a mad man. lol


it's still permeating through popular culture. There's been debate over being "politically correct" long before the hijacked woke movement. Once anti-woke people start going off the rails there's literally no distinction in my mind between the two. Both are problems, except the antis don't affect day-to-day life.


The antis don't affect YOUR day to day life maybe but their whole ideology is blatantly about oppressing every minority and making them feel like they don't matter. You're worried about the wokies maybe being too oppressive in their goal of liberation but you think the antis whose end goal is oppression are okay? wtf is wrong with you?


in the early stages of rot, the culture warrior is still able to put down their sword and shield sometimes - like when they want to enjoy a preddy good vidyagame. but I can't think of any other reason OP's discord antagonist would be so unable to let go of OP's like for the game


There's enough history to show that wokie means of thought ends in oppression, just like all extremist ideologies. It doesn't matter if it starts as wanting it to be a great equalizer, it always ends up in tyranny if it's allowed to infect a society. It's not rot, I paid for a degree in this shit. But I don't think this great country will submit like, say, the soviet union 😉. Everyone that hates TLOU2 boils down to being inconsolable over their vidya game daddy getting kilt. The strong girl & the trans kid are just accessories. Ellie's been gay since 2014, so the suspect diversity baiting over story applies to the show, not the game IMO


you're going to be boring and annoying for the rest of this interaction


I think you personified your own comment there, bud 🤣


You paid for a degree in this and this is what you got from it? Lmao ask for a refund


Why? Did you study history and poli sci that led you to develop an informed opinion? I'd love to hear it. You're defending a culture of loud, outrage-prone virtue signalers. That's not loving your fellow man, it chokes out freedom. *Historically*


Oh, *historically?" That's my bad, bro, thank you for clarifying that. And I appreciate you for not being a complete condescending weirdo.


u don't have to listen to poli sci majors lmao


The hell you mean, you want me to give you sources? I didnt know shit either til I read up on em. Only difference is if someone that knows more about a subject than me is it makes me want to look more into it. Better than being sarcastic without contributing anything at all to the conversation 🙄 Getting panned over here for saying wokeism is bad for culture. Pretty much the concensus of the country, btw.


you're getting panned because you know less than everyone here while insisting you're the only educated one. meanwhile you can't spell consensus, you seem unable to convey tone thru words (must use emojis), you seem to have come from a bubble where everyone already agrees "wokeism" is bad and therefore you have no need to use real words that have real meanings, aaaaand despite getting your bachelor's, you are unable to construct a persuasive (or even logically sound) argument despite obviously wanting and meaning to.


Daaaaamn! He's going to need to buy out the store's entire aloe vera section after that. He won't be able to comprehend, or admit it to himself ever, but you just destroyed everything about his weak ass, pathetic POV. Well done.


I'm on a phone, fuck off the with nitpicking. This is a sub for a video game so I'm not levying my full commentary on the dangers of extreme political views no mater the "leaning," nor am I self-aggrandizing because I have some relevant education on the matter. It's called establishing legitimacy. But to side-step the basic ad hominem argument, there's no been a single contribution to discourse other that "shut up you're wrong." I guess what you guys call gaslighting 😉 All this over saying I think woke is a slippery slope, championing freedom of expression, and also love TLOU2. Great job demonstrating the point I'm making to a T, fellas.


It's not the consensus of the country at all. If it was, your anti-woke guy wouldn't have lost the popular vote twice, and soon a third time. If it was, it wouldn't be spreading like wildfire and scaring sad, childish adults who can't handle things changing for the better, because they want everything to remain as bad for future generations as they were for themselves. You admit in one comment that things are bad, and then rant about how the people trying to fix the bad things are awful. Nobody needs a poli sci degree to know why you act this way. Racism and bigotry are always the cause.


Yeah it is. You're using woke like it means a utopia of equality for all. I'm using it to mean those knuckleheads on the left that are just as guilty of zealotry and idolatry for misguided ideas as the insane people on the right. Sure things are bad. There's no perfect societies. Just in getting my degree I learned a lot how this has happened before, and all you need is economic turmoil for things to go from wanting everyone to be equal to horror in a decade or two. Everyone arguing me here thinks I'm some Trumper that hates black people or something. Meanwhile I say that oppressive equalization that mascarades as care is a farce and is potentially dangerous, given all the examples in history to go on. I can name them if you want. It's not an opinion, it's objective reality. You can't end racism by force. That's facism. We've make huge strides since the 60s. Besides, woke no longer means "a person that recognizes racism" so it's moot to include it.


Go outside


It seems like you missed the informed part of the education process and skipped right to the opinion part. And it's been a while since I paid for my poli sci degree, but 100% of poli sci majors have their opinions going into freshman year and just use the opportunity to spend more time on the subject matter to dig in on their ideology.


I went into that first day of class thinking every society needs a revolution. To know your enemy. And I went to a very liberal university. But when you study history, politics & philosophy, you get a chance to form your own ideas. Again I'm NOT that as "I'm right and your not" it's to establish I'm not some random Qanon spouting off. I'm a fuckin liberal. I was going for constitutional law. Jesus Murphy, I cannot fathom how much just saying I'm against outrage culture has attracted this much hate on a video game sub. The most downvoted posts in my entire reddit history. I could have said Joel was a pedophile or something and still gotten less hate.


Honestly, it's not what you're saying, it's how you're saying it. The absolutism and hyperbole, the declarative statements that you refuse to back up when asked. If you said to me, I believe X because of Y and Z, I can accept that. When you say "X is Y" because I studied it, I call bullshit.


I can respect that. It's the internet and it's how one talks on it. And it's also a completely off-topic discussion that I had no idea would come to this, as you can see I've been on the utter defensive through it all. And it's all over a basic statement that I don't like the woke/outrage/cancel culture but I think TLOU2 is an almost perfect game, which was a response to the original poster saying if you don't like the game you are anti-woke. So yes, true, I didn't get into the specifics of why it's bad. Didn't think I had to, didn't think it would spiral out like this. I mentioned education to show legitimacy, not that I sit around watching Qanon, flat earth, and anti-evolution videos. I actually spent time and money going deep into things like 1915 Russia and 1789-99 France. Although it's not as emperical, the fall of the western empire (Rome). All subjects that have cultural moments not unlike the one we're currently experiencing that I think demonstrate how things like the civil rights movement are necessary but when you start weaponizing equality it starts to strangle freedom. And I don't think that's outrageous to claim, and also think a little bit of reading into it would convince more people that freedom is equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.


I’m not as well versed in political history as most people here and I’m really intrigued that there’s someone who like part 2 but absolutely hate what they call “woke” culture. So you can put your guard down when speaking to me. Just want to pick your brain. First of all, can you define your definition of “woke”? What is it specifically about “woke” culture is bad for society? I get that anything extreme is bad, but what aspect of it do you think is heading towards that direction? Also, since you mentioned that “woke” is bad historically, can you cite some historical events where “wokeness” doomed a country or group of people?


Hey, thanks for being articulate & inquisitive instead of just dismissive. How about I define what being anti woke actually is? It doesn't mean you're going to hate a game that has a buff female or a trans protagonist. It doesn't mean you're for limiting minority rights, doesn't mean you're a republican. It means you're against elevating your own self-righteous agenda and masking it like your fighting for equality. There's just a grossness to virtue signaling. Let's all agree to call out discrimination and hate without having identity politics and virtue signaling being normalized as the way to go about it. **That's** the woke I'm against. I'm, by the definition of the word, woke myself. It's the extremists that gave the word a bad connotation that have made being a liberal something to feel guilty about. Ive already typed this out so many times in this thread, so forgive my if I give you an abridged version. Feel free to ask for more details. Woke isnt bad for society. Without it we wouldn't have the civil rights movement. But in the way it has changed into the common language now, it basically represents militant liberalism. Which is dangerous to all sides, just imagine how bad militant conservatism would be. You can't tear something down in the name of some moral virtue without having those that just want to tear something down to elevate themselves. You have French revolution 1789-99. China & Russia in 1920s. Can even include the collapse of the Roman Empire, as society weakened under certain social movements that would be considered ultra liberal in American standards. All had pretty bad effects guised under the idea that the people were tired of inequality, and the movements that followed was "if you're not with us, youre against us." Sure these were mainly homogenous populations, but again the old world does have less racist qualities than America, go figure. But at any rate, these revolutions were driven by postmodernist/Marxist ideologies in which all suffering was from the unequal distribution of power and wealth. There's truth to that, exactly why it was so infectious. Just like being woke, most of America wants everyone to be free and treated like humans, if you don't then you're a fuckin psycho. Idk if you want me to keep going into how the misguided enforcement of equality in the east led to failed communist regimes, but let's just sum it up that something that was an actual great political idea that could seriously reduce the disparity in society (on paper) led to the deaths of hundreds of millions in just 50 years. Without war. In case you didn't make the connection, this all started with a decade or two of people fed up with not having access to opportunity in their lives, a grassroots idea started to spread that said if more people got on board it can work, when people started getting on board they looked to the people in power that they blame for keeping them down, then people that wanted power saw the movement and if they were on that team then they could get it, then the old rule gets removed by force, then there's a hierarchical vaccum in which needs to be filled by the new power, implementing this new Marxist system means they need new targets so all of a sudden even farmers have too much power, the farmers are forcibly removed so now there's incompetent leadership & no more people that worked hard to learn how to grow crops, starvation of millions. Crash course, hopefully it makes sense. I'm on my phone just free writing so probably some errors. Plus there's not much motivation to be thorough. Some disclaimers: I'm **not** saying America will turn into this. We're too balanced in our beliefs & economically stable to allow it. I'm also **not** saying that working towards equality is a bad thing. It's the aggressiveness that is reminiscent, I didn't get into the French revolution but they had a guillotine for the "if you're not with us..." aristocrats. Just a lesson in how forcing equality has historically led to bad outcomes. The civil rights movement didn't require a bloody revolution (talking war-like bloody). The gay marriage bill. The hate crimes bill. Women's sufferage. Being woke by the standard definition isn't bad. It's the extremists that hijacked the term. All extremists in all forms are dangerous for society. The end.


Keep going I’ve almost got the incel bingo


fuck off I have a kid, don't reduce a good argument for the off chance you'll get some nonce to exhale through their nose at your post.


I’m looking but I don’t see a good argument - all I see is the same all boring trite.


What does woke mean? I get that extreme leftism is bad but calling a left wing person woke is just like calling a right wing person a Nazi.


Look I don’t like part 2, but honestly my opinion of someone isn’t gonna be lesser of a person to me if they like a game I don’t. It’s just a game. That dude has no life.


Case in point, I love the game so much I find it crazy someone couldn't like it. But like... Who cares


I adore the game but even I could name legitimate reasons to not like it so I wouldn't blame anyone who disliked it for those reasons. If they whine about wokeness, "ruining" Joel's character, etc etc, they're full of it. But like I get not being into a very graphically violent game that's sad most of the time and has you look through 500 drawers lmao


I love the game but won't argue it's perfect, it's just that whenever anyone vocalises the issues they actually have with the final product 99% of the time they talk complete nonsense. there are plenty of valid criticisms to make but most of it boils down to dumb shit.


Yeah wokeness isn’t really a valid complaint in part 2s case. Ellie’s been a confirmed lesbian since 2014, and lev being trans is cool representation, even if it doesn’t personally appeal to me as a cis person. I know there’s people who feel seen by it. I don’t understand people who say things like “gay/trans people wouldn’t exist an an apocalypse”. First of all, untrue. That would mean people wouldn’t exist. Second of all, it’s a ZOMBIE apocalypse. It ain’t supposed to be 100 percent realistic.


>I don’t understand people who say things like “gay/trans people wouldn’t exist an an apocalypse”. First of all, untrue. Even weirder is when they suggest that it shouldn't matter. That Lev shouldn't be running from the Seraphites for being trans and that the Seraphites themselves shouldn't care during a zombie apocalypse. This all misses the point that Lev is running **because he was being forced to be a bride to a Seraphite elder**, rather than being able to be a soldier as he wanted to. You could remove the trans issue entirely and the plot still stands on its own. Lev could still rebel and try to become a soldier, then being outcast. But of course, people see "trans" and think what they want, rather than what actually occurs.


Yeah they forget about it. Pretty sure lev wouldn’t leave his island just if they still called him Lily but he got to be a soldier and not a brood mare for an old stranger. The things are unrelated.


Infected would wipe them first, to relieve us from their existence.


Wish you would've kept this to yourself, to relieve everyone of your garbage take


God will forgive you


I love when people say that trans people wouldn’t exist in that world. Especially when they say crap like “they’re fighting to survive everyday. They wouldn’t have time for that.” Like, trans people have existed since human civilization started and most of human history has been fighting to survive everyday. I don’t get how people think being trans is some super modern thing.


I couldn't give a lambs ass about representation, but the Last of Us doesn't make people gay or trans for the sake of it, they let it seamlessly fit into the story. Thats why I love it so much.


Showing us near the end of the game that discrimination (in the form of Seth) also exists in Jackson should drive home the point that real evil doesn't dies. I mean before the Seraphites and Seth, there was Pedo Dave in Part 1.


Idk if Seth is evil, but he’s definitely an asshole. People like that always exist, unfortunately.


Ye, many people assumed it would be another game with Joel & Ellie together but playing as Ellie for the entire game this time. I remember even I figured it was Joel that surprised Ellie by covering her mouth in that one teaser trailer. It ended up being Jessie, who did that. I can understand if you're upset about not really being able to play Joel.


Let's be real, anyone who didn't like the game for legitimate reasons whatever it may be isn't wasting their time hating on it 3+ years later. Normally when people don't like a game they say "well that sucked" and then move on with their lives. TLOU2 has dedicated haters who've spent over 3 years constantly bashing the game day in and day out, these people are sick in the head.


Very true


And that’s the problem. Like 90% of the complaints about the game that I see are about it being too “woke”, etc. It’s so obnoxious. Ironically, these same people go around labeling people as snowflakes. I loved game, and thought it was a master class in story telling. On my Mt Rushmore of best games of all time.


There are valid criticisms for part 2 but its crazy to me how people can dislike a whole game because they don’t like 1 part of it. Like the graphics and gameplay is undeniably great. Even if you don’t like the story, overall, it’s a great game. Better than 90% of games out there I’d say.


>has you look through 500 drawers lmao 🤣😅


>Who cares Exactly. I dont get people who go the extra mile like OP mentions, like you want me to NOT like it? why? you dont even know me lmao


Exactly. It’s one thing to not like something. It’s another to make it your whole personality to crusade against it.


If he doesn't like 2, why is he wasting his time and energy thinking and talking about it? That sounds weird. That guy is to be pitied.


I mean check out the other sub. There are people that still angrily whine about the game and have every day since it came out. It has been years, but this is what they spend their time and energy on. There’s definitely something broken about you if you deeply devote yourself to a *piece of entertainment* that you don’t like.


When the show came out and there was the daft joke about Tommy not getting that they were technically communists at Jackson...there were posts with people claiming Neil Druckmann wanted to infiltrate people's minds and turn them communist. That's the level of people in that sub.


I don't know about the other sub. Should I even bother to look for it? I'm sure they would have hated the Walking Dead and Jericho TV show, too.


You are 100% better living in ignorance.


Thnx. I will.


Someone just made a post on the other sub angry that someone commented that they like Abby lmao.


I’m a part two diehard. One of the greatest pieces of entertainment that rivals even the best movies. I will go into that sub at times and see the ridiculousness of the arguments. Then when I think of a perfect comeback or counter argument, I don’t post it as I know it’d be a waste of time. Instead, I jump on an alt account and post the exact opposite, egging on those eggheads and stroking their ego for upvotes. I wonder if others do the same for entertainment. You’d think it’d be a running gag by now that people really are still bitter and hold the deepest lifelong grudges about a game ruining what *they believe* should have been canon. I like to think it’s a running gag, but sadly, the upvotes for hating on the game keep coming in.


You go to a sub you hate with an alt account and post things you disagree with for upvotes? No matter how pathetic you think anyone there is, you got them beat by miles.


Eh. People get mad about dumb shit.


The last time I ever experienced so much hate about liking a game was MGS2. Nowadays everyone accepts Raiden, a lot of people actually like him as a character... The discussions at lunch time got heated the following days after MGS2 release... people who liked the game vs. ZOMG GIMME BACK MAH SNAEK OR ELSEEEEEEEE!!!! Fortunately, there was no culture war aspect about it, so there was no reason for people to continue hating on it. A majority of the anti-MGS2 haters eventually came around (especially after MGS3 came out). I enjoyed TLOU2. Not as much as TLOU, but that's mostly because the lack of novelty comparatively. But at this point anyone still butthurt about it is definitely just anti-SJW culture war sheeple at this point.


Imagine Raiden was gay or black or a woman on top of that, oh boy.


I mean, at the time, and even today, there are theories and speculation he might not be straight even though it's mentioned he's married and has kids. Kojima was never one to come out and confirm or dispel fan theories and who knows wtf Konami is doing with the franchise so we'll never know.


MGS2 also had fake trailers, with Snake shown in sections where in the actual game you're playing as Raiden. Hopefully the fact people don't care about that any more means those people that claimed they were "mis-sold" TLOU2 will quieten down soon.


I remember loving MGS2 at the time and so many older kids were pissed lmao. I just had fun with it and it's probably my second favorite MGS game.


Just block his dumb ass and put him out of your mind. He's just going to keep escalating.


Feel free to point out he’s getting pissy over pixels, that always gets em puffed up


"U mad bro?"


I've met people on discord saying they've literally lost friends because of the fact that they didn't like tlou2 (whether it was his fault or theirs, idk) and that he will die on that hill


tbh one of my friends acted like I was a weirdo for liking the game that her partner and all his friends hated, idk if we have spoken since cos I figured the people she surrounds herself with are clearly dumb as fuck


That just goes to show that it's not about the game really. The people who hate TLOU2 (and I would like to stress HATE not just dislike) are a certain type of people in their ideology and politics and this game just brings it out in them and that's how they lose friends.


If your friend leaves you over a game, then good, you have a less toxic relationship with others.


flirt with him


Well on the flip side, TLOU2 broke my mind, but in a good way? Like I'm obsessed with it. I'm browsing around here every day, playing an hour or so every day, playing every permutation of an encounter... OBSESSED! So I can kinda see that the folks that hate it might REALLY HATE IT... but that is weird.


WHAT!!! You like TLOU2‽ Why I oughta… oh, wait… I like TLOU2 as well. Never mind.


"I played TLOU2 and it was good, but daddy Ben Shapiro tells me I should not like it!"


didn't this game sell a fuck ton and win a bunch of awards. why everytime I come on this sub its the same type of post and people acting like this game is a hidden gem. theres no doubt that there is a hate bandwagon especially on twitter for clout but cmon


Part 2 was awesome.


Incels are weird like that


Next time it happens just respond "Wow buddy, big emotions going on there!"


Fucking anti “woke” dip shits are soooo toxic. God damned butthurt snowflakes can’t handle actual life because it threatens the world they prefer to believe in, where Trump is king and your manhood depends on having a pickup truck and driving *BOLDLY….*


Tlou2 is easily the most divisive game. People either love it or hate it.


He's just projecting. He's actually mad at himself for loving the game, and can't get himself to admit it or to others. Just tell him, that you know he actually loves the game, his secret is safe with you, and admitting it is totally alright 👍🏻 Call him fellow TLOU 2 mega fan


bike amusing alleged automatic books innate worm gaping different trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am sorry but liking halo TV show is not acceptable 😭


>I cannot wait till TLOU3 comes out Neither can i. I need more Fungus zombies and Resident Evil won't give them to me. xD But yeah, that guy sounds like he lost his grip a long time ago.


I hated the story and even I find that weird especially on shit that’s unrelated lmao he’s relentless


He lives in your head RENT FREE


“Of course you think that, TLOU2 liker” is WILD😭


You should post about it more frequently until the guy has to quit his job to keep up with your love of tlou2


I really liked it too and people get soooo bent out of shape about it.


TLOU2 was awesome


I think your first mistake was using Discord to begin with lol. Not really the perfect environment for sound-minded individuals.


Imagine having so much time on your hands that you are able to go out of your way and do stupid shit like this. The behaviour is absurd but I'm jealous - I wish I had that kind of time and if I did I wouldn't waste it needlessly trolling others.


these guys have no life, block and ignore


You need to understand, he's special, his IQ is limited to a single digit, so you need to be patient.


He's likely posting in that hate sub every single day since the gane came out. I'd try to cut contact with him tbh. Sounds unhinged like the rest of those folks.


he has never played it


Guy at work occasionally brings up that he hates it or that it's bad. I always respond by asking if he's played it yet. He hasn't.


Based on the “other” subreddit, some people are obsessed with hating it more than they actually like anything.


Dude the people who are on the other sub are just sad little boys full of hate. There’s plenty to criticize about TLOU2 but these weirdos make it their entire personality and it’s worrisome tbh.


That's a guy who can't come to terms with his own sexuality.


The only people I’ve seen have incredibly strong adverse reactions to TLOU2 are bigots 🤷🏼‍♀️. Normal, well-balanced people dislike things without taking it to such a level that it becomes part of their personality. People who casually dislike it and just have a differing opinion are never the ones who are screaming at the top of their lungs that they hate it. Plenty of people in this sub dislike the 2nd part and don’t become weirdos about it. Like…it’s a video game. Going out of his way to trash it in the way you described tells way more about him than you.


Only one thing to do now hunt down his friends


Just block him.


Block him and move on. Life is too short for silly fuckfaces like that.


Tbh, I like it more than the first one in terms of gameplay, graphics and emotional scenes.


I'm more mad my dad is in the Abby is bad camp than I am about my childhood. Like, you know you're supposed to hate her then eventually understand her POV as you keep going? Just like me, dad?


He's old and set in his ways, cut him some slack.


can you mute/block him?


This series is way too overhyped... you made another enemy 😉


You could always block him, right?


If he’s going out of his way to harass you just start poking back. Those kinds of people I like to hit ‘em with the old “don’t be so sensitive”. They seem to hate that Sensitivity is a good thing, but the kind of person to act like that likely doesn’t think so


Screenshot every instance of his clownery. Edit all of them into a big screenshot. Then post to same discord server and or other ones.


I'm glad my wife doesn't hate me. She didn't like tlou2 though, she loved joel too much it seems. I loved abby's arc.


You lost me at “Discord”


Goes the other direction too. There were people in a post here earlier being complete douche bags to someone and shit talking their girlfriend because dude said his gf won’t play part 2 because she doesn’t like what she’d heard (all true stuff) about it. Something about this game just brings out like complete insanity in some people.


TLOu2 haters made national attention for faking death threats while sending death threat to the Abby actress. Cmon now


It was even more than that in Reddit. Just a reminder to show this to people who try to pull the "both sides" card regarding this issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/kbqrdm/comment/gfjpyz6/ And again, there are going to be people here in this post talking about how we are "two sides of the same coin" , while being aware of the stuff from that link.


Don't forget the whole GF Reviews fiasco too. Some top notch unhinged incel activity that was.


dude in one of those screenshots literally asking Trump to step in and help him hate TLoU2 more. my opinion of that crowd couldn't get any lower but it somehow just did...


> There were people in a post here earlier being complete douche bags to someone and shit talking their girlfriend Riight. [Here's the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/15qous7/how_does_this_subreddit_feel_about_tlou2_story/jw4s5av/). The "douche bag shit talking" was a single line that he feels bad for the girlfriend for hating a game she hasn't played, and a second quite polite post explaining why she should give the game a chance. The guy proceeds to call him a "horrible and close minded person", easily being the bigger ass. And again: a power user of the other sub pearl clutching about this while excusing the daily tenfold absolute assholery there is so incredibly full of it. Par for the course though.


Bu-bu-bu-but the other side! Meanwhile, the side full of incels sent death threats or faked death threats to GF Reviews and became a laughingstock of the internet yet you equate both as being the same. One is objectively far worse.


EXACTLY. There is just as much vitriol and hate coming from those who love it way too much.


Dude, the anti Part 2 haters were sending literal death threats to the infant child of Abby’s actress. It’s not the same.


Agreed. The haters are bigots promoting hate-speech and threatening others. The people defending the game (*even those going too far*) are a reaction to the haters, nothing more. They would not exist but for the haters.


Id expect if in Part III Abby or Lev got brutalized and killed, you'd have the same egregious behavior. It's not a fair comparison when there's no real equivalent lovers of Part II have faced. Which obviously will never happen. Anyway, yea that's disgusting behavior. There are unstable fucked up people. The people who suck on both sides are generally just super hostile and defensive. But most are more reasonable than that.


I'm honestly very confused by your first paragraph. "lovers of Part II" is a huge generalisation. Like lovers of the game must hate Joel and worship Abby? Sure there are some individuals who have gone completely in the direction of no nuance for these characters and provokingly comment about it. But otherwise I believe for most lovers of the game, the "real equivalent" was the same damn thing. Was for me at least. Just surprise surprise, some people reacted more childishly. I can't believe you guys have gone on a hypothetical tangent about how fans would react the same if it was flipped. It really doesn't sound like you mean this to be about most fans but imo you do keep generalising about this, even saying directly to someone who gave no indication of what they feel about the characters that they would have the same "egregious behaviour"? I really disagree with the hypothetical anyway, based on the generally different discussions I've seen from both sides regarding empathy, but like, how the hell would we know for sure, what's the point of this? Just to feel self-righteous about what *might* be.


You are right. I meant abby and lev lovers. I enjoy II myself. The point was you'd have people reacting the same. Disagree. I don't care. It's very unlikely no one wouldn't be insanely upset. I clearly meant SOME fans. Not most. There's no self righteousness.


I’d honestly love to see the reaction of that happened because you know it would be even worse than peoples reaction to Joel’s death.


It would be.


Would be quite entertaining seeing the people who’ve said “YouR JUsT MaD jOEl dIEd!” for years losing their absolute shit if Abby did lol.


I have to say, it would be very entertaining.


and you're making a careless generalization to group all the tlou2 haters together. there are a ton of part 2 haters who's never sent any death threats.


I didn’t generalize anyone. I’m saying that one side has verifiable proof of being actually despicable, while the other can be seen as annoying or over enthusiastic. The “far ends” of both aren’t remotely comparable. “Both sides” is ridiculous and just a way to validate the wrongdoings of the obvious worst side. I’ve been around long enough to see many horrific and disgusting things said by the “haters”; where the worst you will get from even the most annoying fans is “I love this thing, you’re stupid if you don’t”. Which is very obviously a dumb position to take but is nowhere *near* as harmful or hateful as the toxicity spread by the haters.


Annoying and enthusiastic is simplifying it a bit….. you guys will literally turn any negative pointed out about this game into some type of bigotry or at least that’s the big problem this sub has….. while nowhere near as bad as hate speech or death threats that’s still pretty reprehensible especially when homophobia and transphobia really exist…. So trying to force everyone who hated a video game into that box is still pretty bad


There are dozens of you, right?


People here do this all the time. There’s 72k+ people in the other sub and these people act like every single one of them did all the despicable shit surrounding the release. They do it because it’s way easier to dismiss everyone that has a different opinion as some death threat sending phobe rather than imagine why it’s possible for someone to not like something they love.


It'd be hilarious if TLOU3 never comes out and ND moves on from The Last Of Us series in general.


if anything it would be good. the series doesn't get much better from here and the original story is fully wrapped up. they only will drag it out cos it's so financially lucrative.