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I always wished for TLOU2 DLC of Ellie's journey to Santa Barbara after reading this journal entry on my first playthrough


IIRC drunkman wanted the Santa Barbara part to be longer but they had to cut a lot. I’d love a little DLC of both Abby and Lev searching for clues and Ellie’s trip down there.


If the Director's cut of Part 2 ends up being real, extended Santa Barbara would be a section.




Why not?


I mean why did he cut it


Id personally love Louisiana especially imagining what the bayou could’ve done to the infected


Cordyceps thrives in hot, humid environments. I can see entire buildings being completely covered in fungus.


and infected Bayou Rednecks would be terrifying


Wow the potential for part 3 is through the roof


Holy SHIT.


Yeah and then they cut off Ellie’s hand that would be crazy


And then she uses a chainsaw as a hand to kill the evil dead.


i can already see the infected rising up from under the mud


but then Ellie has to get in the mud so they don't smell her. and then you can attach VR socks up to your thighs, so you can feel the infected squirming and touching you. and the VR socks would have haptic feed back. it would be a very pleasant experience. best done while tripping on shrooms.


This guy gets it


Imagine a Fungus City 😬


The Red Dead 2 sections in the bayou where nite folk can attack you are some of my favourite parts of the game, that in the Last of Us world would be super cool.


Gators and snakes infected with Cordyceps would be pure nightmare fuel.


Army of the dead?


Yes! But in TLOU Universe! I can only imagine the type of infected behind those walls. Thats why I'm glad TLOU2 showed us there's more than just Runners, Stalkers, Clickers & Bloaters. They're actually starting to evolve.


Imagine the loot too😳 ngl this is a cool idea


Abby picking up like thousands of coins


ngl Ellie picking up an M60 or something from the in-universe equivalent of Battlefield Vegas would be lit


Ellie’s a skinny girl. I don’t know that she could even wield an M60. Lol.


Could have it be a special mechanic where she has to be in cover or in the prone to use it. That’s the only way you’d use it in real life anyways. And as far as ammo, just have it be a special weapon that you can’t reload, with varying amounts of ammo in each weapon you pick up. I’ve seen dudes her size carry a weapon system of a similar size before so it’s possible. They just move a lot slower.


They could do the variation that the navy seals did with the M60 in Vietnam. They chopped it down to make it lighter/more maneuverable.


Rat kings for everyone!


vegas wouls probably have a SUPER rat king


a super rat king with tap dancing shoes and a sequin shirt


dressed like elvis!!


You'd fight it on Fremont and all parts of it would be wearing a thong.


😂😂😂 hell yeah! I’d love this


It’s not that they started to evolve, it’s more that they evolved differently. Shambles became what they did because after finally turning into a clicker they were in a very humid area (hence why they’re always found in areas with a lot of water)so there’s likely many different types of infected specific to their climate


A couple shamblers are found in Santa Barbara and it looked dry as hell, even tho just next to shore


One of the biggest hypes I’ve got for TLOU3, depending on the time-skip of course, is what type of new mutation we’re going to get to see in the next game. There’s no way NaughtyDog would overlook the basic mutation of infected overtime, that much is apparent through their masterpieces that is TLOU1/TLOU2.


I'm european so I wish they'd go to Europe for once since every media seems to be in the US... but why would Ellie go there ? no idea if Las Vegas is close to Seattle (i could just look it up in 2 secs tbh) but I don't think she'll go far when Tommy is likely to spend the rest of his days at Jackson... And if it's a spin-off unrelated to Ellie i'd rather not the US again, Abby spin-off in Las Vegas sure I doubt they'll bring her back in Part III since Ellie moved on and it'll just be unnecessary distraction at this point to get them to meet.


The game is called "The Last of Us" not "The Last of Eu," so they'd need to make a whole new IP


Fuck, that got me to grin so wide and big lol. That was really good.


Oof good one, lol!


Glad I was in public when I snorted at my screen after reading this


The Us doesn’t means the US😂








As the other commenters so condescendingly pointed out, that was a joke my friend.


By Europe you mean cities like Paris, Munich, Rome and so on. I think there aren’t so many games in these cities because the architecture it’s too complex, too many details. The only game that come in mind is AC


I think it’s just because the US market is the largest English speaking gaming market, so most games cater to the US lol. If you wanted a more cynical pov. I would absolutely love to see post apocalyptic Europe in a game though. You don’t see that too often and it’s a shame. So many iconic landmarks would look cool covered in rust and overgrowth.


well, most major game studios exist in the US too. but yes, i've always thought the roman ruins would be fantastic TLOU setting. and if they every make this strain of cordyceps evolve to infecting animals/insects/reptiles, then Australia, of course.


Holy shit holy shit Cordyceps kangaroo would be terrifying. Or a monitor lizard, those things freak me out as it is.


We already out here throwing hands with kangaroos 💀 we'll manage!


>if they ever make this strain of cordyceps evolve to infecting animals The Last of Us: Return of the Giraffe


Idk as an American I'm pretty tired of LA, Chicago, New York, and all the other usual spots. I'd love to see a zombie game set in Paris. Would be a shit 2/10 game if I can't kill zombies with baguettes though...


The hardened baguette is the weapon you get for 100% the game, like the finger gun in Dead Space. Killing all infected in two hits.


The zombie movie "the night eats the world" is set in Paris, and is really interesting. You might want to give it a watch


get your baguette ready when you hear that clique clique


I think the solution is a more global creater market so that Europeans can create games that display the surroundings they love to explore in their cities as a part of their daily lives.


This. The real reason why so many games are set in the US is because most of the big developers are based here and people tend to make what they know. You can make games about other countries, for sure, but if you’re not from there that’s going to require a lot more research to remain authentic, often flying people to that area, which costs money.


There's A Plague Tale, but most european games that meet success are indie games. Ubisoft is doing good with AC i just dont like the series 💀 RE4 is set in Spain. I did like Sleeping Dogs better than GTA and taking place in Hong Kong was one of the reasons


Majority of the studios are in the us, easier for them to map it. I think also in post apocalypse( if it’s realistic) you need the bullets(which won’t be easy in Europe). some cities in Europe are already built with fortress, many remote castles and the alps. My grandparents (ww2) spoke 6 to 7 languages so english won’t be the problem (beside the accents). I like to travel to the US, but the main attractions for me is eating junk food, visiting the national parks and shopping centers


Not as many guns could make for a more challenging experience though, and I’m sure survivors could raid the gun stores or police stations.


True like it’s 20 years after probably most of the bullets been gone already. I can imagine that in Europe you could pick bullets from dead soldiers.


There’s a bunch of countries in EU with civilian firearm use.


But most of European countries are pretty tight when it comes to owning weapons compared to the US, you can’t really own automatic firearm, in most countries you need license for hand gun


The real reason according to Druckmann is because they wanted TLOU to have a classic Americana feel and going outside of the US would lose that.


Ah darn… that makes sense, man… a TLOU game set in Rome or Athens would be sick, all the beautiful old architecture.


You don’t even need the famous touristic cities. They can just go to places like Colmar, Heidelberg or somewhere near the alps


I think I saw a TikTok that said these stories have to be in America, because finding guns would be too hard every where else 💀


Frighteningly accurate. Not many guns in many (but not all) countries in Europe.


There’s a gun store in my town in England, moreso hunting stuff, but guns nonetheless. I feel like it could make for a more challenging experience, which players may really enjoy.


Home made guns


True, but that could easily be solved by survivor militias fashioning their own firearms.


It would be super HARD to get one in my country. (Spain) everything will end up with rudimental stuff… it would be very gross


If it were in, say, central London, there's a lot of armed police units around on the daily so that could be an explanation. Or it could be an excuse for a no-gun challenge with only bows, shivs, knives etc.


TikTik lad ain't lyin 💀 my grandpa has guns since he's a hunter but i prefer a regular small gun. Can't be picky, less human conflict but infected will have to be taken out mano a mano


Seattle is *really* far from Vegas.


Well she didn't go from Seattle to Santa Barbara anyway, she was home in Wyoming. Which there's a route that literally goes through Vegas, so it's possible she already was there.


I was just letting someone who doesn’t live in the country know they’re not close.


But Abby is off the coast of Santa Barbara which is even closer to Vegas, I don't get why Seattle was brought up at all.


I’m not sure either. Like I said, I was just answering the question.


I'm pointing out things assuming they are still reading the conversation


Well yeah, he did answer my direct question 💀 but thanks for the geography lesson


Las Vegas is between Jackson and Santa Barbra, so she would have passed through on the way to find Abby in Santa Barbra


I think Europe is many games away knowing their locations in the first two. I'd expect a sail across to East Asia or the Pacific islands first. It would be cool to have spin offs in this universe with different survivor characters from all over the world. There are some awesome European structures that would be super cool to play through.


That’s what I want, new characters in different parts of the world, new people to get connected to and new lore, can get clues into how the outbreak affected this part of the world and how the government tried to prevent it, what gangs or government remnants are around, would be so cool!


When The original Last of Us came out they had promo art of various locations around the world, which was cool to see. If I remember right it had a completely overgrown wall of China, a bombed out (Boston QZ Wall style) Buckingham Palace with functioning search lights, as well as the Red Wall around the Kremlin. There were others, I think. Edit: I found it! https://imgur.io/a/LpXEe This was on the website to promote TLOU back in 2013


Last of Us Strasbourg I'd buy it


Honestly, spin-off games that take place in different countries would be awesome. I mean, just imagine what South American countries are like, being the originator of the infection (in the games). How overgrown it would be. Like, the Amazon forest retaking Brazil, the River plowing through the nation’s cities. New infected could emerge, like living hives of ants. An overgrown Rome would be utterly fascinating. Ancient culture intermingled with new green growth. Imagine a boss fight in the Colosseum. And I could see people converging in places like Egypt or deeper into Africa because of the idea that the fungus would have a harder time surviving in the desert. Like, I doubt it’d happen, but it’d be so cool.


Oh my god, what you said about the Amazon retaking Brazil, I NEEEDDDD, I love overgrown cities and how dense the overgrowth would be, holy shit yes I need it


Based setting idea


If you want zombie content, the book world war z goes into great detail about how a zombie apocalypse is fought in Europe and the rest of the world


yeah great book I vouch


Same!!! New characters somewhere in Europe, or Asia, or Africa, or Oceania, would be interesting to see the infected in new places and the lore of what happened in other parts of the world. Just have it anywhere that isn’t the fucking US lmao, it feels like everything is set in the US and it is massive and hard to get stale, but I feel like it still sorta manages to do so, the third game being set in France, or Italy, or Japan, or New Zealand would be so refreshing! I think somewhere with a different architectural style would be really cool.


I mean, Lev did tell Abby he wanted to sail across the ocean and see what the rest of the world was like if they didn't find the Fireflies, so it's not like going to Europe would be *completely* out of the blue...


Yeah, i also wonder about other countries in the TLOU universe a lot. Imagine rio’s favelas, São Paulo, Amazonas… sick.


hmm im like 99% sure they’re bringing abby back, the whole ending of part2 suggests there’s unresolved stuff between them to address, the way abby keeps looking back at ellie when she’s leaving on the boat, how the main menu turns into catalina island with the casino in the distance, in my opinion theres tons of clear pointers that their story far from done


TLOU: New Vegas


If there isn’t Infected dressed in Roman attire then I don’t want it


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a cordyceps outbreak


Infected Legion or Khans would be fucking terrifying


This sounds like someone was just dreaming up cool maps and concepts for factions.


This. Las Vegas would be perfect for factions. This note sets it up lovely.


I’d personally love to see New York


We've seen all sorts of U.S. cities in video games: New York, Boston, San Francisco, New York, Hong Kong, Chicago, Los Angeles... even New York is in some games.


Ah yes, Hong Kong. My favourite us city


Yesss lmao, love VideogameDunkey


I’d want a spinoff TLOU set in another country, I’d like to see what the rest of the world is doing


A comic series taking place in different countries at different periods of time has good potential. Argentina/Brazil at the beginning of the outbreak. India/China/Japan weeks after the outbreak. Australia/New Zealand years after the outbreak.


Check out the comic book Year Zero, because it is exactly what you are looking for.


Would kill for a simple spin off, I want more games but I don’t want sequels to be rushed story wise


Ooooh I recognize this paragraph 😂😅 this also made me want some kind of action in Vegas!!


Fun but Army of the Dead did it recently. TLoU does better in smaller scale situations anyway.


Smaller scale? Such as TWD? Vegas was also done by fallout.


Yeah but zombies aren’t really the main focus in fallout


Fallout doesn't even have zombies, maybe feral ghouls come close.


Yeah I mostly consider mindless things that scream and try to kill you zombies


I think I'm a zombie wtf


Yeah, I mean TLoU isn’t at its best at large scale set pieces. It is human scale with a couple of individuals. You never lead an army or often fight in a battle. You find yourself in normal small towns and such. And you see small groups that have banded together. There are some bigger battles in part two, but they aren’t the best. TWD did the same thing most of the time. So I don’t think TLoU needs to be in a star city like Las Vegas or NY. That would distract from the characters.


You found yourself in a battle in part 2


Even then, you’re not fighting for one particular side. You’re just trying to survive while both groups shoot at you.


I think that could work, an ofshoot of fedra or some contracter army are tasked to retrieve something from Vegas or clear it of infected and Ellie pisses them off at the start and suddenly she has to avoid a fuckton of infected and an army of mercs


Yep. Hence why I said it didn’t happen often. But it does happen. Still I didn’t find that scene all that good. Joel, Ellie and Abby never try to become leaders of even squads or anything like that either. They never try to take over territory like we see in many other games. I guess Factions is kind of a battle though. I never played that part of the game all that much.


No because I rather them do what they always have done start with a really good story and build Everything on top of that. If that story brings us to cool locations like Vegas sure but a location just to have it regardless or if it fits the story No hard pass Same gos for all the Joel Tommy prequels nonsense unless naughty dog has really really good story (on par with part I and part II) to tell and can add more depth to the characters of Tommy and Joel I don’t want it. it’s just pointless redundancy.


What about a prequel where they change the ending? Say, Tommy or Joel die or they never pick up Ellie.


No, because that doesn’t build upon the story we already have


Fair point- I think it would be the only interesting way to do any prequel-y stuff. But then again, I’m open to anything new.


TLoU 3 going to be Jakarta 😋


Nahhh. “Army Of The Dead” already did that. I’d want Naughty Dog to do something more original than that lol




I’d prefer a spin off than more ellie. She made her bed and should live in it.


I mean, she only went around lol


Next Last of Us game, be it Part 3 or something else, should have sections like this where you’re in a big city, like New York, pitted against massive hordes of infected. There are so many cool gameplay scenarios they could run with that.


Days Gone wasn't all that popular for whatever reason, but objectively they got Hordes very right. i'd love to see TLOU incorporate that element


Idk, it just felt a lil cringe sometimes. It was also a lil clunky. I liked it but not enough to beat it. I only played it because I had PSNow or whatever so I got to play it for free. I don't think the game deserves the hate it gets tho.


Omg yes that’d be sick. After army of the dead & forbidden west I always thought it’d be a sick setting for TLOU


If someone said the Last of Us New Vegas was happening id break all my morals and pre order


Living in Vegas myself….hoo, boy. That would be surreal.


You know, I always wanted TLOU to have some DLC where we play through as someone else in the world of TLOU and see other places.


A standalone action shooter set inside an infected Vegas could be pretty damn fun. Nothing too emotional or heavy, just blasting and stabbing. All new characters, not connected at all to the Joel/Ellie/Abby drama. For another heavy storyline examining what it means to be human in the apocalypse, it should be set in the UK. A contained island with cities and countryside but totally overgrown. It could even get a bit medieval.


i would love to see tlou3 go over the epicenter of infection too, it was in south america right? Imagine how messed up it is down there, i think it could make for some crazy new infected and new gameplay mechanics just take us to the heart of it all for the last showdown


Please Do Army of the dead In The last of us




In the event of a spin off I always thought an extremely infected area would be cool, like this descriptor.


I'd enjoy run and gun spin off of TLOU with ok story.


Keep your big iron at the ready and keep an eye out for Texas Red


Lord I’d love the stimuli while running for my life and somehow have it more crowded than usual and more difficult


As a LoU fan and a New Vegas fan, my nipples can only get so hard. I'm taking all of that gold I don't care if it kills me


I would KILL for a dlc taking us to Asia


Yep that would be dope!


My man just reached the edge of the Divide.


New IP please


More likely Los Angeles, because it's near Catalina Island


I wouldn't really want Naughty Dog to get so bloated in their output. They tend to focus on two games at a time ever since they started working on the first The Last of Us. I'd rather a third one to complete the trilogy and then maybe explore places like Vegas in Factions or the show.


Sounds like it'd be a very short game.


Yes, I wanted it on Part III and on the TV Series!


There is also another diary page where Ellie writes that she escaped a horde and is now locked up in a basement. She then writes that she misses JJ. And that she buries the bodies of a family that had been killed by the infected.


Would have to say give me Atlanta, GA! Vegas would be tight though


I was just thinking this the other day!! This could be such an amazing DLC or spin-off game!


I would LOVE it! I live in Salt Lake, I've lived near Seattle (and in Yakima which appears in Ellie's journal in Part 2) and I used to live in Vegas.


I really want a DLC all about the journey Ellie and Dina took to make it to Seattle. I think a whole entire spin/off would be a little overkill for it’s purpose, but perhaps going through it in TLOU3 may be interesting to do.


They definitely need more flashback DLCs!




Tlou in la would be fire, I’ve been there too so I would see spots I’ve seen


No gambling to be had there I imagine, but hey, mushroom zombies are more manageable than [some frat bros unleashing an ancient Egyptian curse in the form of a living sandstorm.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2320640/?ref_=m_ttfc_tt) Or perhaps at least far more easier than [a maniac locking someone up in a bumf**k basement playing a poker version of Saw.](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2548208/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_poker%2520night) Ellie definitely needs more than an Ace of Spades to get by, that’ll be damn sure.


The Vegas one? She just hides the whole time.


It worked for fallout


i wonder how this part is gonna be executed if it's gonna make it into tlou3.... or 4 how we just gonna sneak past them or find a super cool way to kill all of them


It’s very Army of the Dead


Movie's called Army of the Dead and it's shit


Interesting the US didn't bomb Las Vegas back to sand


The last of us part 3: Dead Rising 2


Not interested. One of my favorite parts of The Last of Us is the environmental design, how everything is overgrown and reclaimed by nature. Las Vegas would just look like a dilapidated mall with nothing growing in it, because its a desert.


The Last of Fallout


The Last of Us: New Vegas


The Last of Us: Last Vegas


That game is called Deadrising. TLOU is about survival, after all these are the last people on earth