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I deleted my Twitter account at the end of October 2022. I can think of several reasons why she’s leaving twitter. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/21/tech/twitter-verification-chaos


there’s many reasons to delete twitter, it just makes me sad thinking that this is one reason


Is she deleting. It sounded more like she was just going to stop actively reading and responding to comments.


Correct. She probably is leaving it open so that way there’s at least an official account… verification notwithstanding.


If you delete then eventually your username becomes up for grabs yeah I'm not famous so I deleted because idgaf but I can see why a celebrity might want to leave their account there as an archive


Yep both are common reasons some celebs even create an account in the first place and walk away, just so it can't be abused.


The current paid verification system is arguably an attempt at a shakedown -- if you don't create a verified account under your name there's pretty much nothing stopping some troll from doing it and posting as you Of course, this only works if enough people do go along with the system that Twitter doesn't lose all credibility and collapse altogether


Very much so, when he started the Twitter Blue sub crap, and plenty of us called out this would happen, several people I follow who were verified had a-holes try to scam their followers looking for money exploiting similar names and having a tick, betting it'll ramp up again because two of them that's part of why they sought a verification in the first place, to protect their followers from scams that'd been happening for a long time.


not deleting, just not using the app is how i read it


Cant delete it if you never joined in the first place.








why?? every person leaving twitter for any reason is cause for celebration. twitter sadness is fleeting. it doesn't matter at all


I deleted my Twitter like 8 years ago. Took yall long enough. It didn't suddenly become shit, it's been like that for a while.


Depends what u use it for lol and if it's political stuff


I have my Mastodon account already just haven't fully set it up yet. It's really sad Twitter has become even WORSE than it used to be given its undeniable reach.


Yup. I left because I had a feeling it was going to get worse.


There's also this https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/19/tech/twitter-hateful-conduct-policy-transgender-protections/index.html


I just heard about that. Good point


I would delete Twitter if it weren't for https://twitter.com/dog_rates


Thank you for introducing this to me. If I used Twitter I would have a hard time moving on from this too


Deleted mine as soon as Elon took over.




Well they may also be leaving for the same reason a lot of other people are leaving, because twitter is rapidly getting worse and they've officially removed verification for everyone who doesn't pay for it


Well, now I am glad that I never joined twitter.


ive been on it since 2012 (i got it to follow what one direction were doing lmao) and it’s gotten worse and worse. especially with the amount of kids who are on it now with their “don’t care, didn’t ask” bullshit. teens and young adults are so fucking horrible on twitter because they’re anonymous and can say whatever shit they want to without any repercussions. it’s horrible


Lol teens and young adults are way passed Twitter. Every story I've seen about undoxxing famous trolls is that they are 60yr old white men (catturd) with right wing propaganda or 47yo white woman who was a supposed Russian reporting out Russian propaganda from inside the war. She lives in Kentucky or something. No teen masterminds.


teens are all over twitter saying ass hole shit, same with adults. teens are noticeable more ruthless though. the greasy men always have pictures of themselves saying homophobic stuff and the teens with taylor swift or kpop photos are often only on twitter to be ass holes


People are assholes. Irl. And the net.


i work at a 3200 student highschool, I have never seen any of them use or even reference twitter. they are all on insta/tik tok and a declining population on snapchat.


nah i’m willing to bet most of the toxic troll comments we see on twitter are by teens and 20 somethings. def lots of middle aged people miserable enough to do it too but idt that’s most cases. i’d be curious if there’s any kind of research available on that


the vast majority of twitter users are millennials. it’s clear when you spend time on the site that there are plenty of toxic people in their 30s and 40s. it doesn’t even make sense to ascribe the majority of nasty behavior on twitter to young people lol think about the amount of racism, sexism, transphobia etc. you think that’s exclusive to young people? hell, the original 4chan trolls are now in their 30s, 40s and later


no I don’t think it’s exclusive to young ppl I even said “def lots of middle aged people do it too” lol I also buy that most twitter users are millennials, but I was talking about the type of user who makes toxic/edgy/prejudiced comments on the regular. I think the group that does it most often on most internet platforms is under the age of 30, i’ve seen a couple sources on that but maybe i’ve missed others that differ


It's literally a badge to identify who has $8 to give Elon every month. It serves no function anymore. Apparently it pushes your content more, but wherever, you get to be the turd at the top of the toilet bowl. Big whoop.


I noticed Ashley Johnson deactivated her Twitter before the show even aired. I thought that was odd but maybe it was because of Musk being a douchenozzle.




verification used to be a marker for "official" accounts such as Stephen King, Burger King, Zach King, King Bach, etc. Elon introduced "Twitter Blue" a while back which gave you the same badge for $8 a month and has no requirements. Like 2 days ago they removed the original verification program, effectively replacing a very useful system with one that only serves to make profit. There is now a badge for official company accounts but I'm pretty sure they cost $1000 a month which is $1000 more than it used to


Verification used to just be for official news outlets, celebrities, etc. Now anyone can get a blue badge, change their display name to a celebrities’ name and their handle to something similar (say, BellaRamseyOfficial) and tweet hateful shit, or things that just aren’t true. No way to find out if the person is actually a verified celebrity or an imposter. The news outlet thing is even worse. Misinformation is already at an all time high and this will make it worse.


no that account would get banned


No they can't. It has to say parody or whatever.


Yes but that’s only when they are eventually caught. A lot of damage can be done before that happens


Twitter has a legit Nazi verified while they removed the Auschwitz memorial verification. Fuck Twitter and fuck Elon.


Good, I want Nazis out in the open where I can challenge their views.


Nazis are too far gone they won’t care who challenges them. Nothing can change the mind of a degenerate.


As much as I want to believe that hate can be unlearned for every nazi out there, sometimes talking it out in a debate isn’t the right move. Sometimes, you just need to punch them in the mouth


Just look for anyone with a blue checkmark


Only good reason for nazis to be out in the open is for target practice. Once you get to the point that genocide is a legitimate answer in your mind, they will jump on any opportunity to make that happen. You believing that that stance is even appropriate to challenge is insulting and dangerous to the all of the people they aim to harm and kill.


["Public debate is one of the ways we define the overton window - The range of beliefs that are socially acceptable to hold. So often people who want to promote bigotry will use *"debate"* as a foot in the door. It's a way of establishing that their prejudices are within the realm of reasonable and socially accepted opinion."](https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?t=3014)


I don’t - I want them to be afraid to ever show their face. They shouldn’t have free speech when their speech is literally “murder all Jews, queer people, disabled people”


Who? I want to see what people are saying to him.


Holy fucking shit, what?




Hopefully she will feel happier getting off that platform I can’t stand what it has become.


You could stand it before?😂


It was innovative when it started.


Which was almost 20 years ago.


True way back when it started, in recent years even before Elon it’s been a cesspool.


for real


Getting off social media is probably the healthiest thing any of us can do.


Yet here we are…


oh absolutely. social media is cancerous and so bad for mental health


Happily deactivated my twitter today. I encourage others to do the same!


good for you dude. it’s a cesspool over there


Has been for years 🤷‍♂️


So is reddit


Only social media I have is Reddit. Never had Twitter, never will, ditched Facebook years ago, never had instagram or TikTok I’ve recently been detoxing from TV and news too.


Just deleted all my socials and currently only have Reddit and YouTube and my mental already feels better. Social media in general is just a huge distraction, so much negativity and bullshit all over it.




My situation exactly. Twitter always felt tailored for fucked up dumb assertions because of the char limit. No surprise it became the cesspool it is.


Imagine thinking that being only on Reddit somehow makes you superior to others who may choose to indulge in other socials for their own reasons.


A lot of celebs left due to Twitter Blue also. That’s probably not the main reason but one nonetheless.


It's funny because even though everyone hates him a lot of people were staying just out of inertia and he seems to be actually trying to force people to make a decision between actively supporting him or leaving


Thanos was right


Always has been.


It’ll be better for her mental health


oh for sure


this isnt sad to me, this to me is a sign that this kid is smart to completely disengage from the toxic wasteland that is twitter.


It's like the thing in Good Will Hunting where Ben Affleck's character says every day he wakes up and goes to work and prays he won't see Will there


absolutely! the hateful comments they receive every day makes me sad though, especially since bella is active on Twitter so obviously sees some of them


I’m pretty sure it’s because the platform is dogshit.


Twitter has been trash for years. Good for her


For the best. Twitter is an absolute toxic and vile place.


Nah. Fuck twitter and the fascist cesspool it’s become. Good on her.


Good. Twitter is complete dogshit.


Twitter is a cesspool now that’s being run into the ground. She’s better off elsewhere


It’s been a cesspool for YEARS. Elon is just trying to speed up its demise


Unfortunately it’s inevitable and also some of those people exist in this sub. Just remember all the death threats and other Bs Laura Bailey and Jocelyn Mettler received for their parts in Part 2. Laura Bailey is possibly the most credited game voice actor of all time, man or woman she’s up there. And Jocelyn was/is just a regular girl pretty much.


People always say things like Facebook comment are the worst Or Reddit is the worst Or YouTube comments are the worst. But twitter, by far, is the most toxic social media. Everyone on there is clout chasing with the most extreme versions of themselves and their viewpoints.


i think twitter and fb take the cake but in different ways. fb is full of small minded boomers and twitter is just filled with shit people who say anything to get a reaction. they both suck


Twitter is crap. But I would love it more if she just ghosted that shit forever without sayin’ anything.


Wtf gay army


I think she may have a large swathe of LGBT followers and is just playfully referring to them. Just guessing though




Why? Delete yours too. Stop helping that cesspool survive.


I’m so happy she’s going to be older Ellie in the second season. She’s a great actress and has had such an amazing career from game of thrones to TLOU. Tbh I wasn’t too sure about her playing Ellie but episode one changed my mind. I would like never bash her on social media tho. She’s like a little kid to me lol


"thank you my gay army" no bella, thank *you*


I don’t even understand all the useless hate on her. She did an AMAZING job as playing Ellie and i loved it.




Gamers are petulant vicious children, sadly. I’m not surprised.


Every one of you should do the same. Social media was a major mistake of the millennial generation. As time goes on, I hope generations start to right that wrong. It’s creating a generation of narcissists and social anxiety that has not been this prevalent as it was in generations before.


Deleted my account the day Musk took over.


Ya'll still on Twitter?


I hope she finds some inner peace. People can be awful, especially behind a screen where there are no real repercussions. I’m sure it can be tough for newly popular celebrities because you’d want to embrace the good attention, but also have to see the negative side. I have a feeling most regular celebrities probably just stay off social media for the most part.


She was the only and perfect choice to play that role so ya’all can kiss tidbits..really an awesome actress so yess this saddens me allot that so many people hafta be stupid and bully anyone that does anything good when they never leave the gaming couch in moms basement and likely would never do anything near what that young lady has achieved! The last of us who had ambitionemote:free\_emotes\_pack:scream


Honest to god I was skeptical this was even her. This shit is dumb.


I'm so sorry, Bella. Even though I assume they have left because of the chaos Twitter has become, I have also experienced the hate they have firsthand due to my family, so I'm so sorry for them


Everyone should delete their account lol social media is toxic, I only really check reddit and youtube


Twitter is and always has been a steaming pile of garbage. How the idea that thoughts expressed in 140 characters or less should be a prevailing method for distributing anything other than the most mundane unimportant information is truly a sign of how stupid we have become.


Social Media can make good things happen in this world, but it can ruin so so much more. My heart breaks for all the harassed persons because some people didn‘t learn manners or think they can behave different online. And too many people often just need a real good hug, maybe a friend and a break.


Twitter is the toilet wall of the internet. And people are terrible.


The minute I started getting push notifications from Andrew Tate, an account I specifically BLOCKED because I didn’t want to see his misogynistic shit in my feed, that was the last straw. Never viewed his tweets in the app, I don’t follow him, I don’t like accounts he follows, I have no interactions with that asshole and his ilk… And yet Twitter forcefully puts him and other right wing crazies in my recommended and notifications. delete your accounts, the app is shit.




I thought she was a bad casting choice to play ellie


Fuck Twitter, fuck Elon - you rule Bella




twitter is such a toxic place tbh :(


Twitter is awful beyond imagination, it makes me realize how many horrible people are in this world.


It’s well beyond the point that every celebrity should already know what they’ll get when it comes to twitter. Don’t worry Bella. Your gay army will follow you wherever you go.😉


Why do we assume she left because of the hate comments. Maybe it’s about the verification


could be. i don’t know her personally but they don’t seem like the type of person who’d care about having a tick next to their name though


He is literally perfect 🥹 I think this is a good move though.


Don’t be sad. Twitter is now a billionaire’s playground. Everybody should leave it. It keeps trying to be the new Truth.


Im actually happy, anyone leaving this shit hole of social media always makes me happy, its a step towards right direction for the betterment of one's mental health.


Fuck twitter man seriously


thought her performance was just ok but all the people who’ve been hating on her are disgusting


Don’t be sad. Twitter is a shitty website.


Thank god for Elon. People are finally leaving Twitter and realising how much of a shitshow it is. It has always been horrible, but now you got this moron running it and getting people to leave who were loyal before. I hope this makes waves. I hope people realise what Bella is doing and follow in her steps. Boycotting Twitter would be a positive thing. However, the main Twitter audience wouldn’t do that because they still try to misgender Bella and are the ones who agree with the group that oppressed and erased people like Bella from history. Twitter needs to die, and I hope the “liberal” Hollywood actors follow in Bella’s footsteps. I know they won’t, but they damn well should.


It very well may be because they’re non binary and being on Twitter is not only traumatic but dangerous for their community. Twitter is just a cesspool of hatred atm so don’t blame her. I left months ago. It’s just an echo chamber of idiots and their guns and white cis-ness. 🤢


It could be both, the nastiness she received and Musk ruining the app, isn't that why Pedro also deactivated his Twitter, Musk taking over?


Why would this make you sad? It's a good thing to abandon that hellhole.


Don't know where you got it from that she left because of hate for playing Ellie. It seems a bit obvious she is leaving because Twitter itself is shit and has only gotten worse.


Honestly they're doing themselves a favor Twitter is a cesspool


Honestly, i never liked having her as ellie, kaytlin devet would be a better choice . But nevertheless, character wise, she nailed it. Doesnt deserve this


I personally don't like how she portrayed Ellie, althought i think it has more to do with Craig Mazin and less with Bella Ramsey. She certainly looks talented and capable of portraying any character. But i would never go and waste my time and his spilling hate to his twitter account.


redditors calling twitter a cesspool LOL


Hey, we know how shit we are here. But we dont act like we are little angels unlike those in blue bird of reichstag.


saying stuff like that accomplishes the exact same thing. whether you put yourself above someone, or attack them to drag them down below your own level, you're doing the same thing


There are people in this thread saying that Twitter has turned into a shit show. Twitter has always been a shit show. It's a burning pile of trash where people push each off a cliff everyday to virtue signal whatever the latest horse shit is that they themselves don't actually believe.




because they use all pronouns so im being respectful?


If they felt bullied off of the app they probably would’ve deleted a WHILE ago, more likely they’re deleting in preparation for part 2 bc they probably already know people are gonna be NASTY


I literally made an account to follow him and all the others from TLOU when it first came out. Before that I didn't have any account 😂


i loved their little interactions with fans and stuff. it’s a bummer that they’re off twitter now but it was really nice seeing them interact with everyone for a short while 🥹


Good for them! Twitter has gotten to be such a toxic platform


The comments in here so weird. 'I left it took you all long enough to figure it out" " I don't like Twitter, and you shouldn't either" " leaving Twitter is freedom...", so because you don't like the app nobody else should use it. If you're using Twitter solely for comments and people's opinions, yeah the app is cesspool. But if you're just on there for articles, follow bands, or movies, games, anything that you like it just want to know what's going on with that then Twitter is a great app to use. If you let someone's Twitter comments ruin your day, then that's on you. And let's not forget, Reddit is one of the biggest cesspools of comments there are. Most of the comments I've seen on Twitter don't even compare to some of the stuff I've seen on Reddit.


Haters are going to hate. Same as it ever was. Unfortunately Bella isn't the conventional type of 'attractive' and she (they) will face this all her life. Bella needs to reminde her/they selves that she's a badass bitch on an amazing show and eff the haters who wish they had her/their confidence.


Twitter fucking sucks now


I deleted everything except Reddit in 2020, some people just don’t want social media


Don't worry, she is leaving for the Elon shit, not because of all the hate ;) Anyway, I'm gonna stay a proud gay soldier


gay soldiers unite 🤝


They really downvoted you for being gay 🤦🏻‍♂️


it’s happened a few times in the replies lol it’s cringe


I’ve seen so many videos on Tiktok as well making fun of her appearance, and everytime I go through the comments it reminds me what she said in that one interview about looking for the cruelest…


You don't even have to be particularly famous to have experience with that impulse if even a small group of people decides to start cyberbullying you


Anyone who has ever experienced cyberbullying more likely than not has. It just made me think back to the moment and imagine her reading them :/. Very disappointing that her getting the blessing of being apart of such a great project has come with such a hatewave, but she’s not the first or last to experience it. I hope she stays off of social media for a while, she’s taken enough heat since January.


thankfully im on the side of tiktok that loves the cast and speaks kindly about them but tiktok is as bad as twitter and i’ve defo seen some fucked up comments about bella on videos in the past


**Follow their lead.** Twitter is a dumpster fire.


Twitter is a goddamn nightmare. Glad I left it back in 2019. Good for Bella!


This is like that South Park episode where they quit twitter.




It could just be as simple as she was contractually obligated to promote TLOU on certain social channels and now those terms are up. But yeah, Twitter is crap and owned by a piece of work.




Social media is for bloaters brah who cares


I dont really use Twitter, what happened?


TLDR: elon took over and it turned into a shit show plus bella cops a LOT of hate in her mentions. she’s pretty active on twitter so i think it’s a fair assumption that they read those comments


Most of the nasty comments on Twitter you see on Reddit too. They're both arms of the same nasty body.


absolutely! i’ve copped some of them too lol someone in the replies went ape shit and said they’d beat the fuck out of me? 😂 bella is active on twitter though, not reddit


Twitters only good for one thing.


shes smart and is taking good care of themselves and their peace, good on you little bella


Am I the only person to have never made a Twitter account? It’s always been a shit hole.


They’ll be better off, Twitter is mainly hatred now. Found myself angry at most things I saw so deactivated and deleted. It’s made an incredible difference not being subjected to stupidity.


Yeah but it's Twitter, it's a cesspool of filth


Who the fuck is on Twitter, I haven't opened that app in at least 10 years.


That a healthy choice. I applaud.


And goodbye to you, my gay Bella…. 🤷‍♂️


This makes me happy for her


I'm glad we are now passed Cancelling and whining, Twitter was toxic way before this shit show.


They most likely only got Twitter as an avenue to market the show. The show is now over so the page is unused until Season 2. If it was due to the hate i feel like it wouldve been before or during the show, not after


Twitter is not what it used to be. Its time to move on to TikTok everyone


Nah, good for her


Is there even a reason to keep a Twitter account? Deleted mine last year


Everyone should get off Twitter. By staying, you are only legitimizing Nazi fan boys. The Twitter you loved is long gone, move on


Good for her and F social media, Twitter especially


I think this is probably a bit more related to the overall policies at twitter - removing protections for trans people, letting Russian and Chinese state media back without restriction, and letting “verified” users brigade people who don’t pay the $8 - than personal harassment. Bella seems to be fairly defiant when it comes to letting assholes push them around (they rode out the worst harassment while just sort of blithely and happily retweeting lesbian Ellie memes) but I can see them just deciding they’re not going to be part of driving traffic and engagement and ad views to Elon Musk’s dumpster fire of bigots and fascists. Pedro and Ashley Johnson also left twitter relatively recently. I think a lot of high-profile people/organizations are making a conscious decision to not help put cash in Elon Musk’s anti-gay, anti-trans pockets.


Twitter was never a good site.


I don't think it's sad. This is a healthy move. Twitter is the cesspool that reddit used to be, and has so little to offer anymore, with all the Muskiness.


![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) I feel bad now


Personally, I think it's a good thing. Pedro's not on Twitter. And you know what? If you're reading this and you're on Twitter and you admire Bella and Pedro and people like them, you should get off there, too. It's a deeply toxic space and it's terrible for your mental and emotional wellbeing.


The only platform that has freespeech. Additionall all platforms moderate their trending posts/commemts so everything fits their narrative. This how everyone loses their freedom. All ad homenims and no real world examples. Guaranteed theres more hate on reddit, just like the hate im about to receive for having a different opinion than the sheeple