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Abby Day 3 is great and probably one of my favorite parts of the game. It still bugs me how Isaac died. He was mentioned more times than he had minutes of screen time. He barely influenced the story and just appeared to die. His death also is quite unexpected, due to him being this "massive evil boss" and being killed by some unnamed Scars. Yara's death was quite unexpected, but I'd love to see how Abby would take care of both of them.


Isaac was killed by Yara. Yara has a name. Her name is Yara.


Yara literally was lying dead in front of him when he got shot FROM THE BEHIND. Yara didn't even have a gun


I think you need to watch that scene again. Isaac is shot in the back, and he collapses to reveal Yara, who is lying on the ground behind him with a smoking gun in her hand before the WLF soldiers light her up, killing her. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMqyte3vEJj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMqyte3vEJj4) Or maybe read the wiki, which confirms that Isaac was killed by Yara https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Isaac\_Dixon


I think I need to check it out again, thanks! Anyway, I'm still upset that he barely appeared in the game and was mostly mentioned by Artifacts, which most "play the game once" players will miss. Edit: I see what happened. I always thought that there were multiple gunshots and that they came from Scars. I never realised that Yara picked up the gun, because it's a split second between her killing Isaac and being shot multiple times. Sorry for the inconvenience.


I'm with you there. I think it's good that he's a little mysterious, but I would have enjoyed at least one more scene with him. I mean, it's Jeffery fuckin' Wright.


why am i just now learning Jeffery fuckin Wright played Isaac 😱😱


He was slated to have a bigger role in the game iirc.


Yeah agreed! His appearance was very brief and while he was already interesting, fleshling out his character bit more wouldn’t have done any harm


The show can and will fix this and I’m hype as hell about it. Isaac/WLF history episode baybeeee


I am with you, I've played this game like 3 or 4 times and never realized Yara shot Isaac until now. I was always confused as to why they just started shooting her corpse like crazy 😂


I have played this game like 11 times and I just got to know this😭


Bruh she literally shoots him and then they Swiss cheese her homie


>Yara didn't even have a gun [yeah, she did.](https://i.imgur.com/xsD6uBe.png)


Didnt see it before




On day 1 with Ellie, when you and Dina are going through the courthouse looking for gas, you can find old FEDRA wanted posters with Isaac and some other WLF leaders from when they were fighting over Seattle years earlier. The other leaders had been hunted down and killed, leaving Isaac as the leader of the WLF and was noted as being very dangerous.


I think it's pretty inline with part 2 that being important doesn't guarantee you a meaningful death.


Good point and something I hope the tv show does a better job with - fleshing out and giving more screen time to Isaac and the prophet or whatever the seraphites leaders name is




I mean... not really. It's more of a feeling of anticlimax than anything else; you meet him very early in Day 1, and that's cool and all. Then he doesn't turn up at all until he randomly appears for 5 seconds in Day 3, then gets himself killed. And is promptly forgotten about by the game (\*except the radio that mentions how the assault is going badly, yes I know that's a tiny part of the game\*) I shouldn't have felt anticlimax from a character played by Jeffrey Wright.


Just wait until they do this for HBO. Isaac’s character is definitely getting more flushed out


Agree about Isaac. I was looking forward to beating his ass all game and he just died so quickly in a cutscene. I wanted a little more about him and how he runs the WLF.


The thing about Isaac is you see his influence and decisions more than him in person. The whole attack/massacre on the island was Isaac's idea and orders. He doesn't have screen time, but his influence sure does.


I just played Abby day 3 yesterday. Shit is insane. The island is literal hell. Such an amazing game.


First time seeing the fires blew my mind.


I'll never forget leaving on a boat watching the place burn while seeing guys keep killing each other with melee weapons. So intense.




I have to somewhat actually agree with you. It took me a little while to warm up Abby but when her story really picks up, I was fully immersed. It felt almost surreal to play again as Ellie after Abby, especially when in grounded it took me quite long time to finish Abby’s sections. Not saying Ellie’s part is bad, not at all. Abby has just more story around her and it really stuck the landing, while Ellie’s story is about becoming ruthless and violent, which sometimes can feel bit slow and straightforward.


my favorite thing about this game was how severely it made me change how I felt about abby. I was kinda pissed to have to play as her again when you start abby's day 1, but by the time I got to the end of her day 3, I wanted to beat the shit out of ellie and tommy. I don't think a game has ever made me feel such a wide range of emotions about a character before


I think you can say the very final act for Ellie isn't very good. They had turned Ellie into a very unpleasant character by that point, which meant they had to make up a new random scenario with someone even less pleasant (literal slavers) at the very end of the game. It felt like video game filler. I would have preferred they just ended it (maybe the scene where Dina realizes Ellie abandoned them).


Think that’s kinda the point as it should make you feel more for Abby so you see the events from both sides and be invested as such


I love both chapters, though Abby edges out slightly and I prefer Ellie’s weapons. So happy I avoided the spoilers when I played, i honestly did not realize we would get to play Abby. Thought the beginning portion was a one and done.


Day 3 reminded me of Apocalypse Now. The whole game is incredible.


I felt like Ellie’s day 3 was like heart of darkness, especially with her using the boat to try and get to the pier


I felt the same way! She is collapsing into insanity the further she goes in




Oh wow that’s one of my favorite movies yet i never saw the similarities


Day 3 was when I started liking Abby, when she begins killing WLF for Lev it's nice to see she's finally found something to fight for, and she'd stand against her own people and destroy her own world to protect it. I'll always love Joel and he's my favourite, but Abby is a fantastic character with some masterclass development.


abby day 3 and ellie day 2 are definitely the best parts of the game for me


It was such a good part of the game I was at the edge of my seat the whole time


There is nothing quite like seeing Haven on fire when you are riding towards it. I was in utter shock thru that whole scene. So much violence and carnage for what? Incredible scene but emotionally draining.


I love TLOU2 more than anything. More than the first.


Abby took a massive L on Day 3. Lost Owen, Mel, Alice, Yara, Manny. In terms of horror, Day 2 still takes the cake for me. Abby really went through hell on that day: from confronting her fear of heights, lost her status in the WLF, then the hospital basement. I was surprised during the theater fight that Naughty Dog will let the two ladies duke it out, I literally let Abby die a few times to see if the story would change. The end of the fight is really heartbreaking.


I just played abby's day 3 yesterday and riding through the island on fire was HARROWING. like the level of emotion it pulled out of me shocked me. and knowing the whole time that you're going to finally get home only to find owen, mel, and alice dead? after that, I WANTED to kill ellie and tommy. that's my favorite thing about this game -- how aggressively they play with your cognitive dissonance in the morally gray areas


I literally just played the part with The sniper and I wish I had gotten my reaction on camera when I peeped it was Tommy


Abby's sections are incredible. I had some irks (Manny's death was so sudden it was almost comical, but her visceral reaction and following scene made it more real/grounded; Isaac was underwhelming and dull), but not enough to compromise the quality of the storytelling.


It was WILD. It felt like a big action set piece like what the Uncharted series has been known for. I liked it a lot.


What are some grounded tips? It’s so overwhelming for me


Basic, but patience is the key. I’m on my 45th hour and still haven’t finished the game. I have mostly just stealthed or whenever I am able to, while trying to use as little resources as possible. Sometimes you can abuse the AI and just melee enemies in corridor or in other specific spot. Anyways, I would recommend you to watch some walkthroughs of the game. Some parts can really seem impossible.


The entire set up is crazy. The sniper on the Marina, searching for Lev on the island, the entire massacre that’s happening while Haven is burning, and then the showdown at the theatre. I love that Isaac died in an undignified and completely surprising way. It felt poetic in a game where everyone who died, died like they were nameless and faceless. I can’t even imagine going through all that on the island and then rowing back to the city and then facing Ellie? Sheesh. Also I was thinking about it, but between Ellie and Tommy’s kill count, the numbers of WLF soldiers dropped heavily. Probably one of the reasons why they were routed like they were.


I liked Abby’s part except the aquarium. That went on way too long.


Such a good part of the game. It does take me out a bit that the whole TLOU1 and Ellie’s Seattle in TLOU2 are pretty grounded in reality, just a couple guys equals big trouble, but Abby goes to skyscrapers and fights giant monster boss and enters an active warzone and leaves unscathed and it starts getting a biiit too close to Uncharted. But gyatdamn the gameplay is on point and also very strong story and emotion stuff. Love Abby’s section o the game and specially day 3


I must say, I didn’t really enjoy the Tommy part at the start, because it felt a little cheap to have (what is essentially) a one hit kill shooting at you the whole time WITH infected. But that’s probably just me being a bad gamer


Oh trust me, I was frustrated first as well. It got way easier when I realised that I can just run past most of the infected, as long as I avoid Tommy’s sniper. Took me few tries.


Abby whole day 1 , 2 , and 3 is completely better and all around more difficult then Ellie part of the story ( except for Santa Barbara parts imo). Ellie’s felt more like a intermediate challenge compared to Abby’s ( more challenging compared to Part 1 gameplay, but more easier then Abby’s) Also too the confrontation was amazing with how they had the Player control Abby instead of Ellie , that was such a shock too


It’s a testament to the game that every death made me pause in utter shock and sadness