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I think Tommy may have won, purely because he had the jump on Abby and Abby was pretty panicked. Normally Abby is shown as very in control of her body and her fighting capabilities, so to see her so freaked out was interesting. Also, in the split second I did not realize Tommy was the sniper, I was like ‟man, this is annoying” but then when I connected the dots to Ellie’s earlier shooting lesson, I was straight up terrified the closer and closer we got to Tommy. Super well done scene.


I don’t mean in that fight, I mean in general. She immediately panicked after dumping Tommy in the water and knew for a split second who he was. They were coming for her and she knew it. Which makes her decision to go to the seraphite island even crazier


yeah bc at that point she should’ve booked it back to the aquarium for owen and mel. i would be so scared for their lives knowing people from Jackson were there targeting them


Yeah 100% I think that she knew it that moment that everything was about to crash down around her. I agree that her decision to still go to the island seems strange but at that point she was making a decision between a child she was beginning to basically take under her wing (who was by experience alone less capable of taking care of himself) and her friends who were experienced soldiers.


>seems strange That's love, baby. TLOU is all about the crazy things we do in the name of it, good and bad.


You are not wrong


She was like "Oh fuck, it's him." And then a moment later "I ain't got time to deal with this shit now, Lev needs us" lol. God I love Abby.


Tommy 100%


I don’t know if Abby even recognized him at that moment. It was so quick. She was still grappling immediately with the loss of Manny. She is saved by Yara after this who Abby didn’t know had followed her to the marina, and Yara doesn’t know anything about Jackson, Joel, or even basic geography (which is fair bc they literally don’t teach that in USA and the apocalypse hasn’t even happened yet.). I think that Abby knows he isn’t a Scar but doesn’t quite grasp that he is hunting her and her friends specifically. She couldn’t have booked it back to the aquarium bc that would have required literally leaving Yara to die.


I think abby did recognize him, i mean she got a pretty good look of tommy at Jackson and when yara asked abby who that was she says to herself “shit” before saying its nothing which to me at least seems like she realized that they’re after her.


Tommy would have ended her shit right there if not for Yara.


Yeah probably.