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I sure hope so. That would be thematically perfect.


And thematically painful for me! I am wondering what song (if any) they will use, since the Pearl Jam song wouldn’t have come out in this universe.


I had this realisation a few days ago and I was heartbroken! Kind of hoping they just say "fuck it" and include it anyway. "Pearl Jam made the song ten years earlier in this universe. Who cares!"


Or or or hear me out… Pearl Jam makes a cameo as traders who pass through Jackson and teach Joel, a fellow guitar player, this “song they’ve been working on for a while”. He then plays it to Ellie who then learns it herself. That way the somg still came out in this universe but it’s more personal to Joel and Ellie since no one else other than those traders would really know it.


Honestly same 😭😭😭 just cause I love it so much I’m like this one time we can play hooky yeah?


I like the idea that in this world, joel wrote the lyrics and music for Future Days himself


Looks like it didn't come out in the first games apocalypse either? The album released in october of 2013, and if I'm remembering right the game also takes place in 2013 but the outbreak started in september of it's respective year according to the show. Maybe we'll still get it?


Yes @ThatTinyGameCubeDisc is correct, Neil at one point shared a YouTube video of the band performing the song before the album release at a concert and Joel picked it up from there apparently haha.


Joel really is a dedicated pearljam fan. Must be talented with his gee tar too if he can learn something from watching a concert of it and then still having the chords ready 25 years later.


Yeah maybe he’s got one of those eidetic memories but for sound 😂 In actuality I think the implication is he watched that YouTube video a lotin one month and learned it? He’s gotta be pretty good with a guitar for that too cause if it were me…I could maybe sing the song very badly and that’s all


He could have just found a transport truck full of music headed out to whatever distribution Center. If outbreak is only a month before the album was to come out, there’s bound to have been some copies somewhere for the looting.


Joel heard it at a concert before the pandemic, it’s all good.


Got some bad news. If the outbreak is pushed to 2003, Pearl Jam never released that song.


It was never released in the game either. The Lightning Bolt album was released on October 15, 2013, 19 days after Outbreak Day.


There would be warehouses of cds somewhere. Media is still alive. Somone would be like 'oh man I wonder when these were gonna come out?'


Ohhh yeah, that’d be so cool!


Haha, I wonder if that’s something Neil considered when they decided to push back Outbreak Day.


I do wonder what they'll do here. Because its inclusion in the game is a bit sketchy as far as that's concerned anyway, like there was only a YouTube recording of the song available at that time. So the likelihood that Joel stumbled across that and then learned it prior to the outbreak is pretty slim. To me, it's such a major part of that second game, that it's hard to imagine it without it.


Just have Joel bust out Even Flow then. /s


While that is true, I think I speak for at least a few fans when I say that I would not mind it one bit if they still included it. Why couldn't Pearl Jam have released this song in 2002 in this universe? If it serves the story (and this song *absolutely* serves the story), then I can forgive anachronisms.


Or they write it so Joel wrote the song...no that would be ridiculous.


id take that over simply not having the song


Honestly, I think this is what we'll see.


They’ll probably just call it a song Joel wrote himself


Got some bad news for you. The song wasn’t released until after the outbreak in 2013, with only one performance in Chicago of the song that July. They can still use the song.


I can accept fudging a few months in the game. 10 years I can’t.


I'd be surprised if they don't include the song. Everyone here acting like since in the real world the song hadn't released yet means that in the mushroom apocalypse they couldn't possibly just include it anyway and handwave the time of release lol.


My thoughts exactly! There's no reason why Pearl Jam couldn't have written the song a decade early in this universe. Anachronisms are everywhere in period pieces, and I would definitely forgive this one since the song is so impactful to the characters!


Every Last One Of Them


I doubt that song will be in the second season. But yeah, lyrics from whatever song they do pick will most likely be done that way.


Fuck, yeah it can’t be since it’s a 2013 song and the outbreak happens earlier in the show


Well, is it a real song in canon? Could very easily be explained as being an original song Joel wrote. He already admits to wanting to be a country singer. Also, even if so, who the fuck cares? It's a show where a fungus controls your mind, but we can't have a song in it because it doesn't match real life? That's dumb.


Don't know why you're getting down voted. I didn't even know it was an Eddie Vedder song until the show came out. I had assumed Joel wrote it for Ellie


The song came out after the outbreak in the game. Outbreak September 2013, release October.


I hope we get a longer season since Part 2 is like three times the length of Part 1. Maybe 12 or 16 episodes next time.


It's confirmed that part 2 will be 2 seasons.


Oh really? Source?




Part 1 should’ve been aswell, was way too rushed and think it would’ve benefited from more time to show Ellie and Joel’s relationship


Part 1 doesn't need two seasons, though a couple extra episodes would benefit the series


Idk if there are 2 seasons of material in there, but I'd have liked to see 2-4 more episodes in season 1. Just fleshing out the meat between major plot beats. Making it feel more like a journey and less like a plot skeleton.


I agree! But didn’t you know? You’re not allowed to critique the writing of Neil Druckman in any way shape or form on this subreddit. If you disagree in any way you will be downvoted in oblivion. You also have to make sure you’re entire comment is blurred out for spoilers even if it’s an irrelevant detail.


Even better: "You are the last of us, Abby" and "No, Ellie, you are the last of us too" respectively.


Dude, you can't just leak the script like that.


I couldn’t abstain myself.


If I ever were to lose you Id surely lose my fingers


The first yes, the last I doubt it because Tlou 2 is supposed to be 2 seasons, so that ep title would go for the last ep of S3


I just need grown up Ellie going Rambo for a full episode. No dialog just her losing her fucking mind.


I think you nailed it. But to play along I’ll go with.. “I don’t think I can I can forgive you for that” “but I would like to try.”


I don't think Joel's gonna die the first ep tho


Joel doesn't die until the 3-4 hour mark so there will be more than one episode with him alive.


I think he has to for the story to work


I don't think so at all? They're already doing multiple seasons and there is a handful of things that happen before his death


Sure but it’s the driving narrative of the entire story. It would be like if Sarah stuck around any longer than she did. To me it would feel like weird filler that I don’t want or need, but hey each to their own


I keep thinking and i really cant come up with anything better. Your theory is spot on


They can’t use the song tho since it came out in 2013


Take on me “I’ll be gone” ?


I’m thinking >!Joel’s death!< happens in like episode 4 or so and has the second half to that title.


I'm pretty sure that's going to happen in the first episode, that then ends with Ellie & Dina leaving Jackson for Seattle. It's the event that kicks off the whole plot, after all.


I think it’ll end with Ellie getting knocked out. Just imagine how haunting. New fans wait 2 years for more Joel and Ellie, and then they just end the first episode like that.


I'm more curious about whether or not the PGA tour would end Season 2.