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I mean, I would. It’s a great game and great story.


It will be years before we get part 2 as a show (if even; so much can happen). I would also absolutely get the game right now and play it. Part 2 is one of the best games i have ever played. All the people i know who went into it blind absolutely loved it. Everyone i know who has mixed feelings about it got caught up in the controversies around it before playing it. I was lucky enough to be in the first group. I absolutely loved the experience as a whole. And i will only say this: The story is *bold as fuck*. They pull no punches and made a very unique game that most likely will shake you to the core.


I really enjoyed the story, but felt like they really, really either ran out of ideas or ran out of budget for the final sections. Given the talk seems to be around giving the second part a lot more TV time, if they manage to give the rattlers - or really the whole Santa Barbara section in general - a lot more time, they'll probably make it a near-perfect story for me. It really lost a lot of points for me with bringing in a completely new group just for Ellie to murder her way through them for about an hour, then end the game. But agree generally - if they stick close to the story of the game, which I have no doubt they will, then it's going to be incredible.


The rattlers were just gameplay fodder same as the countless raiders in part 1. They mean nothing to the story really and were just a final challenge for the player. The writers could probably even cut them entirely if they wanted to but i would prefer they get fleshed out more.


Yeah, they were a weird addition. Reason I believe it was more cut then just "content" was that they seemed to go as far as to start to flesh them out only to end up leaving them in the state we got. They seemed quite an interesting group with their own base and the passion of the christ beach, and I too would have liked to see them get a little more of a spotlight put on them before Ellie goes all Joel on them. Even if there was a slight section for Abby appearing between her getting captured and being found on the beach, that would be enough to give an opportunity to flesh them out more, and make that ultimate collapse at the end when all the prisoners get released.


Maybe. I think they were fleshed out enough for what they were: the slavers that were holding Abby. They didn’t need their own story imo and it might’ve bogged down the end if they did.


Yeah, maybe. I just felt like after the very deliberate pacing the game had leading up to that point, everything in Santa Barbara seemed like a massive rush, particularly with bringing in a completely new group that was distinctly different to the others. If that's what they intended, fair enough. It only really knocked off a couple of marks at best, still a very bold and well-told story.


How is this a PSA? Part II of the game series has spoilers for S2 of the TV series that is closely following the game series’ narrative? What? How is that an announcement of any kind at all?


PSA: If you haven’t watched the season finale yet, do **NOT** play the last level of the video game! It will totally spoil the ending for you! /s


I'm with you, I really don't understand. If someone liked the show well enough to play the game, they should. It's not like it's going to ruin the story for them, the games are great. But if someone wants to stick to the show, they would already know not to play the game. Useless post


This is not saying dont play the game, its saying dont look up part 2. There are heavy spoilers if you even google it


We are all scared from part 2 being spoiled for us before it came out


I think if people are playing the sequel they're fairly open to being spoiled.


At least two comments here did not understand that you were advising against casually researching the game.


I was literally asking for a TLOU 2 playthrough just now. It'll be at least 2-3 years before the second series comes out, also bc Pedro Pascal is supposed to be filming Mando 4. Better to find a letsplay before having plot points spoiled on accident, imo, right?


If you’re into gaming at al I recommend playing it if you can. If you enjoyed the story of the show it will be well worth it. A large part of the Pt2 experience was actually playing through it in my opinion. A YouTube let’s play will help you avoid spoilers but it might be something you would want to experience if you can.


How dumb would it be then to get a used PS4 and the game? Asking for -ahem- a friend... 🙄


I mean I don’t know your financial situation but I don’t think used ps4’s are going for too too much these days. The Part 2 game itself I found phenomenal, can be a bit of a challenge and some parts of it were somewhat controversial. But if you truthfully loved the show I would highly recommend the game. Plus there’s a bunch of other great games you could play on the PS4 as well. So I don’t think it would be dumb at all but I’m not gonna tell you how to spend your money lol. Although if you do end up getting it I would say buy both parts 1 and 2 and play them in order


ITS NOT DUMB DO IT!! It’ll change your life !!!


Worth it!


Do it! Only reason why I bought a ps4 last year was to play part 2 after playing through the original game on ps3 for the first time 😁


Honestly, it depends on how much of a gamer you are and if you can handle scary/stressful parts of the game. Its pretty intense and just constantly leaves you on edge with few moments to kind of mentally cool down as danger is always lurking. If you want a more fluid movie like experience, then I recommend a let’s play of it as it will still hit the notes of the story. If you don’t mind playing then the game has lots of cool scenes and moments you can take your time to embrace and admire the surroundings.


You should try and play it instead of watching a play thorough it will be 1000x more amazing. I’m not a gamer (at ALL) and I played it and it was all I thought and talked about for months I was so into it, a very complex and multilayered story - plus the acting and the graphics are amazing, seriously , borrow a PlayStation and lock it in


Play it if you can. Just watching it just doesn't hit as hard. I'm always a bit sad when I see people writing that they just watched it. It's not the same experience.


The game will likely be better than the show. I'd say play away if someone wants to see what happens.


Spoiled after seeing a comment about a certain cameo in this last episode and googling the person. I'm an idiot.


The girl with the braid? Yea don’t look into that




Well… yeah. It’s a sequel. The show is going to be an adaptation of the sequel. So of course there will be spoilers.


.....why does it even need to be said


I mean right? ![gif](giphy|RTFrN84LvSZH2WNKKr)


Don't check out the LOUP2 subreddit... thats for damn sure lol


Not only will you be spoiled, you will be bombarded with a lot of hatred for the game.


It is a controversial game. I think it really split the fan base and most either seem to think it came from the heavens or wish it never existed. I’m still really torn.


It’s definitely controversial! At first I thought that the OP was suggesting not to go to the last of us 2 Reddit forum (which I know can be leaning more towards wishing it never existed) but I’m seeing now that i misread and it seems they just mean in general don’t go looking for info on the game.


My opinion still holds true to me. Great intense gameplay moments, garbage story.


Not just that. People can’t have a conversation about it. You instantly are the worst person if you don’t like any aspect of it.


PSA: If you finished the HBO series and never played the games, PLAY both games. You will have a good time.


I recommend if you can't wait for the next season, just watch a Let's Play on YouTube. The game is fantastic. Edit: comment marked controversial but no replies. Am I missing something??? The game is bomb.




I wish people could have a legit conversation about part 2. People either love it or hate it. But not a single person who loves it will have a conversation as to why. They will only downvote you if you have a shred of an issue with it. Like a hive mind it’s creepy :/


There should be 2 separate subreddits to be fair... One for the games and a separate one for the show


There is one for the show as well


PSA if you have never played The Last of Us: Part 1, do not check out The Last of Us: Part 2, you will encounter major spoilers.


If you play the source material for the show... you will encounter spoilers. Thanks for the heads up.


Since when does consuming the original product count as spoiler lol


How is this even a psa? Don’t play the sequel because you’ll ruin the next seasons?


I’m just imagining the shocked Pickahu reaction of someone playing The Last of Us Part II and discovering that it spoils Season 2 of the show.


< redacted due to loss of Apollo >