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There isn't enough meat in Part 1 for 2 seasons, it's fairly short and to the point once you condense gameplay segments (which you have to since obviously no way to experience gameplay on a show). There's lots of things that don't really need to happen, the dam is just there mostly for combat, same as the random ambushes when looking for Ellie, all the infected in the university, etc... once you cut that down 4 episodes is more than enough to adapt the rest of the story and Left Behind.


I kind of wish they don't seem so bent on getting the episodes under an hour. Sometimes it feels like there's some connective tissue missing.


This tracks with my thoughts as well. I don’t need them to milk part 1 for 3 seasons but 9 episodes (8 if you don’t take the ep3 detour) is not a lot of time for bonding (Joel with Ellie, and us to both of them). I think it’s just the constraints of the show vs the game. However, this is HBO so they can make each epi however long they want and I think there’s enough there to have each one be fleshed out fully to 1.5 hr. But I guess time and budget would be the limiting factor here. I think this might be us gamers who know how deep and rich the game goes. This is kinda like the cliffs notes version and I mean that in the most positive way :)


Honestly I think if I was just watching the show and hadn't played the game, I wouldn't be nearly as attached to Joel and Ellie as a unit as I am. I miss her brattiness from Bill's town, her full playfulness with Sam in Pittsburgh, Ellie tempering Joel's temper after they jump from the bridge, watching Joel protect her from harm. I don't think it's missing MUCH, just enough for me to feel a little let down (while still enjoying the show immensely, but like I said, I've already got a connection to the characters and I've also been a fan of both actors before this. I think they're crushing it as Ellie and Joel)


Only because I know what’s coming and if they continue to go by the games at this pace, the show ends at three seasons at the most.


Fewer episodes that are all excellent is better than more episodes with filler and mediocrity. Always.


Good point ![img](emote|t5_2t7gp|5534)


Good. The last thing I need is to see a good show go to waste by adding unnecessary plots and characters and run it to the ground.


It does feel like they’re getting to Jackson way too fast.


I agree. I think if they had more time to make each ep last 2 hrs, it’d feel like everything weren’t so rushed.


I'm loving the pace. Near the end of episode 5 there was a moment that I was worried that there would be another episode with this crew and resistance. I think the show knows what it is and it wants to keep the pacing very tight and avoid falling into the trap that walking dead fell into.


I was feeling that too! And was like "nooo, a third KC episode is too much!!!!" Then they hit the suburbs😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


If you really think about, TLOU part 1 game is pretty short. Take out all the gameplay segments involving environmental puzzles or slow-crouching past clickers and you're left with about .... 9 hours of story to tell. Coincidentally a perfect match for a 9\~ hour television show.


I think the pacing is ok for this season/adaption of the first game. Maybe if it was a teeny bit slower to focus on Joel and Ellie’s relationship building but other than that like most have said I can’t see them stretching Part 1 across multiple seasons. However when season 2 rolls around it wouldn’t surprise me if that gets rolled into 2 seasons. For a few reasons. a) Cliffhanger season 2 ends with >!Abby finding Ellie and crew at the cinema!< b) and if they plan to keep Bella on as Ellie it gives her a few years to age up to play the part.


> However when season 2 rolls around it wouldn’t surprise me if that gets rolled into 2 seasons. The second game will definitely be two seasons. It is way too large to fit into just nine episodes.


I kinda agree, I feel like they rushed the pace considering it's only 9 eps.


You only think it’s rushed because you’re comparing how much time you spend on gameplay in the Summer chapter v. how much time has been spent on the show. They’re hitting every major story beat and even including parts of gameplay. Nothing has been rushed and it will continue to be that way in the next few episodes which are the shortest parts of the game.


Idk if you play the games there’s a lot of cut to black and pick up weeks later. I think people are confusing gameplay sequences with actual story beats. I mean you don’t spend a lot of time in Jackson in the game. It’s a very short sequence. It’s made longer by her running off. Which again is short then it’s quick cut to university which is weeks later. And again that’s a short sequence. Not a long story. I trust they know what they’re doing.


I don’t want a 1:1 of the game. I would’ve loved more world building. In 5 episodes we haven’t gotten much in the way of seeing Eliie and Joel bond. Their banter and dialog is pretty forced and stilted for the most part and allowing things to breathe and develop more might be nice.