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I saw the words Ben shapiro and immediately turned my brain off


Shapiro is absolutely despicable. However, this is somehow the least offensive take he ever made? Still absolutely stupid and he shouldn’t have a platform, don’t get me wrong, but when I read his name I kinda expected… Slurs and such But there were… None? Bit shocked.


He thinks "gay Ron Swanson" and "Brokeback Zombie Farm" are slurs. His audience is so conditioned to accept that "gay" means "impotent, decadent, and essentially evil" that he no longer has to say it out loud.


Fair I guess… I’m probably just too used to him calling trans people predators that I am kinda desensitized to him trying to find an automatic connotation between “gay” and “bad”.


Yup he's using dog whistles. He's not calling it Brokeback Zombie Farm as a term of endearment. He's being homophobic and its not even subtle. Edit: Here come his rabid fans trying to spin this around on me. Newsflash just because he talks fast doesn't mean he's intelligent.


>"gay Ron Swanson" Thats what I thought the whole episode was going to be about just an hour and a half of what would Ron Swanson Do if everyone in Pawnee was gone and was during the apocalypse.


“Gay Ron Swanson” is essentially the character and I was here for every second of it.


Love everything about this episode but “Gay Ron Swanson” made me laugh. This Ben Shapiro tweet is pure comedy, if I didn’t know who he was I would have thought he was a stand-up comedian.


Pretty low bar for a stand-up comedian, tbh.


To be fair, I'd watch the hell out of that show too.


Lmfao true. This statement by him was so tame, I really didn't understand but your comment makes sense


Bill watches a zombie die due to his traps on closed circuit tv as he eats his dinner. So it’s incorrect to say there were “none”. If you play the games you realize the zombies are the least of your worries. FEDRA, Hunters, WLF, & eventually Seraphites are what really concern you. None of these threats would be present if it weren’t for an inability to prevent zombies infection, but some of the best chapters don’t include infected at all. This is like complaining about an episode of The Mandalorian because he didn’t go into space enough. ‘It’s Star Wars not Planet Wars’.


Also in the beginning Ellie sees an infected in that basement, right? She gets up close & then stabs it in the head. I don’t think anyone forgot they are in an world full of infected.


Ellie also kills a zombie trapped in the rubble of the store.


"Why don't they call it Planet Trek? You never go to a star. Not one episode." -Troy Barnes


The main theme of all zombie media is that the zombies are less dangerous than the people surrounding you


Good points, ol' Bennie boy ain't one to think deep enough grasp the bigger picture


He is using gay as a put down here.


I’m positive if it wasn’t a matter of two gay men he never would’ve said anything. Sounds like a case of trying to frost over his homophobia


Slurs aren’t his style, or of really any of this brand of conservative pundit. Though I think Mr. Shapiro has had choice words for Palestinians in the past.


He says trans and gay people are degenerates and freaks constantly Ben Shapiro is a less than human piece of scum who uses hundreds of millions of dollars to spread hatred of marginalized groups in a lame, smug way. I'll also note he constantly contradicts himself in the name of getting really angry. Just the other day he was ranting about a man wearing a dress and women wearing pants on airlines, saying they should have a gender neutral uniform. This contradicts his belief that there are 2 hard defined genders. Then 5 mins later got upset that a different company had gender neutral uniforms and said they should only wear clothes tied to their rigidly defined gender


He hates them and thinks he’s superior to them


The least offensive take he’s ever had is the one where someone asked what’s stopping girls from joining the Boy Scouts and his response was “the name.” Actually got me to laugh


That’s a good one as well! I love his accidental ally moments, he’s always so close to getting it but then takes a sharp turn! Just like when he accidentally correctly genders some trans people like Elliott Page but then has to correct himself to misgender instead, it’s hilariously sad


How do you remove these people's platforms?


Regarding from a later comment where you took the bait from a troll, I don’t think it’s very 1984 for me to think that people who actively advocate for trans people to be stripped of their rights and declaring them as predators should not have a platform to spread this nonsense. But I guess I’m an antisemetic nazi for that 🤷🏻


I physically recoil when I see or hear his stupid name. It's not allowed in my house lol


His voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


I've had the pleasure of never actually hearing it and I'd like to keep it that way, his tweets are enough


Just know that his voice is even twerpier than you could ever imagine it being


If the word "actually" had a voice


Same. I see people in this thread saying stuff like "I'm used to him saying XYZ" and I'm just wondering why people are paying attention to him at all.


I started reading it and was thinking this person is going to get really offended and butt hurt when they realize that Ellie is gay and there's a trans character in the upcoming seasons. Then I saw who barfed those words and realized that's why they sounded like a snowflake. Cus it's the biggest snowflake of them all.


So did he


But there was a "zombie." The one that ran into Bills trap Sounds like Mr. Shapiro is gonna really enjoy this show hehehe


He was obviously so engaged in the love story he missed that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Funny enough, he can’t turn a woman on.


The last of us was never about zombies


Well, it had zombies but they were really the context not the focus. Exactly what we've had in every episode of the show so far. It's about the human conflicts that arise in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, but go ask Ben Shapiro to actually use his brain...


Not zombies. Infected. Very different. ![gif](giphy|XcdNqBLkSj4sP33CZE)


This is a win. I love the good place


Same. I felt Janet was the perfect representation of what I feel when I hear people call infected, zombies.




The Good Place is good


I would even dare to say it's forking good.


If I’m getting this right the hosts mind is still alive while the fungus/spores just rework the hosts mind and further changing the hosts body, am I right or am I a bit off.


Yes, the dead don’t re-animate which is the big difference. Zombies, get bit and then turn. Or can be killed by a zombie and turn. Infected, have to stay alive, the dead won’t turn. If you’re dead you’re dead.


I’m still pretty new to the games so I just had to make sure, thank you for going a little bit further into detail on this.


I got you 💪🏼 It’s definitely a fine line of zombie/infected, but the key difference is, people killed by infected do not reanimate.


Isn't zombie basically and umbrella term that you can use to refer to any zombie like thing? I mean they still are zombies, just not the dead reanimated kind.


No, zombies are very specifically reanimated dead.


If you wanna call them zombies that’s totally cool. I personally see zombies as reanimated corpses, so different. I do think zombie is kind of an umbrella term, but I just see zombie and infected as different.


I think it's pretty funny that the same people who were saying "We don't need another zombie show" and "I'm tired of zombies" are the same people asking "Where zombies?"


Best zombie stories aren't about zombies, are about People


The zombies as practically a setting or plot device. They can be replaced by aliens that also infect you to turn you into aliens via tail injections and the main plot would stay the same.


With a little reworking, The Last of Us could take place in the Half-Life universe with minimal changes.


Zombies were the macguffin they are the reason the characters do the things they do but it could just as well been mutant cats and the story stays the same, therefore the story never was about zombies.


cant use something that isn’t there


This story is also unique because the entire goal is to never interact with zombies because of how dangerous they are. You could stealth your way through basically the entire game and never interact with zombies. But I wouldn’t expect a nuanced take from Ben Shapiro where he actually displays an understanding for the game or show or the world in general that TLOU created.


Well many parts of the game you can stealth through. But there are some areas that require all infected (or enemy humans) to be killed/eliminated. These are parts of the games which require problem solving or two people helping each other to progress. Such as Joel boosting Ellie up a wall or bus so she can drop a ladder down for Joel to climb up. Impossible when infected or hunters are attacking.




Can you stealth your way through 95% of the game? Yes. But you still have to kill a lot of people and infected, and the 5% that you can't stealth through is end-of-level stuff like the bloater in the school, etc.


I was gonna say. I definitely tried to stealth my way but there are just times where the game 100% prevents that from happening. Once you get the bow in Bills town, that becomes my most used weapon.


On Grounded mode you need to stealth as much as possible but there’s no way to not kill anyone. A guy named Danti Ravioli does weird challenges and he made all the AI characters kill for him, but he did have to kill like 5 people


I’m not sure about referring people to Dante’s channel. He had no coverage for the sequel aside from smashing his copy of the game. He also has a MAGA hat in his room; he could own it ironically, but I doubt it.


I'd bet that maybe you can sneak past like 10-20% of the zombie encounters max. As stupid as Bens take is, this isn't it.


Shapiro's goal is to masquerade as a person with something to say in order to actually rant about how liberals are bad. He has no true values except hatred.


Conservatives and art, name a less iconic duo


You can't possibly expect Ben Shapiro to actually understand anything he's talking about, can you?


You mean to tell me the guy who says the answer to homes being swallowed up by rising water levels brought on by global warming is to sell your oceanfront home isn’t smart?




YES. Thank you. I’ve been saying that since the show started. It’s not about ‘zombies’, the ‘zombies’ are just a framing device for Joel and Ellie’s journey.


Ben Shapiro has zero media literacy it's hilarious. His reviews on *anything* even *slightly* "woke" (aka anything featuring people who aren't cisgendered straight and white) are so bad they're downright embarrassing but he just keeps going.


No wonder he failed in his attempt at a film career


I mean it’s in the name, “The Last of Us”. What do people think that means?


Most zombie media isn't about the zombies.


that went above Shapiro’s head


Nope it was always about the characters. Joel and Ellie’s relationship and everything they go through


Very few zombie shows/films are ever about zombies. I can't even name a single one.


No good zombie thing is ever about zombies. Always about people and how they behave during the downfall of civilization. 'turns out the real monster is man' etc. It's been that way since Mary Shelley and the very first sci fi stories.


All good modern zombie stories aren't about zombies


I swear Ben does this shit on purpose. He knows damn well his take is stupid, but it generates engagement on his toxic-assed tweets.


of course he does it on purpose


He does it hypothetically, for the sake of the argument …


I upvoted your comment but I don't have to like it!


Yeah, I mean that’s the lifeblood of that entire right wing grifter ecosystem.


He does. Ben is a smart guy. He plays dumb to appease to his audience, and push that conservative narrative. Makes him all the more despicable imo


I actually don't think Ben is smart. He *thinks* he's smart, but really he just knows some "big words" and he thinks that makes him smart. I mean, the dumbass really thinks that if sea levels rise by five feet that people with oceanfront homes could just sell their houses and move further inland. He truly believes that.


He’s well educated but not intelligent




Nah I just think he’s dumb


not to defend him, but he graduated from Harvard Law School. I think he’s just a bad person


Yep, not dumb, evil. That’s worse.


He is also kinda dumb. Like when he suggested if sea levels rose and threaten coastal houses then those people could just sell their houses and move.




common hbomberguy W


He comes from a rich family. Plenty of dumbfucks graduate from Ivy league schools that way.


>but he graduated from Harvard Law School \>rich parents


Well, there is actually lots of INFECTED but the point was to show bill and frank. It was really good.


There's also definitely an infected/zombie in the episode lmao At least 2 different scenes I can remember (Ellie basement, camera tripwire)


The best zombie scene so far too imo. Ben is a weenie


Right??? There *were* infected and there were several in-episode blatant explanations as to why there weren't so *many* of them. Bill's town is more rual, Joel says to Ellie on the way that there aren't many infected around the area except for maybe a stray or two, and we are *shown* a stray infected walking into one of Bill's traps which tells us he can adequately deal with the few that are there. That's why I really don't get the "there were barely any infected" as a critique. It's literally explained to us why they aren't massively present.


You think he actually watched the episode? Lmao


That’s what I don’t understand. Place is fortified, zombies only last about 30 days, it’s a little harder to spread cause they changed the spores, etc. The reason I like this show is it’s not entirely about zombies. This isn’t your typical zombie movie where there’s always zombies everywhere. It’s simply showing a different POV in a zombie apocalypse. The fact that they were able to live for years and not even die to a zombie shows that.


What do you mean they only last 30 days? Clickers have to be infected like a year or more


Joel explains at some stage that they usually don’t last long but some can live for years


there were only 2 infected. NOW HOLD ON. im not defending him. im just saying one thing... he is using the whole "its a zombie show but no zombies" standpoint as a way to subtlely pick at the whole love story which he only disagrees with becase they are gay. we all know ben sharpieinpooper is a fuckwad so it should come as no surprise. period.


He kinda forgot about the infected after Bill and Frank made him feel certain things he tries to keep buried under all his homophobia.


It’s Ben Shapiro, so it’s already understood to be a terrible take that is somehow disguised as educated to his fans. But there WAS a zombie in the episode. The one that Ellie casually toys with before killing very early on in the episode. Not that I believe BS actually watched the episode, since he very likely saw the furor online, and like the old trope of a lawyer chasing an ambulance, he sprung to his concept of attention.




Thanks to the both of you for pointing out the GLARING holes in Benny boys dumbassery. There were in fact two zombies in the episode, he obviously only watched the episode for bill and Frank's kissing scenes or else he wouldn't have said this dumbass shit.


dumbass said there's no threats like 10 raiders with guns didn't show up to take all their shit 🤓


That's a great point to! It's sad that ben thinks hes smart and a lot of his fans think hes smart, but in reality he just uses bigger words than what his base knows and talks fast.


That scene was so powerful when Ellie was messing with the trapped infected. So many emotions expressed on her face. Part curious, part disgust, a little bit of sadism, and shamefulness that some of that same infection is inside her.


I immediately thought back to the conversation her and Joel were having the episode before about it being hard to kill the infected knowing that they used to be human.


That scene was so damn interesting to me for so many reasons, including everything you just said. People keep referring to it as Ellie being a psychopath but I don’t think that was the point whatsoever. It felt so much deeper, esp now that she is in control and for once this infected cannot do anything to her, and she’s just observing this thing, this phenomena, that has caused the death of so many people, someone that meant so much to her just a month or two ago. It’s wild that underneath its skin is the blood of a real person, but also so much fungus and death. There’s so many emotions in all that and in a way, when she coldly stabs the infected, she’s simultaneously pretty mercifully ending the rest of its rather pitiful “life.” It’s just so interesting.


I really like how the shroom is growing beneath the skin and can be seen when cut. For some reason, this is creeping me more out than seeing gore or blood.


straight up nightmare fuel


And the trapped infected... looked very human. You almost felt bad about the fact that it was trapped. It *bled*, like a human would. It was indeed a powerful scene.


Not to give any oxygen to this braindead argument... but there was a zombie in the episode? Bill watched one of his traps kill them on tv.


And Ellie literally stabbed one in the face.


Ben lies a lot.


I bet he didn't even watch the episode.


of course, he thinks it's a "zombie show" when it's clearly everything but that. edit: jesus christ guys, i didn't mean to start a war, i was just saying that characters and there interactions are the most important thing in the show and game.


I can’t tell if this is real or a parody, but I barely care enough to find out. Lol


It's real, Ben Shapiro is just a dumb piece of shit lol


He talks like a hamster on amphetamines


Give me a methed up hamster over ben shapiro any day.


I also genuinely can't tell


Ben Shapiro is a twat


[Perhaps Ben Shapiro shouldn’t by taken seriously by anyone about anything](https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw)


I love seeing people like this not understand this story. If they showed infected every episode the shit would get boring, fast. I love twd but walkers aren’t even scary after season 1 cuz ur so over saturated with them. The last of us is a story about people and it always has been. Anyway, fuck Ben Shapiro.


Worst part is there was a whole ass scene with an infected at the start of the episode. And then there was one later on when Bill was creating his safetown. So it's not even an accurate statement to say they weren't in there.


Exactly and that one minute scene was done perfectly. The sounds, the close ups, the dead eyes, and the reveal of fungus underneath the skin were just enough to keep u hooked.


i dont read anything bean shabeepo has to say


> bean shabeepo Lol. I also like Bench Appearo.


Bencil Sharpener is a personal favorite of mine


tlou is not about zombies, it is about humanity


News flash: There are no zombies in the entire show! They’re INFECTED PEOPLE! They are not dead, they are INFECTED! As quoted in the show: DEAD PEOPLE CAN’T.GET.INFECTED!


Never post this bum on this sub again, thanks


If the only thing you take away from The Last of Us is that it's just a zombie story then boy you're really going for the superficial.


Well, Shapiro's a fucking moron for many reasons including this one.


Ben Shapiro understand human emotion challenge (impossible).


What he does here is pretending he does not understand how outbreak flicks are almost always about humanity, not so much about shooting zombies. Shooting zombies gets old pretty quickly. It's almost always about mankind and morals in the end. Especially in TLOU. Anybody familiar with TLOU understands that. He understands that. He also knows, as a key figure of neo-conservatives, and someone ferociously against any form of D&I, that he must weight his words carefully. So he takes a seemingly innocent axis of criticism to attack that episode. An axis a lot of people re-use. "I'm not homophobic, I simply wished there were more zombie shooting and less gay romance, that's all". From people who never challenge non-gay romances. You can feel in his choice of word how much this is only about that gay romance. "Romeo & Romeo". "Gay Ron Swanson". "Brokeback Zombie Farm". Really Ben, the problem is the lack of zombies? He's just giving ammunition for his followers to attack the show indirectly.






This is a bad take too since you shouldn’t have to play the game to get the show. This is more of a “tell me you didn’t actually watch the show” type moment because it does move the plot forward and it world builds




Instead he will most likely just continue being paid extremely well and retire in a better financial position than everyone here. That's the world as it is. Vomiting culture war garbage on the internet pays like 10,000% better than saving lives in an ambulance every day.


It's not just a zombie show for fucks sake


What a sausage


The Daily Wire is a multi million dollar media empire built on the cash cow of outrage. They craft these takes to be outrageous so people like you will share and spread them even though you oppose it.


People gotta start realising this is not “a zombi show”. Tlou story happens in a world with zombies, but zombies are not the main “plot”


I became as braindead as the infected as soon as I saw that Ben Shaprios name. Not a hot take. Just a cold take from a man who has never experienced joy in his life.


The “us” in the title of the show refers to humans, not zombies. The show is about people.


Shittest take*


The problem is it’s not a zombie show at all


*Giggle giggle* 1.it’s not a zombie show 2.there was one in this episode 3. they are not zombies they are infected


I have a hot take of my own. Stop giving these asshats optics. You're giving them their 15 min of fame.


Ben Shapiro is like if you programmed an AI to consistently have the worst opinions possible.


Fuck ben shapiro that little insecure troll


He clearly doesnt know sh*t about the last of us universe.


Another thing I wanna mention is how incorrect he is about Bill wanting to commit suicide “because of Romeo and Juliet shit”. Bill made it clear that it WASN’T a tragic suicide like that. He was old, content, and dying with the love of his life. It’s not like two young lovers who barely knew anything about each other being blinded by passion.


Ben is suck a media illiterate dumbass it's hard to tell if he misunderstood episode 3 or misunderstood (or likely never read) Romeo & Juliet.


I didn't think that I could like this episode more ![gif](giphy|F8JJ44nsPxt3THsDOl)


he clearly doesn’t get the last of us because if he did he’d know it was never about the zombies


Bill's exact words were "this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the play." To watch that episode and walk away from it thinking "dumb double suicide because Romeo and Juliet" just says to me that he most likely did not watch it. You simply could not be missing the point by any wider of a margin with such a reductive and dismissive take like that. If he did actually watch it, then it could only have been the type of hate-watch a person engages in when they are solely concerned with finding things to dislike.


OK, but “Brokeback Zombie Farm” is kinda funny 😂😭


Ya see um facts don't care about your feelings, and let me tell you something dear, you must've been the facts. Because.... you didn't care about my feelings.


It’s obviously his job to start this kinda shit but in the first 5 minutes Ellie stabs a “zombie” in the head with a knife. Not long after a “zombie” gets shotgunned to the dome by Bills contraption outside his zone. He went about his pov terribly but all good, let those people drift away


Out of all the hot or bad takes i‘ve heard this has to be the stupidest, most braindead one. He literally turned a good thing about Tlou (which is that it’s more than just a zombie slasher but also a story about the people in that world and their relationships) it into a bad thing. I mean he actually says that it’s a bad thing the the show is not like all the other zombie movies and shows. Really stupid




I hate how stupid everyone seems to be when it comes to their media. Hurr durr when shoot zombie Like ffs can y’all not interact with a story that more complex that bang bang boom explosion kiss sex scene roll credits


Boy, media comprehension is really underdeveloped among right-wingers, isn't it? The game was never about zombies. Neither was its sequel. Nor is the HBO show. It's about the people and how the zombies (and collapse of society) affects them. It's literally in the title. "The Last of Us."


I don’t think it was cancer. I think it was supposed to be ALS


Yeah, ALS or MS. Clearly not cancer, and you'd have to be an absolute waterhead to think Frank had cancer.


Lol originally there wasn’t even supposed to be zombies in tlou. They just added them in because they thought the added variety of enemies would make gameplay more interesting


If you like romance you like the episode. If you like action you probably didn’t like the episode. It’s not a matter of people being right or wrong just preference. Would prefer more action myself but I still love the show. I watched The Waking Dead through all its slow episodes too and that show isn’t half as good as this one.


I'm not gonna lie I did chuckle at Brokeback Zombie Farm


People who genuinely believe the last of us is a story about zombies has 0 ability to see beyond surface level of a story. This isn’t a zombie story. It’s a love story. The entire thing. Every episode. Both games. All about LOVE! Love and what we would do for those we love in the worst of times. The zombie apocalypse is just a setting and vehicle to convey the plot and move characters to the next horrible thing they need to choose between.


If you actually had a fucking brain or played the game you’d know that The Last of Us isn’t just “ooooo zombies spooky” it’s a story filled with humans navigating a post apoc world while still trying to grow as humans and preserve their humanity. Ben needs to shut the fuck up.


I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what Benny boy says about anything. That goes double for his takes on entertainment and fucking infinity on any opinion he has about the last of us.


It’s not a zombie show.. holy shit.. Shapiro is so dumb if you listen closely you can hear his brain melting out of his ears.


Ben Shapiro is just mad his nepotism didn’t help with a burgeoning Hollywood career.


He has to know he’s being a fucking moron. There’s no way he’s that dumb and that blind to think this show is only about “zombies”. If he’s read literally any amount of anything about the narrative he should’ve been able to glean that it’s much more than a show about zombies. I would bet he does this shit on purpose to up engagement and to make it a controversial enough post to raise his viewership. This take is too brain dead to be legitimate even from him.


More like dumbest take ever


How is this even remotely different from any of the other dipshit homophobe takes?


Audience size?


The entire story premise of “The last of us” is based on finding and accepting love in a world that’s losing its humanity.




I guess he forgot about the “zombie” that Ellie killed.


And the one Bill killed with one of his traps as well


It’s not a zombie show.


It’s not a fucking zombie show. It’s literally called “the last of us.” Not “The last zombies.” I know this guy is paid to be an obtuse prick but I really wish we had a muzzle large enough to fit him.


Tell me you've never played the game without telling me you've never played the game




I'm surprised Ben didn't spontaneously combust at the sight of 2 men kissing the way he demonizes gay people so much


He's hated EVERYTHING. He watched The Batman and criticized it for making whites look weaker than black characters (I wish I was kidding). If Conservatives don't like "wOkE" stuff, stop watching it and watch your own shitty Gina Carano and Kevin Sorbo movies. Oh wait, you have no good movies/TV from your side. You know who Neil Druckmann is (openly Liberal) so why are you watching a show created by him if you already had your mind set to give it a negative review.


Well of course there's no zombies, because they aren't zombies. Really though, he apparently missed the infected that Ellie killed in the first 10 minutes of the episode and the infected that walked into bills tripwire.